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    U 2840 Search Results

    U 2840 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    10128405-11JLF Amphenol Communications Solutions ExaMAX® 56Gb/s High Speed Backplane Connector 92Ohm, 2-Pair, 10 column, 80 position, Right Angle Header, Right Guide Pin. Visit Amphenol Communications Solutions
    10128405-12JLF Amphenol Communications Solutions ExaMAX® 56Gb/s High Speed Backplane Connector 92Ohm, 2-Pair, 10 column, 80 position, Right Angle Header, Left Guide Pin. Visit Amphenol Communications Solutions
    10106128-4001001LF Amphenol Communications Solutions PwrBlade+®,Power Connectors, Vertical, Header, 2HP 4S 2HP Visit Amphenol Communications Solutions
    10106128-4003001LF Amphenol Communications Solutions PwrBlade+® , Power Connectors, 2HP+12S+2HP STB, Vertical, Header. Visit Amphenol Communications Solutions
    10128401-11JLF Amphenol Communications Solutions ExaMAX® 56Gb/s High Speed Backplane Connector 92Ohm, 2-Pair, 6 column, 48 position, Right Angle Header, Right Guide Pin. Visit Amphenol Communications Solutions
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    U 2840 Price and Stock

    MACOM DU2840S

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey DU2840S Bulk 30
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $53.125
    • 1000 $53.125
    • 10000 $53.125
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    Richardson RFPD DU2840S 60
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $33.68
    • 1000 $33.68
    • 10000 $33.68
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    Molex 50752-8400

    Headers & Wire Housings 2.50mmP W/B Crimp Re c Term 24-26AWG
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics 50752-8400 12,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $0.06
    • 10000 $0.059
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    50752-8400 5,500
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $0.08
    • 1000 $0.08
    • 10000 $0.08
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    Microchip Technology Inc MCP73842T-840I/UN

    Battery Management w/ Ch Sfty & Temp Mn
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics MCP73842T-840I/UN 4,844
    • 1 $1.85
    • 10 $1.85
    • 100 $1.39
    • 1000 $1.39
    • 10000 $1.39
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    Microchip Technology Inc MCP73842-840I/UN

    Battery Management w/ Ch Sfty & Temp Mn
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    Mouser Electronics MCP73842-840I/UN 4,537
    • 1 $1.74
    • 10 $1.74
    • 100 $1.39
    • 1000 $1.39
    • 10000 $1.39
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    Littelfuse Inc USP12840

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    Mouser Electronics USP12840 910
    • 1 $27.17
    • 10 $24.05
    • 100 $22.21
    • 1000 $22.08
    • 10000 $22.08
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    U 2840 Datasheets (3)

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    U2840B Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF
    U2840B Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF

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    Abstract: UC 493 UC1840 UC2840 UC1840J UC2840N UC3840N DIP-18 UC1840N UC2840J
    Text: U G 1840 U C 2840 „ U C 3840 LINEAR i n t e g r a t e d c i r c u i t s P R E L IM IN A R Y D A T A P R O G R A M M A B L E , O F F -L IN E , PWM C O N T R O L L E R S • A L L C O N T R O L , D R IV IN G , M O N IT O R IN G , AND P R O T E C T IO N F U N C T IO N S

    OCR Scan
    UC1840 UC2840 UC3840 DIP18 UC3840 UC 493 UC1840 UC2840 UC1840J UC2840N UC3840N DIP-18 UC1840N UC2840J PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: f fl U U HA-2840/883 H A R R IS S E M I C O N D U C T O R Very High Slew Rate, Wideband Operational Amplifier Features Description • This Circuit is Processed in Accordance to MIL-STD- T h e H A -2 8 4 0 /8 8 3 is a w id e b a n d , v e ry high s le w rate, o p e ra ­

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    HA-2840/883 43D2271 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T H I S DRAWING IS U N P U B L IS H E D . R E L E A S E D F OR P U B L I C A T I O N 20 C O P Y R I G H T 20 LTR R E F |— 1 „ i REF —' / 9.75 „ 1 i i iIi i/ \\1 \ i1 \\ REF - 284008-3 iIi /1 1 V\ 12 1 . 10 1 16 . 02 1 10 . 94 105 . 8 0 100 . 78 95 . 70

    OCR Scan
    2JAN2002 02JAN 75re PDF

    TC1796 user manual

    Abstract: TC1796 ANA 658 22150 TC1796. System and Peripheral Units LTC1905 4514H Infineon Tricore TC1796 LTC3509 40 pin lvds header tcon RENK Pt 100 sensor connection
    Text: U s e r ’ s M a nu a l , V2 . 0 , J u l y 2 0 0 7 TC1796 3 2 - B i t S i n g l e - C h i p M i c ro c o n t r o ll e r V o l u m e 1 o f 2 : S y s t e m U n i ts V o l u m e 2 ( o f 2 ): P e r i p h e r a l U n i t s M i c r o c o n t r o l l e rs Edition 2007-07

