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    TNR 560 Search Results

    TNR 560 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 12v471k TNR12V471K 10V241K TNR Varistor 12V471K 12V-471K 20V241K TND12V-471KB 12V-621K 12v471
    Text: METAL OXIDE VARISTORS TNR TM RoHS Compliant ?FEATURES @Large surge capability the surge current ratings of TNR V series, by 8/20 Ms, are about two times larger than TNR G series . @Large energy capability (1.5 time larger than TNR G series). @One rank smaller TNR V has same peak current as TNR G.

    E323623 E65426 LR97864 E1006R 14V241K 12v471k TNR12V471K 10V241K TNR Varistor 12V471K 12V-471K 20V241K TND12V-471KB 12V-621K 12v471 PDF

    varistor 10V-471K

    Abstract: TND20V 10v 471k tnr 10V471K varistor 20k 230 10V431K 10v471k tnr TNR14V471K 10n 471k 14V471K
    Text: METAL OXIDE VARISTORS TNR ?FEATURES @Large surge capability the surge current ratings of TNR V series, by 8/20 M Sec., are about two times larger than TNR G series . @Large energy capability (1.5 time larger than TNR G series). @One rank smaller TNR V has same peak current as TNR G.

    E95427 E65426 CECC42000/CECC42200/CECC42201 E1006M varistor 10V-471K TND20V 10v 471k tnr 10V471K varistor 20k 230 10V431K 10v471k tnr TNR14V471K 10n 471k 14V471K PDF


    Abstract: 10V471K 9V511K 14V561K 14v431k 14V471K tnr VARISTOR 10v471k 14V102K 14v391k 20v471k
    Text: METAL OXIDE VARISTORS TNR ?FEATURES @Large surge capability the surge current ratings of TNR V series, by 8/20 M Sec., are about two times larger than TNR G series . @Large energy capability (1.5 time larger than TNR G series). @One rank smaller TNR V has same peak current as TNR G.

    E95427 E65426 CECC42000 CECC42200 CECC42201 10HzK55Hz E1006K 14V471K 10V471K 9V511K 14V561K 14v431k 14V471K tnr VARISTOR 10v471k 14V102K 14v391k 20v471k PDF

    varistor 10V-471K

    Abstract: 14v471 151kB 561KB 20V561k 20V470K 14V471K tnr TND10V-271K 10V-270K 14V821K
    Text: METAL OXIDE VARISTORS TNR ?FEATURES @Large surge capability the surge current ratings of TNR V series, by 8/20 M Sec., are about two times larger than TNR G series . @Large energy capability (1.5 time larger than TNR G series). @One rank smaller TNR V has same peak current as TNR G.

    E95427 E65426 CECC42000/CECC42200/CECC42201 E1006M varistor 10V-471K 14v471 151kB 561KB 20V561k 20V470K 14V471K tnr TND10V-271K 10V-270K 14V821K PDF


    Abstract: 14V471K 10V431K 14V102K 7v471k 14v431k 14V561K 10V271K 20v471k 20V911k
    Text: METAL OXIDE VARISTORS TNR ?FEATURES @Large surge capability the surge current ratings of TNR V series, by 8/20 M Sec., are about two times larger than TNR G series . @Large energy capability (1.5 time larger than TNR G series). @One rank smaller TNR V has same peak current as TNR G.

    E95427 E65426 CECC42000/CECC42200/CECC42201 10HzK55Hz E1006L 10V471K 14V471K 10V431K 14V102K 7v471k 14v431k 14V561K 10V271K 20v471k 20V911k PDF

    TNR Varistor 12V471K

    Abstract: 12v471k 14V241K Varistor 12V471K TNR12V471K 10V241K TNr12V-471K 14v391k TNd07 TND14V271K
    Text: METAL OXIDE VARISTORS TNR TM RoHS Compliant ?FEATURES @Large surge capability the surge current ratings of TNR V series, by 8/20 Ms, are about two times larger than TNR G series . @Large energy capability (1.5 time larger than TNR G series). @One rank smaller TNR V has same peak current as TNR G.

