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    TRANSISTOR 2SD1505 Search Results

    TRANSISTOR 2SD1505 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=5 A / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22 V / tf=120 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-5 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27 V / tf=60 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    TRANSISTOR 2SD1505 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: KGT50N60kda bc547 smd transistor kia1117af transistor smd zG y6 smd transistor MB4213 y4 smd transistor smd transistor zaa KGT25N120NDA
    Text: Table of Contents SMD THD ▣ Table of Contents 2 ▣ Bipolar Junction Transistor 4 Transistor Line-up PNP Transistor Transistor Line-up (NPN Transistor) Small Signal General Purpose Transistor Current Regulating Device Small Signal Low Noise Transistor



    Abstract: khb*9D5N20P MB4213 KIA78*pI MN1280 F10P048 KIA7812A MJE13007 mb4213 equivalent TRANSISTOR SMD N2 3j
    Text: Table of Contents Index 4 SMD ✞✟ Bipolar Junction Transistors Transistor Line-up PNP Transistor Transistor Line-up (NPN Transistor) Small Signal General Purpose Transistors Small Signal Low Noise Transistors Small Signal Audio Muting Transistors Small Signal High hFE Transistors

    KIA7900PI TC7SH04FU KIC7SH04FU SC604* KAC3301QN M51943 KIA7042AP/AF TC7SH08FU KIC7SH08FU LT1937 oz960 khb*9D5N20P MB4213 KIA78*pI MN1280 F10P048 KIA7812A MJE13007 mb4213 equivalent TRANSISTOR SMD N2 3j PDF


    Abstract: 2SD1505
    Text: isc Product Specification INCHANGE Semiconductor isc Silicon PNP Power Transistor 2SB1064 DESCRIPTION •Low Collector Saturation Voltage : VCE sat = -0.5V(Max)@IC= -2A ·Wide Area of Safe Operation ·Complement to Type 2SD1505 APPLICATIONS ·Designed for low frequency power amplifier applications.

    2SB1064 2SD1505 2SB1064 2SD1505 PDF

    THINKI transistor catalog

    Abstract: audio amplifier ic bd249c catalog AUDIO HIGH POWER AMPLIFIER 3DD301 2sc3229 2SA747
    Text: THINKI TRANSISTOR CATALOG Power Transistors For Audio Power Amplifier PC IC Vceo W (A) (V) Model Vcbo Vebo (V) (V) Vce(sat) hFE fT (V) VCE(V) IC(A) max IC(A) (MHz) Package Function TYP IB(A) 1 -0.05 -150 2SA914 -150 -5 90-450 -5 -0.01 -1 -0.03 -0.003

    2SA914 O-126 2SA900 2SC2556 2SC2556A LM317K O-220 LM317T THINKI transistor catalog audio amplifier ic bd249c catalog AUDIO HIGH POWER AMPLIFIER 3DD301 2sc3229 2SA747 PDF

    alternator diode 1776 B

    Abstract: 2az marking transistor sot-23 SMD SOT23 transistor MARK Y2 ic mb4213 NEC 12F triac F10P048 ktc3114 equivalent SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 02N DIODE PJ 57 ss14 BC517 equivalent
    Text: Transistors Transistors Diodes Diodes Thyristors Thyristors SAW SAW Device Device Dielectric Dielectric Device Device Integrated Integrated Circuit Circuit Table of Contents Index 5 SMD Transistors Line-up PNP Transistors Transistors Line-up (NPN Transistors)

    Hig86-755-3679515 alternator diode 1776 B 2az marking transistor sot-23 SMD SOT23 transistor MARK Y2 ic mb4213 NEC 12F triac F10P048 ktc3114 equivalent SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 02N DIODE PJ 57 ss14 BC517 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: F10P048 mn1280 mb4213 equivalent smd transistor zaa diode zener ZD 15 ic mb4213 transistor 2AX SMD 252 B34 SMD ZENER DIODE bc237 equivalent SMD
    Text: Table of Contents Index 5 SMD Transistors Transistors Line-up PNP Transistors Transistors Line-up (NPN Transistors) Small Signal General Purpose Transistors Small Signal Low Noise Transistors Small Signal Audio Muting Transistors Small Signal Darlington Transistors

