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    TRANSISTOR SC 308 Search Results

    TRANSISTOR SC 308 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=5 A / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22 V / tf=120 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-5 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27 V / tf=60 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    TRANSISTOR SC 308 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: SMD310
    Text: ON Semiconductort 2SC4617 Product Preview NPN Silicon General Purpose Amplifier Transistor NPN GENERAL PURPOSE AMPLIFIER TRANSISTORS SURFACE MOUNT This NPN transistor is designed for general purpose amplifier applications. This device is housed in the SOT-416/SC–90 package

    2SC4617 OT-416/SC 7-inch/3000 r14525 2SC4617/D 2SC4617 SMD310 PDF

    transistor sc 308

    Abstract: 2SA1774 SMD310
    Text: ON Semiconductort 2SA1774 PNP Silicon General Purpose Amplifier Transistor This PNP transistor is designed for general purpose amplifier applications. This device is housed in the SOT–416/SC–90 package which is designed for low power surface mount applications, where

    2SA1774 416/SC inch/3000 r14525 2SA1774/D transistor sc 308 2SA1774 SMD310 PDF

    transistor sc 308

    Abstract: MSD1819A-RT1 SMD310
    Text: MSD1819A-RT1 Preferred Device General Purpose Amplifier Transistor NPN Silicon Surface Mount This NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor is designed for general purpose amplifier applications. This device is housed in the SC-70/SOT-323 package which is designed for low power surface

    MSD1819A-RT1 SC-70/SOT-323 7-inch/3000 r14525 MSD1819A transistor sc 308 MSD1819A-RT1 SMD310 PDF

    transistor sc 308

    Abstract: MSB92AWT1 MSB92WT1 SMD310
    Text: MSB92WT1, MSB92AWT1 Preferred Device Product Preview PNP Silicon General Purpose High Voltage Transistor This PNP Silicon Planar Transistor is designed for general purpose amplifier applications. This device is housed in the SC-70/SOT-323 package which is designed for low power surface mount applications.

    MSB92WT1, MSB92AWT1 SC-70/SOT-323 MSB92WT1 MBMu16 70/an r14525 MSB92WT1/D transistor sc 308 MSB92AWT1 MSB92WT1 SMD310 PDF

    transistor sc 308

    Abstract: MSB1218A MSB1218A-RT1 SMD310
    Text: ON Semiconductort MSB1218A-RT1 PNP Silicon General Purpose Amplifier Transistor ON Semiconductor Preferred Devices This PNP Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor is designed for general purpose amplifier applications. This device is housed in the SC–70/SOT–323 package which is designed for low power surface

    MSB1218A-RT1 70/SOT inch/3000 r14525 MSB1218A transistor sc 308 MSB1218A-RT1 SMD310 PDF


    Abstract: BC557 BC558 BC857 BC857B BC857BTT1 BC857C BC857CTT1
    Text: BC857BTT1, BC857CTT1 Preferred Devices Advance Information General Purpose Transistor PNP Silicon These transistors are designed for general purpose amplifier applications. They are housed in the SOT–416/SC–75 which is designed for low power surface mount applications.

    BC857BTT1, BC857CTT1 416/SC BC857BTT1 r14525 BC857BTT1/D BC556 BC557 BC558 BC857 BC857B BC857BTT1 BC857C BC857CTT1 PDF


    Abstract: MMBT2222ATT1 SMD310
    Text: MMBT2222ATT1 Preferred Device Advance Information General Purpose Transistor NPN Silicon These transistors are designed for general purpose amplifier applications. They are housed in the SOT–416/SC–75 package which is designed for low power surface mount applications.

    MMBT2222ATT1 416/SC r14525 MMBT2222ATT1/D 1N914 MMBT2222ATT1 SMD310 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MMBT2222AWT1 Preferred Device General Purpose Transistor NPN Silicon These transistors are designed for general purpose amplifier applications. They are housed in the SOT–323/SC–70 package which is designed for low power surface mount applications.

