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    TRIAC MOTOROLA Search Results

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    AS839 Coilcraft Inc DSL transformer, for Motorola MC145660, SMT, not RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc
    AS8397- Coilcraft Inc DSL transformer, for Motorola MC145660, SMT, not RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc
    BCR3KM-12RB#B01 Renesas Electronics Corporation Triacs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    BCR5KM-12LA#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Triacs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    BCR20LM-16LBJB#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Triacs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    TRIAC MOTOROLA Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MOC2A40–10/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA POWER OPTO Isolator MOC2A40-10 MOC2A40-5* 2 Amp Zero–Cross Triac Output This device consists of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a zero–cross triac driver circuit and a power triac. It is capable of driving

    MOC2A40â MOC2A40-10 MOC2A40-5* MOC2A40-10/D* MOC2A40-5 PDF


    Abstract: RCA H 432 MOC2A60-5 lamp dimmer with triac MOC2A60-10F motorola triac driver TRIAC 8315 IEEE472 MOC2A60 MOC2A60-10
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MOC2A60–10/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA POWER OPTO Isolator MOC2A60-10 MOC2A60-5* 2 Amp Zero–Cross Triac Output This device consists of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a zero–cross triac driver circuit and a power triac. It is capable of

    MOC2A60 MOC2A60-10 MOC2A60-5* MOC2A60-10/D* TRIAC RCA RCA H 432 MOC2A60-5 lamp dimmer with triac MOC2A60-10F motorola triac driver TRIAC 8315 IEEE472 MOC2A60-10 PDF


    Abstract: IEEE472 2 amp triac driver opto motorora 12 amp triac heat control C3750
    Text: Order this data sheet by MOC2A4O-1OID MOTOROLA SEIVIICONDLETOR TECHNICAL DATA MOC2A40=I O MOC2A4045 POWER OPTOTMIsolator 2 Amp Zero-Cross Triac Output ?$ This device consists of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a zero-cross triac driver circuit and a power triac. It is capable of driving a load of up to 2

    MOC2A40 MOC2A4045 MK145BP, 199SMPS MOC2A40-10/D MOC2A40-10 IEEE472 2 amp triac driver opto motorora 12 amp triac heat control C3750 PDF

    2 amp triac driver opto

    Abstract: MOV 150V L-1013 L1013 MOC2AV60 MOC2AV60C MOC2AV60F RS-443 dimmer -triac -led MPS triac driver application note
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL Order this document bv MOC2AV60/D DATA POWER OPTOTMisolator 2 Amp Zero-Cross Triac Output This device consists of an input control circuit driver circuit and a power triac. The input circuit emitting diode which is activated by the application

    MOC2AV60/D MK145BP, 2PHXS250SP-1 ll1llll1lllllllllllll1llll1ll1llll11lllll 2 amp triac driver opto MOV 150V L-1013 L1013 MOC2AV60 MOC2AV60C MOC2AV60F RS-443 dimmer -triac -led MPS triac driver application note PDF


    Abstract: ssr schematic circuit interface high voltage ac with microcontroller 730K-01 motorola triac driver radiall 617 610 connector TRIAC 8315 triac drive circuit IEC1000 MOCZ
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MOCZ500/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MOCZ500 GlobalOptoisolator Motorola Preferred Device Mini Zero-Crossing AC SSR This device consists of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a zero–cross triac circuit and a power triac. It is capable of driving

    MOCZ500/D MOCZ500 MOCZ500 ssr schematic circuit interface high voltage ac with microcontroller 730K-01 motorola triac driver radiall 617 610 connector TRIAC 8315 triac drive circuit IEC1000 MOCZ PDF

    moc 3021 scr

    Abstract: SCR moc3020 schematic moc 3041 application SCR moc3020 circuit moc 3021 zero crossing moc 3041 SCR application moc3041 application note 1Ft 6PIN MOC3040 moc 3041 application note
    Text: MOC3040 MOC3041 ZERO VOLTAGE CROSSING OPTICALLY ISOLATED TRIAC DRIVER This device consists of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a monolithic silicon detector performing the function of a Zero Voltage Crossing bilateral triac driver.

