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    TTL 7404 Search Results

    TTL 7404 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TPHR7404PU Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation N-ch MOSFET, 40 V, 0.00074 Ω@10V, SOP Advance, U-MOSⅨ-H Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74FCT807BTSOG Renesas Electronics Corporation 1:10 Clock Driver w/TTL Outputs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74FCT807CTQGI Renesas Electronics Corporation 1:10 Clock Driver w/TTL Outputs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74GTLP816PGI Renesas Electronics Corporation GTLP/LV TTL CLK DRIVER Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74FCT807BTPYGI8 Renesas Electronics Corporation 1:10 Clock Driver w/TTL Outputs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    TTL 7404 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 74574 7486 XOR GATE 7486 full adder latch 74574 7408, 7404, 7486, 7432 7490 Decade Counter 74373 cmos dual s-r latch 2 bit magnitude comparator using 2 xor gates design a BCD counter using j-k flipflop
    Text: Semiconductor Logic Device Cross-Reference Here is a comprehensive cross-reference of TTL and CMOS chips that are readily available over the counter from such places as Maplin Electronics in the UK . Tables of both TTL and CMOS devices are provided along with tables grouping chips with the same functionality together.



    Abstract: stepper motor 23LM-C004 23LM - C004 - 04 stepper motor 23LM STEPPER MOTOR 23lm c004 - 04 23LM - C004 23lm c004 23LM MOTOR 24V unipolar STEPPER MOTOR 5 phase 7404 not gate ic
    Text: SMA7036M 2-Phase Excitation 2-Phase Stepper Motor Unipolar Driver IC •Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Motor supply voltage Control supply voltage FET Drain-Source voltage TTL input voltage SYNC terminal voltage Reference voltage Sense voltage Output current

    SMA7036M 23LM-C202 23LM-C004 stepper motor 23LM-C004 23LM - C004 - 04 stepper motor 23LM STEPPER MOTOR 23lm c004 - 04 23LM - C004 23lm c004 23LM MOTOR 24V unipolar STEPPER MOTOR 5 phase 7404 not gate ic PDF


    Abstract: ATIC-17 2N2369 transistor pulse generator LT1016CN8 RCA 2N3866 dual fet q51 74121 application as pulse generator 2N3866 APPLICATION sn7402 equivalent LT1016
    Text: LT1016 UltraFast Precision 10ns Comparator U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ DESCRIPTIO UltraFastTM 10ns typ Operates Off Single 5V Supply or ±5V Complementary Output to TTL Low Offset Voltage No Minimum Input Slew Rate Requirement No Power Supply Current Spiking

    LT1016 LT1016 LT1711/LT1712 LT1713/LT1714 LT1715 150MHz LT1719/LT1720/LT1721 sn1016 1016fcs ATIC-17 2N2369 transistor pulse generator LT1016CN8 RCA 2N3866 dual fet q51 74121 application as pulse generator 2N3866 APPLICATION sn7402 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: sn1016 lt1016 equivalent LT1220
    Text: LT1016 UltraFast Precision 10ns Comparator FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ U ■ DESCRIPTIO UltraFastTM 10ns typ Operates Off Single 5V Supply or ±5V Complementary Output to TTL Low Offset Voltage No Minimum Input Slew Rate Requirement No Power Supply Current Spiking

    LT1016 T1016 LT1711/LT1712 LT1713/LT1714 LT1715 150MHz LT1719/LT1720/LT1721 sn1016 1016fcs Lt1016 lt1016 equivalent LT1220 PDF


    Abstract: sn29601 SN7449 SN74298 SN74265 MC3021 SN54367 sn74142 signetics 8223 9370c
    Text: INDEX PAGE TTL Integrated Circuits Mechanical Data 1 TTL Interchangeability Guide 6 Functional Selection Guide 19 Explanation of Function Tables 38 54/74 Families of Compatible TTL Circuits 40 TTL INTEGRATED CIRCUITS MECHANICAL DATA J ceramic dual-in-line package

    OCR Scan
    24-lead SN74S474 SN54S475 SN74S475 SN54S482 SN74S482 LCC4270 SN54490 SN74490 SN54LS490 SN7401 sn29601 SN7449 SN74298 SN74265 MC3021 SN54367 sn74142 signetics 8223 9370c PDF


