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    TRANSISTOR BU 406 Search Results

    TRANSISTOR BU 406 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=5 A / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22 V / tf=120 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-5 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27 V / tf=60 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    TRANSISTOR BU 406 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    walkie talkie circuit diagram

    Abstract: Telemecanique XS1 walkie talkie circuit diagram using op amp XS2D12PA140D simple walkie talkie circuit diagram xs1-d08pa140 XSA-V11801 TF Telemecanique xsc TSX NANO CABLE XS8E1A1PAL01M12
    Text: Proximity Sensors x File 9006 CONTENTS Schneider Electric Brands Description Page Selection Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Auto-adaptable and Standard Flat Inductive Proximity Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206

    5-4-199X) LR46094 LR44087 E39291 E39281 walkie talkie circuit diagram Telemecanique XS1 walkie talkie circuit diagram using op amp XS2D12PA140D simple walkie talkie circuit diagram xs1-d08pa140 XSA-V11801 TF Telemecanique xsc TSX NANO CABLE XS8E1A1PAL01M12 PDF

    Catalog Sensors for Process Applications

    Abstract: NCB1.5-8GM25-N0 5M

    199003130E Catalog Sensors for Process Applications NCB1.5-8GM25-N0 5M PDF

    pnp transistor 1000v

    Abstract: transistor buv 90 bux diode darlington NPN 1000V transistor pnp transistor 600V transistor ESM 30 buv PNP transistor BU 104 NPN Transistor VCEO 1000V transistor BUX 48
    Text: SUPERSWITCH transistor TOP-3 selector guide guide de sélection transistors TOP-3 SUPERSWITCH \ V C E O sus \ v CEX THOMSON-CSF 60V 80V 90V 125 V 150V 400V 450V 120V 160V 180V 250V 200V 850V 1000V Case fC (sat) 40 A BU W 4ff 30 A BU W 49 20 A BUX 69 IS A

    OCR Scan
    BUV48 BUV47 CB-244 CB-285 pnp transistor 1000v transistor buv 90 bux diode darlington NPN 1000V transistor pnp transistor 600V transistor ESM 30 buv PNP transistor BU 104 NPN Transistor VCEO 1000V transistor BUX 48 PDF

    philips power transistor bd139

    Abstract: BU406F BU407F 407F
    Text: N AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE bbiS3^31 D02fl53G 7M1! M A P X bU 4UblBU 407F bTE D SILICON DIFFUSED POWER TRANSISTORS High-voltage, high-speed, glass-passivated npn pow er transistor in a SO T186 envelope w ith ele c tric a lly Isolated m ounting base, intended fo r use in converters, inverters, sw itching regulators

    OCR Scan
    D02fl53G bU4Ubl-BU407F OT186 BU406F philips power transistor bd139 BU407F 407F PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Silicon N-Channei M OSFET Tetrode BF 998 • Short-channel transistor with high S/C quality factor G2 • For low-noise, gain-controlled input stages up to 1 GHz § Type M a rk in g O rdering code for v e rsio n s in bu lk O rdering co de for v e rs io n s on tape

    OCR Scan
    62702-F1129 1200MÍ 900MHz 800MHz /400MHz 300MH 00MHz -921s TRANSISTOR BH RW PDF

    darlington NPN 1000V 8a transistor

    Abstract: NPN Transistor 600V TO-220 darlington NPN 600V 8a transistor transistor BU 104 darlington NPN 600V 8a transistor ESM 16 pnp transistor 800v transistor 406 specification transistor BU 109 transistor buv 90
    Text: SUPERSWITCH high power transistor M U 86 selector guide guide de sélection transistors grande puissance MU 86 SUPERSWITCH power transistor and darlington for TV applications selector guide guide de sélection transistors de puissance et darlingtons pour applications TV

    OCR Scan
    130CIV 109DP O-220 104DP CB-244 CB-285 darlington NPN 1000V 8a transistor NPN Transistor 600V TO-220 darlington NPN 600V 8a transistor transistor BU 104 darlington NPN 600V 8a transistor ESM 16 pnp transistor 800v transistor 406 specification transistor BU 109 transistor buv 90 PDF

    transistor buv 90

    Abstract: transistor ESM 3004 transistor ESM 16 transistor Buv 48 transistor ESM 30 transistor ESM 3000 transistor ESM transistor ESM 3001 transistor ESM 3006 transistor buv 46 C
    Text: SUPERSWITCH transistor T 0 -2 2 0 AB selector guide guide de sélection transistors TO-220 AB SUPERSWITCH \v c E O s u s \ VCEX 90V 120V 200V 400V 180V 240V 400V 850V Casa 'C(sat) 12 A 8 A 6 A BUV 26 BUV 27 BUV 28 2,5 A BUV 46 1 BUV 36 A w SUPERSWITCH power transistor TO-83 selector guide