    MOC3040 MOC3041 moc 3021 scr SCR moc3020 schematic moc 3041 application SCR moc3020 circuit moc 3021 zero crossing moc 3041 SCR application moc3041 application note 1Ft 6PIN MOC3040 moc 3041 application note PDF


    Abstract: MOC3051 MOC3052 APPLICATION CIRCUITS triac RC snubber triac snubber varistor IEC255 IEEE472 triac ac motor speed control circuit diagram parallel triac triac applications circuit diagram
    Text: MOC3051 MOC3052 GlobalOptoisolator 6-Pin DIP Random-Phase Optoisolators Triac Drivers 600 Volts Peak The MOC3051 Series consists of a GaAs infrared LED optically coupled to a non–Zero–crossing silicon bilateral AC switch (triac). The MOC3051 Series

    MOC3051 MOC3052 MOC3051 MOC3052 MOC3052 APPLICATION CIRCUITS triac RC snubber triac snubber varistor IEC255 IEEE472 triac ac motor speed control circuit diagram parallel triac triac applications circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: TDA1185A Motorola TDA1185A
    Text: Order this document by TDA1185A/D TDA1185A Triac Phase Angle Controller The TDA1185A generates controlled triac triggering pulses and allows tachless speed stabilization of universal motors by an integrated positive feedback function. Typical applications are power hand tools, vacuum

    TDA1185A/D TDA1185A TDA1185A TDA1185A/D* TDA1185 Motorola TDA1185A PDF


    Abstract: MOC3051 "cross reference" moc3052 cross reference fairchild tape reel moc3052 MOC3052 "cross reference" parallel triacs triac operation MOC3052 APPLICATION CIRCUITS 4N25 zero CROSS MOC3051FM
    Text: MOC3051 MOC3052 GlobalOptoisolator 6-Pin DIP Random-Phase Optoisolators Triac Drivers 600 Volts Peak The MOC3051 Series consists of a GaAs infrared LED optically coupled to a non–Zero–crossing silicon bilateral AC switch (triac). The MOC3051 Series

    MOC3051 C215-M MOC223-M MOC3011-M MOC3021-M MOC3031-M MOC3041-M MOC3051-M MOC3051 "cross reference" moc3052 cross reference fairchild tape reel moc3052 MOC3052 "cross reference" parallel triacs triac operation MOC3052 APPLICATION CIRCUITS 4N25 zero CROSS MOC3051FM PDF


    Abstract: TDA1185 triac 131-6 Motorola TDA1185A k 4110 MOTOROLA mac15 TRANSISTOR Sine Wave Generator at transistor level
    Text: TDA1185A Triac Phase Angle Controller The TDA1185A generates controlled triac triggering pulses and allows tachless speed stabilization of universal motors by an integrated positive feedback function. Typical applications are power hand tools, vacuum cleaners, mixers, light dimmer and other small appliances.

    TDA1185A TDA1185 triac 131-6 Motorola TDA1185A k 4110 MOTOROLA mac15 TRANSISTOR Sine Wave Generator at transistor level PDF


    Abstract: triac scr schematic Motorola phone schematic diagram scr power control schematic 20 AMPS SCR schematics of led tv triac 20 amps CRT COLOUR TV SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM inductor coils schematic diagram scr
    Text: Radial Lead Mini Inductor Applications Power Supplies Filters SCR and Triac Controls OEM Equipment Telephones TV, CRT'S, VCR'S Appliances HIGH CURRENT PER VOLUME Compatible with Motorola MC33363 Filter Choke requirements. Electrical Specifications at 25OC

    MC33363 L-674 L-674 triac scr schematic Motorola phone schematic diagram scr power control schematic 20 AMPS SCR schematics of led tv triac 20 amps CRT COLOUR TV SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM inductor coils schematic diagram scr PDF