    SSIP-12 KIA6283K KIA7217AP SSIP-10 KIA6240K KIA6801K KIA6901P/F MB4213 F10P048 mn1280 mb4213 equivalent smd transistor zaa diode zener ZD 15 ic mb4213 transistor 2AX SMD 252 B34 SMD ZENER DIODE bc237 equivalent SMD PDF


    Abstract: 2SK3850 equivalent KF9N25 KF7N50 MDF10N65b transistor PANASONIC ZENER Kf10n60 KIA278R12PI equivalent kid65003ap equivalent kia578r05
    Text: Factory : #149, Gongdan-1-dong Gumi, Gyeongsangbuk-do, KOREA 上 Head office : #275-5, Yangjae-dong, Seocho-gu Seoul, KOREA 海 ww 众 w. 韩 ck 授 b- 权 sh 代 .c 理 om 2014 Semiconductor Product Guide KEC CORPORATION

    USFB053 USFB13 USFB13A USFB13L USFB14 USFZ10V USFZ11V USFZ12V USFZ13V USFZ15V KF6N60 2SK3850 equivalent KF9N25 KF7N50 MDF10N65b transistor PANASONIC ZENER Kf10n60 KIA278R12PI equivalent kid65003ap equivalent kia578r05 PDF


    Abstract: M56730ASP PAC011A PAC010A UPC2581 PAL005A stk413-020a upc2581v ecg semiconductors master replacement guide STRS5717
    Text: C52_pg_337~347 8/16/07 11:47 AM Page 337 Semiconductors/ Components SEMICONDUCTORS MCM has an extensive selection of SMD Surface Mount Devices which are denoted on the following page with an *(asterisk)! COUNT ON MCM TO ALWAYS PROVIDE. section 16 Semiconductors/Components

    100-up) STk442-130 M56730ASP PAC011A PAC010A UPC2581 PAL005A stk413-020a upc2581v ecg semiconductors master replacement guide STRS5717 PDF


    Abstract: 2SB1064 TRANSISTOR 2sd1505 7M57
    Text: ROHM CO S -7 > y LTD 7 fl2 flW OGOSf lf ib £ / T ransistors 2SD1505 - y lj 3 > 2SD15Û5 • 3 B R H Ï1 7^ 3 3 -0 * Ifcf^=3f - V 7 ^ 7 V - ^ NPN Freq. Power Amp. Epitaxial Planar NPN Silicon Transistor • W Fi \t"j£[2/Dim ensions Unit : mm)

    OCR Scan
    2SD1505 T-33-t39 2SS1505 2SB1064tH 2SB1064. O-220 2SD1505 1/7M57? 2SB1064 TRANSISTOR 2sd1505 7M57 PDF


    Abstract: type of TRANSISTOR C-111 2SD1505 2SB1064 E05A E-05A
    Text: K "7 > V X $ /Transistors 2SD1505 2SD1505 • NPN y ' J z i> b 7 > y Z $ Freq. Power Amp. Epitaxial Planar NPN Silicon Transistor • 1W \ f i^ / D im e n s io n s Unit : mm) 1) V C E( sa t )— 0.5V(Typ.) { (at Ic / I b =2A/0.2A) 2) A S O t f ' ^ ' o 3) 2SB1064

    OCR Scan
    2SD1505 2SB1064t 2SB1064. to-220 2sd1505 TRANSISTOR C-111 type of TRANSISTOR C-111 2SB1064 E05A E-05A PDF


    Abstract: TRANSISTOR 2sd1505
    Text: h ~P> y $ /Transistors 2SD1505 2SD1505 I = * r y 7 ^ 7 V N P N V ' - 1> Y=7s v W Epitaxial Planar NPN Silicon Transistor iS J U Â ^ ^ J li'Iïffl/L o w Freq. Power Amp. • ^ H fi'^ tiiB /'D im e n s io n s Unit : mm) 1) VcE(sat) VCE(sat)=0.5V(Typ.) (Ic / I b =2A/0.2A)