    MMBT2222AWT1 323/SC r14525 MMBT2222AWT1/D PDF


    Abstract: BC557 BC558 BC857 BC857B BC857BTT1 BC857C BC857CTT1
    Text: BC857BTT1, BC857CTT1 Preferred Devices Advance Information General Purpose Transistor PNP Silicon These transistors are designed for general purpose amplifier applications. They are housed in the SOT–416/SC–75 which is designed for low power surface mount applications.

    BC857BTT1, BC857CTT1 416/SC BC857BTT1 r14525 BC857BTT1/D BC556 BC557 BC558 BC857 BC857B BC857BTT1 BC857C BC857CTT1 PDF

    transistor sc 308

    Abstract: MMBT2907AWT1
    Text: ON Semiconductort Product Preview General Purpose Transistor MMBT2907AWT1 ON Semiconductor Preferred Device PNP Silicon These transistors are designed for general purpose amplifier applications. They are housed in the SOT–323/SC–70 package which is designed for low power surface mount applications.

    MMBT2907AWT1 323/SC r14525 MMBT2907AWT1/D transistor sc 308 MMBT2907AWT1 PDF


    Abstract: MSB710-RT1 SMD310
    Text: ON Semiconductort PNP General Purpose Amplifier Transistor Surface Mount COLLECTOR 3 MSB710-RT1 ON Semiconductor Preferred Device 3 2 2 BASE 1 1 EMITTER CASE 318D–04, STYLE 1 SC–59 MAXIMUM RATINGS TA = 25°C Rating Symbol Value Unit Collector–Base Voltage

    MSB710-RT1 r14525 MSB710 MSB710-RT1 SMD310 PDF

    placeholder for manufacturing site code

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PMF87EN 30 V, single N-channel Trench MOSFET 1 August 2012 Product data sheet 1. Product profile 1.1 General description N-channel enhancement mode Field-Effect Transistor FET in a SOT323 (SC-70) small Surface-Mounted Device (SMD) plastic package using Trench MOSFET technology.

    PMF87EN OT323 SC-70) placeholder for manufacturing site code PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SO T3 23 PMF63UN 20 V, single N-channel Trench MOSFET Rev. 1 — 22 March 2012 Product data sheet 1. Product profile 1.1 General description N-channel enhancement mode Field-Effect Transistor FET in a SOT323 (SC-70) small Surface-Mounted Device (SMD) plastic package using Trench MOSFET technology.

    PMF63UN OT323 SC-70) PMF63UN PDF


    Abstract: vp 3082 transistor Common collector configuration 40736R CA3081F CA3081M CA3082 CA3082M CA3082M96 DR2000
    Text: CA3081, CA3082 UCT PROD E PRODUCT E T E L T O B SO STITU er at E SUB upport Cen t sc L IB S /t POS al S FOR A ou r Technic wData .intersSheet w t w c a IL or c ont NTERS 1-888-I General Purpose High Current NPN Transistor Arrays 480.6 • CA3081 - Common Emitter Array

    CA3081, CA3082 1-888-I CA3081 CA3082 vp 3082 transistor Common collector configuration 40736R CA3081F CA3081M CA3082M CA3082M96 DR2000 PDF

    transistor sc 308

    Abstract: E3062A 410E2 BTS308 BTS410H2 E3043 E3062
    Text: PROFET BTS 308 Smart Highside Power Switch Features Product Summary Overvoltage protection Operating voltage On-state resistance Load current ISO • Overload protection • Current limitation • Short circuit protection • Thermal shutdown • Overvoltage protection (including load dump)

    O-220AB/5 2003-Oct-01 transistor sc 308 E3062A 410E2 BTS308 BTS410H2 E3043 E3062 PDF

    transistor sc 308

    Abstract: DTA144TT1 SMD310
    Text: DTA144TT1 Preferred Device Bias Resistor Transistor PNP Silicon Surface Mount Transistor with Monolithic Bias Resistor Network This new series of digital transistors is designed to replace a single device and its external resistor bias network. The BRT Bias Resistor

