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    TRANSISTOR 22X Search Results

    TRANSISTOR 22X Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=5 A / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22 V / tf=120 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-5 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27 V / tf=60 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    TRANSISTOR 22X Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: khb*9D5N20P MB4213 KIA78*pI MN1280 F10P048 KIA7812A MJE13007 mb4213 equivalent TRANSISTOR SMD N2 3j
    Text: Table of Contents Index 4 SMD ✞✟ Bipolar Junction Transistors Transistor Line-up PNP Transistor Transistor Line-up (NPN Transistor) Small Signal General Purpose Transistors Small Signal Low Noise Transistors Small Signal Audio Muting Transistors Small Signal High hFE Transistors

    KIA7900PI TC7SH04FU KIC7SH04FU SC604* KAC3301QN M51943 KIA7042AP/AF TC7SH08FU KIC7SH08FU LT1937 oz960 khb*9D5N20P MB4213 KIA78*pI MN1280 F10P048 KIA7812A MJE13007 mb4213 equivalent TRANSISTOR SMD N2 3j PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MC3346 General Purpose Transistor Array One Differentially Connected Pair and Three Isolated Transistor Arrays GENERAL PURPOSE TRANSISTOR ARRAY The MC3346 is designed for general purpose, low power applications for consumer and industrial designs. • Guaranteed Base–Emitter Voltage Matching

    MC3346 MC3346 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CA3146 General Purpose Transistor Array One Differentially Connected Pair and Three Isolated Transistor Arrays GENERAL PURPOSE TRANSISTOR ARRAY The CA3146 is designed for general purpose, low power applications in the dc through VHF range. • Guaranteed Base–Emitter Voltage Matching

    CA3146 CA3146 CA3146D PDF


    Abstract: m21 transistor
    Text: MOTOROW Order this dooument by 2C2W7AHVID SEMICONDUCTORTECHNICALDATA @ 2C2907AHV Chip PNP Silicon Smal14ignal Transistor .11 ~+ “~ [ . . designed for dc to VHF amplifier and generaburpose witching applications. Technaloglw Opl muon MMIMUM RATINGS Value symbol

    2C2907AHV Smal14ignal 2C2907AHVID 1PHX24101 m21 transistor PDF

    Hall Sensor 20L

    Abstract: MC79076
    Text: MC79076 MCCF79076 Product Preview Electronic Ignition Control Circuit The MCCF79076, in conjunction with an appropriate Motorola Power Darlington Transistor, provides an economical solution for automotive ignition applications. The MCCF79076 offers optimum performance by

    MCCF79076, MCCF79076 MC79076 MCCF79076 Hall Sensor 20L PDF

    Hall Sensor marking code 20L

    Abstract: MCCF33093
    Text: MCCF33093 Product Preview Ignition Control FlipĆChip Designed for automotive ignition applications. The MCCF33093 provides outstanding control of the ignition coil when used with an appropriate Motorola Power Darlington Transistor. Engine control systems utilizing the

    MCCF33093 MCCF33093 Hall Sensor marking code 20L PDF

    Hall Sensor marking code 20L

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCCF33094 Product Preview Ignition Control FlipĆChip Designed for automotive ignition applications. The MCCF33094 provides outstanding control of the ignition coil when used with an appropriate Motorola Power Darlington Transistor. Engine control systems utilizing the

    MCCF33094 MCCF33094 Hall Sensor marking code 20L PDF

    ignition spark mj10012

    Abstract: HIGH ENERGY IGNITION CIRCUIT MC3334P equivalent VBAT24 MC3334 equivalent darlington fp 1016 AA124 MC3334 1L39
    Text: MC3334 MCC3334 MCCF3334 High Energy Ignition Circuit This device is designed to use the signal from a reluctor type ignition pickup to produce a well controlled output from a power Darlington output transistor. • Very Low Peripheral Component Count • •

    MC3334 MCC3334 MCCF3334 ignition spark mj10012 HIGH ENERGY IGNITION CIRCUIT MC3334P equivalent VBAT24 MC3334 equivalent darlington fp 1016 AA124 1L39 PDF

    mc3363 application note

    Abstract: CFW455 SFE10.7MS2-A j350 TRANSISTOR H1 SOT-89 transistor rf MC3357 application note MC3363DW
    Text: MC3363 Low Power Dual Conversion FM Receiver The MC3363 is a single chip narrowband VHF FM radio receiver. It is a dual conversion receiver with RF amplifier transistor, oscillators, mixers, quadrature detector, meter drive/carrier detect and mute circuitry. The

    MC3363 MC3363 mc3363 application note CFW455 SFE10.7MS2-A j350 TRANSISTOR H1 SOT-89 transistor rf MC3357 application note MC3363DW PDF


