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    ferroxcube 4C6 toroid core

    Abstract: philips 4b1 ferrite rod Philips Application Note ECO6907 philips toroid 4c6 4C6 toroid philips ferroxcube 4c6 Design of H.F. Wideband Power Transformers Philips Components, Soft Ferrites Data Handbook M Data Handbook MA01 ECO7703
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE A wideband 30 W push-pull amplifier with two MOS transistors BLF244 VDS = 28 V ; range 25 − 110 MHz NCO8701 Philips Semiconductors A wideband 30 W push-pull amplifier with two MOS Application Note transistors BLF244 (VDS = 28 V); range 25 − 110 MHz

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    Text: APPLICATION NOTE A linear amplifier 1.6 − 28 MHz for 8 W PEP in class-A with the BLF175 NCO8705 Philips Semiconductors A linear amplifier (1.6 − 28 MHz) for 8 W PEP in class-A with the BLF175 CONTENTS 1 SUMMARY 2 INTRODUCTION 3 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS

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    Text: APPLICATION NOTE A wideband linear power amplifier 1.6 − 28 MHz for 300 W PEP with 2 MOS transistors BLF177 NCO8703 Philips Semiconductors A wideband linear power amplifier (1.6 − 28 MHz) for 300 W PEP with 2 MOS transistors BLF177 CONTENTS 1 SUMMARY

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    Abstract: transistor SMD W06 78 NXP Semiconductors 70150 TYN225 WH1602A Matsua microswitch 250V AC IRF9520 Samsung iskra BT 200 MOTOR FM 270R 74HC00M
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    Abstract: EB-27 motorola 2N6368 ecom-2989 Granberg Design of H. F. Wideband Power Transformers AN593 Broadband Linear Power Amplifiers Using Push-Pull Transistors EB-32 complementary symmetry amplifier Indiana general ferrite core 2N6367
    Text: Order this document by AN593/D MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR 33333 APPLICATION NOTE AN593 BROADBAND LINEAR POWER AMPLIFIERS USING PUSH-PULL TRANSISTORS Prepared by: Helge Granberg RF Circuits Engineering INTRODUCTION Linear power amplifier operation, as used in SSB

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    Abstract: hf power combiner broadband transformers Indiana general ferrite core stackpole 57-1845-24b FERRITE TOROID Indiana General F684-1 57-1845-24b Design of H. F. Wideband Power Transformers BROADBAND TRANSFORMERS AND POWER ecom-2989 power combiner broadband transformers
    Text: Order this document by AN749/D MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR APPLICATION NOTE AN749 BROADBAND TRANSFORMERS AND POWER COMBINING TECHNIQUES FOR RF Prepared by: H. Granberg RF Circuits Engineering INTRODUCTION The following discussion focuses on broadband transformers for RF power applications with practical examples

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    Abstract: philips ferroxcube 4c6 NCO8704 philips toroidal transformer 2222 852 47103 PHILIPS toroidal core 4322 020 97171 toroidal transformer for philips BLF244 NCO8705
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE Linear performance of BLF244 in S.S.B. class-A operation NCO8704 Philips Semiconductors Linear performance of BLF244 in S.S.B. class-A operation CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 2 TESTCIRCUIT 3 TESTCONDITIONS 4 TESTRESULTS 5 CONCLUSION 1998 Mar 23

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    Abstract: mosfet handbook trimmer 2-18 pf ww1 45 transistor trafo toroidal AN98021 BLF548 KDI-PPT820-75-3 4814 mosfet chip philips catalog potentiometer 2322 350
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE 100 − 450 MHz 250 W Power Amplifier with the BLF548 MOSFET AN98021 Philips Semiconductors 100 − 450 MHz 250 W Power Amplifier with the BLF548 MOSFET CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 2 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 3 AMPLIFIER CONCEPT 4 INPUT CIRCUITRY

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    Abstract: ferroxcube 4C4 toroid core EB-27 motorola ecom-2989 Stackpole Electronics 57-0572-27A Stackpole 57-9322-11 philips choke vk200 Motorola AN-546 magnetic core philips 3E2A A73D
    Text: Order this document by AN758/D MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR APPLICATION NOTE AN758 A TWO-STAGE 1 kW SOLID-STATE LINEAR AMPLIFIER Prepared by: Helge O. Granberg RF Circuits Engineering INTRODUCTION GENERAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS This application note discusses the design of 50 W and

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    Abstract: regulator 7812 ct motorola sc 7812 REGULATOR IC 7812 motorola 1N4148 7812 voltage regulator 5A SPWM IC datasheet RS 7812 7812 12V 1A positive voltage regulator 7812 ct
    Text: April 1998 ML4812* Power Factor Controller GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4812 is designed to optimally facilitate a peak current control boost type power factor correction system. Special care has been taken in the design of the ML4812 to increase system noise immunity. The circuit includes a

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    Abstract: regulator 7812 ct 1k trimpot 7812 voltage regulator 5A motorola sc 7812 768T188-3C8 Ferroxcube 3C8 TRANSISTOR 7812 ct single phase IC1 7812 B64290-K45
    Text: April 1998 ML4812 Power Factor Controller GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4812 is designed to optimally facilitate a peak current control boost type power factor correction system. Special care has been taken in the design of the ML4812 to increase system noise immunity. The circuit includes a

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    Abstract: TRANSISTOR 7812 ct 7812 voltage regulator 5A 100k trimpot 1n5406 MOTOROLA Siemens Ferrite B64290 4229PL00-3C8 B64290-K45-X830 R16 N30 7812 12V 1A positive voltage regulator 7812 12V voltage regulator
    Text: April 1998 ML4812 Power Factor Controller GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4812 is designed to optimally facilitate a peak current control boost type power factor correction system. Special care has been taken in the design of the ML4812 to increase system noise immunity. The circuit includes a

