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    TOD 31 Price and Stock

    pico Technology TA531 USB to DC jack power cable

    Pico Technology TA531 USB to DC jack power cable
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics TA531 USB to DC jack power cable
    • 1 $16
    • 10 $16
    • 100 $16
    • 1000 $16
    • 10000 $16
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    Power Integrations MBC31-100-0

    Ribbon Cables / IDC Cables Cable to DC/DC 1mm ERNI MBC31-100-0
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics MBC31-100-0
    • 1 $15.25
    • 10 $14.03
    • 100 $14.03
    • 1000 $14.03
    • 10000 $14.03
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    congatec AG conga-MITX/eDP to DP Adapter

    Sockets & Adapters eDP to standard DisplayPort evaluation adapter for congatec Mini-ITX and SMARC 2.0.
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics conga-MITX/eDP to DP Adapter
    • 1 $77.13
    • 10 $74.24
    • 100 $72.5
    • 1000 $72.5
    • 10000 $72.5
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    Swissbit SFSD1024L1AS1TO-E-DF-231-STD

    Memory Cards Industrial SD Card, S-600, 1 GB, SLC Flash, -25C to +85C
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics SFSD1024L1AS1TO-E-DF-231-STD
    • 1 $32.93
    • 10 $30.96
    • 100 $25.48
    • 1000 $24.79
    • 10000 $24.79
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    TOD 31 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: ZL30143 ZLAN
    Text: ZLAN-265 Applications of the ZL30142/43 Tracking ToD Information using the ZL30142/43 Application Note Contents April 2010 1.0 1.0 Heading 2.0 Latching the Time of Day ToD seed 3.0 Tracking the Time of Day (ToD) information Heading Many of today's Timing applications (e.g., Wireless

    ZLAN-265 ZL30142/43 ZL30142 ZL30143 ZLAN PDF


    Abstract: ZL30143 ZLAN-265 TOD 31
    Text: ZLAN-265 Applications of the ZL30142/43 Tracking ToD Information using the ZL30142/43 Application Note Contents December 2010 1.0 1.0 Heading 2.0 Latching the Time of Day ToD seed 3.0 Tracking the Time of Day (ToD) information Heading Many of today's Timing applications (e.g., Wireless

    ZLAN-265 ZL30142/43 ZL30142 ZL30143 ZLAN-265 TOD 31 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator VCXO Page 1 of 2 VC7000 Series- General Specification n APPROVALS RALTRON Eng. approval, date: Luis Vargas 12/09/02 CUSTOMER Name please print : Sales approval, date: Tod Raphaely Dec 9,02 Title (please print): Created by, date:

    VC7000 VC7425A-LZ-100-16 384-T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator VCXO Page 1 of 2 VC7000 Series- General Specification APPROVALS RALTRON Eng. approval, date: Luis Vargas 12/09/02 CUSTOMER Name please print : Sales approval, date: Tod Raphaely Dec 9,02 Title (please print): Created by, date:

    VC7000 VC7425A-LZ-100-16 384-T PDF


    Abstract: "Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator" VC7000 VC742
    Text: Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator VCXO Page 1 of 2 VC7000 Series- General Specification n APPROVALS RALTRON Eng. approval, date: Luis Vargas 12/09/02 CUSTOMER Name please print : Sales approval, date: Tod Raphaely Dec 9,02 Title (please print): Created by, date:

    VC7000 VC7425A-LZ-100-16 384-T vcxo "Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator" VC742 PDF


    Abstract: vectron ocxo gps receiver
    Text: AR76 GPS-Disciplined Rubidium/OCXO Clock AR76 Features • Frequency Accuracy : 1E-12 • 1PPS Accuracy: 20ns RMS • Holdover: 1 s/24 hours, 5E-11/month • 20 outputs 10MHz, 1PPS, TOD • LAN IPV4 (NTP V3, Monitor & Control, DHCP) • External 1PPS / Frequency input for disciplining

    1E-12 5E-11/month 10MHz, RS232, 30MHz, D-74924 1-88-VECTRON-1 AR76 vectron ocxo gps receiver PDF

    telefunken ra 200 amplifier

    Abstract: UAG2 tube DK 92 telefunken ra telefunken s 150 telefunken ra 200 telefunken tubes A 7721
    Text: Netzröhre für W -Helzung indirekt geheizt Parallelspeisung TELEFUNKEN AC-Heating indirectly heated connected in parallel P en tod e fü r B re itb a n d v e rstä rk e r Pen tod e fo r W id e - b a n d a m p lifie r V o rläu fig e technische D aten • Tentative d ata