    Abstract: QUALCOMM QFN QFN22 NUS6189MNTWG qsc60 QUALCOMM Reference design Drive Base BJT QFN-22
    Text: NUS6189MN Low Profile Overvoltage Protection IC with Integrated MOSFET This device represents a new level of safety and integration by combining an overvoltage protection circuit OVP with a 30 V P−channel power MOSFET, a low VCE(SAT) transistor, and low

    NUS6189MN NUS6189MN/D QSC60xx QUALCOMM QFN QFN22 NUS6189MNTWG qsc60 QUALCOMM Reference design Drive Base BJT QFN-22 PDF

    SOT c5 87

    Abstract: AN1465 START540
    Text: AN1465 APPLICATION NOTE A LNA OPTIMIZED FOR HIGH IP3out AT 1.9GHz USING THE NPN Si START540 TRANSISTOR F. Caramagno - N. Micalizzi - G. Privitera Data at 1.9GHz 3V, 5mA Gain = 15dB, IP3out = 24dBm, NF = 1.25dB, RL in > 7dB, RL out >20dB 1. INTRODUCTION.

    AN1465 START540 24dBm, OT-343 SC-70) 30mils SOT c5 87 AN1465 PDF


    Abstract: START540 0PF06
    Text: AN1465 APPLICATION NOTE A LNA OPTIMIZED FOR HIGH IP3out AT 1.9GHz USING THE NPN Si START540 TRANSISTOR F. Caramagno - N. Micalizzi - G. Privitera Data at 1.9GHz 3V, 5mA Gain = 15dB, IP3out = 24dBm, NF = 1.25dB, RL in > 7dB, RL out >20dB 1. INTRODUCTION.

    AN1465 START540 24dBm, OT-343 SC-70) 30mils AN1465 0PF06 PDF

    9x sot23-5

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MC78BC00 Series Product Preview Micropower Voltage Regulator The MC78BC00 voltage regulators are specifically designed to be used with an external power transistor to deliver high current with high voltage accuracy and low quiescent current. The MC78BC00 series are devices suitable for constructing regulators

    MC78BC00 9x sot23-5 PDF


    Abstract: START540 n142
    Text: AN1465 APPLICATION NOTE A LNA OPTIMIZED FOR HIGH IP3out AT 1.9GHz USING THE NPN Si START540 TRANSISTOR F. Caramagno - N. Micalizzi - G. Privitera Data at 1.9GHz 3V, 5mA Gain = 15dB, IP3out = 24dBm, NF = 1.25dB, RL in > 7dB, RL out >20dB 1. INTRODUCTION.

    AN1465 START540 24dBm, OT-343 SC-70) 30mils AN1465 n142 PDF


    Abstract: Motorola mc1413d MC1413D
    Text: MC1413, B MC1416, B High Voltage, High Current Darlington Transistor Arrays The seven NPN Darlington connected transistors in these arrays are well suited for driving lamps, relays, or printer hammers in a variety of industrial and consumer applications. Their high breakdown voltage and internal

    MC1413, MC1416, ULN2003 Motorola mc1413d MC1413D PDF

    Wavetek 395

    Abstract: J280 MC13156F 143-18J12 hp3780A Wavetek 164 MPS901 toko transformer IF 455 khz colpitts oscillator vhf
    Text: MC13156 Wideband FM IF System The MC13156 is a wideband FM IF subsystem targeted at high performance data and analog applications. Excellent high frequency performance is achieved at low cost using Motorola’s MOSAIC 1.5 bipolar process. The MC13156 has an onboard grounded collector VCO transistor

    MC13156 Wavetek 395 J280 MC13156F 143-18J12 hp3780A Wavetek 164 MPS901 toko transformer IF 455 khz colpitts oscillator vhf PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ML13156 Wideband FM IF System Legacy Device: Motorola MC13156 The ML13156 is a wideband FM IF subsystem targeted at high performance data and analog applications. The ML13156 has an onboard grounded collector VCO transistor that may be used with a fundamental or overtone crystal in single channel operation or with a PLL in

    ML13156 MC13156 ML13156 PDF

    TOKO 7mc8128z

    Abstract: 455 khz if transformer MPS901 TOKO CERAMIC FILTER 455 TOKO rlc variable INDUCTANCE HP8640B 455 ceramic filter carrier detect phase shift variable inductor Wavetek 164
    Text: ML13156 Wideband FM IF System Legacy Device: Motorola MC13156 The ML13156 is a wideband FM IF subsystem targeted at high performance data and analog applications. The ML13156 has an onboard grounded collector VCO transistor that may be used with a fundamental or overtone crystal in single channel operation or with a PLL in