    OCR Scan
    2SD1505 2SD1505 2SB1064 2SB1064. TRANSISTOR 2sd1505 PDF

    2SC1740 transistor

    Abstract: A1757 B1130AM 2SD2061F 2SD1466 2SC5083 B1236A mos-fet darlington 2sc4721 transistor 2sa1819
    Text: Transistor Quick reference Package -Application Application Low rbb' Head Amp V ceo V * V ces * * V CER FTL ATR ATV 80 SPT ( 2SB737 TO-92L 2SB1276 f 2SA937AMLN V2SC2021LN(RS) 2SC1740S(E) 2SC1740SLN(E) / 2SA933A ( 2SA933AS \2SC1740(QRS) V 2SC1740SÌQRS) / 2SA933ALN /' 2SA933ASLN

    OCR Scan
    2SC2021LN 2SB821 2SB1276 2SC2021MLN O-92L O-92LS 2SB737 V2SD786 2SA1137 2SC1740 2SC1740 transistor A1757 B1130AM 2SD2061F 2SD1466 2SC5083 B1236A mos-fet darlington 2sc4721 transistor 2sa1819 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: / T ransistors 2SD1505 2SD1505 11: 1 £3 r y & N P y<J-i> Freq. P ow er Amp. N Epitaxial Planar NPN Silicon Transistor • £1-JK\r >±@ /Dimensions U n it: mm ^) ^CE (sat j= 0.5V (Typ.) (at Ic / I b = 2 A /0 .2 A ) 2) A S C W I£ l.'0 3) 2SB1064 4) — ju K / " f / T i l l l l / S ^ l J o

    OCR Scan
    2SD1505 2SB1064 2SB1064. D1505 d1505 PDF


    Abstract: RTIN141C RTIN141S 2SD947 equivalent 2SD612K equivalent of transistor 2SA1115 RTIN241C rtip241 2sd880 equivalent RTIN140C
    Text: m&ttm -urn h "7 > v X £ /T ra n sisto rs ddp h 7> y of Transistor Equivalent Products S M t r o iS H li, L T 2 fiJffl< t £ £ i \ LT IS * * * ' 6 S & It should be borne in mind that following listings are made according to the transistors’ maximum ratings.

    OCR Scan
    2SB1186 2SB1186A 2SA1304 2SA1306 2SA1305 2SB1274 2SB1015 2SB1133 2SB1287 2SB1185 RTIP144C RTIN141C RTIN141S 2SD947 equivalent 2SD612K equivalent of transistor 2SA1115 RTIN241C rtip241 2sd880 equivalent RTIN140C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistors T0-220 T0-220FP • TO-220FN • HRT TO-220FP is a TO-220 with mold coated fin for easier mounting and higher PC, 2W. TO-220FN is a low profile by 2mm version of TO-220FP without fin support pin, for higher mounting density. HRT is a taped power transistor package for use with an automatic placement machine.

    OCR Scan
    T0-220 T0-220FP O-220FN O-220FP O-220 O-220FN 2SA1634 2SB1369 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD2061 2sd2033a 2SB1496 2SB1342 transistor 2sD2091 2SD2394 2SB1370 2SC4354 2SD2041
    Text: Transistors " 7aaa^ 0DD7^ bD*" RH" TO-220 T0-220FP •TO-220FN •HRT TO-220FP is a TO-220 with mold coated fin for easier mounting and higher PC, 2W. T0-220FN is a low profile by 2mm version of TO-220FP without fin support pin, for higher mounting density. HRT is a taped power transistor package for use with an automatic placement machine.

