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    TRANSISTOR ZTX108 Search Results

    TRANSISTOR ZTX108 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=5 A / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22 V / tf=120 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-5 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27 V / tf=60 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    TRANSISTOR ZTX108 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: D1N3940 Q2N2907A D1N1190 Q2SC1815 Q2N3055 Q2N1132 D1N750 D02CZ10 D1N751
    Text: Analog Parts Index Digital Mixed-Signal Device Type Index Click on a device type to jump to its page Actuator Fluid Level Detector Operational Amplifier Small-Signal Mosfet Amplifier/Equilizer Ground Fault Interrupter Opto-Isolator Switch Mulitplier Analog

    RD91EB Q2N4401 D1N3940 Q2N2907A D1N1190 Q2SC1815 Q2N3055 Q2N1132 D1N750 D02CZ10 D1N751 PDF

    transistor ZTX108

    Abstract: replacement ztx108 Lamps FLASH TUBE xenon list of super E line NPN Transistor Mosfet replacement for 2N3055 PNP Relay Driver automotive relay driver circuit using darlington xenon linear flash lamps 2N3055 TO220 2N3055 power circuit
    Text: Application Note 4 Issue 2 January 1996 Centre Collector E-Line Applications An Overview of Package Capability and Applications Advantages David Bradbury Introduction Product Range This Application Note describes the product range, important package characteristics including construction

    ZVN2120C FXTA42 transistor ZTX108 replacement ztx108 Lamps FLASH TUBE xenon list of super E line NPN Transistor Mosfet replacement for 2N3055 PNP Relay Driver automotive relay driver circuit using darlington xenon linear flash lamps 2N3055 TO220 2N3055 power circuit PDF


    Abstract: ZR431 431 regulator 431 sot23 h a 431 transistor ic 431 ZR431Q1 capacitor c1 220uF 108B BAS21
    Text: Application Note 27 Issue 1 June 1996 ZR431 Application Note David Bradbury The ZR431 is an enhanced version of the industry standard 431. It is a three terminal shunt regulator giving excellent temperature stability and the capability of operating at currents from 50µA up

    ZR431 to100mA. 100nA, ZTX108B 431 regulator 431 sot23 h a 431 transistor ic 431 ZR431Q1 capacitor c1 220uF 108B BAS21 PDF


    Abstract: k4005 U664B mosfet k4005 MB8719 transistor mosfet k4004 SN16880N stk5392 STR451 BC417
    Text: 1 BHIAB Electronics Du som söker besvärliga IC & transistorer, börja Ditt sökande hos oss – vi har fler typer på lager än man rimlingen kan begära av ett företag Denna utgåva visar lagerartiklar men tyvärr saknas priser och viss information Men uppdatering sker kontinuerligt

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    Abstract: led matrix 5x7 coding HIP4080AIP MAC-202 Si9120DJ XR215CP irf60 schematic diagram of laptop inverter schematic diagram dc-ac welding inverter CIRCUIT laptop LCD inverter SCHEMATIC
    Text: INDEX Order Code Description Manufacturer Page Number ADC12130CIN Self-Calibrating 12-Bit Plus Sign Serial I/O A/D Converter with MUX and Sample/Hold LM2587 Series Simple Switcher 5A Flyback Regulator LM2594N50 Simple Switcher® Power Converter LM50CIM3

    ADC12130CIN 12-Bit LM2587 LM2594N50 LM50CIM3 LM6171BIN LP2980IM5-50 CA3338E HFA1103IP HIP4080AIP MAC202 led matrix 5x7 coding HIP4080AIP MAC-202 Si9120DJ XR215CP irf60 schematic diagram of laptop inverter schematic diagram dc-ac welding inverter CIRCUIT laptop LCD inverter SCHEMATIC PDF

    2N2222A 338

    Abstract: TFK 949 2N1167 halbleiter index transistor ad161 BSY19 al103 ac128 TFK 404 Tfk 931
    Text: Towers' International Transistor Selector Towers’ International Transistor Selector Specification data for the identification, selection and substitution of transistors by T D Towers, MBE, MA, BSc, C Eng, MIERE Revised Edition U p date One London: NEW YORK

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    Abstract: bd124 KT368 BFQ59 Silec Semiconductors BD214 al103 AFY18 bd192 MM1711
    Text: Towers' International Transistor Selector ! o Towers’ International Transistor Selector Specification data for the identification, selection and substitution of transistors by T D Towers, MBE, MA, BSc, C Eng, MIERE Revised Edition U pdate Three London: NEW YORK

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    Abstract: 2N3303 ECC88 TAA*310 B9D TRANSISTOR BYY32 GEX36/7 Ferranti zs70 6ej7 3n159
    Text: Radio Valve and Transistor Data Characteristics of 3,000 Valves and Cathode Ray Tubes, 4, 500 Transistors, Diodes, Rectifiers and Integrated Circuits Compiled by A.M.Ball First published February 1949 Ninth Edition published in 1970 by Iliffe Books, an imprint of the Butterworth Group