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 6k7g 35z5gt 6k6gt 25L6GT 6q7g 70L7-GT 35L6GT 35z5 12k7gt
    Text: SYLVANIA 6 J7 G T Pen tod e 6K 6G T Pentod e 6K 7G T Pentod e "ek B G T " Triode-H exode 6Q 7G T D ouble D iode-Triode D ouble Diode H eptode 12A8GT 6.3 6.3 6K 7G 6K 8G 6Q7G 6.3 6.3 0.30 LE TUBE 0.30 6A8G 12B 8G T Pen tod e-T riode ~ 8 -T T 9 -E 0.15 12F5G T

    OCR Scan
    12B8GT 12F5GT 12J5GT 12K7GT 25A7G. 25L6G. 25Z6G. 35LGG. 70l7gt 6k7g 35z5gt 6k6gt 25L6GT 6q7g 70L7-GT 35L6GT 35z5 12k7gt PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: □0G3 SDC-14550 SERIES ILC DATA DEVICE CORPORATION_ _ _ PROGRAMMABLE SYNCHRO/RESOLVER-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS PRELIMINARY FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Single 5V power supply The SDC-14550 Series are small, lowcost hybrid Synchro- or Resolver-toD igital converters based on a

    OCR Scan
    SDC-14550 16-bit F/10Vdc 400Hz PDF


    Abstract: electronic tubes Scans-0017262
    Text: T5* S Y L V A N IA TYPE 12AC6 Remote C utoff Pen tod* w 7BK MECHANICAL DATA B u lb . T -5 ^ B a se .E7-1, M in ia tu re B u tto n 7 -P in

    OCR Scan
    12AC6 12AC6 electronic tubes Scans-0017262 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE TOD D bb53T31 OOlObSO 3 BYV39 SERIES SCHOTTKY-BARRIER RECTIFIER DIODES High-efficiency schottky-barrier rectifier diodes in TO-220 plastic envelopes, featuring low forward voltage drop, low capacitance, absence of stored charge, and high temperature stability. They are

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    bb53T31 BYV39 O-220 BYV39-40A; PDF


    Abstract: BYV39-40A m1727 BYV39 M0026 M1729 BYV39-30 t03n
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE TOD D bbSBTBl DGlüb2D 3 BYV39 SERIES SCHOTTKY-BARRIER RECTIFIER DIODES Hlgh-efficiency schottky-barrier rectifier diodes in T0-220 plastic envelopes, featuring low forward voltage drop, low capacitance, absence of stored charge, and high temperature stability. They are

    OCR Scan
    bb53131 BYV39 T0-220 BYV39-40A; BYV39â M1246 M81-1555/9 M1729 BYV39-35 BYV39-40A m1727 M0026 M1729 BYV39-30 t03n PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TC74ACT157,158 Quad 2-Channel Multiplexers TC74ACT158: Inverting Features: • High Speed: tod = 5.1 ns typ. at Vcc = 5V • Low Power Dissipation: lcc = 8|iA (max.) at • Compatible with TTL Outputs: V1L=0.8V (max.) V,h=2.0V (min.) • Symmetrical Output Impedance: ll0H* = Iol = 24mA

    OCR Scan
    TC74ACT157 TC74ACT158: TC74AC157 PDF


    Abstract: BYP59-300U TO227
    Text: ! N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE DEVELOPMENT DATA TOD D 90D • bbSBTBl OOlOSSt T '- ¿ > 2 - 10226 a -/ BYP59 SERIES T h is data sheet contains advance information end specifications are subject to change without notice. ULTRA FAST RECOVERY RECTIFIER DIODES FEATURING LOW REVERSE LEAKAGE

    OCR Scan
    BYP59 100AAis; BYP59-300M BYP59-300U TO227 PDF


    Abstract: thyristor 507 1N3909 1N3910 1N3911 1N3912
    Text: N AMER PHILIP S/D ISCRETE TOD D btS3T31 G010S40 S 1N3909 to 1N3913 FAST SOFT-RECOVERY RECTIFIER DIODES Silicon diodes in DO—5 metal envelopes, featuring non-snap-off characteristics. They are intended for use in high-frequency power supplies, thyristor inverters and multi-phase power rectifier applications.

