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    TL-130 TRANSFORMER Search Results

    TL-130 TRANSFORMER Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    WB1040-SML Coilcraft Inc Transformer Visit Coilcraft Inc
    AS8426-A Coilcraft Inc Telecom Transformer Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    B0727-B Coilcraft Inc Telecom Transformer Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    AS8954-A Coilcraft Inc Telecom Transformer Visit Coilcraft Inc
    CR7984-CLD Coilcraft Inc Datacom Transformer Visit Coilcraft Inc

    TL-130 TRANSFORMER Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Dual Winding, High Power, Shielded Drum Inductor Pb DRAQ127 Series Applications • • • • • • • Automotive electronics under the hood, interior and exterior Telematics LED Modules DC-DC Converters Transformer, 1:1 Flyback, SEPIC Inductor, buck, boost, forward and resonant converters

    DRAQ127 J-STD-020D AEC-Q200 BU-SB10746 PDF


    Abstract: monochrome tv datasheet NTE711
    Text: NTE780 Integrated Circuit TV Automatic Fine−Tuning Subsystem Descripton: The NTE780 represents the third generation of integrated circuits designed primarily for AFC Automatic−Frequency−Control applications. This device provides all of the signal−processing components needed (with the exception of the tuned−phase−detector transformer) to derive the AFT correction signals from the output of the video−if amplifier. The NTE780 is supplied in the 10−Lead TO5

    NTE780 NTE780 10-Lead NTE711 20-dB monochrome tv datasheet PDF


    Abstract: SCK208R0 SCK15125 sck20150 NTC TL 08 SCK20100 SCK10-222 thermistor sck 102 SCK15028 SCK251R0
    Text: NTC Thermistor: :SCK Series Power Thermistor for Limiting Inrush Current Features 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. RoHS & HF compliant Body size: Ф5mm ~ Ф 30mm Radial lead resin coated High power rating Wide resistance range Cost effective Operating temperature range:

    5mm-40~ 10mm-40~ 30mm-40~ Temperature-10~ Humidity75 SCK252R0 SCK208R0 SCK15125 sck20150 NTC TL 08 SCK20100 SCK10-222 thermistor sck 102 SCK15028 SCK251R0 PDF


    Abstract: sck20150 SCK10123 SCK10035 sck202r5 NTC 10 0720 SCK10044 SCK15802X thermistor sck 102 SCK10502
    Text: NTC Thermistor: :SCK Series Power Thermistor for Limiting Inrush Current Features 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. RoHS & HF compliant Body size: Ф5mm ~ Ф 30mm Radial lead resin coated High power rating Wide resistance range Cost effective Operating temperature range:

    5mm-40~ 10mm-40~ 30mm-40~ Temperature-10~ Humidity75 THERMISTOR SCK sck20150 SCK10123 SCK10035 sck202r5 NTC 10 0720 SCK10044 SCK15802X thermistor sck 102 SCK10502 PDF


    Abstract: Mitsubishi AE2000-SS AE 1600-SS AE1600-SS AE2000-SS AE2500-SS mitsubishi ae1600-ss earth leakage relay with shunt coil diagram AE1600-SS operating manual AE3200-SS
    Text: MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Low Voltage Switchgear Air Circuit Breakers A B 88 144 SUPER AE AE 1000 – AE 6300 340 410 350 132 G 268 38 72 228 C* D* E F A 31 40 K 80 5 4 x Ø 14 175* 290 288 B 51 268 35 4 x Ø 14 430 340 132 370 J E 228 38 C* D* E F H 23 40 220*

    const75 PL-30011 E-08190 D-40880 AE1000-SS Mitsubishi AE2000-SS AE 1600-SS AE1600-SS AE2000-SS AE2500-SS mitsubishi ae1600-ss earth leakage relay with shunt coil diagram AE1600-SS operating manual AE3200-SS PDF

    iec 60286

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Surface Mount Fuses NANO2 Fuse > 250V/350V VAC/VDC Time Lag > 462 Series 462 Series Fuse ® Description The 462 series Nano2® Surface Mount Fuse has time-lag current characteristics with interrupting ratings rated at 250V and 350V. It complies with IEC 60127-4 Universal

