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    On-Shore Technology Inc OSTTC050162

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey OSTTC050162 Bulk 1,140 1
    • 1 $1.4
    • 10 $1.017
    • 100 $0.7261
    • 1000 $0.56365
    • 10000 $0.5045
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    WEST POL P21-TT-C050-150BK

    Cable; 1x0.5mm2; wires,DC 5,5/2,1 plug; straight; black; 1.5m
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TME P21-TT-C050-150BK 150 1
    • 1 $3.37
    • 10 $2.91
    • 100 $2.31
    • 1000 $2.31
    • 10000 $2.31
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    WEST POL S25-TT-C050-025BK

    Cable; 1x0.5mm2; wires,DC 5,5/2,5 socket; straight; black; 0.25m
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TME S25-TT-C050-025BK 99 1
    • 1 $1.88
    • 10 $1.7
    • 100 $1.32
    • 1000 $1.32
    • 10000 $1.32
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    WEST POL A21-TT-C050-150BK

    Cable; 1x0.5mm2; wires,DC 5,5/2,1 plug; angled; black; 1.5m
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TME A21-TT-C050-150BK 68 1
    • 1 $3.37
    • 10 $2.91
    • 100 $2.31
    • 1000 $2.31
    • 10000 $2.31
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    WEST POL A21-TT-C050-050BK

    Cable; 1x0.5mm2; wires,DC 5,5/2,1 plug; angled; black; 0.5m
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TME A21-TT-C050-050BK 56 1
    • 1 $2.25
    • 10 $1.94
    • 100 $1.53
    • 1000 $1.53
    • 10000 $1.53
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    TTC050 Datasheets (3)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    TTC05005JS Thinking Electronic Industrial Temperature Compensation/Sensing Original PDF
    TTC05015JS Thinking Electronic Industrial Temperature Compensation/Sensing Original PDF
    TTC05050JS Thinking Electronic Industrial Temperature Compensation/Sensing Original PDF

    TTC050 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    TTC 474 thermistor

    Abstract: TTC 050 THERMISTOR thermistor ttc 101 TTC thermistor ttc 474 thermistor NTC TTC05103 TTC05103 TTC 682 thermistor ntc TTC 474 NTC 10-15
    Text: NTC Thermistor: :TTC05 Series Ф5 mm Disc Type for Temperature Sensing/Compensation Features 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. RoHS compliant & Halogen-free series are available Body size Ф5mm Radial lead resin coated -30 ~ +125℃ operating temperature range Wide resistance range

    ThermistorTTC05 R25tity 348mm 275mm TTC 474 thermistor TTC 050 THERMISTOR thermistor ttc 101 TTC thermistor ttc 474 thermistor NTC TTC05103 TTC05103 TTC 682 thermistor ntc TTC 474 NTC 10-15 PDF


    Abstract: NTC TTC05 Series TTC05102 IEC68-2-21 IEC68221 TTC05301 IEC68-2-20 TTC05 thermistor TTC05103 TTC05202
    Text: NTC Thermistor P RO D U C T DATA Temperature Compensation/Sensing TTC05 Series Features 1. Body size 5mm 2. Radial lead resin coated 3. -30 ~ +125 operating temperature range 4. Wide resistance range 5. Cost effective Recommended applications 1. Home appliances air conditioner, refrigerator,

    TTC05 E138827) 10max 31min. 29min. IEC68-2-20 IEC68-2-2 UL1434 IEC68-2-3 IEC-68-2-21 NTC TTC05 Series TTC05102 IEC68-2-21 IEC68221 TTC05301 IEC68-2-20 TTC05 thermistor TTC05103 TTC05202 PDF

    TTC 682 thermistor

    Abstract: Thermistor TTC 502 thermistor ttc 101 TTC 474 thermistor thermistor ttc 682 TTC 050 THERMISTOR TTC thermistor TTC 502 thermistor thermistor 502 at ntc TTC 502
    Text: NTC Thermistor: :TTC05 Series Ф5 mm Lead Type for Temperature Sensing/Compensation Features 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. RoHS compliant & Halogen-Free HF series are available Body size: Ф5mm Radial lead resin coated Operating temperature range: -30 ~ +125℃

    ThermistorTTC05 R25100 348mm 275mm Temperature-10~ Humidity75 TTC 682 thermistor Thermistor TTC 502 thermistor ttc 101 TTC 474 thermistor thermistor ttc 682 TTC 050 THERMISTOR TTC thermistor TTC 502 thermistor thermistor 502 at ntc TTC 502 PDF