    Abstract: 74049N inwerter 64049N
    Text: m U NITRO M CY 74049N M C Y 64049N CEMI Szesciokrotn y inw erter rnocy Uklad konwertera CMOS na TTL lub DTL o obci3¿alnoáci dwóch wejác TTL. Napiçcia wejSciowe roogç przekracza6 wartoáó SSI C M O S Bramka alum iniow a O bu dow a C E 71 Uktad wyprowadzeh

    OCR Scan
    74049N 64049N 74049 74049N inwerter 64049N PDF

    TTL 74139

    Abstract: 74153 mux MSI 74148 16cudslr CI 74138 sn 74373 8mcomp 7404 7408 7432 7408, 7404, 7486, 7432 Flip-Flop 7471
    Text: PLSLIB-TTL /$ ^ n^ X LIBRARY • TTL MacroFunction Library Diskette. • ADLIB, Altera Design Librarian Diskette. To increase design ease and productivity Altera has created M acroFunctions. These are high level building blocks that allow the user to design at

    OCR Scan

    PAL 007B

    Abstract: TEA 1091 str 5717 PAL 0078 PAL 010a PAL 002a inverter circuit diagram electra A10H-15 4155 cmos 4558 pin configuration
    Text: COM ’L: H-15 Cl Advanced Micro Devices PALCE20RA1 OH-15 24-pin Asynchronous EE CMOS Programmable Array Logic DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • ■ Programmable replacement for high-speed CMOS or TTL logic TTL-level register preload for testability Easy design with PALASM software

    OCR Scan
    PALCE20RA1OH-15 24-pin 28-pin PALCE20RA10 WCP-14M-5/91-0 PAL 007B TEA 1091 str 5717 PAL 0078 PAL 010a PAL 002a inverter circuit diagram electra A10H-15 4155 cmos 4558 pin configuration PDF

    itt 7441

    Abstract: transistor fcs 9012 7446 BCD to 7-segment Fairchild dtl catalog Truth Table 74192 7400 quad 2-input NAND gate truth-table 7449 BCD to 7-segment 7483 truth table Motorola Diode 54H01 semiconductors cross reference
    Text: TTL DATA BOOK Fairchild Semiconductor TTL Data Book Contents And Section Selector If you know the correct 5400, 7400, 9300 or 9600 device type number, find the correct page in the Numerical Index. If you are trying to choose the best device for your application, consult the

    OCR Scan
    APP-161 1-of-16 12-lnput itt 7441 transistor fcs 9012 7446 BCD to 7-segment Fairchild dtl catalog Truth Table 74192 7400 quad 2-input NAND gate truth-table 7449 BCD to 7-segment 7483 truth table Motorola Diode 54H01 semiconductors cross reference PDF

    IC 74151 diagram and truth table

    Abstract: 7474 ic 2x4 demultiplexer using ic 74155 EQUIVALENT 9974 GP 7447 BCD to 7-segment APPLICATION NOTES CD 7474 IC IC 7404 7406 truth table bcd vm 170 1p0 8-input 7430 NAND gate with truth table 7448 bcd to seven segment decoder
    Text: TTL DATA BO O K Fairchild Semiconductor TTL Data Book Contents And Section Selector If you know the correct 5400, 7400, 9300 or 9600 device type number, find the correct page in the Numerical Index. If you are trying to choose the best device for your application, consult the

    OCR Scan
    54S/74S) 12-Input IC 74151 diagram and truth table 7474 ic 2x4 demultiplexer using ic 74155 EQUIVALENT 9974 GP 7447 BCD to 7-segment APPLICATION NOTES CD 7474 IC IC 7404 7406 truth table bcd vm 170 1p0 8-input 7430 NAND gate with truth table 7448 bcd to seven segment decoder PDF

    74ls04 hex inverter gates

    Abstract: trigger 74114 IC 7404 IC 7404 7406 IC TTL 74LS00 74l804 7404 ic 74132 74H04 74L814
    Text: FAIRCHILD DIGITAL - TTL SSI FUNCTIONS 1 Hex Inverters 9016 54LS/74LS04 54/7404 54H/74H 04 54S/74S04 9S04A D1 3I,6A,9A 2 Hex Inverts OC

