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    TN10 6 4 3F3 Search Results

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    TN10 6 4 3F3 Price and Stock

    Ferroxcube International Holding BV TN10-6-4-3F3

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    DigiKey TN10-6-4-3F3 Bulk 3,360
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    • 10000 $0.33363
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    Ferroxcube International Holding BV TN10/6/4-3F3

    Ferrite Core Cylindrical 44 mm Length 52 mm ID 106 mm OD (Alt: 432703034981)
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    Avnet Abacus TN10/6/4-3F3 3,360
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    TN10 6 4 3F3 Datasheets Context Search

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    ferroxcube 3D3* violet colour

    Abstract: ferroxcube 4a11 ferroxcube handbook 4c65 CBW314 Frequency transformer orange material grade 3e25 Toroid 3F3 3C90 3E25
    Text: FERROXCUBE DATA SHEET TN10/6/4 Ferrite toroids Supersedes data of November 2000 2002 Feb 01 Ferroxcube Ferrite toroids TN10/6/4 RING CORES TOROIDS Effective core parameters SYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNIT Σ(I/A) core factor (C1) 3.07 mm−1 Ve effective volume

    TN10/6/4 CBW314 ferroxcube 3D3* violet colour ferroxcube 4a11 ferroxcube handbook 4c65 CBW314 Frequency transformer orange material grade 3e25 Toroid 3F3 3C90 3E25 PDF

    PHILIPS toroidal core 3f3

    Abstract: 4-3E25 ferrite 4a11 philips 3e5 philips 3f3 ferrite PHILIPS toroidal core 3c90 ring ferrite core TL10/6/4 toroidal core toroid core
    Text: Philips Components Product specification Ferrite ring cores toroids TN10/6/4 RING CORES (TOROIDS) Effective core parameters SYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNIT Σ(I/A) core factor (C1) 3.07 mm−1 Ve effective volume 188 mm3 Ie effective length 24.1 mm Ae effective area

    TN10/6/4 CBW314 criti6/4-3E25 TL10/6/4-3E5 TL10/6/4-3E6 PHILIPS toroidal core 3f3 4-3E25 ferrite 4a11 philips 3e5 philips 3f3 ferrite PHILIPS toroidal core 3c90 ring ferrite core TL10/6/4 toroidal core toroid core PDF


    Abstract: TN10 6 4 3f3 4-3E25 3C85 3E25 4A11 4C65 CBW314 PA11 TN10
    Text: Philips Components Product specification Ferrite ring cores toroids TN10/6/4 RING CORES (TOROIDS) Effective core parameters SYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNIT Σ(I/A) core factor (C1) 3.07 mm−1 Ve effective volume 188 mm3 Ie effective length 24.1 mm Ae effective area

    TN10/6/4 TN10/6/4-3C11 TN10/6/4-3E25 TL10/6/4-3E5 TL10/6/4-3E6 43E25 TN10 6 4 3f3 4-3E25 3C85 3E25 4A11 4C65 CBW314 PA11 TN10 PDF

    ferroxcube 4a11

    Abstract: ferroxcube 3D3* violet colour 3f3 ferrite material 3E25 ferrite 4a11 ferroxcube 4C65 toroid core 4A11 4C65 3C90 PA11
    Text: 2002-05-14 PRODUKTINFORMATION Vi reserverar oss mot fel samt förbehåller oss rätten till ändringar utan föregående meddelande ELFA artikelnr 58-760-73 Toroid 3E25 10x6x4 mm 58-762-71 Toroid 3F3 10x6x4 mm 58-764-79 Toroid 4A11 10x6x4 mm TN10/6/4-3E25

    10x6x4 TN10/6/4-3E25 TN10/6/4-3F3 TN10/6/4-4A11 TN10/6/4 ferroxcube 4a11 ferroxcube 3D3* violet colour 3f3 ferrite material 3E25 ferrite 4a11 ferroxcube 4C65 toroid core 4A11 4C65 3C90 PA11 PDF

    SC10 ntc

    Abstract: 3a331 2G300 3J683 3g50 3k102 019k 3H103 3L104 TH20
    Text: Surface Mount DIA NTC THERMISTORS ELECTRONICS A Subsidiary of 99.8.06 NTC Chip Thermistors ELECTRONICS SMD Type NTC Thermistors Using our company's unique materials, product design, and manufacturing technologies, we have been able to produce smaller and increasingly higher precision

    10sec SC10 ntc 3a331 2G300 3J683 3g50 3k102 019k 3H103 3L104 TH20 PDF


    Abstract: 3N153 datasheet SC10 ntc 3J683 3V152 FUSE SMD tn MMC Electronics America 2G300 NTC 22K 0805 3N33
    Text: Surface Mount DIA NTC THERMISTORS ELECTRONICS A Subsidiary of 98.11.10 NTC Chip Thermistors ELECTRONICS SMD Type NTC Thermistors Using our company's unique materials, product design, and manufacturing technologies, we have been able to produce smaller and increasingly higher precision