    TC1796 TC1796 user manual TC1796 ANA 658 22150 TC1796. System and Peripheral Units LTC1905 4514H Infineon Tricore TC1796 LTC3509 40 pin lvds header tcon RENK Pt 100 sensor connection PDF

    13001 6D 331

    Abstract: 13001 8D 331 13001 s 8d
    Text: BUCHANAN A ll T y c o E le c tr o n ic s P a r t N u m b e r s w it h o u t a c o r r e s p o n d in g B U C H A N A N P a r t N u m b e r a r e lis te d a s b a s e p a r t n u m b e r s o n ly . C o m p le te p a r t n u m b e r s w ith p r e fix e s a n d / o r s u ff ix e s a r e s h o w n o n t h e

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 512M B DDR SDRAM MODULE HYMD2646468-K/H/L 64Mx64 Unbuffered DDR SDRAM DIMM PRELIMINARY D ES C R IPTIO N 512MB DDR H y n ix H Y M D 2 6 4 6 4 6 8 - K / H / L s e r ie s is u n b u ffe re d 1 8 4 -p in d o u b le d a ta r a te S y n c h r o n o u s D R A M D u a l In -L in e M e m o r y

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    HYMD2646468-K/H/L 64Mx64 512MB PDF

    jrm a55

    Abstract: tip 0ff 0401 ANALOG irf 5630 ko 224 4K tantalum capacitors jrm a45 irf 7408 bt 4840 pinout diagram A9F7 29 INCH crt tv FBT pinout chassis 3111 253 3266 2e jrm A45
    Text: PR E FA C E T he IBM P erson al C o m p u te r T ech n ical R eferen ce M anual is designed to pro v id e h ard w are design an d in terfa ce in fo rm atio n . T h is p u b licatio n also provides B asic In p u t O u tp u t S y stem B IO S in fo rm atio n as w ell as p ro g ram m ing su p p o rt m a tter.

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    64/256K RS232C-A jrm a55 tip 0ff 0401 ANALOG irf 5630 ko 224 4K tantalum capacitors jrm a45 irf 7408 bt 4840 pinout diagram A9F7 29 INCH crt tv FBT pinout chassis 3111 253 3266 2e jrm A45 PDF

    LT 5224 diode

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P h ilip s S e m ic o n d u c to r s D a ta C o m m u n ic a tio n s P ro d u c ts A p p lic a tio n s N o te Fiber optic receiver applications note I. A NEW FIBER OPTIC RECEIVER CHIP SET FOR 100Mb/s FDDI DATA LINKS AN4003 P a rtic u la r a tte n tio n h a s b e e n p a id to im p ro v in g th e p o w e r s u p p ly

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    AN4003 100Mb/s NE/SA5222/5224 LT 5224 diode PDF

    tb 5/2500

    Abstract: rc 3866 TB5 2500 TB 2500 TB5/2500 blocking oscillator applications philips oszillator kss 210 oscillateur la3500
    Text: PHILIPS TB 5/2500 T R I O D E for u s e as o s c i l l a t o r In i n d ustrial R.F. gen e r ators T R I O D E pour u t i l i s a t i o n com m e o s c l l l a t r i c e d a n s les g é n é ­ r a t e u r s H.F. i n d u s t r i e l s TRIODE zur V e r w e n d u n g als O s z i l l a t o r in I n d u s t r i e l l e n

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    Sj-13 TB5/2500 tb 5/2500 rc 3866 TB5 2500 TB 2500 TB5/2500 blocking oscillator applications philips oszillator kss 210 oscillateur la3500 PDF

    300w amplifier

    Abstract: EC-40 304TH Scans-0017392
    Text: 3 O 4 TH MEDIUM-MU E I TE L - Mc C U L L O U G H , I NC SAN BRUNO, TRIODE • MODULATOR CALIFORNIA O SCILLATOR AMPLIFIER GENERAL CH ARACTERISTICS E l e c t r ic a l Filam ent: T horiated tungsten V oltage - - - - C u rre n t - - - .5.0 or 10.0

    OCR Scan
    5000B 4001C) 4001C I-F4-21549 300w amplifier EC-40 304TH Scans-0017392 PDF