    50V/350V 500mA E67006 E242325 500mA) 500mA, 630mA 800mA iec 60286 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Surface Mount Fuses NANO2 Fuse > 250V/350V VAC/VDC Time Lag > 462 Series 462 Series Fuse ® Description The 462 series Nano2® Surface Mount Fuse has time-lag current characteristics with interrupting ratings rated at 250V and 350V. It complies with IEC 60127-4 Universal

    50V/350V E67006 500mA E242325 500mA, 630mA 800mA 500mA) PDF

    thermistor SCK 085

    Abstract: thermistor SCK 056 NTC thermistor SCK 084 NTC SCK1R37 thermistor SCK 054 SCK-222 thermistor SCK 253 thermistor sck 102 THERMISTOR ntc SCK 055 SCK-333
    Text: SCK Series NTC Power Thermistor for Limiting Inrush Current MERITEK RoHS FEATURES • Body size: Ф5mm ~ Ф30mm  Radial lead resin coated  High power rating  Wide resistance range  Cost effective  Operating temperature range: UL E223037 Ф5mm: -40ºC~150ºC

    E223037 SCK30 SCK08 SCK10 SCK13 SCK05 SCK15 SCK20 thermistor SCK 085 thermistor SCK 056 NTC thermistor SCK 084 NTC SCK1R37 thermistor SCK 054 SCK-222 thermistor SCK 253 thermistor sck 102 THERMISTOR ntc SCK 055 SCK-333 PDF

    thermistor SCK 054

    Abstract: NTC thermistor SCK 103 sck 2r56 sck 104 thermistor thermistor sck 102 thermistor SCK 085 NTC thermistor SCK 083 thermistor SCK 084 NTC SCK 085 SCK-1R55
    Text: NTC Thermistor:SCK Series Power Thermistor for Limiting Inrush Current  Features 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. RoHS & Halogen Free HF compliant Body size: Ф5mm ~ Ф30mm Radial lead resin coated High power rating Wide resistance range Cost effective Operating temperature range:

    SCK05 SCK08 SCK10 SCK13 SCK15 SCK20 thermistor SCK 054 NTC thermistor SCK 103 sck 2r56 sck 104 thermistor thermistor sck 102 thermistor SCK 085 NTC thermistor SCK 083 thermistor SCK 084 NTC SCK 085 SCK-1R55 PDF

    thermistor SCK 085

    Abstract: SCK-4R72 SCK1R37 thermistor SCK 054 thermistor SCK 056 NTC thermistor SCK NTC SCK-222 SCK-028 sck056 SCK-1R58
    Text: NTC Thermistor:SCK Series Power Thermistor for Limiting Inrush Current  Features 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. RoHS & Halogen Free HF compliant Body size: Ф5mm ~ Ф30mm Radial lead resin coated High power rating Wide resistance range Cost effective Operating temperature range:

    SCK10 SCK13 SCK05 SCK15 SCK20 SCK08 thermistor SCK 085 SCK-4R72 SCK1R37 thermistor SCK 054 thermistor SCK 056 NTC thermistor SCK NTC SCK-222 SCK-028 sck056 SCK-1R58 PDF


    Abstract: NTC TL 08 thermistor sck20200 SCK10222 SCK200R7 SCK10035 sck-0510 SCK10-222 thermistor sck 102 SCK202R0
    Text: NTC Thermistor: :SCK Series Power Thermistor for Limiting Inrush Current Features 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. RoHS & Halogen Free HF compliant Body size: Ф5mm ~ Ф 30mm Radial lead resin coated High power rating Wide resistance range Cost effective Operating temperature range:

    5mm-40~ 10mm-40~ 30mm-40~ Temperature-10~ Humidity75 sck15303 NTC TL 08 thermistor sck20200 SCK10222 SCK200R7 SCK10035 sck-0510 SCK10-222 thermistor sck 102 SCK202R0 PDF


