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    TTL 74LS 00 Search Results

    TTL 74LS 00 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    74LS06FPEL-E Renesas Electronics Corporation HD74LS Series, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74LS107AP-E Renesas Electronics Corporation HD74LS Series Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74LS20FPEL-E Renesas Electronics Corporation HD74LS Series Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74LS244FP-E Renesas Electronics Corporation HD74LS Series Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74LS123P-E Renesas Electronics Corporation HD74LS Series Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    TTL 74LS 00 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 74XX08 TTL 74XX04 74XX00 74xx161 74XX139 74xx04 TTL 74XX00 74XX174 74XX374
    Text: National Semiconductor Application Note 319 Larry Wakeman June 1983 The MM54HC MM74HC family of high speed logic components provides a combination of speed and power characteristics that is not duplicated by bipolar logic families or any other CMOS family This CMOS family has operating

    MM54HC MM74HC 54ALS 74ALS CD4000 74xx151 74XX08 TTL 74XX04 74XX00 74xx161 74XX139 74xx04 TTL 74XX00 74XX174 74XX374 PDF


    Abstract: 74XX08 74XX00 74xx151 74xx161 TTL 74XX04 CMOS TTL Logic Family Specifications 74xx139 74als power consumption 74XX374
    Text: Fairchild Semiconductor Application Note 319 June 1983 The MM54HC/MM74HC family of high speed logic components provides a combination of speed and power characteristics that is not duplicated by bipolar logic families or any other CMOS family. This CMOS family has operating speeds

    MM54HC/MM74HC 54LS/74LS) 54ALS/74ALS 54S/74S CD4000 54C/74C, 74xx04 74XX08 74XX00 74xx151 74xx161 TTL 74XX04 CMOS TTL Logic Family Specifications 74xx139 74als power consumption 74XX374 PDF

    74LS14 not gate

    Abstract: 74LS14 74ls14 ttl ttl 74ls14 74LS14 DATA LS14 74LS13 TTL Schmitt-Trigger Inverters 751A-02 LS13
    Text: MOTOROLA SN54/74LS13 SN54/74LS14 SCHMITT TRIGGERS DUAL GATE/HEX INVERTER The SN 54LS /74LS 13 and S N 54LS /74LS 14 contain logic gates/inverters which accept standard TTL input signals and provide standard TTL output levels. They are capable of transforming slowly changing input signals into

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    SN54LS/74LS13 SN54LS/74LS14 SN54/74LS13 SN54/74LS14 74LS14 not gate 74LS14 74ls14 ttl ttl 74ls14 74LS14 DATA LS14 74LS13 TTL Schmitt-Trigger Inverters 751A-02 LS13 PDF

    Altera EP1800

    Abstract: EP1800 JEDEC FORMAT EP1800 altera logicaps TTL library SCHEMA PA BUILT UP EP1800 LOGIC DIAGRAM ep18001
    Text: EP1800 Erasable, User-Configurable LSI circuit capable of implementing 2100 equivalent gates of conventional and custom logic. Speed equivalent to 74LS TTL with 25 MHz clock rates. “Zero Power” typically 10/jA standby . Active power of 250 mW at 5 MHz.

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    EP1800 Altera EP1800 EP1800 JEDEC FORMAT EP1800 altera logicaps TTL library SCHEMA PA BUILT UP EP1800 LOGIC DIAGRAM ep18001 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DN74LS245 LS TTL DN74LS Series DN74LS245 ro 74LS^4-S' Octal Bus Transceivers with 3 -state Outputs P-3 • Description DN74LS245 contains eight bus transmitter/receiver circuits with non-inverted outputs. ■ Features • Bidirectional transfer or separation capability for two 8-bit

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    DN74LS DN74LS245 400mV -15mA) PDF


    Abstract: EP910 altera TTL library 74LS series logic gates 74LS EP1810 EP1810-45 EP610 PLE40 altera logicaps TTL library
    Text: EP1810 Y 7 \ m HIGH PERFORMANCE 4 8 MACROCELL EPLD m 10 I U FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Erasable, User-Configurable LSI circuit capable of implementing 2100 equivalent gates of conven­ tional and custom logic. • Speed equivalent to 74LS TTL with 33 MHz clock

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: QD32
    Text: LS TTL DN74LS Series DN74LS290 DN74LS290 N>74LSÌ.<ÌO Decade Counters • Description P-1 D N 74LS290 is an asynchronous decade counter w ith a directcoupled reset in p u t and nine direct-coupled set inputs. ■ Features • • • • • Direct-coupled reset input

