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    ABB Low Voltage Products and Systems TLM3220

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy TLM3220
    • 1 $556.56
    • 10 $533.19
    • 100 $533.19
    • 1000 $533.19
    • 10000 $533.19
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    ABB Low Voltage Products and Systems TLM3220CCUG

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy TLM3220CCUG
    • 1 $834.8
    • 10 $801.41
    • 100 $801.41
    • 1000 $801.41
    • 10000 $801.41
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    ABB Low Voltage Products and Systems TLM3220RCU

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy TLM3220RCU
    • 1 $1154.46
    • 10 $1108.29
    • 100 $1108.29
    • 1000 $1108.29
    • 10000 $1108.29
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    ABB Low Voltage Products and Systems TLM3220CCUW

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    • 1 $1068.95
    • 10 $1026.2
    • 100 $1026.2
    • 1000 $1026.2
    • 10000 $1026.2
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    ABB Low Voltage Products and Systems TLM3220CCU

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy TLM3220CCU
    • 1 $749.29
    • 10 $719.32
    • 100 $719.32
    • 1000 $719.32
    • 10000 $719.32
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    TLM322 Datasheets Context Search

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    Standard EIA-481-1-A

    Abstract: marking 23
    Text: Package Details TLM322 Case Mechanical Drawing Part Marking: 2-3 Character Alpha/Numeric Code Lead Code: Reference individual device datasheet. Mounting Pad Geometry Dimensions in mm R1 (4-March 2010) w w w. c e n t r a l s e m i . c o m Package Details

    TLM322 EIA-481-1-A 21x9x9 27x9x17 23x23x13 23x23x23 53x23x23 69x23x43 Standard EIA-481-1-A marking 23 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CTLSH1-40M322S SURFACE MOUNT HIGH CURRENT, LOW VF SILICON SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER TLM322S CASE w w w. c e n t r a l s e m i . c o m DESCRIPTION: The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CTLSH1-40M322S is a low VF Schottky rectifier designed for applications where small size and operational efficiency are prime

    CTLSH1-40M322S TLM322S OT-363) 100mA 500mA 500mA, 21mm2. 27-September PDF


    Abstract: TLM322
    Text: Package Details - TLM322 Mechanical Drawing Part Marking: 2-3 Character Alpha/Numeric Code. Lead Code: Reference individual device datasheet. Mounting Pad Geometry Dimensions in mm Central TM Semiconductor Corp. w w w. c e n t r a l s e m i . c o m R0 (4- January 2006)

    TLM322 EIA-481-1-A 20x20x10 20x20x20 ALPHA MARKING DATE CODE TLM322 PDF

    marking code DIODE R3

    Abstract: CBA marking diode schottky code 10 CTLSH1-40M322
    Text: Central CTLSH1-40M322 SURFACE MOUNT HIGH CURRENT, LOW VF SILICON SCHOTTKY DIODE TINY LEADLESS MODULETM LOW VF Top View Bottom View TLM322 CASE TM Semiconductor Corp. DESCRIPTION: The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CTLSH1-40M322 is a low VF Schottky diode designed for applications where

    CTLSH1-40M322 TLM322 CTLSH1-40M322 OT-363) 500mA, 100mA 500mA marking code DIODE R3 CBA marking diode schottky code 10 PDF

    PA rectifier sma PB

    Abstract: TVS/zener pnp array CTLSH2-40M832 TLM621 TLM622 TLM832D TLM833 CTLSH05-40M621 CTLSH1-40M322
    Text: PRODUCT announcement Tiny Leadless Modules TLM™ TLM521 TLM621 TLM322 TLM622 TLM832 5 PIN 2x1mm 6 PIN 2x1mm 3 PIN 2x2mm 6 PIN 2x2mm 8 PIN 3x2mm 1 2 5 3 4 1 6 2 5 3 3 2 4 1 1 2 6 5 TLM832D TLM833 8 PIN 3x2mm 8 PIN 3x3mm 3 4 5 4 5 3 6 3 6 2 7 2 7 1 8 1

    TLM521 TLM621 TLM322 TLM622 TLM832 TLM832D TLM833 TLM521, TLM621, PA rectifier sma PB TVS/zener pnp array CTLSH2-40M832 TLM621 TLM622 TLM833 CTLSH05-40M621 CTLSH1-40M322 PDF

    CBA marking

    Abstract: cell phone camera module schottky marking code PD CTLSH1-40M322 DC surface mount protection diode
    Text: Central CTLSH1-40M322 SURFACE MOUNT HIGH CURRENT, LOW VF SILICON SCHOTTKY DIODE TINY LEADLESS MODULETM LOW VF Top View Bottom View TLM322 CASE Semiconductor Corp. DESCRIPTION: The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CTLSH1-40M322 is a low VF Schottky diode designed for applications where