    OCR Scan
    O-220 T0-220FP O-220FN O-220FP T0-220 O-220FN SB1335A 2SD2061 2sd2033a 2SB1496 2SB1342 transistor 2sD2091 2SD2394 2SB1370 2SC4354 2SD2041 PDF


    Abstract: 2SB1064
    Text: h7 > 5 / T ransistors 2SB1064 2SB1064 PNP '> > ;= !> h 7 > y X $ Epitaxial Planar PNP Silicon Transistor fé J ii& ^ ^ J iâ ÎïW L o w Freq. Power Amp. • Dimensions Unit: mm 1) VcE(sat) ¿»'"fé'-'o 4. 5 ± 0.? r V c E (s a t)= -0 .5 V (T y p .) ¿3.6±0.2

    OCR Scan
    2SB1064 2SD1505 2SD1505. O-220 SC-46 SC46D 2SB1064 PDF


    Abstract: 2sd2033a 2SD2061 2SB1496 2SD2037 2sd2396 2SA1757 2SB1370 2SB1616 2SD2033
    Text: Transistors T0-220 •TO-220FP • TO-220FN • HRT TO-220FP is a TO-220 with mold coated fin for easier mounting and higher PC, 2W. TO-220FN is a low profile by 2mm version of TO-220FP without fin support pin, for higher mounting density. HRT is a taped power transistor package for use with an automatic placement machine.

    OCR Scan
    T0-220 O-220FP O-220FN O-220FP O-220 O-220FN T0-220FN 2SB1335A 2sd2033a 2SD2061 2SB1496 2SD2037 2sd2396 2SA1757 2SB1370 2SB1616 2SD2033 PDF

    sj 2038

    Abstract: 2SB1335A 2SD2061 2SB1496 2SD2037 2sd2396 2SD2039 2SB1370 2SC4354 2sd2033a
    Text: Transistors TO-220 T0-220FP T0-220FN • HRT TO-220FP is a TO-220 with mold coated fin for easier mounting and higher PC, 2W. TO-220FN is a low profile by 2mm version of TO-220FP without fin support pin, for higher mounting density. HRT is a taped power transistor package for use with an automatic placement machine.

    OCR Scan
    O-220 T0-220FP T0-220FN O-220FP O-220 O-220FN T0-220FP sj 2038 2SB1335A 2SD2061 2SB1496 2SD2037 2sd2396 2SD2039 2SB1370 2SC4354 2sd2033a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: h / T ransistors 2SB1064 2SB1064 7 ° \ s - - f M P N P '> • ;= l > h 1 £ J i } j £ il^ ^ ^ f f l/ L o w Freq. Power Amp. Epitaxial Planar PNP Silicon Transistor • i ^ J f i ^ j i l 2 / Dimensions U n it: mm 1) VC e ( sa t)= 0 .5 V (T y p .) t f t l ' o

    OCR Scan
    2SB1064 2SD1505. 2SB1064 PDF

    Mosfet FTR 03-E

    Abstract: mt 1389 fe 2SD122 dtc144gs low noise Darlington Transistor DTC114EVA DTC143EF V/65e9 transistor transistor 2SC337
    Text: h 7 > y ^ £ / T ra n sisto rs h 7 > v * £ IÜ á q — J W / T r a n s is t o r s S u m m a ry • POWER MOSFET Application Part No 2SK1976 V dss V 2SK2176 Package Typ (Q ) V gs (V) Page Id (A) 450 5 30 1.0 10 2.5 TO-220FP 88 60 10 30 0 08 10 5 TO-220FP

    OCR Scan
    2SK1976 2SK2095 2SK2176 O-220FP 2SA785 2SA790 2SA790M 2SA806 Mosfet FTR 03-E mt 1389 fe 2SD122 dtc144gs low noise Darlington Transistor DTC114EVA DTC143EF V/65e9 transistor transistor 2SC337 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD1255M 2SB maintenance IMB6 2SC2808
    Text: h -7 > y 7, $ /Transistors h z 7 > y Z $ $ H n h —W h 7 > y ^ ^ i p n — f t ü / T r a n s is t o r s Summary • h 7 v 3. $ /Transistors 2SA/2SB/2SC/2SC/2SD Type V ceo (V ) fT(M H z) Cob(pF) hFE Package Page 6.5 82-390 FTR 75 Icm - 1 .5 A 300 200 5.5

    OCR Scan
    2SA785 2SA790 2SA790M 2SA806 2SA821 2SA825 2SA825S 2SA83Û 2SA830S 2SA854 2SD1966 2SD1255M 2SB maintenance IMB6 2SC2808 PDF