    OCR Scan
    54LS/74LS04 54H/74H04 54S/74S04 9S04A 54LS/74LS05 54H/74H05 54S/74S05 9S05A 54LS/74LS14 54LS/74LS00 74ls04 hex inverter gates trigger 74114 IC 7404 IC 7404 7406 IC TTL 74LS00 74l804 7404 ic 74132 74H04 74L814 PDF


    Abstract: 74L78 Sw 7441Aj SN7401 SN7449 7475n itt u6a9601 N8490 National Semiconductor Linear Data Book c2003p
    Text: TTL Integrated Circuits Catalog from Texas Instruments 1 August 1969 T e x a s In s t r u m e n t s IN C O R P O R A T E D P O S T O F F IC E B O X 5 0 1 2 • D ALLAS. TEXAS 75222 GENERAL INFORMATION INDEXES Numerical • Functional • Cross-Reference TTL APPLICATION REPORTS

    OCR Scan
    54H/74H 54L/74L SN7441 74L78 Sw 7441Aj SN7401 SN7449 7475n itt u6a9601 N8490 National Semiconductor Linear Data Book c2003p PDF

    TTL 7404

    Abstract: 7404 TTL TTL 7401 nand ttl 7400 TTL 741 TTL 7414 74IS244 CI 74LS04 TTL 7400 CI 74LS00
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL-TTL D1 9016, 9S04, 54/7404, 54H/74H04, 54S/74S04, 54LS/74LS04, 9017, 9S05A, 54/7405, 54H/74H05, 54S/74S05, 54L8/74LS05, 54/7406, 54/7414, 54LS/74LS14, 54/7416 D2 9002, 54/7400, 54H/74H00, 54S/74S00, 54LS/74LS00, 9012,

    OCR Scan
    54H/74H04, 54S/74S04, 54LS/74LS04, 9S05A, 54H/74H05, 54S/74S05, 54L8/74LS05, 54LS/74LS14, 54H/74H00, 54S/74S00, TTL 7404 7404 TTL TTL 7401 nand ttl 7400 TTL 741 TTL 7414 74IS244 CI 74LS04 TTL 7400 CI 74LS00 PDF

    74LS00 7400 74S00

    Abstract: 74LS04 74LS04 NOT gate 74LS00 74LSoo 74H04 74H00 TTL 74ls00 TTL 7404 TTL 74ls04
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL-TTL D1 9016, 9S04, 54/7404, 54H/74H04, 54S/74S04, 54LS/74LS04, 9017, 9S05A, 54/7405, 54H/74H05, 54S/74S05, 54L8/74LS05, 54/7406, 54/7414, 54LS/74LS14, 54/7416 D2 9002, 54/7400, 54H/74H00, 54S/74S00, 54LS/74LS00, 9012,

    OCR Scan
    54H/74H04, 54S/74S04, 54LS/74LS04, 9S05A, 54H/74H05, 54S/74S05, 54L8/74LS05, 54LS/74LS14, 54H/74H00, 54S/74S00, 74LS00 7400 74S00 74LS04 74LS04 NOT gate 74LS00 74LSoo 74H04 74H00 TTL 74ls00 TTL 7404 TTL 74ls04 PDF

    7404 TTL CMOS

    Abstract: TTL 7400 fairchild TTL 74h04 7404 ttl inverter TTL 7404 fairchild 9016 CI 74LS00 TTL 7404 fairchild 74H00 TTL TTL 9016 fairchild TTL 7401
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL-TTL D1 9016, 9S04, 54/7404, 54H/74H04, 54S/74S04, 54LS/74LS04, 9017, 9S05A, 54/7405, 54H/74H05, 54S/74S05, 54L8/74LS05, 54/7406, 54/7414, 54LS/74LS14, 54/7416 D2 9002, 54/7400, 54H/74H00, 54S/74S00, 54LS/74LS00, 9012,

    OCR Scan
    54H/74H04, 54S/74S04, 54LS/74LS04, 9S05A, 54H/74H05, 54S/74S05, 54L8/74LS05, 54LS/74LS14, 54H/74H00, 54S/74S00, 7404 TTL CMOS TTL 7400 fairchild TTL 74h04 7404 ttl inverter TTL 7404 fairchild 9016 CI 74LS00 TTL 7404 fairchild 74H00 TTL TTL 9016 fairchild TTL 7401 PDF