    CTLSH1-40M322 TLM322 CTLSH1-40M322 OT-363) 100mA 500mA 500mA, 10-April CBA marking cell phone camera module schottky marking code PD DC surface mount protection diode PDF

    PA rectifier sma PB

    Abstract: TLM8 CTLSH05-40M621 CTLSH1-40M322 CTLSH1-40M832D CTLSH2-40M832 CTLSH3-30M833 CTLSH5-40M833 TLM621 TLM832D
    Text: PRODUCT announcement Schottky Rectifiers in a Tiny Leadless Modules TLM621 TLM322 TLM832 6 PIN 2x1mm 3 PIN 2x2mm 8 PIN 3x2mm 1 6 2 5 3 3 4 TLM832D TLM833 8 PIN 3x2mm 8 PIN 3x3mm 2 4 5 4 5 3 6 3 6 2 7 2 7 1 8 1 8 1 1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5 Sample Devices features

    TLM621 TLM322 TLM832 TLM832D TLM833 TLM621, TLM322, TLM832, TLM833, PA rectifier sma PB TLM8 CTLSH05-40M621 CTLSH1-40M322 CTLSH1-40M832D CTLSH2-40M832 CTLSH3-30M833 CTLSH5-40M833 TLM621 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Central CTLSH1-40M322 SURFACE MOUNT HIGH CURRENT, LOW VF SILICON SCHOTTKY DIODE TINY LEADLESS MODULETM LOW VF TLM322 CASE Semiconductor Corp. DESCRIPTION: The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CTLSH1-40M322 is a low VF Schottky diode designed for applications where small size and operational efficiency are prime

    CTLSH1-40M322 OT-363) 500mA, 02-February TLM322 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CTLSH1-40M322S SURFACE MOUNT HIGH CURRENT, LOW VF SILICON SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER TLM322S CASE w w w. c e n t r a l s e m i . c o m DESCRIPTION: The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CTLSH1-40M322S is a low VF Schottky rectifier designed for applications where small size and operational efficiency are prime

    CTLSH1-40M322S OT-363) TLM322S 100mA 500mA 500mA, 21mm2. 27-September PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CTLSH1-40M322 SURFACE MOUNT HIGH CURRENT, LOW VF SILICON SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER TLM322 CASE w w w. c e n t r a l s e m i . c o m DESCRIPTION: The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CTLSH1-40M322 is a low VF Schottky rectifier designed for applications where small size and operational efficiency are prime

    CTLSH1-40M322 TLM322 OT-363) 100mA 500mA 500mA, 21mm2. 19-February PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CTLSH1-40M322 SURFACE MOUNT HIGH CURRENT, LOW VF SILICON SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER TLM322 CASE w w w. c e n t r a l s e m i . c o m DESCRIPTION: The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CTLSH1-40M322 is a low VF Schottky rectifier designed for applications where small size and operational efficiency are prime

    CTLSH1-40M322 TLM322 OT-363) 100mA 500mA 500mA, 21mm2. 19-February CTLSH1-40M322 PDF

    10a 400V ultra fast diode d2pak

    Abstract: schottky diode 60V 80A diode schottky 600 volt smb diode trr 100ns sod-123 diode schottky 1000V 10a CMSH3-40 sod-123 trr 75ns cbrhdsh1-40l CMR3U-06 SOT923
    Text: Rectifiers • General Purpose Rectifiers • Fast Recovery Rectifiers • Ultra Fast Recovery Rectifiers • Super Fast Recovery Rectifiers • Schottky Rectifiers • Bridge Rectifiers General Purpose Rectifiers 1.0 to 3.0 Amperes 200 to 1000 Volts IO AMPS

    OD-123F OT-89 OT-223 CMMR1-02 CMR1-02M CMR1-02 CMR2-02 CMR3-02 CMMR1-04 CXR1-04 10a 400V ultra fast diode d2pak schottky diode 60V 80A diode schottky 600 volt smb diode trr 100ns sod-123 diode schottky 1000V 10a CMSH3-40 sod-123 trr 75ns cbrhdsh1-40l CMR3U-06 SOT923 PDF


    Abstract: 7002A Small Signal MOSFETs CMXDM7002A mosfet SOD 23 "Small Signal MOSFETs" 7120 CEDM7001 CMLDM7002AJ TLM532
    Text: Small Signal MOSFETs Selection Guide Surface Mount Packages Actual Size SOD-923 SOT-923 SOT-953 SOT-963 SOD-523 SOD-323 SOT-323 SOT-363 SOD-123 SOT-143 SOT-26 SOT-28 SMB SMC SOIC-16 TLM Tiny Leadless Module SOT-523 SOT-563 SOD-123F SOT-23 SOT-23F SOT-89