    Abstract: 14069 U ic 14069 74HC08 data sheet Common collector configuration 2n4403 motorola 74HC74 on 14069 m-bus Diode Motorola B14
    Text: M68EM05E5UM/D M68EM05E5 EMULATION MODULE USER’S MANUAL A G R E E M E N T Emulation Module User’s Manual N O N - D I S C L O S U R E R E Q U I R E D M68EM05E5 R E Q U I R E D A G R E E M E N T N O N - D I S C L O S U R E Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products

    M68EM05E5UM/D M68EM05E5 M68EM05E5/D 14069 14069 U ic 14069 74HC08 data sheet Common collector configuration 2n4403 motorola 74HC74 on 14069 m-bus Diode Motorola B14 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M I N I A T U R E IN D U C T O R S WHEN ORDERING. ADD CASE PREFIX TYPE TO PART NUMBER.! EXAMPLE: U 55-1 Mechanical Tolerance: ± .0 1 5 unless otherwise CASE TYPE- J PART NUMBER SEE PAGE 5 FOR SPECIAL ORDERING indicated. t Add "C ” to part number of molded inductor if

    OCR Scan

    ic 14069

    Abstract: 14069 14069 U on 14069 74HC74 CE26V12 05E1 05E5 M68MMDS0508 M68MMPFB0508
    Text: A G R E E M E N T Emulation Module User’s Manual N O N - D I S C L O S U R E R E Q U I R E D M68EM05E5 R E Q U I R E D A G R E E M E N T N O N - D I S C L O S U R E Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein to improve reliability, function, or design. Motorola does not assume any liability

    M68EM05E5 M68EM05E5 63BSE90611W M68EM05E5UM/D ic 14069 14069 14069 U on 14069 74HC74 CE26V12 05E1 05E5 M68MMDS0508 M68MMPFB0508 PDF

    ha 741 ic

    Abstract: lm290 ota ca 3080
    Text: •3S [U L 1- INI vJ u=l -1U Hi . . . % O P E R A T IO N A L A M P L IF IE R S PAGE S E L E C T IO N G U ID E . 3 -4 O P E R A T IO N A L A M P L IF IE R S D A T A S H E E T S

    OCR Scan

    j001 1003

    Abstract: 74LS00 TTL Signetics 2650 VCU 2136 j001 1003 ic signetics hand book signetics 2650 8k ram ic j001 1003 strz 2026 pss 3056
    Text: > l b l IC I I V » 2650 flllCROPROCEftOR CONTENTS I IN T R O D U C T IO N IN T R O D U C IN G T H E 26 50 F A M I L Y . 3 F E A T U R E S OF T H E 26 50 F A M IL Y 4 4 Microprocessor F e a tu re s .

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    IMAR11 UL94V-0, 07MAR2008 PDF


    Abstract: L-2035-AD RG161 coaxial cable HS179 9528A1318 GWN1159A 9530A5314 MS27495R16 5022E5111 M39029 76424 pin crimp Coaxial instruction
    Text: Amphenol Aerospace Coaxial Contacts for MIL-DTL-38999 Application Data JT-R Series, MIL-DTL-38999 Series II, SAE AS39029 27, 28, 76, 78 COAX CONTACTS FOR USE IN JT-R CONNECTORS Contact Part Number Cable (Termination Instruction Sheet)* RG-178B/U, RG-196A/U

    MIL-DTL-38999 MIL-DTL-38999 AS39029 M81969/8-07 M81969/14-03 MS27495A16 MS27534-16 M81969/8-08 MS27495R16 7528H1424 L-2035-AD RG161 coaxial cable HS179 9528A1318 GWN1159A 9530A5314 5022E5111 M39029 76424 pin crimp Coaxial instruction PDF

    yx 805 led driver

    Abstract: YX 801 led driver 4 pins yx 801 led driver IC yx 801 led driver yx 805 led "yx 805" led driver yx 801 yx 801 led KSA itt LT6032 pulse TRANSFORMER
    Text: 83C94 10BASE-T TWISTED PAIR TRANSCEIVER PRELIMINARY March 1992 Features • High-speed receiver erchltecture minimizes jitter ■ Low Power CMOS Technology - 125 p.A Standby typical U M n U IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T standard for link Integrity, AUI and twisted pair squelch, collision

    OCR Scan
    83C94 10BASE-T 8020/8023A yx 805 led driver YX 801 led driver 4 pins yx 801 led driver IC yx 801 led driver yx 805 led "yx 805" led driver yx 801 yx 801 led KSA itt LT6032 pulse TRANSFORMER PDF