    Abstract: MAC3060/D
    Text: MOTOROLA SC DIODES/OPTO 0 e! D • TRIACs (□3b7255 007723b b ■ t - 25-/5 - Chipscrete Subassemblies Optically Isolated Triac Driver/Triac Combinations This series of Triac Drivers consists of infrared LEDs op­ tically coupled to photodetectors with Triac output. 7500 V

    OCR Scan
    3b7255 007723b O-220 CT6343A CT6347AÃ CT15-6 CT15A6Ã CT223-6 CT223A6Ã CT6344A MAC3060-4 MAC3060/D PDF

    triac TIC

    Abstract: MRD3011 mercury wetted MRD3010 tic triac Triac t4 st triac T4 Mercury Relay Wetted motorola triac driver normal led
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MRD3010 M RD 3011 Photo Detectors Triac Driver Output . . . designed fo r applications requiring light and infrared LED TRIAC triggering, small size, and low cost. PHOTO DETECTORS TRIAC DRIVER O U TPU T 250 VOLTS • Hermetic Package at Economy Prices

    OCR Scan
    Typ-MRD3011) MRD3010 MRD3011 triac TIC MRD3011 mercury wetted tic triac Triac t4 st triac T4 Mercury Relay Wetted motorola triac driver normal led PDF


    Abstract: M0C2A60 MQC2A60-10 triac Motorola moc2a60-5 IEEE472
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA P O W E R O P T O Iso la to r M 2 Amp Zero-Cross Triac Output M This device consists of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a zero-cross triac driver circuit and a power triac. It is capable of

    OCR Scan
    UL5081117 CA77170-1 M0C2A-60 M0C2A60 MQC2A60-10 triac Motorola moc2a60-5 IEEE472 PDF


    Abstract: MOC2A40-10 601 Opto isolator 7255 AN1048 ACS01 motorola triac driver triac 101 amps IEEE472 RS-443
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA POWER OPTO Isolator M O C 2 A 4 0 -1 0 2 Amp Zero-Cross Triac Output M O C 2 A 4 0 -5 * This device consists of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a zero-cross triac driver circuit and a power triac. It is capable of driving

    OCR Scan
    UL50811117 0CH1047 MOC2A40-5 MOC2A40-10 601 Opto isolator 7255 AN1048 ACS01 motorola triac driver triac 101 amps IEEE472 RS-443 PDF

    Motorola Application Note AN-780A

    Abstract: motorola an780a motorola AN-780A MOC3Q12 AN-780A MOC3011 MQC3011 parallel triac MOC3011 MQC3010 Application Note AN-780A
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 6-Pin DIP Optoisolators Triac Driver Output These devices consist of gallium-arsenide infrared emitting diodes, optically coupled to silicon bilateral switch and are designed for applications requiring isolated triac trig­

    OCR Scan
    IEC380/VDE0806, IEC435/VDE0805, IEC65/VDE0860, VDE110b, IEC204/Vvx VDE0113, VDE0160, VDE0832, VDE0833, MOC3Q12 Motorola Application Note AN-780A motorola an780a motorola AN-780A MOC3Q12 AN-780A MOC3011 MQC3011 parallel triac MOC3011 MQC3010 Application Note AN-780A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Order this data sheet by MOC2A40-10/D MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MOC2A40-10 MOC2A40-5 POWER OPTO Isolator 2 Amp Zero-Cross Triac Output This device consists of a gallium arsenide infrared elmitiing diode optically coupled to a zero-cross triac driver circuit and a power triac. It is capable of driving a load of up to 2

    OCR Scan
    MOC2A40-10/D 12ered X31190P-2 MOC2A40-10 PDF

    motorola triac driver

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MRD3010 P h o to D e te c to r Triac Driver Output . . . d esig n ed fo r a p p lica tio n s re q u irin g lig h t and in fra re d LED TRIAC trig g e rin g , sm a ll size, and lo w cost. PHOTO DETECTOR TRIAC DRIVER OUTPUT