    OD-923 OT-923 OT-953 OT-963 OD-523 OD-323 OT-323 OT-363 OD-123 OT-143 8002A 7002A Small Signal MOSFETs CMXDM7002A mosfet SOD 23 "Small Signal MOSFETs" 7120 CEDM7001 CMLDM7002AJ TLM532 PDF

    transistor marking 44 sot23

    Abstract: marking code diode 04 Diode SMA marking code PD MARKING CODE 028a sot 23 schottky diode 40a marking 1PC on SEMICONDUCTOR MARKING transistor C5D SOT323 MOSFET P hFE-100
    Text: Discrete Semiconductor Sample Kit DC-DC Power Supply Applications Central Semiconductor sample kits provide designers with the discrete semiconductor devices ideal for their latest design challenges. The contents of this 3 part sample kit include examples of Central Semiconductor devices most

    CMSH1-20ML CMSH2-20M CMSH2-20L CMSH3-20MA CMSH3-20L CMSH5-20 CS20ML CS220M 200mA CMDSH05-4 transistor marking 44 sot23 marking code diode 04 Diode SMA marking code PD MARKING CODE 028a sot 23 schottky diode 40a marking 1PC on SEMICONDUCTOR MARKING transistor C5D SOT323 MOSFET P hFE-100 PDF

    IC 7410

    Abstract: IC 7410 datasheet marking code cj cp741 CP341 NPN PNP sot-563 sot 123f Schottky diodes tvs SMC MARKING marking code 45W CPD76V
    Text: Tiny Leadless Module Guide Central Semiconductor Corp. TLM Tiny Leadless Modules TLM Schottky Rectifiers Selection Guide TYPE NO. VRRM IF VF @ IF V MAX (A) MAX (V) MAX (A) 40 1.0 0.55 1.0 CTLSH1-40 trr †TYP. (ns) MAX CD †TYP. (pF) MAX CHIP PROCESS

    CTLSH1-40 CPD76V* CTLSH2-40 CPD79* CTLSH3-30 CPD77* CTLSH5-40 CPD86* CTLSH1-40M322 IC 7410 IC 7410 datasheet marking code cj cp741 CP341 NPN PNP sot-563 sot 123f Schottky diodes tvs SMC MARKING marking code 45W CPD76V PDF


    Abstract: IC 7410 sot-89 A63 CZT900K npn 2907A 2222a A77 SOT23 2222ae A92E 3906 npn
    Text: Small Signal Transistors Surface Mount Packages Actual Size SOD-923 SOT-923 SOT-953 SOD-523 SOT-523 SOT-563 SOD-323 SOT-323 SOT-363 SOD-123 SOD-123F SOT-23 SOT-23F SOT-143 SOT-26 SOT-28 SOT-89 SOT-223 SOT-228 SMA SMB SMC SOIC-16 HD DIP TLP Tiny Leadless

    OD-923 OT-923 OT-953 OD-523 OT-523 OT-563 OD-323 OT-323 OT-363 OD-123 a42e IC 7410 sot-89 A63 CZT900K npn 2907A 2222a A77 SOT23 2222ae A92E 3906 npn PDF

    sma marking code pd

    Abstract: CBD6 CMSH1-100M SOD-123F marking schottky rectifier CBA marking CMSH2-60 MARKING CODE VF CMSH1-20ML CMSH2-100M
    Text: Discrete Semiconductor Sample Kit Discrete Semiconductors for LED Applications Central Semiconductor sample kits provide designers with the discrete semiconductor devices ideal for their latest design challenges. The contents of this 2 part sample kit include examples of

    CMSH1-20ML CS20ML CMSH2-20M CS220M CMSH2-20L CS220L CMSH3-20MA CS320MA CMSH3-20L CU508 sma marking code pd CBD6 CMSH1-100M SOD-123F marking schottky rectifier CBA marking CMSH2-60 MARKING CODE VF CMSH1-20ML CMSH2-100M PDF


    Abstract: SCHOTTKY BRIDGE RECTIFIERS CMSH3-40MA CMSH3-40 5 amp diode rectifiers 2 amp rectifiers bridge rectifier 105 BRIDGE RECTIFIER CBRHDSH1-100 power bridge rectifier
    Text: Schottky Rectifier Guide Central Semiconductor Corp. Rectifiers, Schottky Central Semiconductor Corp. manufactures a wide range of surface mount Schottky rectifiers to meet designers’ most demanding requirements. These Schottky devices are ideal for today’s latest portable battery powered electronics with forward voltage drops as low as 0.38Volts.