    Abstract: AM Radio System Lm1820 datasheet and application note LM3820N national radio circuit diagram C1995 LM3820 N14A am radio diagram am radio
    Text: LM3820 AM Radio System General Description Features The LM3820 is a 3-stage AM radio IC consisting of an RF amplifier oscillator mixer IF amplifier AGC detector and zener regulator The device was originally designed for use in slug-tuned auto radio applications but is also suitable for capacitortuned portable radios

    LM3820 LM1820 LM3820N lm1820 AM Radio System Lm1820 datasheet and application note LM3820N national radio circuit diagram C1995 N14A am radio diagram am radio PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Surface Mount Fuses NANO2 Fuse > 250V/350V VAC/VDC Time Lag > 462 Series 462 Series Fuse ® Description The 462 series Nano2® Surface Mount Fuse has time-lag current characteristics with interrupting ratings rated at 250V and 350V. It complies with IEC 60127-4 Universal

    50V/350V 500mA E67006 E242325 500mA) 500mA, 630mA 800mA com/series/462 PDF

    Triac based Lamp Dimmer power control

    Abstract: inductance sensor touch switch A3800 LS7232NT LS7232NT-S inductive proximity detector ic Ir remote controlled dimmer led touch dimmer 5v phase control of triac in light dimmer Triac zero switch, 20 to 140 Hz, 3.0 max load
    Text: LSI/CSI UL LS7232NT LSI Computer Systems, Inc. 1235 Walt Whitman Road, Melville, NY 11747 631 271-0400 FAX (631) 271-0405 A3800 PROXIMITY/TOUCH CONTROL HALOGEN LAMP DIMMER FEATURES: • Control of incandescent and transformer coupled halogen lamps. • No-Touch lamp control through optical sensing

    LS7232NT A3800 50Hz/60Hz LS7232NT-S LS7232NT Triac based Lamp Dimmer power control inductance sensor touch switch A3800 LS7232NT-S inductive proximity detector ic Ir remote controlled dimmer led touch dimmer 5v phase control of triac in light dimmer Triac zero switch, 20 to 140 Hz, 3.0 max load PDF

    gas cooker circuit ignitor

    Abstract: K300zy k2402g K2200E7 K2502 k3002 gas ignition sidac k 2000 xenon ignitor MIL STD 750 tm 2036
    Text: Teccor brand Thyristors Standard Bidirectional SIDACs Kxxxzy SIDAC Description The SIDAC is a silicon bilateral voltage triggered switch. Upon application of a voltage exceeding the SIDAC breakover voltage point, the SIDAC switches on through a negative

    DO-15 DO-214 K2400G K2400E gas cooker circuit ignitor K300zy k2402g K2200E7 K2502 k3002 gas ignition sidac k 2000 xenon ignitor MIL STD 750 tm 2036 PDF


    Abstract: K0900S
    Text: Teccor brand Thyristors Standard Bidirectional SIDACs Kxxxzy SIDAC Description The SIDAC is a silicon bilateral voltage triggered switch. Upon application of a voltage exceeding the SIDAC breakover voltage point, the SIDAC switches on through a negative

    DO-214AA K2400E DO-15 DO-214 K2400G KXXXZY K0900S PDF

    transformer mw79

    Abstract: Sumitomo LCP E4008 lzl 60 c SUMIKASUPER LCP E4008 SUMIKASUPER LCP E4008 sumitomo Sumitomo E4008 50MHz-1000MHz balun transformer lcp e4008 SUMIKA
    Text: SPECIFICATION FOR APPROVAL REF : ABC'S DWG NO PROD. NAME SMD BALUN TRANSFORMER PAGE: 1 SC6036ddddL d- ddd ABC'S ITEM NO, I . MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS : PQ 001 : : : : : : : : : 6.20±0.20 4.00±0.20 3.60 max. 6.40±0.30 2.00 typ. 0.60±0.05 0.20±0.10 0.30±0.10

    OCR Scan
    SC6036ddddLD-DDD 160MHz dB/2000 SC60360020 25CH2 500MHz 1400MHz dB/1550 transformer mw79 Sumitomo LCP E4008 lzl 60 c SUMIKASUPER LCP E4008 SUMIKASUPER LCP E4008 sumitomo Sumitomo E4008 50MHz-1000MHz balun transformer lcp e4008 SUMIKA PDF