    ML13156 MC13156 ML13156 TOKO 7mc8128z 455 khz if transformer MPS901 TOKO CERAMIC FILTER 455 TOKO rlc variable INDUCTANCE HP8640B 455 ceramic filter carrier detect phase shift variable inductor Wavetek 164 PDF

    D 1413 transistor

    Abstract: NTE74191 transistor K 1413 32 bit carry select adder code transistor a 1413 NTE74LS191 NTE74190 NTE74LS190 5.1 diagram NTE74
    Text: 52E D N T E ELECTRONICS INC b M B l B S 6 O D Q S im TÔT INTE g iT B S T T T E TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR LOGIC) Look-Ahead Carry Generator 16-Lead DIP,See Dlag. 249 Dual Carry/Save Full Adder T - 4 3 ' Û' 14-Lead DIP,SeeDlag.247 Blnary-to-BCD Code 16-LeadDIP,SeeDlag.249

    OCR Scan
    16-Lead 14-LeadDIP 16-LeadDIP 256-Bit 64-Blt NTE74190 NTE74LS190 D 1413 transistor NTE74191 transistor K 1413 32 bit carry select adder code transistor a 1413 NTE74LS191 NTE74LS190 5.1 diagram NTE74 PDF

    ksd 302 250v, 10a

    Abstract: irf 5630 transistor 2SB 367 IRF 3055 AC153Y transistor ESM 2878 TIP 43c transistor 2sk116 bf199 bd643
    Text: 5 transistor 1 A-Z datenlexikon data dictionary lexique de donnees enciclopedia dati lexicon de datos vergleichstabelle comparison table table d'equivalence tabella comparativa tabla comparativa ISBN 3-927486-00-0 Dieses Buch ist hinterlegt und urheberrechllich geschutzt. Alle

    OCR Scan
    CB-F36c 2SD1642 2SD2182, 2SC4489, -08S- ksd 302 250v, 10a irf 5630 transistor 2SB 367 IRF 3055 AC153Y transistor ESM 2878 TIP 43c transistor 2sk116 bf199 bd643 PDF


    Abstract: 2N3303 FPT100 phototransistor UA739 equivalent transistor bc 554 pnp mt1039 ft2974 fairchild 2N3565 FD6666 diode transistor npn Epitaxial Silicon SST 117
    Text: Fairchild Semiconductor T ransistor and Diode Data Catalog 1970 The Fairchild Semiconductor Transistor anc Diode Data Catalog is an all-inclusive volume of product information covering diodes anc transistors. Selection guides and data sheets fot each category of products assist you ir

    OCR Scan
    108th MT1115 2N3303 FPT100 phototransistor UA739 equivalent transistor bc 554 pnp mt1039 ft2974 fairchild 2N3565 FD6666 diode transistor npn Epitaxial Silicon SST 117 PDF


    Abstract: 13001 S 6D TRANSISTOR atv5030* motorola 2N5591 MOTOROLA 13001 6D TRANSISTOR BGY41 MHW710-1 construction linear amplifier 2sc1945 7119 amperex bf503
    Text: Volume I Selector Guide 1 Discrete Transistor Data Sheets 2 Case Dimensions 3 Volume II Selector Guide Amplifier Data Sheets 5 Tuning, Hot Carrier and PIN Diode Data Sheets 6 Technical Information Case Dimensions 8 Cross Reference and Sales Offices 9 MOTOROLA RF DEVICE DATA

    OCR Scan
    1PHX11136Q-14 MHW721A2 13001 S 6D TRANSISTOR atv5030* motorola 2N5591 MOTOROLA 13001 6D TRANSISTOR BGY41 MHW710-1 construction linear amplifier 2sc1945 7119 amperex bf503 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    T4S03U MT4S03U MT4S03U PDF

    Fairchild, 2N3019

    Abstract: 2N3906 NPN Fairchild DN2222A transistor 2N2359A fairchild 2n3019 2n2222a fairchild DN3904 2N2907 NPN Transistor 2n3904 npn fairchild 2N3904 NPN Transistor
    Text: FAIRCHILD TRANSISTORS SMALL SIGNAL NPN AND PNP TRANSISTOR DICE BY APPLICATION Item DEVICE NO. Basic VcEO 'CBO @ VcB hFE @ ic V V Standard nA mA Pol. Device Min Max Min/Max 1 DN2484 NPN 2N2484 60 20 45 250/100/450 2 DN3962 PNP 2N3962 60 20 50 3 DN918 NPN

    OCR Scan
    DN2484 2N2484 DN3962 2N3962 11x24 DN918 2N918 DN3904 2N3904 11x18 Fairchild, 2N3019 2N3906 NPN Fairchild DN2222A transistor 2N2359A fairchild 2n3019 2n2222a fairchild 2N2907 NPN Transistor 2n3904 npn fairchild 2N3904 NPN Transistor PDF