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    Abstract: B64290-K45-X830 R16 N30 ML4812 58076-A2 siemens n27 FQA24N50 PN2222 substitution Ferroxcube 3C8 1N4148 bourns 3299
    Text: ML4812 Power Factor Controller Features Description • Precision buffered 5V reference ±0.5% • Current-input gain modulator reduces external components and improves noise immunity • Programmable ramp compensation circuit • 1A peak current totem-pole output drive

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    Abstract: philips 3h1 ferrite material 3c80 material Philips Components, Soft Ferrites Data Handbook M PHILIPS toroidal core 3c90 3h1 ferrite material PHILIPS toroidal core 4a11 philips 3C85 ferrite material PHILIPS toroidal core 3c85 PHILIPS ferrite transformer cores
    Text: MAIN MAIN MENU MENU APPLICATIONS Philips Components Soft ferrites Applications APPLICATIONS INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSION Introduction Unwanted high frequency signals are blocked, wanted signals can pass. With the increasing use of electronic equipment it is of vital importance to suppress interfering

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    Abstract: hall ic 01e 3C80 ferrite 3C80 transformer MC33262 3c80 material mbrs360 MC33072 flyback transformer high voltage copier 4n35 optocoupler
    Text: AND8024/D Off-Line Critical Conduction Switching Power Supply with Voltage and Current Limiting Prepared by: Larry Hayes, Jim Spangler ON Semiconductor Phoenix, AZ 85008 APPLICATION NOTE current through the primary of the coupled inductor

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    Abstract: ericsson RBS 6000 series INSTALLATION MANUAL Philips Twin Eye PLN 2032 ERICSSON RBS 6000 Ericsson RBS 6000 hardware manual ericsson RBS 3206 dil relay 349-383 IGBT semikron 613 GB 123 CT ericsson RBS 6000 series Z0765A08PSC
    Text: Discontinued and Superseded Stock Number History. This document contains Discontinued and Superseded Stock Number History. The information is listed in the following format: Stock Number: The original RS Stock Number of the item. Brief Description: The Invoice Description of the item.

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    Abstract: 8T20 philips toroidal transformer toroidal transformer for philips ECG703A
    Text: fc,ts3^23 0003245 7 • — ECG703A RF/IF AMPLIFIER OSCILLATOR AND MIXER - T VT ?-0 3 'D 7 — PHILIPS E C G INC ' 17E D DESCRIPTION The ECG703A integrated circuit is an RF/ IF amplifier intended for use as a limiting or nonlimiting am plifier, harmonic mixer, or

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    Abstract: Circuit Cellar fly back transformer monitor transformer winding milliohm meter circuit icemaster-pe B5303 variable generator 24VDC Maxim Max232CPE DS1267-010 AR102
    Text: CRGUIT CELLAR FEATURE ARTICLE Aubrey Kagan & Ernesto Gradin Developing an AC Current Generator Although it took them a long time with many stops and starts and even an integrated circuit go­ ing obsolete in the process, Aubrey and Ernesto take us through the ins and

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    Abstract: intel 8051 microcontroller quasi smd crystal 12.0f dividing resistor weidmuller square wave generator by 8051 PID controller using OPAMP LT 1624 lcd cm 162-11 weidmuller monitor Hall 01E
    Text: AC Current Generator ACCG by Aubrey Kagan & Ernesto Gradin Introduction Weidmuller manufactures a wide range of industrial signal conditioners. Among them is a series of modules that translate AC current to a standard control signal of 420mA or 0-10V. Integral to the manufacturing process is calibration and test

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    Abstract: ferroxcube 4322 020 97171 68w transistor transistor 68W MCA264 choke marking nb 03 FERROXCUBE 4330 BLF175 ferroxcube 4322 M11 marking transistor
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification HF/VHF power MOS transistor PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL FEATURES 7 ^ 3 1 -// SbE D I 7110Û2L BLF175 DGM3712 2Ô2 « P H I N PIN CONFIGURATION • High power gain • Low intermodulation distortion • Easy power control

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: bbSa^El ODETBbM 404 « A P X Philips Semiconductors Product specification HF/VHF power MOS transistor — BLF175 N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE FEATURES b'JE D PIN CONFIGURATION • High power gain • Low intermodulation distortion • Easy power control • Good thermal stability

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: April 1998 ^ÉL M icro Linear ML4812 Power Factor Controller GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4812 is designed to optimally facilitate a peak current control boost type power factor correction system. Special care has been taken in the design of the ML4812

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    Abstract: motorola 1N4148 n5406 t184 T2258 PHILIPS toroidal core
    Text: A pril 1998 M icro Linear ML4812 Power Factor Controller GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The M L4812 is designed to o ptim ally facilitate a peak current control boost type power factor correction system. Special care has been taken in the design o f the M L4812

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    Abstract: 4N25 PHILIPS MTP3N80E clock u150 100 watt hf mosfet 12 volt U150D TOKO 3702
    Text: UNITRODE CORPORATION APPLICATION NOTE U-150 APPLYING THE UCC3570 VOLTAGE-MODE PWM CONTROLLER TO BOTH OFF-LINE AND DC/DC CONVERTER DESIGNS By Robert A. Mammano Vice President Advanced Technology Abstract BiCMOS processing provides the key to a new integrated PWM controller which offers higher switching frequen­

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