    Abstract: SF 829 B transformer mw79 Sumitomo LCP E4008 69308 Sumitomo E4008 SUMIKASUPER LCP E4008 sumitomo 6.000 mhz CRYSTAL SMD 8MHZ Class 130B transformer
    Text: SPECIFICATION FOR APPROVAL REF : ABC'S DWG NO PROD. SMD BALUN TRANSFORMER NAME PAGE: 1 SC6044 dddd L d- ddd ABC'S ITEM NO, I . MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS : : 6.20±0.20 4.00±0.20 4.40 max. : 6.40±0.30 : 2.00 typ. : 0.60*0.05 : 0.20±0.10 : 0.30±0.10 : 0.70±0.05

    OCR Scan
    SC6044ddddLD-DDD dB/600 50MHz dB/700MHz 23843 SF 829 B transformer mw79 Sumitomo LCP E4008 69308 Sumitomo E4008 SUMIKASUPER LCP E4008 sumitomo 6.000 mhz CRYSTAL SMD 8MHZ Class 130B transformer PDF

    toroid international ltd P/N: TI-033274

    Abstract: UL1015 20AWG Toroid International FB250/35
    Text: TOROID I n t e r n a t i o n a l Transformer FB250/35 Ltd TI-0132562 PRIMARY • Red 150mm 20ÂWG Blu 150mm 20AWG 1 150mm 20 AW G 1 PI 0 V SECONDARY Vio 150mm 2ÛAWG • 110 V O' O' Date 0 6 / 0 8 / 0 X Issue. 2 Brn l50inm 20A W G - 37.2V No Load 35.0V 3.57A

    OCR Scan
    FB250/35 TI-0132562) 06/08/0X 150mm 20AWG toroid international ltd P/N: TI-033274 UL1015 20AWG Toroid International FB250/35 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADSL Line Interface Transformers Electrical Specifications at 25°C P/N E P 1 3T yp e, SM D T-1115G Turns Ratio +2% 1:2.24 (Pins 7-9 :1-5) Inductance ±7% 0.36 Device Side (Pri.) Leakage Inductance 13 DC Resistance Pri. 0.3 DC Resistance Sec. 0.8 Longitudinal

    OCR Scan
    T-1115G T-1116G T-1117G T-1118G T-1119G T-1328 100kHz, 15Vp-p 10kHz 100kHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RF Transformers W 12,5 to 1800 Q ideband 4 kHz to 8 0 0 MHz Style X65 Standard W38 T, TH, TT Q RATIO FREQUENCY M Hz INSERTION LOSS# CARD DATA 2 dB M Hz 1 dB M Hz 2 2.5 3 .05-200 .015-300 07-200 01-100 05-250 .05-200 .015-300 .07-200 .01-100 .05-200 .08-150

    OCR Scan
    T13-1T T16-6T P215-4038 TM05-1T TM06-1 TM09-1 TMO-13-1T TM016-1 TTM025-1 1H-X65 TM09-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Direct Plug-In Replacement for Industry Standard Pin Configuration on Low Profile Transformers. Now with VDE Certification. N e w F e a tu r e s a n d B e n e fits - A ll A T N O A D D IT IO N A L C O S T • Herm etically Sealed - For w ave soldering processes

    OCR Scan
    115/230V 11S/230V 24hrs) 40-60-lpi PDF

    SSW-207 transformer

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VDE P.C. MOUNT TRANSFORMERS 4-44 A TW v Recognized Component Has passed strict ! requirements of EN 60742 4,000 Volt RMS Hipot In a variety of sizes. Maximum operating temp­ erature 130°C. Available with either 115V or dual 115/230V primary. MCl's split bobbin and non-concentric winding provide better

    OCR Scan
    115/230V SSW-207 transformer PDF


    Abstract: G74B111

    OCR Scan
    PHT-029 PHT-023 G5114 PHI-032 PHT-030 652E1115 PHT-029-3 1CT-I41CT pPD98201 MC145474 PHT-023 G74B111 PDF