    38Volts. CTLSH1-40M322 TLM322 CTLSH1-40M832D TLM832D CTLSH2-40M832 TLM832 CTLSH3-30M833 TLM833 CTLSH5-40M833 5.0 Amp. SCHOTTKY BRIDGE RECTIFIERS SCHOTTKY BRIDGE RECTIFIERS CMSH3-40MA CMSH3-40 5 amp diode rectifiers 2 amp rectifiers bridge rectifier 105 BRIDGE RECTIFIER CBRHDSH1-100 power bridge rectifier PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CTLT8099-M322S w w w. c e n t r a l s e m i . c o m SURFACE MOUNT NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR DESCRIPTION: The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CTLT8099-M322S is a silicon transistor manufactured by the epitaxial planar process, epoxy molded in a low profile, 2x2mm TLM surface mount package, designed for general

    CTLT8099-M322S CTLT8099-M322S TLM322S 100mA, 100mA 100MHz 29-March PDF


    Abstract: CMPZ4614 P6SMB56CA CMSD4448 sod-80 stabistor 882L CMOZ20V STB-400 3smc60ca CMZ5945B
    Text: Diodes Surface Mount Packages Actual Size SOD-923 SOT-923 SOT-953 SOD-523 SOT-523 SOT-563 SOD-323 SOT-323 SOT-363 SOD-123 SOD-123F SOT-23 SOT-23F SOT-143 SOT-26 SOT-28 SOT-89 SOT-223 SOT-228 SMA SMB SMC SOIC-16 HD DIP TLP Tiny Leadless Package Bottom View

    OD-923 OT-923 OT-953 OD-523 OT-523 OT-563 OD-323 OT-323 OT-363 OD-123 3SMC30A CMPZ4614 P6SMB56CA CMSD4448 sod-80 stabistor 882L CMOZ20V STB-400 3smc60ca CMZ5945B PDF


    Abstract: A 3150 ic 45h11 3055 sot-223 sod923 2955 sot223 IC A 3150 SOT 363 darlington CXT7090L 7120
    Text: Bipolar Power Transistors Surface Mount Packages Actual Size SOD-923 SOT-923 SOT-953 SOD-523 SOT-523 SOT-563 SOD-323 SOT-323 SOT-363 SOD-123 SOD-123F SOT-23 SOT-23F SOT-143 SOT-26 SOT-28 SOT-89 SOT-223 SOT-228 SMA SMB SMC SOIC-16 HD DIP TLP Tiny Leadless

    OD-923 OT-923 OT-953 OD-523 OT-523 OT-563 OD-323 OT-323 OT-363 OD-123 44H11 A 3150 ic 45h11 3055 sot-223 sod923 2955 sot223 IC A 3150 SOT 363 darlington CXT7090L 7120 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CTLT8099-M322S w w w. c e n t r a l s e m i . c o m SURFACE MOUNT NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR DESCRIPTION: The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CTLT8099-M322S is a silicon transistor manufactured by the epitaxial planar process, epoxy molded in a low profile, 2x2mm TLM surface mount package, designed for general

    CTLT8099-M322S TLM322S 100mA, 100mA 100MHz 10-October PDF

    ultra low drop, high current diode

    Abstract: PD rectifier CTLSH3-2M322HL ultra low forward drop schottky SCHOTTKY DIODE 10A 0.35V
    Text: RY CTLSH3-2M322HL A IN Central IM EL SURFACE MOUNT ULTRA LOW VF SILICON SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER TM TINY LEADLESS MODULE PR Semiconductor Corp. DESCRIPTION: The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CTLSH3-2M322HL is a high performance HiLo 3.0A Schottky rectifier designed for applications where small

    CTLSH3-2M322HL CTLSH3-2M322HL OT-23) TLM322 100mA 500mA 21mm2. ultra low drop, high current diode PD rectifier ultra low forward drop schottky SCHOTTKY DIODE 10A 0.35V PDF

    laptop battery pinout

    Abstract: scr SOT-23 SOD-923 zener cmktc825 8002A sot-23 Zener pinout 563 j 400v CMXDM7002A NPN PNP sot-563 Schottky Diode SOT-89
    Text: ’ new what’s what’s new keep up to date with the latest devices from CentralTM.visit our website at: Tiny Low VCE SAT Transistors 60V, 200mA CET3904E (NPN) CET3906E (PNP) • Enhanced Specification including an improved maximum VCE(SAT) of 0.1V @ 10mA

    200mA CET3904E CET3906E OT-883L OT-923 CMBT3904E CMBT3906E OT-923 OT-883L laptop battery pinout scr SOT-23 SOD-923 zener cmktc825 8002A sot-23 Zener pinout 563 j 400v CMXDM7002A NPN PNP sot-563 Schottky Diode SOT-89 PDF