    TTL 7410

    Abstract: TTL 7401 TTL 7420 IC TTL 74LS00 TTL 7404 fairchild 9016 74LS00 TTL TTL 74LS04 TTL 7400 fairchild 7400 ecl inverter TTL 74h04
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL-TTL D1 9016, 9S04, 54/7404, 54H/74H04, 54S/74S04, 54LS/74LS04, 9017, 9S05A, 54/7405, 54H/74H05, 54S/74S05, 54L8/74LS05, 54/7406, 54/7414, 54LS/74LS14, 54/7416 D2 9002, 54/7400, 54H/74H00, 54S/74S00, 54LS/74LS00, 9012,

    OCR Scan
    54H/74H04, 54S/74S04, 54LS/74LS04, 9S05A, 54H/74H05, 54S/74S05, 54L8/74LS05, 54LS/74LS14, 54H/74H00, 54S/74S00, TTL 7410 TTL 7401 TTL 7420 IC TTL 74LS00 TTL 7404 fairchild 9016 74LS00 TTL TTL 74LS04 TTL 7400 fairchild 7400 ecl inverter TTL 74h04 PDF


    Abstract: 617-2240 IN916
    Text: -•*• & Wi PRELIM INARY & Am79168/Am79169-275 Advanced Micro Devices TAXIchip Transmitter/Receiver Transparent Asynchronous Transmitter/Receiver Interface DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS ■ Parallel TTL Interface - Eight 8 Data bits, Four (4) Command bits or

    OCR Scan
    Am79168/Am79169-275 10-bit Am79168 Am79169 1/20A2 -10M-3/92-0 11100D 617-2240 IN916 PDF


    Abstract: SN7401 74LS424 54175 SN74298 SN74265 SN74LS630 SN74LS69 National Semiconductor Linear Data Book Transistor AF 138

    OCR Scan
    MIL-M-38510 SN74ALS123 SN7401 74LS424 54175 SN74298 SN74265 SN74LS630 SN74LS69 National Semiconductor Linear Data Book Transistor AF 138 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Cl Preliminary Am7968/Am7969-175 Advanced Micro Devices TAXIchip Integrated Circuits DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Parallel TTL bus interface - Eight Data and four Command Pins - or nine Data and three Command Pins - or ten Data and two Command Pins ■

    OCR Scan
    Am7968/Am7969-175 28-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a Advanced Micro Devices Am2064/Am2018 Programmable Gate Array DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Up to 1800 usable gate equivalence for higher board densities • Reconfigurable device for multiple in-system patterns • TTL or CMOS input threshold levels allow for more

    OCR Scan
    Am2064/Am2018 0M-5/89-0 PDF

    DFa 809

    Abstract: se 617
    Text: 1 1991 Am29C516A/Am29C517 A 16 x 16-Bit CMOS Parallel Multipliers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Output register may be made transparent Am29C516A pin and functionally com patible with CY7C516, WTL1516, IDT7216, MPY016, and Am29516 TTL I/O and single + 5 V supply

    OCR Scan
    Am29C516A/Am29C517 16-Bit 45-ns Am29C516A/Am29C517A 35-ns Am29C516A-1/Am29C517A-1 32-Bit Am29C516A CY7C516, DFa 809 se 617 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am7968/Am7969 TAXIchip Integrated Circuits Transparent Asynchronous Xmitter - Receiver Interface PRELIMINARY DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • • • • • • • Parallel TTL bus interface - Eight Data and four Command Pins - or nine Data and three Command Pins

    OCR Scan
    Am7968/Am7969 CP-15M PDF

    transistor cross reference

    Abstract: MPT3N40 Westinghouse SCR handbook LT 8224 ZENER DIODE sje389 N9602N npn transistor RCA 467 TFK 7 segment displays PUT 2N6027 delco 466

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: COM’L: H-15 ZI Advanced Micro Devices PALCE20RA1 OH-15 24-pin Asynchronous EE CMOS Programmable Array Logic DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • ■ Programmable replacement for high-speed CMOS orTTL logic TTL-level register preload for testability Easy design with PALASM software

    OCR Scan
    PALCE20RA1 OH-15 24-pin 28-pin WCP-14M-5/91-0 PDF