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    TRIODE FU 33 Search Results

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    LA 8730

    Abstract: YD1152
    Text: J 8730 YD1152 V_ RF POWER TRIODE Triode in metal-ceramic construction, intended fo r use as industrial oscillator. The tube has an integral water cooler. QUICK REFERENCE DATA Oscillator ou tput power W0 — Wfeecib , typical Wosc f Frequency fo r fu ll ratings

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    YD1152 7Z85042 7Z94716 LA 8730 YD1152 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: YD1154 _ RF POWER TRIODE Forced air cooled triode o f metal-ceramic construction w ith integral cooler intended fo r use as an industrial oscillator. Q UICK REFERENCE D A T A Oscillator o u tp u t power W0 —Wfeetjt, , typical Wosc Frequency fo r fu ll ratings

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    YD1154 A01A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: YD1150A 8728 J v_ RF POWER TRIODE Triode in metal-ceramic construction, intended fo r use as industrial oscillator. The tube is forced-air cooled, w ith integral cooler. QUICK REFERENCE DATA Oscillator ou tput power W0 — Wfeec|b , typical W0SC f Frequency fo r fu ll ratings

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    YD1150A YD1150A PDF


    Abstract: 40688
    Text: YD1240 YD1244 RF POWER TRIODE Air-cooled triodes o f metal-ceramic construction w ith integral cooler intended fo r use as industrial oscillators. QUICK REFERENCE D A T A Oscillator ou tput power W0-W feec|b , typical Frequency fo r fu ll ratings 2,67 kW

    OCR Scan
    YD1240 YD1244 YD1240. p-048Â YD1244. 40689 40688 PDF


    Abstract: 6922 triode E88CC 6922 e88cc jj WG1R triode 6922 trio 33 uF 400 V 6922/E88CC
    Text: ECC88 - 6922 E88CC R. F. DOUBLE TRIODE Base: NOVAL Uf If Dimension and connections: = 6,3 V = 365 mA Typical characteristic: Ua = 90 V Ug = -1,3 V Ia = 15 mA S = 12,5 mA/V Ri = 2,6 kΩ µ = 33 Limiting Ua0 Ua la=0 Ua Ua(War<0,8 W) PaR Wg1R Ik Ug Rg U+k/fU-k/f+

    ECC88 E88CC 6922 triode E88CC 6922 e88cc jj WG1R triode 6922 trio 33 uF 400 V 6922/E88CC PDF

    1626 power Triode

    Abstract: 1626 triode VALVE DRIVER AMPLIFIER Mullard
    Text: DISC SEAL TRIODE A p plicatio n: Power ou tput: Frequency: C onstruction: R.F. oscillator, am plifier or frequency m u ltip lie r. 5 8 0 W a t f = 625Mc/s. 400M cjs a t fu ll ratings, 1Cc/s a t reduced ratings. Disc seal, ceram ic envelope, forced-air cooled.

    OCR Scan
    62SMc/s. 400Mcjs TD2-500A 600Mc/s) TD2-500A 600Mc/s, 1626 power Triode 1626 triode VALVE DRIVER AMPLIFIER Mullard PDF

    FRC connector

    Abstract: 7Z00
    Text: 8592 Jv TBH7/8000 RF POWER TRIODE W a te r cooled tr io d e w ith in te g ra l h e lic a l c o o le r in ten d ed f o r u se a s an in d u s tria l o s c illa to r QUICK REFERENCE DATA O s c illa to r output p o w e r W 0 - W f g g ^ F re q u e n c y f o r fu ll r a tin g s

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    TBH7/8000 11ose 7Z00655 FRC connector 7Z00 PDF


    Abstract: ech3b 200T potential divider
    Text: ECH 3 msx35 1 1 ECH 5 Triode hexode max 95 The ECH 3 is a variable-m u frequency-changer, constructed on the principle of the triode-hexode and th u s consisting o f a hexode — the frequency-changer proper — a n d a triode to function as oscillator. B oth units are m ounted round a common cathode, of

    OCR Scan

    siemens triode

    Abstract: K259 ITT 2X200 a2x3 UG242 SK14F
    Text: f Sockt/ von t u n fn gtsthtn f maxtO.B* 2,5 M a il* in Fassung: mm K e ra m ik r . * \ d 7 l " Rel s t v 9 a R e it , p Z $ ä G e w ic h t d e r R o h r e ( N e tto ) ca 70 g G e w ic h t d e r R ö h r e ( B r u t t o ) ca 95 g A b m e s s u n g d e r V e rp a cku n g