    E323623 E65426 LR97864 E1006R TNR Varistor 12V471K 12v471k 14V241K Varistor 12V471K TNR12V471K 10V241K TNr12V-471K 14v391k TNd07 TND14V271K PDF


    Abstract: VARISTOR 10v471k 7V271K TNR 10v471k tnr TNR7V820KKTNR7V511K TNR7V150KKTNR7V680K 14v391k 7V431K 14V471K 14V-681K
    Text: TNR V SERIES ● Features ◆ Large surge capability the surge current ratings of TNR V series, by 8/20 µ Sec., are about two times larger than TNR G series . ◆ Large energy capability (1.5 time larger than TNR G series). ◆ One rank smaller TNR V has same peak current as TNR

    E95427 E65426 CECC42000 CECC42200 CECC42201 E1006H 10V471K VARISTOR 10v471k 7V271K TNR 10v471k tnr TNR7V820KKTNR7V511K TNR7V150KKTNR7V680K 14v391k 7V431K 14V471K 14V-681K PDF

    varistor 10V-471K

    Abstract: 10n 471k 10V471K metal oxide varistor 471k 20k TNR Varistor 14V471K v 14 k 300 varistor TND20V K1800 10v 471k tnr
    Text: METAL OXIDE VARISTORS TNR ?FEATURES @Large surge capability the surge current ratings of TNR V series, by 8/20 M Sec., are about two times larger than TNR G series . @Large energy capability (1.5 time larger than TNR G series). @One rank smaller TNR V has same peak current as TNR G.

    E95427 E65426 CECC42000/CECC42200/CECC42201 APPLICATIO00 TND05V-* TND07V-* TND09V-* TND10V-* TND12V-* TND14V-* varistor 10V-471K 10n 471k 10V471K metal oxide varistor 471k 20k TNR Varistor 14V471K v 14 k 300 varistor TND20V K1800 10v 471k tnr PDF


    Abstract: 20V112K 14V-221K 14V471K TNR7V471K 20V911k 10V431K 7V820K 10V681K 7V220K
    Text: METAL OXIDE VARISTORS TNR ?FEATURES @Large surge capability the surge current ratings of TNR V series, by 8/20 M Sec., are about two times larger than TNR G series . @Large energy capability (1.5 time larger than TNR G series). @One rank smaller TNR V has same peak current as TNR G.

    E95427 E65426 CECC42000/CECC42200/CECC42201 10HzK55Hz E1006L 10V471K 20V112K 14V-221K 14V471K TNR7V471K 20V911k 10V431K 7V820K 10V681K 7V220K PDF


    Abstract: 10V470 20V82 TND10V-821KB00AAA0 TND07V-390KB00AAA0 14v391k
    Text: METAL OXIDE VARISTORS TNRTM RoHS Compliant ?FEATURES @Large surge capability the surge current ratings of TNR V series, by 8/20 Ms, are about two times larger than TNR G series . @Large energy capability (1.5 time larger than TNR G series). @One rank smaller TNR V has same peak current as TNR G.

    E95427 E65426 CECC42000/CECC42200/CECC42201, IEC61051 E1006P 20V-681 10V470 20V82 TND10V-821KB00AAA0 TND07V-390KB00AAA0 14v391k PDF

    10v471k tnr

    Abstract: 10V471K 7V271K TNR 14v471k 10v271k tnr 14v431k 14V102K 14V561K TNR 14V431K 14V-471K
    Text: TNR V SERIES ● Features ◆ Large surge capability the surge current ratings of TNR V series, by 8/20 µ Sec., are about two times larger than TNR G series . ◆ Large energy capability (1.5 time larger than TNR G series). ◆ One rank smaller TNR V has same peak current as

    E95427 E65426 CECC42000 CECC42200 CECC42201 E1006J 10v471k tnr 10V471K 7V271K TNR 14v471k 10v271k tnr 14v431k 14V102K 14V561K TNR 14V431K 14V-471K PDF

    10n 431K varistor

    Abstract: 20V-431K 10v 471k tnr 431K-471K tnd10se 221K-621K TND07 TND12V-471KB TND14SE tea 6520
    Text: METAL OXIDE VARISTORS TNRTM RoHS Compliant ◆FEATURES surge capability the surge current ratings of TNR V series, by 8/20 µs, are about two times larger than TNR G series . ● Large energy capability (1.5 time larger than TNR G series). ● One rank smaller TNR V has same peak current as TNR G.