    OCR Scan
    O-220 00V-600V 1000T 2060T CB-244 CB-285 transistor buv 90 transistor ESM 3004 transistor ESM 16 transistor Buv 48 transistor ESM 30 transistor ESM 3000 transistor ESM transistor ESM 3001 transistor ESM 3006 transistor buv 46 C PDF

    C 3311 transistor

    Abstract: NPN Transistor 5A 400V T-33-11 KSD5017 transistor BU408 samsung tv KSD5017 BU406 BU406H power TRANSISTOR 800V 5A

    OCR Scan
    KSD5017 G007baa -55-V150 T-33-11 BU406H BU408 G007bà BU406/406H/408 C 3311 transistor NPN Transistor 5A 400V T-33-11 KSD5017 transistor BU408 samsung tv KSD5017 BU406 BU406H power TRANSISTOR 800V 5A PDF

    bc 540

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR BC 137 TRANSISTOR BC 187 transistor Bc 540 TRANSISTOR BC 136 bc 207 npn BC 677 bsv57b TRANSISTOR BD 187 BD 139 N
    Text: Power transistors for horizontal deflection output circuits Type Structure Fig. Nr. Characteristics Maximum ratings ptot at 'case = +90°c 7c :a v W A fj Notes at ^ CERM V M Hz rc mA ^ CEsat a / q and " F E V A BU 204 NPN 25 10.0 2.5 1300 7.5 100 S5 2.0 2.0

    OCR Scan
    BC1611) BCY58 BCY59 BD1361) BD436' BC432' BC547 bc 540 TRANSISTOR BC 137 TRANSISTOR BC 187 transistor Bc 540 TRANSISTOR BC 136 bc 207 npn BC 677 bsv57b TRANSISTOR BD 187 BD 139 N PDF


    Abstract: BUY26 BUY27 66055 FK 61-04 2399A B3HK 6104-B
    Text: BUY 26, BUY 27, BUY 28 NPN Power transistors for switching applications BUY 26, BUY 27 and BUY 28 are alloyed NPN silicon transistors in a metal case. The collector is electrically connected to the case. The insulation clearances correspond to the insulation group C of the German VDE Standard 0110. The transistors are

    OCR Scan
    C66060-A 2399-A1 6060-A 399-A 6055-A 6104-B 100ms BUY28 BUY26 BUY27 66055 FK 61-04 2399A B3HK PDF

    transistor kt 326

    Abstract: transistor KT 3107 Belcanto ST 3010 transistor BU 5027 J 5027-R atakassette SANYO CTP 4360 transistor kt 925 Transstereo 2401.00 transistor KT 816
    Text: SERVICE-MITTEILUNGEN V E B IN D U S T R IE V E R T R IE B R U N D F U N K U N O F E R N S E H E N ir .f -t j | R A P io -teievlslon JUNI/JULI 1960 6/7 SKITB 1-8 Mitteilung aus dem VEB Fernsehgerätewerke Staßfurt Informationen für den Fernsehgeräteservice

    OCR Scan

    RCA transistor 40410

    Abstract: RCA transistor 40319 RCA transistor 40406 RCA 40872 rca 40636 rca 40634 rca 40872 transistor rca 2N3771 power circuit RCA 40595 transistor rca 40410
    Text: H IG H -V O LT A G E N-P-N & P-N-P POW ER T Y P E S 1C t o 3 0 A . . •c pm k - 12 A lc = 10A Py = 75 • 100W Switching Linear 130 x 130 130 x 1 3 0 1 3 0 x 130 BU 106 2N 5840 [N -P -N ] 2N 5240 [N -P -N ] BU 106 2N 5838 Va o sus =l40V VCER(sus) = 275 V

    OCR Scan
    lc-30A 130x130 180x180 210x210 bu106 2n5840 2n5240 2N6510 2N6308 2n5805 RCA transistor 40410 RCA transistor 40319 RCA transistor 40406 RCA 40872 rca 40636 rca 40634 rca 40872 transistor rca 2N3771 power circuit RCA 40595 transistor rca 40410 PDF

    RCA 40636 transistor

    Abstract: rca 40636 rca 2N3771 power circuit 40636 rca rca 40327 300W TRANSISTOR AUDIO AMPLIFIER 40636 220v 300w ac regulator circuit 2N3055 RCA 40327
    Text: Ic to 80 A . . . P t to 300 W . . . V cE to 170 V H O M ETAXIAL-BASE N-P-N POWER TYPES le - 16 A max. •260 W max. <e “ 1.6 A max. le a 1 . S A max. lc » 3 .S A max. lc * 4 A m ax. lc a 4 A max. le • 3 A max. le “ 3 A max. le - 7 A max. lc a 1 S A max.

