Triac TO92
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: FT01.A LOGIC LEVEL TRIAC TO92 Plastic On-State Current Gate Trigger Current 0.8 Amp < 3 mA to < 10 mA Off-State Voltage 200 V ÷ 400 V MT1 G The FT01 series of TRIACs uses a high performance PNPN technology. MT2 These parts are intended for general purpose applications where logic
triac FT01
Abstract: Data Sheet Triac FT01 triac ft01 07 FT01 triac pt 139 ft01 07 ma TO92 triac fagor FT01, triac Triac FT01 09
Text: FT01.A LOGIC LEVEL TRIAC TO92 Plastic On-State Current Gate Trigger Current 1.0 Amp < 10 mA Off-State Voltage 200 V ÷ 400 V ( 02, 03) 200 V ÷ 600 V (04, 05, 07, 09) MT1 G MT2 The FT01 series of TRIACs uses a high performance PNPN technology. These part are intended for general
Triac FT01
Abstract: FT01.N SURFACE MOUNT TRIAC SOT223 Plastic On-State Current FT01 Triac FT01 09 triac ft01 07 Data Sheet Triac FT01
Text: FT01.N SURFACE MOUNT TRIAC SOT223 Plastic On-State Current Gate Trigger Current 1 Amp < 3 mA to < 25 mA Off-State Voltage MT2 200 V ÷ 400 V MT1 MT2 The FT01 series of TRIACs uses a high performance PNPN technology. G These parts are intended for general
Triac FT01
FT01.N SURFACE MOUNT TRIAC SOT223 Plastic On-State Current
Triac FT01 09
triac ft01 07
Data Sheet Triac FT01
Triac FT01
Abstract: ft01 Triac FT01 09 Data Sheet Triac FT01 FT01.N SURFACE MOUNT TRIAC SOT223 Plastic On-State Current power triac
Text: FT01.N SURFACE MOUNT TRIAC SOT223 Plastic On-State Current Gate Trigger Current 1 Amp < 3 mA to < 25 mA Off-State Voltage MT2 200 V ÷ 400 V (02, 03, 05) 200 V ÷ 600 V (07, 09, 10) MT1 MT2 The FT01 series of TRIACs uses a high performance PNPN technology.
Triac FT01
Triac FT01 09
Data Sheet Triac FT01
FT01.N SURFACE MOUNT TRIAC SOT223 Plastic On-State Current
power triac
triac FT01
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: FT01.N SURFACE MOUNT TRIAC SOT223 Plastic On-State Current Gate Trigger Current 1 Amp < 3 mA to < 25 mA Off-State Voltage MT2 200 V ÷ 400 V (02, 03, 05) 200 V ÷ 600 V (07, 09, 10) MT1 MT2 The FT01 series of TRIACs uses a high performance PNPN technology.
triac FT01
Triac FT01
Abstract: FT01.N SURFACE MOUNT TRIAC SOT223 Plastic On-State Current FT01, triac Fagor triacs triac ft01 07 Data Sheet Triac FT01 Triac FT01 09 FT01
Text: FT01.N SURFACE MOUNT TRIAC SOT223 Plastic On-State Current Gate Trigger Current 1 Amp < 3 mA to < 25 mA Off-State Voltage MT2 200 V ÷ 400 V (02, 03) 200 V ÷ 600 V (04, 05, 07, 09, 10) MT1 MT2 The FT01 series of TRIACs uses a high performance PNPN technology.
Triac FT01
FT01.N SURFACE MOUNT TRIAC SOT223 Plastic On-State Current
FT01, triac
Fagor triacs
triac ft01 07
Data Sheet Triac FT01
Triac FT01 09
triac FT01
Abstract: FT01 triac ft01 07 FT01, triac mt2200 ft01 07 ma
Text: FT01.N SURFACE MOUNT TRIAC SOT223 Plastic On-State Current Gate Trigger Current 1 Amp < 3 mA to < 25 mA Off-State Voltage MT2 200 V ÷ 400 V (02, 03) 200 V ÷ 600 V (04, 05, 07, 09, 10) MT1 MT2 The FT01 series of TRIACs uses a high performance PNPN technology.