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    FJJ141/A 2305D FJJ181/A 2305E/848 FJJ191/A FJL101/A CD2306D FJY101/A 2306E/832 CD2307/944 3TE445 2N3303 ECC88 TAA*310 B9D TRANSISTOR BYY32 GEX36/7 Ferranti zs70 6ej7 3n159 PDF

    application dual slope DVM

    Abstract: DL707 DL701 10K470 VR1 100K preset PRESET VR1 10K ZN424E TR15-TR16 ic zn423 ZTX213
    Text: Low pow er 3% digit D V M integrated circuit GENERAL DESCRIPTION EATURES • ZNA116E 3V4 Decade display ± 1999 max. reading Automatic polarity detection and indication Leading zero suppression Overload indication Multiplexed B.C.D. outputs capable of driving a TTL decoder/driver directly

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    ZNA116E ZNA116E 10Oki) 200ki2 20Mfi 200mA application dual slope DVM DL707 DL701 10K470 VR1 100K preset PRESET VR1 10K ZN424E TR15-TR16 ic zn423 ZTX213 PDF


    Abstract: transistor ZTX108 DL701 application dual slope DVM DL-707 70570 4403 transistor ZTX108
    Text: ZE TE X INC ÌS nTOSTê GGGbim T 95D 06141 l^ S M Low power 3 1/2 digit DVM integrated circuit FEATURES • 3/2 Decade display ± 1999 max. reading • Automatic polarity detection and indication • Leading zero suppression • Overload indication • Multiplexed B .C .D . outputs capable of

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    ZNA116E ZNA116E 100kfi 200kfl 20Mii 200mA 4825P transistor ZTX108 DL701 application dual slope DVM DL-707 70570 4403 transistor ZTX108 PDF


    Abstract: DL707 transistor ZTX108 application dual slope DVM decodar ZN424 ZN424E Ferranti Semiconductors ferranti TRANSISTOR S1d
    Text: *FERRANTI semiconductors Low Power 3 ZNA116E D ¡q it D . V . M . I n t e o r a t e d C i r c u i t FEA TU R ES • • • • • • • • • 3 | Decade display ±1999 max. reading Autom atic polarity detection and indication Leading zero suppression

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    ZNA116E ZNA7447A) ZNA116E DL701 DL707 transistor ZTX108 application dual slope DVM decodar ZN424 ZN424E Ferranti Semiconductors ferranti TRANSISTOR S1d PDF

    transistor ZTX108

    Abstract: ztx302 ztx301
    Text: ZETEX SEMICONDUCTORS 03E D • Eiei7DS7fl QODbaiE 1 ■ ZETB E-LINE SPECIFICATIONS The devices shown on this page are general purpose transistors designed for small signal amplification from d.c. to radio frequencies. Typical application areas include: T 'L V 'U

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    BC556P ZTX504 SO-95 BS3934 SO-94 SO-96 SO-97 TQ-202 transistor ZTX108 ztx302 ztx301 PDF

    AL102 ATES

    Abstract: 2N2222A mps KR206 AD149 TIS58 TIS88 SFT353 2N2431 2N4265 BFY29
    Text: SECOND BOOK OF TRAISKTIR EQUIVALENTS AIR SPIRTITOTER IT I.I.OMMI BERNARD BABANI publishing LTD The Grampians Shepherds Bush Road London W67NF England. Although every care Is taken with the preparation of this book, the publishers will not be responsible

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    Trans-611 DT1521 2N2270 BC107-182KS ESC182KAS ESC182KBS ESC1Q8-183KS EiC183KBS 8C183KCS BC109-184KS AL102 ATES 2N2222A mps KR206 AD149 TIS58 TIS88 SFT353 2N2431 2N4265 BFY29 PDF


    Abstract: TNY 176 PN EQUIVALENT 2n4401 free transistor equivalent book tis43 XR2206 application notes Semiconductor Data Handbook mj802 2N3866 s2p bc149c TIP35C TIP36C sub amplifier circuit diagram LM131
    Text: From the Publishers of ETI & HE HEM M iNqs E U c t r o n ic s L rd Electronic C om ponents Et M icrocom puters 16 BRAND STREET, HITCHIN, HERTS, SG5 1JE Telephone: 0462 33031 memories 2114L 2708 2716 2532 2732 4116 4164 6116P3 6116LP3 •Op 220p 210p 380p

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    2114L 6116P3 6116LP3 AY-3-1270 AY-3-1350 AY-3-8910 AY-3-8912 AY-5-1230 CA3080E CA3130E SN76477 TNY 176 PN EQUIVALENT 2n4401 free transistor equivalent book tis43 XR2206 application notes Semiconductor Data Handbook mj802 2N3866 s2p bc149c TIP35C TIP36C sub amplifier circuit diagram LM131 PDF


    Abstract: Beckman 785-1 mkb3 wima TFM-.1UF-160V bf197 diode zener ph c9v1 2N4286 2N3642 bf197p transistor 2N2359A

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    RG121JU WIMA TFM Beckman 785-1 mkb3 wima TFM-.1UF-160V bf197 diode zener ph c9v1 2N4286 2N3642 bf197p transistor 2N2359A PDF