    OCR Scan
    MRD3010 motorola triac driver PDF


    Abstract: triac Motorola
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA P O W E R O P T O Iso la to r M O C 2 A 4 0 -1 0 2 Amp Zero-Cross Triac Output M O C 2 A 4 0 -5 * This device consists of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a zero-cross triac driver circuit and a power triac. It is capable of driving

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M O C 2 A 4 0 -1 0 M O C2 A 4 0 -5 POWER OPTO Isolator 2 Amp Zero-Cross Triac Output M o to ro la P r e f o r m ! D c v Io m This device consists of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a zero-cross triac driver circuit and a power triac. It is capable of driving a load of up to 2

    OCR Scan
    UL508 CA77170-1] MOC2A40-10 PDF


    Abstract: motorola triac phase angle controller TRIAC PHASE ANGLE CONTROLLER OF 8 pin DIP IC 1251 Motorola TDA1185A TDA1185 triac phase control TDA1186 Triac TDA triac firing pulse generating circuit
    Text: g M OTOROLA Triac P h ase Angle Controller The TDA1185A generates controlled triac triggering pulses and allows tachless speed stabilization of universal motors by an integrated positive feedback function. Typical applications are power hand tools, vacuum

    OCR Scan
    TDA1185A TDA1185A 10k2W b3b7253 DlDlb37 motorola triac phase angle controller TRIAC PHASE ANGLE CONTROLLER OF 8 pin DIP IC 1251 Motorola TDA1185A TDA1185 triac phase control TDA1186 Triac TDA triac firing pulse generating circuit PDF

    motorola triac phase angle controller

    Abstract: TDA1185A Motorola TDA1185A TRIAC PHASE ANGLE CONTROLLER TDA1185 triac conduction angle control ic triac firing pulse generating circuit Triac TDA how firing angle in triac Triac soft start
    Text: M M O TO R O LA Triac P h ase A n gle Controller The TDA1185A generates controlled triac triggering pulses and allows tachless speed stabilization of universal motors by an Integrated positive feedback function. Typical applications are power hand tools, vacuum

    OCR Scan
    TDA1185A TDA1185A 10k2W R6-470k1Ã 470k1/2W motorola triac phase angle controller Motorola TDA1185A TRIAC PHASE ANGLE CONTROLLER TDA1185 triac conduction angle control ic triac firing pulse generating circuit Triac TDA how firing angle in triac Triac soft start PDF


    Abstract: triac driver opto moc3021 M0C3041 MOC3040 and applications opto triac moc3020 M0C3020 triac driver f opto moc3021 triacs moc3030 opto triac moc3020 OPTO
    Text: TRIGGER DEVICES continued O PTIC A LLY C O UPLED TR IA C DRIVER I OPTICALLY ISOLATED ZERO CROSSING TRIAC DRIVERS* Package Device Type Plastic DIP Case 730A-01 OPTICALLY ISOLATED TRIAC DRIVER An infrared LED and a bidirectional photodetector in one 750 0 V isolated plastic DIP

    OCR Scan
    MOC3009 30A-01 M0C3010 MOC3011 M0C3020 M0C3021I MOC3030 MOC3031I MOC3040 M0C3041 M0C3021 triac driver opto moc3021 M0C3041 MOC3040 and applications opto triac moc3020 triac driver f opto moc3021 triacs moc3030 opto triac moc3020 OPTO PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MAC08BT1 S eries* Advance Information SOT-223 Triac Silicon B idirectional Thyristors ‘ M otorola Preferred Devices TRIAC 0.8 AMPERE RMS 200 thru 600 Volts Designed for use in solid state relays, MPU interface, TTL logic and other light industrial or consumer applications. Supplied in surface mount package for use in

    OCR Scan
    MAC08BT1 OT-223 318E-04 OT-223) PDF