    OCR Scan
    bbS3T31 G010S40 1N3909 1N3913 1N3910 1N3911 1N3912 1N3913. 1N3913 thyristor 507 PDF


    Abstract: QDC-2
    Text: Wfw\ HEW LETT mZEM PACKARD HP1Q Z1 D ual 5-bit F lash Analog-toD igital C onverter Preliminary G eneral D escription The HP 1QZ1 Dual 5-bit Flash Analog-to-Digital Converter implements two high-speed flash analog-to-digital convert­ ers ADCs on a single mono­

    OCR Scan
    6091-6930E 00-VREF QDC-2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: mUHM PACKARD WhßI HEW LETT HP 1QZ1 D ual 5-bit F lash Analog-toD igital C onverter Preliminary General D escription The HP 1QZ1 Dual 5-bit Flash Analog-to-Digital Converter implements two high-speed flash analog-to-digital convert­ ers ADCs on a single mono­

    OCR Scan
    5091-5930E PDF


    Abstract: SDC1455
    Text: QQQ SDC-14550 SERIES ILC DATA DEVICE CORPORATIONS_ _ PROGRAMMABLE SYNCHRO/RESOLVER-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Single 5Vpow er supply The SDC-14550 Series are small, lowcost hybrid Synchro- or Resolver-toD ig ita l c o n v e r te rs b a se d on a

    OCR Scan
    SDC-14550 1455X 400Hz SDC1455 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: news For immediate release Reader contact: Tod Raphaely 305 5-93-6033 Press contact: Dick Hackmeister (954) 568-2511 NEW STRATUM-3 OCXO #RAL-673 FITS IN 14-PIN DIP« Low cost OCXO is more stable than higher cost TCXOs. Miami FL, February 21, 2000 — Raltron Electronics Corp here

    OCR Scan
    14-PIN RAL-673 OX-2000 Af-10Hz 100Hz 100kHz Vs-90 PDF


    Abstract: ALPS 102 BYX50-200 IEC134J BYX5
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE TOD 1^53131 OOIDSSO T D BYX50 SERIES T - 03-/7 FAST SOFT-RECOVERY RECTIFIER DIODES Silicon diodes in DO-4 metal envelopes, intended for use in high-frequency power supplies, thyristor inverters and multi-phase power rectifier applications. The series consists of the following types:

    OCR Scan
    BYX50 T-03-/7 BYX50-200, BYX50- 001052b ALPS 102 BYX50-200 IEC134J BYX5 PDF


    Abstract: DIODE SD51 IEC134 M0046 diode t03
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE ^ TOD 0800160 90D D AMPEREX, 10652 • fabS3131 OOlQbSS S SLATERSVILLE T '0 3 PHSD51 D SC H O T T K Y — BARRIER RECTIFIER DIODE High-efficiency rectifier diode in a D O — 5 metal envelope, featuring lo w forw ard voltage drop, low

    OCR Scan
    fabS3131 PHSD51 PHSD51 M0046 M0047 DIODE SD51 IEC134 M0046 diode t03 PDF


    Abstract: BY261-200 IEC134
    Text: TOD D N AMER PHILIPS/D ISCRE TE 90D 1 0 1 5 8 MAINTENANCE TYPES D ^53^31 I 001Q1SÖ T - 3 3 - 0 7 Ö BY261 SERIES SILICON BRIDGE RECTIFIERS Ready for use full-wave bridge rectifiers in a plastic encapsulation. The bridges are intended for use in equipment supplied from a.c. with r.m.s. voltages up to 420 V and

    OCR Scan
    001Q1SÃ BY261 100oC BY261-200 IEC134 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Q Q Q SDC-14550 SERIES ILC DATA DEVICE CORPORATION _ _ PROGRAMMABLE SYNCHRO/RESOLVER-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS FEATURES • DESCRIPTION The SDC-14550 Series are small, lowcost hybrid Synchro- or Resolver-toD ig ita l c o n v e rte rs b a se d on a single-chip monolithic. The completely

    OCR Scan
    SDC-14550 400Hz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DBS SDC-14550 SERIES l i e DATA DEVICE _ _ CORPORATION_ PROGRAMMABLE SYNCHRO/RESOLVER-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS PRELIMINARY DESCRIPTION The SDC-14550 Series are small, lowcost hybrid Synchro- or Resolver-toD ig ita l c o n v e r te r s b a se d on a single-chip monolithic. The completely

    OCR Scan
    SDC-14550 MIL-STD-202E, 400Hz PDF