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    TIC 33 LCD

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KS0065B 40CH SEGMENT/COMMON DRIVER FOR DOT MATRIX LCD INTRODUCTION 64 QFP The KS0065B is a LCD d rive r LSI w hich is fabricated by low pow er C M O S tech n olo gy. B asically this LSI consists of 2Q¿2bit bidrectional shift register, 2 0 ; ¿2 bit data latch and 2 0 ; ¿2 bit driver,

    OCR Scan
    KS0065B KS0065B C5037 TIC 33 LCD PDF

    w83 323

    Abstract: W83L517 R5C576
    Text: S c h e m a tic D ia g ra m s Appendix B:Schematic Diagrams Mainboard S h e et 1 o f 27 P A G E !-B L O C K D IAG R AM PAGE2 -C LO C K GENERATOR PAGE3 -C P U CK-TITAN CLOCK Generator PAGE7 -GM CK 133 MHz AGTL P SB LCD PANEL ATI VG A AGP 4X M o b i l i ty-P6

    OCR Scan
    PC-133 w83 323 W83L517 R5C576 PDF

    RCR Resistor

    Abstract: 40khz crystal oscillator 153j capacitor E0C623B E0C62A3B R0133 crystal oscilator IC type SEG20-25
    Text: PF916-01 EPSON E0C623B 4 -b it S in g le C h ip M icro co m p u ter • • • • 4-bit Core CPU Low Operating Voltage 0.8V Built-in LCD Driver Serial Interface • DESCRIPTION T he E 0 C 62 3B is a s in g le -c h ip m ic ro c o m p u te r fo r b a tte ry -d riv e n p ro d u c ts w ith 7 -s e g m e n t LC D d is p la y . It

    OCR Scan
    PF916-01 E0C623B E0C623B E0C6200B, 768kHz 65kHz 500kHz 000kHz RCR Resistor 40khz crystal oscillator 153j capacitor E0C62A3B R0133 crystal oscilator IC type SEG20-25 PDF

    110 3CG

    Abstract: Ishizuka Electronics MQ 6 SENSOR MQ 6 SENSOR pin diagram E0C6292 503AT-2
    Text: P F 73 8-04 EPSON E0C6292 4-bit Single Chip M icrocom puter -kc\ \ • • • • Core CPU Architecture SVD Circuit R/F Converter for temperature measurement High Quality LCD Driver I DESCRIPTION The E 0C 6292 is a s in g le -ch ip m icro com pu te r co m p ose d of the 4 -b it core CPU E 0C 6200A , ROM, RAM , R/F

    OCR Scan
    PF738-04 E0C6292 E0C6292 E0C6200A, 768kHz 768kHz, 35kil 10OpF 110 3CG Ishizuka Electronics MQ 6 SENSOR MQ 6 SENSOR pin diagram 503AT-2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KS0107B 64CH COMMON DRIVER FOR DOT MATRIX LCD INTRODUCTION 100 Q F P -1 4 2 0 The K S 0107B is a LCD driver LSI with 64 channel output fo r dot m atrix liquid crystal g raphic d isplay system . This device provides 64 shift register and 64 output driver. It

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    KS0107B 0107B KS0108B 0108B KS0107B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Panasonic High Voltage Ceramic Capacitors SMD High Voltage Ceramic Capacitors for Surface Mountings, Rated 1 to 4 kVDC • • • ^ . I Features I Recommended Applications ' Resin m olded typ e fo r reflow so ld e rln gs w ith a high i B allast c irc u it of LCD b a c k lig h tin g Inverter

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 32768KHZ E0C623A E0C62L3A
    Text: P F 5 6 0 -0 5 EPSON E0C623A 4 -b it S in g le C h ip M icro co m p u ter • • • • Core CPU Architecture SVD Circuit Super Low Operating Voltage 0.9V High Quality Display LCD Driver I DESCRIPTION The E0C623A is an advanced single-chip CMOS 4-bit microcomputer consisting of the E0C6200A CMOS 4-bit

    OCR Scan
    PF560-05 E0C623A E0C623A E0C6200A 768kHz E0C623A/62L3A 768kHz QFP12-48pin tsvd 32768KHZ E0C62L3A PDF

    110 3CG

    Abstract: 0.1 mF capacitor 48pin RF IC
    Text: EPSON _ SMC623A P F 56 0-04 4-bit Single Chip Microcomputer .«VP'' \ • Core CPU Architecture x 1^ 0 ^ X 0 ^ • SVD Circuit • Super Low Operating Voltage 0.9V • High Quality Display LCD Driver I DESCRIPTION The SMC623A is an advanced single-chip CMOS 4-bit microcomputer consisting of the SMC6200A CMOS 4-bit

    OCR Scan
    PF560-04 SMC623A SMC623A SMC6200A 768kHz SMC623A/62L3A 768kHz QFP12-48pin QFP6-60pin 110 3CG 0.1 mF capacitor 48pin RF IC PDF