    OCR Scan
    ITO-391- ITO-220) O-661â ITO-2201 O-2201 ITO-31 130x130 RCA 40636 transistor rca 40636 rca 2N3771 power circuit 40636 rca rca 40327 300W TRANSISTOR AUDIO AMPLIFIER 40636 220v 300w ac regulator circuit 2N3055 RCA 40327 PDF

    2N3440 2N5416 REPLACEMENT

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT FOR 2N3053 40620 transistor 2n6308 TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT Replacement for 2N5322 transistor 2n2102 replacement 300W TRANSISTOR AUDIO AMPLIFIER 2N4036 replacement Transistor PJ 431 40872
    Text: HIGH-VOLTAGE N-P-N & P-N-P POWER TYPES 1C t o 3 0 A . . •c pm k - 12 A lc = 10A Py = 75 • 100W Switching Linear 130 x 130 130 x 1 3 0 1 3 0 x 130 BU 106 2N 5840 [N -P -N ] 2N 5240 [N -P -N ] BU 106 2N 5838 Va o sus =l40V VCER(sus) = 275 V hFE = 2 0 m in .

    OCR Scan
    lc-30A 130x130 180x180 210x210 bu106 2n5840 2n5240 2N6510 2N6308 2n5805 2N3440 2N5416 REPLACEMENT TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT FOR 2N3053 40620 transistor 2n6308 TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT Replacement for 2N5322 transistor 2n2102 replacement 300W TRANSISTOR AUDIO AMPLIFIER 2N4036 replacement Transistor PJ 431 40872 PDF


    Abstract: ZD 607 - triac ZD 607 - triac circuit hbf 4727a TDA3310 hbf4727 HBF4740 DTL-930 7-stage frequency divider BF479S
    Text: / h o f t f o f m A T E ^SEMICONDUCTOR “ PRODUCTS 1979/80 I NT RODUCTI ON This publication aims to provide condensed information on the vast range of standard devices currently produced by SGS-ATES. For easy consultation the products have been divided into several sections according to the main product

    OCR Scan

    2N3440 2N5416 REPLACEMENT

    Abstract: 2N5294 replacement 2N5296 RCA 2N6108 RCA 2N5954 2N5416 REPLACEMENT 2N3772 RCA RCA 40250 2N5781 2N6107
    Text: EPITAXIAL-BASE N-P-N & P-N-P POWER TYPES 1C to 15 A . . . P f to 2 0 0 W . . . V C E to 1 2 5 V 1« “ - 3 .5 max. Py«10W m ax. ITO-3SI I{ > 8 A max. P y * 40 W max. TO-66 * lc * - 6 A max. P y - 40 W max. 1TO-66)* le « 7 A max. Py - 40 W max. V E R S A W ATT

    OCR Scan
    IT039I O-2201 lc-15 ITO-31 O-2201 90x90 2N3440 2N5416 REPLACEMENT 2N5294 replacement 2N5296 RCA 2N6108 RCA 2N5954 2N5416 REPLACEMENT 2N3772 RCA RCA 40250 2N5781 2N6107 PDF

    RCA 40636 transistor

    Abstract: rca 40636 rca 40327 RCA 40325 40327 rca RCA 2N3055 transistor 2N3055 RCA rca 40363 RCA 40321 BUX 115
    Text: H I G H - V O L T A G E N -P -N & P -N -P P O W E R T Y P E S 1C to 30 A . . f r to 20 M Hz . . . Py to 175 W Ic * 1 A max. Py “ 20 W max. Plástic TO-5Í lt > 1 A max. Pt - 10 W max. jTO-39»* lc > -1 A max. Py - 10 W max. (TO-39 * 32 x 32 a 42x42 42x42

    OCR Scan
    TQ-66Ã 42x42 130x130 2N6177 2N3439 2N5415 2N358S 2N6213 2N6079 RCA 40636 transistor rca 40636 rca 40327 RCA 40325 40327 rca RCA 2N3055 transistor 2N3055 RCA rca 40363 RCA 40321 BUX 115 PDF


    Abstract: BC317 Philips philips e3 407F flyback transformer philips BU406F BU407F Q030 407F Transistors
    Text: PHILIPS INT ERNATIONAL MSE D E3 7 3tlüö2fci OOaüôB'ï ö S P H I N BU406F BU407F T - 3 ß - 0 7 SILICON DIFFUSED POWER TRANSISTORS High-voltage, high-speed, glass-passivated npn power transistor in a S O T 186 envelope w ith electrically isolated mounting base, intended for use in converters, inverters, switching regulators

    OCR Scan
    711005b BU406F BU407F OT186 8U406 BC317 Philips philips e3 407F flyback transformer philips BU407F Q030 407F Transistors PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UNITED MICROELECTRONICS TE 9325812 U N IT E D D Ë | ^325015 000035e] 7 M IC R O E L E C T R O N IC S 92D 00359 D 7 *-7 $ *-0 7 -0 7 UM 91610 A "I • . r ' ì j 10 M em ory Pulse D ialer ¡- Features • Ten 16-digit number memories location 0-9 with ■ ' Can Interface with inexpensive XY matrix keyboard