    OCR Scan
    55x55x140 256b/12 Rk-2x300 256b/} 756b/I siemens triode K259 ITT 2X200 a2x3 UG242 SK14F PDF


    Abstract: UBF11 OPT-725 OPT725 200-VOLT 30k0 OPT77 uch 11
    Text: N e tz r ö h r e fü r G W - H e iz u n g in d ir e k t g e h e iz t TELEFUNKEN UCH 11 T r io d e - H e x o d e fü r r e g e lb a r e M is c h stu fe n 20 Heizspannung Heizstrom Volt 100 mA 100 Volt M e ß w e rte : 1. Triodenteil statisch Anodenspannung

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    UCH11 010142-a 010142-b 020142-a 020142-b 030342-a 030342-b 040342-a 040342-b 050342-a UCH11 UBF11 OPT-725 OPT725 200-VOLT 30k0 OPT77 uch 11 PDF


    Abstract: g150-2d G150/2D 19S8
    Text: Ref.: G150/2D Cold-Cathode Gas-Filled Triode Code: G150/2D CV4I3 T h e G 1 50/ 2D cold cathode, gas-filled t rio d e has an activated cathode g iv in g a lo w m aintaining voltage, to g e th e r w ith a go o d life perform ance. M E C H A N IC A L D A T A

    OCR Scan
    G150/2D G150/2D CV413) G150/2Dâ CV413 g150-2d 19S8 PDF

    23z9 tube

    Abstract: k3561 23z9 triode FU 50 k356 ScansU9X24
    Text: — PRODUCT INFORMATION — TUBES Page 1 Compactron Dissimilar-Double-Triode Pentode VERTICAL OSCILLATOR 140 VOLTS B+ VERTICAL OUTPUT PENTODE SYNC CLIPPER The 23Z9 is a compactron containing a medium-mu triode, a high-mu triode, and a highperveance beam pentode. The pentode is intended for vertical output service in monochrome

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    K-55611-TD24D-2 23z9 tube k3561 23z9 triode FU 50 k356 ScansU9X24 PDF

    845 power Triode

    Abstract: 2x15 Power Triode IG-70 2X40 current breaker 2X116 845 triode TY3-250
    Text: V.H.F. POWER TRIODE TY3-250 All-glass triode rated fo r a m axim um anode dissipation o f 250W and suitable fo r use at frequencies up to 150 Mc/s. This data should be read in conjunction w ith “ O perating Notes, Part I— Power Valves” included in this volume o f the Handbook.

    OCR Scan
    TY3-250 TY3-250 845 power Triode 2x15 Power Triode IG-70 2X40 current breaker 2X116 845 triode PDF

    siemens pg 740

    Abstract: V221 X065 rs tube
    Text: Transm itter Triode RS 1GS1 V O rd e rin g co d e Q 53-X 1081 V a p o r-c o o le d trio d e w ith c o a x ia l grid le a d -th ro u g h , p a rtic u la rly s u ita b le fo r RF a m p lifie rs and m o d u la to rs . W h e n use d a s RF a m p lifie r, th e tu b e can be o p e ra te d a t 15 kV up to 10 M H z an d a t 12 kV up to

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    Q53-X1081 RoZub31V RoKt11 siemens pg 740 V221 X065 rs tube PDF


    Abstract: 6sn7 tube 6SJ7 6SL7 RCA-5691 rca 6SN7 Triode tube 5692 RCA 5692 tube 6sj7 RCA 5693
    Text: FOR r APPLICATIONS EXTREME \ AND WHERE DEPENDABILITY UNIFORMITY ARE PARAMOUNT. 5691 569 2 5 69 3 TUBE DIVISION RADIO CORPORATION o f AMERICA H A R R I S O N , N. C o p y rig h t, 1 9 4 6 R odio C o rp o fo tio n o l A m er I to TM K M arco R rg ittro d a J.

    OCR Scan
    000-hour RCA-5691 RCA-5691 RCA-5692 RCA-5691, RCA-5692, RCA-5693. 6SN7 6sn7 tube 6SJ7 6SL7 rca 6SN7 Triode tube 5692 RCA 5692 tube 6sj7 RCA 5693 PDF


    Abstract: siemens power Triode siemens tube rs tube
    Text: Transm itter Triode RS 1043 CV O rd e rin g co d e Q 5 3 -X 1 0 4 3 C o a xia l m e ta l-c e ra m ic trio d e , v a p o r-c o o le d , p a rtic u la rly s u ita b le fo r b ro a d c a s t tra n s m itte rs o f u p to 20 0 k W m e d iu m an d s h o rt w a ve .