    DTA144TT1 r14525 DTA144TT1/D transistor sc 308 DTA144TT1 SMD310 PDF

    vp 3082

    Abstract: TDA3081 TDA3082 tda 3081 TDA 1030 SIGNETICS tda 266 55812G transistor ITT CA 3082
    Text: Sign etics Interface-Transistor Arrays T D A 3081/3082 Seven Transistor Arrays C O N N E C T IO N D IA G R A M G E N E R A L D E SC R IPTIO N The T D A 3081 and T D A 308 2 are m o n o lith ic integrated c irc u its each consisting o f seven separate n-p-n transistor«,

    OCR Scan

    transistor sem 2302

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NPN SILICON TRIPLE DIFFUSED TRANSISTOR MP-3 DESCRIPTION PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 2 SC 3 5 8 8 -Z is design ed for High Voltage Sw itching, especially in in miHimeters H ybrid Integrated Circuits. 2.3±0.2 FEATURES 5.0±0.2 05*0.1 • H igh Voltage V c e o = 400 V

    OCR Scan
    IEI-1209) transistor sem 2302 PDF

    siemens profet overview

    Abstract: transistor SMD t34 transistor sc 308 235L 410E2 BTS308 BTS410H2 E3043 E3062 E3062A
    Text: SIEM EN S aaasbos ms 2 PROFET BTS 308 Smart Highside Power Switch Features • • • • • • • • • • • • • Overload protection Current limitation Short circuit protection Thermal shutdown Overvoltage protection including load dump Fast demagnetization ol inductive loads

    OCR Scan
    systems14) siemens profet overview transistor SMD t34 transistor sc 308 235L 410E2 BTS308 BTS410H2 E3043 E3062 E3062A PDF

    fet sm 367

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS PROFET BTS 308 Smart Highside Power Switch Features Product Summary • • • • • • • • Overvoltage protection ^bb AZ Operating voltage On-state resistance V4)b(on) Ron Load current (ISO) /L(ISO) • • • • • Overload protection

    OCR Scan
    E3043 E3043 fet sm 367 PDF


    Abstract: Transistor 3A
    Text: \ U SED O N ANGLÈ í tTHIRD ¡f S EC U R IT Y C lA S S 'N PROJECTION ' / REMOVE A l l ftURRS. SH A R P E D G E S O K H A S H X III9 Q DKG lO »E R EA D IN C O N JU N C T IO N W ITH B .S 308 D R A W IN G N U M K R g H Y .« O F 6 S U T : 3A/A57520 S IM IL A R TO JTEDE C T O -5 C A S E .

    OCR Scan
    A/A57520 Wc/20fc32> A57520 Transistor 3A PDF


    Abstract: transistor sc 238 9008 transistor transistor sc 308 SAL 41 transistor 9013 1008 transistor X2C70 transistor D 1002 3D24N
    Text: SERVICE-MITTEILUNGEN VEB INDUSTRIEVERTRIEB R U N O F U N K U N D FE R N SE H E N AUSGABE: M m ri r a d i o - t e i e v i s i o n l 1 9 8 4 14-16 S e ite 1 - 1 2 Mitteilung aus dem VSB RFT Industrievertrieb R.u.F. Leipzig Serviceinformationen zuin neuen Auto-Stereo-Kassettenabspielgerät

    OCR Scan
    Ge1012 3D24N2Y transistor sc 238 9008 transistor transistor sc 308 SAL 41 transistor 9013 1008 transistor X2C70 transistor D 1002 3D24N PDF

    gk 67

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a a a s b o s SIEMENS □ □ eì 2 b S D m s 2 PROFET BTS 308 Smart Highside Power Switch Features • • • • • • • • • • • • • Product Summary Overvoltage protection Operating voltage On-state resistance Load current ISO Overload protection

    OCR Scan

    LS 2027 audio amp

    Abstract: ECG transistor replacement guide book free 2sb337 TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT GUIDE 980510 S9510 2sb508 C24850772 2N339 bc149c
    Text: TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction. Page 2 How to Use This Book. Page 2 Care and Handling of T ran sisto rs. Page 3

    OCR Scan