    4000 watts power amplifier circuit diagram

    Abstract: 300 watts amplifier circuit diagram 5000 watts power amplifier circuit diagram 1000 watts power amplifier circuit diagram 304TH 700 watts power amplifier circuit diagram 1000 watt ups circuit diagrams 300w power amplifier circuit diagram Eimac 304 centrifugal blower
    Text: 3 0 4 TH MEDI UM -M U • E I T E L - M c C U L L O U G H , I nc. SAN BRUNO, TRIODE MODULATOR CA LIFO R N IA OSCILLATOR AMPLIFIER Th e Eim ac 304TH is a medium-mu power triode intended for use os an am p lifier, oscillato r or m odulator. It has a maximum plate-dissipation rating of 300 w atts and a maximum plate-voltage rating

    OCR Scan
    304TH 304-TH-l- 2000VOLTS CLA93 4000 watts power amplifier circuit diagram 300 watts amplifier circuit diagram 5000 watts power amplifier circuit diagram 1000 watts power amplifier circuit diagram 700 watts power amplifier circuit diagram 1000 watt ups circuit diagrams 300w power amplifier circuit diagram Eimac 304 centrifugal blower PDF


    Abstract: Nexans coaxial aerospace
    Text: Amphenol Aerospace Coaxial Contacts for MIL-DTL-38999 Application Data 38999 JT-R Series, MIL-DTL-38999 Series II, SAE AS39029 27, 28, 76, 78 COAX CONTACTS FOR USE IN JT-R CONNECTORS Contact Part Number Cable (Termination Instruction Sheet)* RG-178B/U, RG-196A/U

    MIL-DTL-38999 MIL-DTL-38999 AS39029 RG-178B/U, RG-196A/U 24713/A955KK1, A955KK1 L-2035-AN) L-2035-AP) M39029/76-424) 9527A1314 Nexans coaxial aerospace PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T H I S DRAWING IS U N P U B L IS H E D . R E L E A S E D F OR P U B L I C A T I O N 20 LOC C O P Y R I G H T 20 . 0 0±0 . 02 A — n n n 3.25 LTR 2 REF r\ SUITABLE FOR DESCRIPTION DWN DATE REVI SED RER 0G3B- 0I 19-01 MA T E R I A L S AND F I N I S H H O U S I N G : PA 6 - 6 , UL 9 4 - V O , COL OR G R E E N .

    OCR Scan
    JAN2002 N2-284064-5 PDF


    Abstract: RG161 coaxial cable 5022E5111 MIL-C-22520/MIL-C-22520/10-01 RG-195A/U
    Text: Coaxial Contacts for Subminiature Cylindricals application data JT-R Series, MIL-DTL-38999 Series II, MIL-C-39029 27, 28, 76, 78 COAX CONTACTS FOR USE IN JT-R CONNECTORS Cable RG-178B/U, RG-196A/U Contact Part Number Pin Socket 21-33122-564 (M39029/76-425)

    MIL-DTL-38999 MIL-C-39029 RG-178B/U, RG-196A/U M39029/76-425) M39029/78-433) 24713/A955KK1 26723/A955KK1 M39029/76-424) MIL-C-22520/2-01 21-33102-23 RG161 coaxial cable 5022E5111 MIL-C-22520/MIL-C-22520/10-01 RG-195A/U PDF

    cmos inv

    Abstract: exnor gaTE inverter type 8050 PA40650 PA40850 PA41000 PA41200 PA400
    Text: - High-Reliabilily ASICs PA40000 Series These data sheets are p rovid e d fo r te c h n ic a l g u id a n c e only. T h e fin a l d evice p e rfo rm a n ce m ay va ry d e p e n d in g u p o n the fin a l d evice desig n and c o n fig u ra tio n . CMOS Automated

    OCR Scan
    PA40000 cmos inv exnor gaTE inverter type 8050 PA40650 PA40850 PA41000 PA41200 PA400 PDF


    Abstract: MH992 Positioner JN1088WU FA19X JN1088WT daniels MH992 M39029/21-33102-23 M22520/4-02
    Text: Coaxial Contacts for Subminiature Cylindricals application data JT-R Series, MIL-DTL-38999 Series II, MIL-C-39029 27, 28, 76, 78 COAX CONTACTS FOR USE IN JT-R CONNECTORS Cable RG-178B/U, RG-196A/U Contact Part Number Pin Socket 21-33122-564 (M39029/76-425)

    MIL-DTL-38999 MIL-C-39029 RG-178B/U, RG-196A/U M39029/76-425) M39029/78-433) 24713/A955KK1 26723/A955KK1 M39029/76-424) MIL-C-22520/2-01 21-33102-23 MH992 Positioner JN1088WU FA19X JN1088WT daniels MH992 M39029/21-33102-23 M22520/4-02 PDF