    E323623 E65426 LR97864 mm/20 E1006S 10n 431K varistor 20V-431K 10v 471k tnr 431K-471K tnd10se 221K-621K TND07 TND12V-471KB TND14SE tea 6520 PDF


    Abstract: 12v471k 14v471k 7v241k TND07V-471KB00AAA0 TNR14V471K 14V241K TND14V-621KB00AAA0 TND09V-820KB00AAA0 TNR Varistor 12V471K
    Text: METAL OXIDE VARISTORS TNRTM RoHS Compliant ?FEATURES @Large surge capability the surge current ratings of TNR V series, by 8/20 Ms, are about two times larger than TNR G series . @Large energy capability (1.5 time larger than TNR G series). @One rank smaller TNR V has same peak current as TNR G.

    E323623 E65426 LR97864 E1006S 10V471K 12v471k 14v471k 7v241k TND07V-471KB00AAA0 TNR14V471K 14V241K TND14V-621KB00AAA0 TND09V-820KB00AAA0 TNR Varistor 12V471K PDF

    varistor 10V-471K

    Abstract: 14V102K TND14V-621KB00AAA0 331KB 20V-431K 20V561k TND14 14V560K 14V-241K 20V-471K
    Text: METAL OXIDE VARISTORS TNRTM RoHS Compliant ?FEATURES @Large surge capability the surge current ratings of TNR V series, by 8/20 Ms, are about two times larger than TNR G series . @Large energy capability (1.5 time larger than TNR G series). @One rank smaller TNR V has same peak current as TNR G.

    E95427 E65426 CECC42000/CECC42200/CECC42201 E1006O varistor 10V-471K 14V102K TND14V-621KB00AAA0 331KB 20V-431K 20V561k TND14 14V560K 14V-241K 20V-471K PDF


    Abstract: 14v471k 14V101K 10V471K 14v112k 14V182K 14V102K 14V561K 180KB 14V-471K
    Text: METAL OXIDE VARISTORS TNRTM RoHS Compliant ?FEATURES @Large surge capability the surge current ratings of TNR V series, by 8/20 Ms, are about two times larger than TNR G series . @Large energy capability (1.5 time larger than TNR G series). @One rank smaller TNR V has same peak current as TNR G.

    E95427 E65426 CECC42000/CECC42200/CECC42201, IEC61051 E1006Q 14v431k 14v471k 14V101K 10V471K 14v112k 14V182K 14V102K 14V561K 180KB 14V-471K PDF


    Abstract: TND14V TNR14V270K 14V-112K TNR14V471 varistor 10V-471K 121KB TNR 14V431K 14v391k TNR14V470K
    Text: METAL OXIDE VARISTORS TNRTM RoHS Compliant ?FEATURES @Large surge capability the surge current ratings of TNR V series, by 8/20 Ms, are about two times larger than TNR G series . @Large energy capability (1.5 time larger than TNR G series). @One rank smaller TNR V has same peak current as TNR G.

    E95427 E65426 CECC42000/CECC42200/CECC42201, IEC61051 E1006Q 10V471K TND14V TNR14V270K 14V-112K TNR14V471 varistor 10V-471K 121KB TNR 14V431K 14v391k TNR14V470K PDF


    Abstract: 14V471K 10V431K VARISTOR 10v471k 14V102K 10v471k tnr 20v471k 14V561K 20V112K 14v431k
    Text: TNR V SERIES ● Features ◆ Large surge capability the surge current ratings of TNR V series, by 8/20 µ Sec., are about two times larger than TNR G series . ◆ Large energy capability (1.5 time larger than TNR G series). ◆ One rank smaller TNR V has same peak current as

    E95427 E65426 CECC42000 CECC42200 CECC42201 E1006I 10V471K 14V471K 10V431K VARISTOR 10v471k 14V102K 10v471k tnr 20v471k 14V561K 20V112K 14v431k PDF

    varistor 10V-471K

    Abstract: 20V241K 14V751K 14v391k
    Text: METAL OXIDE VARISTORS TNRTM V Series RoHS Compliant ◆FEATURES ●Large surge capability the surge current ratings of TNR V series, by 8/20 µs, are about two times larger than TNR G series . ● Large energy capability (1.5 time larger than TNR G series).