    OCR Scan
    000035e 16-digit um91610 PDF

    2N6476 JAN

    Abstract: 2N6180 40817 TA8662 2N5781 2N5954 2N6107 2N6248 TO220I 2N6372
    Text: EPITAXIAL-BASE N-P-N & P-N-P POWER TYPES 1C to 15 A . . . P f to 2 00 W . . . VCE to 125 V 1« “ - 3 .5 max. Py«10W m ax. ITO-3SI I{ > 8 A max. Py * 40 W max. T O -6 6 * lc * - 6 A max. Py - 40 W max. 1TO -66)* le « 7 A max. Py - 40 W max. VERSA W ATT

    OCR Scan
    IT039I O-2201 lc-15 ITO-31 O-2201 90x90 2N6476 JAN 2N6180 40817 TA8662 2N5781 2N5954 2N6107 2N6248 TO220I 2N6372 PDF

    ED38 diode

    Abstract: 2N2222A 338 TEKELEC 297 Sdk-85 Intel sdk-85 rom code sdk 8085 microcomputer BBL3 8048 printer intel MCS-48 Monsanto pan
    Text: intei I n t e l C orp ora tion, 1977 APPLICATION NOTE AP-27 P R IC E $1.GG Related Intel Publications "UPI-41 User's M anual” The material in this A p p l i c a ti o n Note is f o r in fo r m a t io n a l purposes on ly and is subject t o change w i t h o u t notice. lntel C o rp o ra ti o n has made an e f f o r t to ve rify t h a t the mate­

    OCR Scan
    AP-27 UPI-41TM S-10380 CH-8021 ED38 diode 2N2222A 338 TEKELEC 297 Sdk-85 Intel sdk-85 rom code sdk 8085 microcomputer BBL3 8048 printer intel MCS-48 Monsanto pan PDF

    rca 40410

    Abstract: rca 40362 transistor 40410 RCA transistor 40410 RCA transistor 40406 40410 RCA 40319 40362 RCA 2N5295 2N5296 RCA
    Text: HIGH-VOLTAGE N-P-N & P-N-P POWER T Y PE S 1C to 30 A . . •c pm k - 12 A lc = 10A Py =7 5 •100W Switching Linear 130 x 130 130 x 130 1 3 0 x 130 BU106 2N5840 [N-P-N] 2N 52 40 [N-P-N] BU106 2N5838 Va o sus =l40V VCER(sus) =275 V hFE = 20min. hFE.:8 ;" 0) /

    OCR Scan
    lc-30A 130x130 180x180 210x210 bu106 2n5840 2n5240 2N6510 2N6308 2n5805 rca 40410 rca 40362 transistor 40410 RCA transistor 40410 RCA transistor 40406 40410 RCA 40319 40362 RCA 2N5295 2N5296 RCA PDF


    Abstract: 18150A philips 3e3 eht transformer bu 407 F TRANSISTOR 407F Transistors
    Text: PHILIPS INTE RNAT ION AL M5E D E3 711Qfi5ti OGaOôB'ï ö S P H I N BU406F BU407F T - 3 ß - 0 7 SILICON DIFFUSED POWER TRANSISTORS High-voltage, high-speed, glass-passivated npn power transistor in a SOT186 envelope with electrically isolated mounting base, intended for use in converters, inverters, switching regulators

    OCR Scan
    711Qfi5ti BU406F BU407F OT186 1Q62b 3D64t. 407f 18150A philips 3e3 eht transformer bu 407 F TRANSISTOR 407F Transistors PDF

    ic 74226

    Abstract: jk flip flop 74103 ic D flip flop 7474 7471 rs flip flop 4011 flip flop IC 7400 SERIES list Ic ttl 7490, 7493, 7495 ci 74386 7414 NOT gate ic IC LA 74141
    Text: 1SE D RICOH CORP/ ELECTRONIC 7 7 4 4bTO 0G0Q7Qt, b RICOH No. 84-01 4-1-1984 Microelectronic Specification T -tfZ -3 1 RP3G01 0 2 • A N A L O G /D IG IT A L B I- C M O S GATE ARRAYS EFFICIENCY GENERAL DESCRIPTIO N T h e R P 3 G 01 and R P 3 G 0 2 a r e A n a lo g /D ig ita l

    OCR Scan
    RP3G01 RP3G01 ic 74226 jk flip flop 74103 ic D flip flop 7474 7471 rs flip flop 4011 flip flop IC 7400 SERIES list Ic ttl 7490, 7493, 7495 ci 74386 7414 NOT gate ic IC LA 74141 PDF