    TTC 474 thermistor

    Abstract: TTC 050 THERMISTOR TTC THERMISTOR thermistor NTC TTC05103 TTC 682 thermistor thermistor ttc 101 ttc 474 TTC05103 thermistor washing machine ntc TTC 474
    Text: NTC Thermistor: :TTC05 Series Ф5 mm Disc Type for Temperature Sensing/Compensation Features 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. RoHS compliant Body size Ф5mm Radial lead resin coated -30 ~ +125℃ operating temperature range Wide resistance range Cost effective Agency recognition :UL /CSA/TUV/CQC

    ThermistorTTC05 R25100 348mm 275mm TTC 474 thermistor TTC 050 THERMISTOR TTC THERMISTOR thermistor NTC TTC05103 TTC 682 thermistor thermistor ttc 101 ttc 474 TTC05103 thermistor washing machine ntc TTC 474 PDF


    Abstract: ac power adapter for notebook schematic 90W ac adapter schematic 500 watt smps circuit diagram power adapter for notebook schematic TEA1752 yilian TEA1751 500 WATT smps 250 watt smps schematic
    Text: UM10411 120 Watt notebook adapter with TEA1752T and TEA1791T Rev. 1 — 19 October 2010 User manual Document information Info Content Keywords GreenChip-III, TEA1752T, GreenChip-SR, TEA1791T, PFC, flyback, synchronous rectification, high efficiency, adapter, notebook, PC power

    UM10411 TEA1752T TEA1791T TEA1752T, TEA1791T, TEA1791T. PQ3220 ac power adapter for notebook schematic 90W ac adapter schematic 500 watt smps circuit diagram power adapter for notebook schematic TEA1752 yilian TEA1751 500 WATT smps 250 watt smps schematic PDF

    TTC 474 thermistor

    Abstract: TTC 682 thermistor TTC thermistor NTC TL 08 R50050155 TTC05701 TTC05502 TTC05474 ntc TTC 474 ttc 474
    Text: NTC Thermistor: :TTC05 Series Ф5 mm Disc Type for Temperature Sensing/Compensation Features 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. RoHS compliant & Halogen-free series are available Body size Ф5mm Radial lead resin coated -30 ~ +125℃ operating temperature range Wide resistance range

    ThermistorTTC05 348mm 275mm TTC 474 thermistor TTC 682 thermistor TTC thermistor NTC TL 08 R50050155 TTC05701 TTC05502 TTC05474 ntc TTC 474 ttc 474 PDF

    TTC 474 thermistor

    Abstract: TTC05102 NTC 575 TTC 682 thermistor ntc 50 11 thermistor ttc 101 TTC 050 THERMISTOR TTC05 thermistor NTC TTC05 Series TTC05204
    Text: NTC Thermistor:TTC05 Series Ф5 mm Lead Type for Temperature Sensing/Compensation  Features 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. RoHS compliant Halogen-Free HF series are available Body size: Ф5mm Radial lead resin coated Operating temperature range: -30℃~+125℃

    ThermistorTTC05 R25100 TTC05 TTC05 348mm 275mm TTC 474 thermistor TTC05102 NTC 575 TTC 682 thermistor ntc 50 11 thermistor ttc 101 TTC 050 THERMISTOR TTC05 thermistor NTC TTC05 Series TTC05204 PDF


    Abstract: TTC 104 ntc TTC 103 TTC-682 ntc TTC 474 TTC 103 ttc 474 TTC-802 ttc104 TTC-102
    Text: TTC NTC Thermistors Series MERITEK UL E223037 Features 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. RoHS compliant Body size Ɏ3mm Radial lead resin coated -40 ~ +125к operating temperature range Wide resistance range Cost effective Agency recognition: UL 6. 7. PART NUMBERING SYSTEM -

    E223037 DHT0B502 DHT0B103 DHT0A103 DHT0B203 THERMISTORS - TTC 502 TTC 104 ntc TTC 103 TTC-682 ntc TTC 474 TTC 103 ttc 474 TTC-802 ttc104 TTC-102 PDF

    TTC 104

    Abstract: TTC 103 TTC-123 ntc TTC 103 TTC-102 TTC-682 ttc 474 ntc TTC 474 TTC-203 ttc104
    Text: TTC NTC Thermistors Series MERITEK UL E223037 Features 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. RoHS compliant Body size Ɏ3mm Radial lead resin coated -40 ~ +125к operating temperature range Wide resistance range Cost effective Agency recognition: UL 6. 7. PART NUMBERING SYSTEM -