    E323623 E65426 LR97864 E1006V varistor 10V-471K 20V241K 14V751K 14v391k PDF


    Abstract: TNR10SE tnr10se271 tnr 221 TNR12H220K varistor tnr tnr10se271k TNR15H220K TNR20V471K TNR Varistor
    Text: SURGE ABSORBERS ‹ METAL OXIDE VARISTORS TNR R TNR Series ™Taping Specification • The Specifications for TNR C Series Dimensions(mm) Size ±0.1 B± ± 0.1 W± ±0.3 F± ±0.1 E± ±0.1 P1±0.1 P2±0.1 P3±0.1 ΦD0+0.10 TMax. T2Max. ΦD1Min. A± code

    TNR5C220K470K, TNR5C820K271K TNR5C560K, TNR32E TNR20E TNR10SE621 TNR10SE tnr10se271 tnr 221 TNR12H220K varistor tnr tnr10se271k TNR15H220K TNR20V471K TNR Varistor PDF


    Abstract: WP1J 10V471K varistor 472 ns b 10v 471k tnr 47p3 10n 471k TRANSISTOR F10 10N metal oxide varistor 471k 20k tnr g 471k

    E1006S AC110V TND14V-271K AC220V TND14V-471K 20e221 WP1J 10V471K varistor 472 ns b 10v 471k tnr 47p3 10n 471k TRANSISTOR F10 10N metal oxide varistor 471k 20k tnr g 471k PDF

    tnr g 180k

    Abstract: tnr g 471k TNR G Series
    Text: METAL OXIDE VARISTORS TNR Marcon TNR Metal Oxide Varistors are voltage dependent, symmetrical resistors which perform in a manner similar to back-to-back zener diodes in circuit protective functions and offer advantages in performance and economics. When ex­

    OCR Scan
    600/2Times tnr g 180k tnr g 471k TNR G Series PDF


    Abstract: V250HE250 varistor 472 ns b V420HE400 varistor 472 N V275LA15A TNR12G471K marcon 15G820K V480HE450
    Text: HARCON AMERICA CORP 5733311 0001124 5 « M A R 34E D MARCCN AMERICA CORP. METAL OXIDE VARISTORS TNR TNR is a metal oxide varistor having steep non-linear V-I characteristics and high discharge current capability. Marcon “TNR" characteristics • TN R Features

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 15G241K 12G241K VARISTOR 275 LA 20A 420LA40A marcon TNR G Series TNR Varistor 211KM
    Text: S'?E D MARCON AMERICA CORP • 57&3311 DDDlbOM SET ■ MAR MARCON AMERICA CORP. TNR G M SERIES HIGH PERFORMANCE METAL OXIDE VARISTORS t o (200V thru 1600V only) TNR-G Series Applications: Solid State Motor Control Solid State Relays/Timers Telephone Solid State Circuits Railroad Circuitry

    OCR Scan
    TNR15G TNR15G330KM TNR15G 220KM VARISTOR 39Za 15G241K 12G241K VARISTOR 275 LA 20A 420LA40A marcon TNR G Series TNR Varistor 211KM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: METAL OXIDE VARISTORS TNR GF-SERIES Maximum GF Series are combination of TNR G Series with Thermal Fuse Maximum Peak M axim um C u rren t E n e rg y A p p lie d V olta g e M odel N um ber A C Vms DC V TN R15G F271K 175 225 TN R15G F471K 300 385 T N R 15G F821K

    OCR Scan
    F271K F821K F471K TNR23D681K TNR23D561K R23D471K TNR23D391K TNR23D331K TNR23D271K TNR15D152K PDF