    OCR Scan
    Q53-X1043 RoZub41V RoKt11 Q53-X1043 siemens power Triode siemens tube rs tube PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TBL6/6000 _ RF P O W E R TRIODE QUICK REFERENCE DATA G eneral purposes \ m F req . (MHz) 4 75 C te leg r. B teleph. Ca m o d . va (kV) W0 (kW) Va (kV) W ' 0 (kW) 6 5 4 6.9 5.6 4 6 5 1.9 I .45 B m o d . 1) va (kV) W ”o (kW) va (kV) W "o

    OCR Scan
    TBL6/6000 TBW6/6000 LF33 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: YD1190 YD1192 8736 RF POWER TRIODE Triodes in metal-ceramic construction intended fo r use as industrial oscillators. The YD 1190 is forced-air cooled. The YD 1192 has an integral water cooler. QUICK REFERENCE DATA Oscillator ou tput power WQ—Wfeec|b , typical

    OCR Scan
    YD1190 YD1192 YD1192 YD1190 YD1190/YD1192 YD1190. PDF


    Abstract: 40216 I400 Mullard 425 valves handbook TA72 ty450 Mullard 40KV ty4 400
    Text: V.H.F. POW ER TRIODE All-glass triode rated fo r a m axim um anode dissipation o f 450 W and suitable fo r use at frequencies up to 120 Mc/s. TY4-500 This data should be read in conjunction w ith “ O perating Notes Part I— Power Valves” included in this volume o f the Handbook.

    OCR Scan
    TY4-500 C3TQH33 TY4-500 40216 I400 Mullard 425 valves handbook TA72 ty450 Mullard 40KV ty4 400 PDF


    Abstract: kv-m 2150 TB41500
    Text: T B 4/1500 8078 RF POWER TRIODE R a d ia tio n c o o le d tr io d e of m e t a l - g l a s s c o n s tru c tio n in te n d e d f o r u se a s an in d u s tria l o s c illa to r QUICK REFERENCE DATA O s c illa to r output p o w e r W o-W fggfjjj , ty p ic a l

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    TB4/1500 TB4-1500 kv-m 2150 TB41500 PDF


    Abstract: Power Triode YD1187 YD1187 YD1185 Triode 10kw
    Text: YD1185 YD1187 8935 8 936 RF POWER TRIODE T rio d es in m e ta l-ce ra m ic construction intended fo r use as indu strial o s c illa to r s. The YD1185 is fo rc e d -a ir cooled The YD1187 is w ater cooled by an integral co o le r. Q U IC K R E F E R E N C E D A T A

    OCR Scan
    YD1185 YD1187 YD1185 YD1187 Power Triode YD1187 YD1185 Triode 10kw PDF

    TRIODE itl 5-1

    Abstract: EL41 TRIODE itl 2X36 el 41 TRIODE itl 10-1
    Text: EL 41 EL 41 9 W output pentode Fig. 1 Norm al and X -ra y photographs of the EL 41 approxim ately actual size . The EL 41 is ah indirectly heated output pentode having a slope of 10 mA/V. The maximum permissible anode dissipation of this valve is 9 W and,

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 175MC
    Text: 7094 Beam Power Tube FORCED-AIR COOLED AT MAXIMUM RATINGS 500 WATTS CW INPUT IC A S UP TO 60 Me 335 WATTS CW INPUT (IC A S ) UP TO 17 5 Me GENERAL DATA E le c t r ic a l: H eater, f o r U n ip o t e n t ia l Cathode: V o )ta g e (AC o r DC) .

    OCR Scan
    l75Mc 92CS-950IRI 9500RI 92CM-M045RI II046RI 7094 175MC PDF

    Triode 805

    Abstract: Power Triode K722 805 valve Mullard 425 L130A 2X40
    Text: T R IO D E A pplication: Power o u tp u t: Frequency: C onstruction: R.F. in d u s tria l heating. 3 9 k W continuous ra ting. 30M cjs a t fu ll ra ting. External anode, forced air-cooled. TY12-20A P R E L IM IN A R Y D A T A This data should be read in conjunction w ith GENERAL OPERATIONAL

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    30Mcjs TY12-20A Triode 805 Power Triode K722 805 valve Mullard 425 L130A 2X40 PDF