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    DN74LS DN74LS290 DN74LS290 42MHz 14-pin. trS15ns, QD32 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LS TTL DN74LS Series D N 74LS 136 DN74LS136 ro 7q. LS 2>£> Quad 2 - input E xclusive OR G ates with Open C ollector Outputs) • Description P-1 DN74LS136 contains four 2-input exclusive OR gate circuits w ith open collector o utputs. ■ Features • •

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    DN74LS DN74LS136 DN74LS136 14-pin SO-14D) S15ns, PDF


    Abstract: MA161 100 mhz trigger generator 0n74
    Text: I DN74LS113 LS TTL DN74LS Series D N 74LS 113 Dual J-K Negative Edge-Triggered F lip -F lop s with Set I Description P-1 DN74LS113 contains two negative-edge triggered J-K flip­ flop circuits, each with independent clock-CP, J, K, and direct-coupled set input terminals.

    OCR Scan
    0N74LS DN74LS113 DN74LS113 14-pin SO-14D) trS15ns. MA161 100 mhz trigger generator 0n74 PDF


    Abstract: MA161
    Text: DN74LS245 LS TTL DN74LS Series DN74LS245 ro 74LS^4-S' O ctal Bus T r a n sc e iv e r s w ith 3 -sta te O u tp u ts • Description P-3 D N 74LS245 contains eight bus transm itter/receiver circuits with non-inverted outputs. ■ Features • • • • •

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    DN74LS DN74LS245 DN74LS245 400mV -15mA) MA161 PDF


    Abstract: CD4015B CD4015BC CD4015BM J16A
    Text: June 1996 CD4015BM/CD4015BC Dual 4-Bit Static Shift Register Features • W ide supply voltage range ■ High noise im m unity ■ Low pow e r TTL com patibility 3.0V to 18V 0.45 V DD typ. Fan o ut o f 2 driving 74L o r 1 driving 74LS ■ M edium speed operation

    OCR Scan
    CD4015BM/CD4015BC 74LS CD4015B CD4015BC CD4015BM J16A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: R C H II- P S E M IC O N D U C T O R tm DM74AS240, 244 3-STATE Bus Driver/Receiver Features • Advanced oxide-isolated, ion-implanted Schottky TTL process ■ Improved switching performance with less power dissipation compared with Schottky counterpart ■ Functional and pin compatible with 74LS and Schottky

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    DM74AS240, AS240 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LS TTL DN74LS Series DN74LS95B DN74LS95B f^74ls?Sß 4-bit Parallel - Access Shift Registers • Description P-1 DN74LS95B is a 4-bit serial/parallel input to serial/parallel o u tp u t shift register. ■ Features • • • • • S ynchronous serial/parallel input to serial/parallel o u tput

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    DN74LS DN74LS95B DN74LS95B 14-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LS TTL DN74LS Series DN74LS393 DN74LS393 K>74LS Dual 4 - b i t Binary Counters • Description P-1 DN 74LS393 contains tw o asynchronous 4-bit binary hexa­ decim al co u n ter circuits w ith direct-coupled reset inputs. ■ Features • • • • Two circuits corresponding to LS93 and LS293 for high

    OCR Scan
    DN74LS DN74LS393 DN74LS393 74LS393 LS293 35MHz 14-pin SO-14D) tA161 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: October 1987 Revised January 1999 S E M ¡ C O N D U C T O R TM Features • Wide supply voltage range: ■ High noise immunity: 3.0V to 15V 0.45 Vqq typ. ■ Low power TTL compatibility: or 1 driving 74LS ■ New formula: C in Farads) PW 0 ut = RC Fan out of 2 driving 74L

    OCR Scan
    CD4528BC CD4538BCM 16-Lead CD4538BC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P ANASONIC INDL/ELEK ÌICJ 72 69328.52 PANASONIC DE | >,*132055 □ □ □ 7 2 1 cì 1 IN D L *E L E C T R O N IC 72 LS TTL DN 74LS^'J-X C ' 0 7 2 1 9 . O 7 t/ 6 ' 0 9 ~0 J DN74LS295B/DN74LS295BS DN74LS295B/DN74LS295BS 4“ bit Bidirectional Universal Shift R egister

    OCR Scan
    00G7H-11 DN74LS^ DN74LS295B/DN74LS295BS DN74LS295BDN74LS295BS 14-DIP S0-14D DN74LS XIFG PDF


    Abstract: MA161
    Text: LS TTL DN74LS Series D N 74LS 241 DN74LS241 ro 7 4 L S Ä 4 I Octal Buffers AND Line Drivers with 3 - s t a t e Outputs • Description P -3 D N 7 4 L S 2 4 1 con tain s tw o buffer b lo ck s, each w ith ind ep en dent ou tp u t-co n tro l inp uts co m m o n to fou r circuits and 3 -state