triac FT01
triac ft01 07
FT01, triac
ft01 07 ma
Data Sheet Triac FT01
Abstract: triac FT01 ft01 ft01 07 ma
Text: FT01.A SENSITIVE TRIAC TO92 Plastic On-State Current Gate Trigger Current 1.0 Amp < 3 mA to < 10 mA Off-State Voltage 200 V ÷ 400 V ( 02, 03, 05) 200 V ÷ 600 V (07, 09) MT1 G MT2 The FT01 series of TRIACs uses a high performance PNPN technology. These part are intended for general
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: FT01.A LOGIC LEVEL TRIAC TO92 Plastic On-State Current Gate Trigger Current 1.0 Amp < 10 mA Off-State Voltage 200 V ÷ 400 V ( 02, 03) 200 V ÷ 600 V (04, 05, 07, 09) MT1 G MT2 The FT01 series of TRIACs uses a high performance PNPN technology. These part are intended for general
ft01 07 ma
Abstract: Triac FT01 09
Text: FT01.A LOGIC LEVEL TRIAC TO92 Plastic On-State Current Gate Trigger Current 1.0 Amp < 10 mA Off-State Voltage 200 V ÷ 400 V ( 02, 03) 200 V ÷ 600 V (04, 05, 07, 09) MT1 G MT2 The FT01 series of TRIACs uses a high performance PNPN technology. These part are intended for general
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: FT01.A LOGIC LEVEL TRIAC TO92 Plastic Gate Trigger Current < 10 mA On-State Current 1 Amp Off-State Voltage 200 V ÷ 800 V (07, 09) 200 V ÷ 600 V (02, 03, 04, 05) MT1 MT2 This series of TRIACs uses a high perfor mance PNPN technology. G These parts are intended for general
Triac Series 480 400
Abstract: FT01 triac 480 400
Text: FT01.A LOGIC LEVEL TRIAC TO92 Plastic Gate Trigger Current < 10 mA On-State Current 1 Amp Off-State Voltage 200 V ÷ 800 V (07, 09) 200 V ÷ 600 V (02, 03, 04, 05) MT1 MT2 This series of TRIACs uses a high perfor mance PNPN technology. G These parts are intended for general
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: FT01.N LOGIC LEVEL TRIAC SOT223 Plastic Gate Trigger Current < 10 mA On-State Current 1 Amp Off-State Voltage 200 V ÷ 800 V (07, 09) MT2 200 V ÷ 600 V (02, 03, 04, 05) MT1 MT2 G This series of TRIACs uses a high perfor mance PNPN technology. These parts are intended for general
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: FT01.N LOGIC LEVEL TRIAC SOT223 Plastic Off-State Voltage 200 V ÷ 600 V MT2 MT1 MT2 Gate Trigger Current < 10 mA On-State Current 1 Amp G This series of TRIACs uses a high performance PNPN technology. MT2 G These parts are intended for general purpose AC switching applications with
Triac TO92
Abstract: triac 480 400 FT01 Triac Series 480 400 Fagor triacs
Text: FT01.A LOGIC LEVEL TRIAC TO92 Plastic Gate Trigger Current < 10 mA On-State Current 1 Amp Off-State Voltage 200 V ÷ 800 V (07, 09) 200 V ÷ 600 V (02, 03, 04, 05) MT1 G MT2 This series of TRIACs uses a high perfor mance PNPN technology. These parts are intended for general
Triac TO92
Abstract: triac 480 400
Text: FT01.A LOGIC LEVEL TRIAC TO92 Plastic Gate Trigger Current < 10 mA On-State Current 1 Amp Off-State Voltage 200 V ÷ 800 V (07, 09) 200 V ÷ 600 V (02, 03, 04, 05) MT1 MT2 This series of TRIACs uses a high perfor mance PNPN technology. G These parts are intended for general
triac 480 400
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: FT01.A LOGIC LEVEL TRIAC TO92 Plastic On-State Current Gate Trigger Current 1 Amp < 10 mA Off-State Voltage 200 V ÷ 600 V MT1 G MT2 This series of TRIACs uses a high p e r f o r m a n c e P N P N t e c h n o l o g y. These parts are intended for general