    10sec 3a331 3N153 datasheet SC10 ntc 3J683 3V152 FUSE SMD tn MMC Electronics America 2G300 NTC 22K 0805 3N33 PDF

    CFL inverter circuit schematic diagram

    Abstract: cfl circuit diagram cfl circuit diagram of 12 volts OSRAM cfl cfl circuit diagram of 6 volts schematic diagram Electronic Ballast 236 OSRAM CFL transistor Electronic ballast cfl lamp inverter circuit AN00048 ballast Self-Oscillating
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE Self Oscillating 25W CFL Lamp Circuit AN00048 TP97036.2/F5.5 Philips Semiconductors Self Oscillating 25W CFL Lamp Circuit Application Note AN00048 Abstract A description is given of a self oscillating CFL circuit demo board PR39922 , which is able to drive a standard

    AN00048 TP97036 PR39922) GX24q-3 CFL25W 260mA, 28kHz 449mA CFL inverter circuit schematic diagram cfl circuit diagram cfl circuit diagram of 12 volts OSRAM cfl cfl circuit diagram of 6 volts schematic diagram Electronic Ballast 236 OSRAM CFL transistor Electronic ballast cfl lamp inverter circuit AN00048 ballast Self-Oscillating PDF

    ER 2510 type bobbin

    Abstract: philips 3h1 ferrite material philips 3C85 ferrite material E65 core bobbin soft ferrites philips handbook philips RM6 3C85 er28 bobbin E55 core bobbin ETD54 bobbin ETD 34 3c85
    Text: MAIN MAIN MENU MENU SOFT FERRITE PRODUCTS E cores and accessories Planar E cores and accesories EC cores and accessories EFD cores and accessories EP cores and accessories ER cores and accessories ETD cores and accessories P, P/I, PT and PTS cores and accessories + PH cores

    MSB594 TN12/8/4 TN17/9 TN20/13/6 TN24/15/7 TN27/15/11 TN33/20/11 CBW199 ER 2510 type bobbin philips 3h1 ferrite material philips 3C85 ferrite material E65 core bobbin soft ferrites philips handbook philips RM6 3C85 er28 bobbin E55 core bobbin ETD54 bobbin ETD 34 3c85 PDF

    philips 3h1 ferrite material

    Abstract: ferroxcube handbook old ferrite ferroxcube Ee core 3H1 ferroxcube philips ferroxcube 4c65 ferroxcube 3E1 3h1 ferrite material philips 3f3 ferrite philips 3f3 ferrite toroid philips p14/8 3h1
    Text: PRODUCT SELECTION GUIDE 2001 A Y AG E O C O M PA N Y List of contents page This Selection Guide offers an overview of the product ranges made by FERROXCUBE It contains short-form data for quick selection by development engineers and offers an overview for


    Selection Guide

    Abstract: FERROXCUBE ferroxcube 31 toroid core SP 5001 IC INVERTER inverter ccfl SP 5001 IC INVERTER ferroxcube handbook old ferrite philips etd34 ferrite part number Rod 3B1 smooth l 7251 3.1 etd29 14 pin vertical bobbins
    Text: PRODUCT SELECTION GUIDE 2003 A Y A G E O C O M P A N Y List of contents List of contents continued page page General introduction Application matrix 2 8 Power conversion and Signal processing Materials and applications Bobbins and accessories Integrated Inductive Components (IIC)


    PHILIPS toroidal core 2P80

    Abstract: PHILIPS toroidal core 3c90 push-pull converter design Philips Components, Soft Ferrites 3C11 philips 3e1 ferrite material PHILIPS toroidal core 4a11 ETD29-3C90 smd marking 330 e71 ETD59-3F3 philips 4b1 ferrite rod
    Text: Soft Ferrites and Accessories Contents Introduction Quality Environmental aspects of soft ferrites Ordering information Applications Literature and reference publications Ferrite materials survey and specifications - Ferrite materials survey - Material specifications and graphs

    CBW204 TN33/20/11 TN33/20/11-2P40 TN33/20/11-2P50 TN33/20/11-2P65 TN33/20/11-2P80 TN33/20/11-2P90 PHILIPS toroidal core 2P80 PHILIPS toroidal core 3c90 push-pull converter design Philips Components, Soft Ferrites 3C11 philips 3e1 ferrite material PHILIPS toroidal core 4a11 ETD29-3C90 smd marking 330 e71 ETD59-3F3 philips 4b1 ferrite rod PDF