    OCR Scan
    DN74LS DN74LS241 DN74LS241 M74LSA4I 400mV -15mA) 20-pin ISO-20D) MA161 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I A 7 X L U 7 4 • LC74HC03 t i 5: -, X •C M O S Q u a d M U 4 [ü î& o U o 2 K il N A NAND V - N O p e n D G a t D r a in V 2 - e h T ‘ t5V ififŒ , K ^ -C 7 S É « ?>. lOmA W t f - T v H u -< V i B / i / / • ' Wtë<r>TzV> ¿ if * T ^ 4. • LS-TTL{ 74LSÛ3 ¿ 1=] — fc? x g £ ä t, [5] — î#Îfê'C*> 4 . -> >; □ v , j % — h T ’ a -e A T Î j  S ' C J : 0 L S - T T U g ^

    OCR Scan
    C74HC03 S-TTM74LS03) 05VQUT Na2337-2/ LC74HC03 LC74HC03 PDF

    CI 74ls139

    Abstract: 74ls Logic Family Specifications 74LS TTL 74LS257A 74S257 CD7193D N74S257AN N74S257D N74S257N S257
    Text: NAPC/ SXGNETXCS Signetics S1E D • bbSBTHM 0050012 1 ■ 74LS257A, S257 Ti&h&f Data Selectors/Multiplexers Quad 2-Llne To 1-Line Data Selector/Multiplexer 3-State Product Specification Logic Products FEATURES TYPICAL PROPAGATION DELAY TYPE • M ultifunction capability

    OCR Scan
    74LS257A, 1N916, 1N3064, 500ns CI 74ls139 74ls Logic Family Specifications 74LS TTL 74LS257A 74S257 CD7193D N74S257AN N74S257D N74S257N S257 PDF

    CI 74ls139

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H IE NAPC/ SIGNETI CS D • ^ 53*124 0050012 74LS257A, S257 Signetics 1 ■ T -i& h */ Data Selectors/Multiplexers Quad 2-Llne To 1-Line Data Selector/Multiplexer 3-State Product Specification Logic Products FEATURES TYPICAL PROPAGATION DELAY TYPE • Multifunction capability

    OCR Scan
    74LS257A 74S257 500ns 500ns 1N916, 1N3064, CI 74ls139 PDF

    rs flip-flop IC 7400

    Abstract: 74ls105 TTL LS 7400 74LS series logic gates 7400 fan-out 74LS 3 input AND gate IC TTL 7400 schematic 74LS04 fan-out 74ls series logic family 90 watts inverter by 12v dc with 6 transisters
    Text: GENERAL DESCRIPTION ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Ovar operating free-air temper­ ature range unless otherwise noted Supply Voltage Vq c (See Note 1) Input Voltage V|n (See Note 1) Interemitter Voltage (See Note 2) Resistor Node Voltage, 54121, 74121 (See Note 1)

    OCR Scan

    Motorola 74LS

    Abstract: 74ls123
    Text: M M O T O R O L A DESCRIPTION - - These d-c triggered multivibrators feature pulse width control by three methods. The basic pulse width is programmed by selection of external resistance and capacitance values. The LS122 has an internal timing resistor that allows the circuits to be used w ith

    OCR Scan
    LS122 LS123 SN54LS/74LS122 SN54LS/74LS123 /74LS 54LS/74LS123 Motorola 74LS 74ls123 PDF

    LM 7410

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Signetics I 7410, 7411, LS10, LS11, S10, S11 Gates Logic Products Triple Three-Input NAND ’10 , AND ('11) Gates Product Specification • TYPICAL PROPAGATION DELAY TYPE TYPICAL SUPPLY CURRENT (TOTAL) 7410 9ns 6mA 74LS10 10ns 1.2mA 74S10 3ns 12mA 7411 10ns

    OCR Scan
    74LS10 74S10 74LS11 74S11 N7410N, N74LS10N, N74S10N N7411N, N74LS11N, N74S11N LM 7410 PDF


    Abstract: LS243 74LS243 74S242 74S243 N74LS242N N74LS243N S243
    Text: 74LS242, LS243, S242, S243 Signefics Transceivers '242 Quad Inve rtin g T ransce iver 3-State '243 Quad T ransce iver (3-State) Lo gic P roducts Product Specification TY P E FUNCTION TABLE, 242 IN PU TS IN P U T /O U T P U T An L L H H INPUT (Z) (a) A = B

    OCR Scan
    74LS242, LS243, 74LS242 74LS243 74S242 74S243 120mA N74LS242N, N74LS243N, N74524N, LS243 N74LS242N N74LS243N S243 PDF