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    Nichicon Corporation TPC1C221MAD

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    Abstract: flo14 APCO-25 Spirea
    Text: PRELIMINARY TECHNICAL DATA a IF Digitizing Subsystem AD9874 Preliminary Technical Data FEATURES 10-300 MHz Input Frequency Baseband I/Q Digital Output 10-270 kHz Output Signal Bandwidth 8.7 dB SSB NF (typ.) +1.1 dBm IIP3 (typ.; max. bias) AGCFree Range up to -28 dBm

    48-Pin APCO25, AD9874 AD9874 AD9874-EVB 48-Lead BY1-1F flo14 APCO-25 Spirea PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LH » Precision, Chopper-Stabilized / T T i n e A B _ TECHNOLOGY Instrumentation Amplifier F€flTUR€S DCSCRIPTIOn • Offset Voltage: 10 iV Max ■ Offset Voltage Drift: 50nV/°C Max ■ Bias Current: 50pA Max ■ Offset Current: 50pA Max ■ Gain Nonlinearity: 8ppm Max

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    104dB 1Hzto10HzNoise LTC1100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP91C642A CMOS 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLERS TMP91C642AN /TMP91C642AF 1. OUTLINE AND CHARACTERISTICS The TM P91C642A is an advanced-function and hig h ly in te g ra te d 8-bit microcontroller which is developed for use with software servos. In addition to I/O ports and other basic components, the TMP91C642A has high-speed

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    TMP91C642A TMP91C642AN /TMP91C642AF P91C642A TMP91C642A 64-pin SDIP64-P-750) TMP91C642AP PDF


    Abstract: P621 TOSHIBa T11 P621 B QFP64-P-1420A IRF 444 H p531 TP018 P621 TLCS-90 T814
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP91C642 CMOS 8-BIT M ICROCONTROLLERS TMP91C642N/TMP91C642F 1. OVERVIEW AN D FEATURES T he T M P 91C 642N is a n ad v a n ce d fu n ctio n , h ig h ly in te g r a te d 8 -b it m icro co n tro ller for so ftw are servos. In a d d itio n to I/O p o rts a n d o th e r basic s tr u c tu r a l com ponents, th e T M P 9 1 C 6 4 2 N h a s

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    TMP91C642 TMP91C642N/TMP91C642F TMP91C642N 16-bit CAPD15 CAPD14 CAPD13 CAPD12 TP01A P621 TOSHIBa T11 P621 B QFP64-P-1420A IRF 444 H p531 TP018 P621 TLCS-90 T814 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: /" T H IM F A D d w * TECHNOLOGY LTCHJ4 Switched-Capacitor Wide Input Range Voltage Converter with Shutdown F€flTUR€S D C S C R IP T IO n • Wide Operating Supply Voltage Range: 2V to 18V ■ Boost Pin Pin 1 for Higher Switching Frequency ■ Simple Conversion of 15V to -15V Supply

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    LTC1144 1144S PDF

    D 711 N 65 T

    Abstract: OF IC 713 regulator 712 TX71XW TK71215 tk71347 712 transistor 712 sot23 TOKO voltage regulators TK71147
    Text: naTOKO TK711/712/713 LOW DROPOUT REGULATOR FEATURES APPLICATIONS • Low Dropout Voltage ■ Low Quiescent Current ■ Switch Mode Power Supplies ■ Power Factor Controllers ■ Very Stable Output ■ DC-DC Converters ■ Extremely Small Package SOT23 ■ Stepper Motor Drivers

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    713xx 712xx TK711/712/713 TK711xx/712xx/713xx TK711xx TK71XXX-TPC TK71150, TK71250, D 711 N 65 T OF IC 713 regulator 712 TX71XW TK71215 tk71347 712 transistor 712 sot23 TOKO voltage regulators TK71147 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP91C642 C M O S 8 - B IT M I C R O C O N T R O L L E R S T M P 9 1C 6 4 2 N/TM P 9 1C 6 4 2 F 1. O V E R V IE W A N D FEATU RES The TM P91C642N is an advanced function, highly in teg rate d 8-bit m icrocontroller for softw are servos. In addition to I/O ports and other basic stru c tu ra l components, th e TM P91C642N has

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    TMP91C642 P91C642N 16-bit 16-bitAPDO CAPD10 CAPD17 CAPD16 CAPD15 CAPD14 PDF