    E223037 Par00 DHT0A104 DHT0A204 DHT0B204 TTC 104 TTC 103 TTC-123 ntc TTC 103 TTC-102 TTC-682 ttc 474 ntc TTC 474 TTC-203 ttc104 PDF

    optocoupler 817b

    Abstract: TEA1791 TEA1753 TTC050104 pq3220 SCK-103 tea1751 tea1703 smd 817b power adapter for notebook schematic
    Text: UM10444 90 W notebook adapter with TEA1753, TEA1703 and TEA1791 Rev. 1 — 4 April 2011 User manual Document information Info Content Keywords GreenChip III, TEA1753, GreenChip control IC, TEA1703, GreenChip SR, TEA1791, PFC, flyback, synchronous rectification, high efficiency,

    UM10444 TEA1753, TEA1703 TEA1791 TEA1703, TEA1791, TEA1791. optocoupler 817b TEA1791 TEA1753 TTC050104 pq3220 SCK-103 tea1751 smd 817b power adapter for notebook schematic PDF

    TTC 474 thermistor

    Abstract: TTC05103 thermistor ttc 101 TTC 682 thermistor TTC thermistor TTC05104 TTC05102 TTC 050 THERMISTOR TTC05474 TTC05
    Text: PRODUCT DATA PRODUCT DATA Temperature Compensation/Sensing TTC05 Series Features 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Body size 5mm Radial lead resin coated -30 ~ +125 operating temperature range Wide resistance range Cost effective Recommended applications 1. Home appliances air conditioner, refrigerator,

    TTC05 E138827) 15ter TTC 474 thermistor TTC05103 thermistor ttc 101 TTC 682 thermistor TTC thermistor TTC05104 TTC05102 TTC 050 THERMISTOR TTC05474 PDF

    TTC 104

    Abstract: THERMISTORS - TTC 502 TTC 103 ntc TTC 103 ntc TTC 474 TTC 472 TTC-123 TTC-682 TTC 103 ntc resistor ttc104
    Text: TTC NTC Thermistors Series MERITEK UL E223037 Features 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. RoHS compliant Body size Ɏ3mm Radial lead resin coated -40 ~ +125к operating temperature range Wide resistance range Cost effective Agency recognition: UL 6. 7. PART NUMBERING SYSTEM -

    E223037 B254200 DHT0B502 DHT0B103 DHT0A103 TTC 104 THERMISTORS - TTC 502 TTC 103 ntc TTC 103 ntc TTC 474 TTC 472 TTC-123 TTC-682 TTC 103 ntc resistor ttc104 PDF

    90W ac adapter schematic

    Abstract: 1N4148 sod123 nxp keithley 192 Multimeter service manual 1N4148 SOD323 TEA1752 ac power adapter for notebook schematic PC44 transformer PQ3220 600 watt smps schematic power adapter for notebook schematic
    Text: UM10403 90 Watt notebook adapter with TEA1752T and TEA1791T Rev. 01 — 28 May 2010 User manual Document information Info Content Keywords GreenChip III, TEA1752T, GreenChip SR, TEA1791T, PFC, flyback, synchronous rectification, high efficiency, adapter, notebook, PC power

    UM10403 TEA1752T TEA1791T TEA1752T, TEA1791T, TEA1791T. TEA1791T 90W ac adapter schematic 1N4148 sod123 nxp keithley 192 Multimeter service manual 1N4148 SOD323 TEA1752 ac power adapter for notebook schematic PC44 transformer PQ3220 600 watt smps schematic power adapter for notebook schematic PDF

    tektronix 463 service manual

    Abstract: 90W ac adapter schematic hioki 3222 pq3220 600 watt smps schematic TEA1752 tea1751 TEA1751T 500 watt smps circuit diagram ac power adapter for notebook schematic
    Text: UM10391 90 Watt notebook adapter with TEA1751T and TEA1791T Rev. 01 — 20 April 2010 User manual Document information Info Content Keywords GreenChip III, TEA1751T, GreenChip SR, TEA1791T, PFC, flyback, synchronous rectification, high efficiency, adapter, notebook, PC power

    UM10391 TEA1751T TEA1791T TEA1751T, TEA1791T, TEA1751T TEA1791T. tektronix 463 service manual 90W ac adapter schematic hioki 3222 pq3220 600 watt smps schematic TEA1752 tea1751 500 watt smps circuit diagram ac power adapter for notebook schematic PDF