    Abstract: MQ 6 SENSOR pin diagram Ishizuka Electronics 110 3CG
    Text: P F 738-03 EPSON SMC6292 4-bit Single Chip Microcomputer • • • • Core CPU Architecture SVD Circuit R/F C onverter for tem perature m easurem ent High Quality LCD Driver • DESCRIPTION The SMC6292 is a single-chip microcomputer composed of the 4-bit core CPU SMC6200A, ROM, RAM, R/F

    OCR Scan
    SMC6292 SMC6292 SMC6200A, 768kHz 503AT-2 MQ 6 SENSOR pin diagram Ishizuka Electronics 110 3CG PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EPSON PF762-02 SMC62M1 4-bit Single Chip Microcomputer • • • • Core CPU Architecture Dual Slope Type A/D Converter High Quality Display LCD Driver SVD Circuit • DESCRIPTION The SMC62M1 is a CMOS 4-bit single-chip microcomputer made up of the 4-bit core CPU SMC6200A, ROM,

    OCR Scan
    PF762-02 SMC62M1 SMC62M1 SMC6200A, 768kHz PDF


    Abstract: 32768KHZ QFP6-64pin SMC6251
    Text: EPSON _ SMC6251 4-bit Single Chip Microcomputer C o re C P U A rc h ite c tu re S V D C irc u it R /F C o n v e rte r fo r T e m p e ra tu re M e a s u rin g • H ig h Q u a lity D is p la y L C D D riv e r I D E S C R IP T IO N The SMC6251 is a single-chip microcom puter made up of the 4-bit core CPU SMC6200A, ROM, RAM, LCD

    OCR Scan
    SMC6251 SMC6251 SMC6200A, 768kHz /62L51 768kHz 200pF QFP6-60pin QFP6-64pin UT-47 32768KHZ QFP6-64pin PDF


    Abstract: E0C62T3 k0246
    Text: P F 662-03 EPSON E0C62T3 4-bit Single Chip M icrocom puter • • • • Core CPU Architecture SVD Circuit DTMF/DP G enerator High Quality Display LCD Driver I DESCRIPTION The E0C62T3 is a single-chip m icrocom puter made up of the 4-bit core CPU E0C6200A, ROM, RAM, LCD

    OCR Scan
    PF662-03 E0C62T3 E0C62T3 E0C6200A, 768kHz 579545MHz QFP5-80pin k1351 k0246 PDF

    ls1 lcd controller

    Abstract: D121 DO20 DO40 MSM5839B MSM5839BGS lcd 7 segment dl 128 28 pin DOT MATRIX LCD
    Text: OKI semiconauctor MSM5839B_ DOT MATRIX LCD 40 DOT SEGMENT DRIVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION T h e O K I M S M 5 8 3 9 B G S is a d o t m a tr ix L C D 's segm ent d riv e r LS I w h ic h is fa b ric a te d b y lo w p o w e r C M O S m e ta l gate te c h n o lo g y . T h is LSI con sists o f 4 0 - b it s h ift re gister tw o 2 0 -b it s h ift re gisters , 4 0 -b it la tc h (t w o 2 0 -b it latch es),

    OCR Scan
    MSM5839B_ MSM5839BGS 40-bit 20-bit MSM5839B ls1 lcd controller D121 DO20 DO40 MSM5839B lcd 7 segment dl 128 28 pin DOT MATRIX LCD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P F 49 4-06 EPSON SMC6235 4-bit Single Chip Microcomputer Core CPU Architecture Programmable SVD Circuit Event Counter/Sound Generator • DESCRIPTION The SMC6235 is an advanced single-chip CMOS 4-bit microcomputer consisting of the SMC6200 CMOS 4-bit core CPU. It also contains the ROM, RAM, LCD driver, event counter with dial input feature, programmable SVD

    OCR Scan
    SMC6235 SMC6235 SMC6200 768kHz/38 400kHz/500kHz 6235/62L35 768kHz 500kHz 100pF K2023 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I semiconductor MSM5265GS 160-DQT LCD DRIVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The O K I M S M 5 2 6 5 G S is an L C D d riv e r w h ic h can d ire c tly d riv e up t o 8 0 segm ents in th e s ta tic d is p la y m o d e , w h ile it can d ire c tly d riv e up t o 1 6 0 segm ents in th e 1 /2 d u ty d y n a m ic d is p la y m o d e .

    OCR Scan
    MSM5265GS 160-DQT 160-stage MSM5265GS* PDF


    Abstract: K00-K13 16X4 LCD block diagram of lcd display 16x4 K1274 K00-K03 65p03
    Text: P F 762-02 EPSON SMC62M1 4-bit Single Chip Microcomputer • • • • Core Dual High SVD CPU Architecture Slope Type A/D Converter Quality Display LCD Driver Circuit • DESCRIPTION The SMC62M1 is a CMOS 4-bit single-chip microcomputer made up of the 4-bit core CPU SMC6200A, ROM,

    OCR Scan
    PF762-02 SMC62M1 SMC62M1 SMC6200A, 768kHz C-002R 768kHz, 10sec QFP5-80pin K00-K13 16X4 LCD block diagram of lcd display 16x4 K1274 K00-K03 65p03 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC mP D 6 3 0 8 LCD CO LU M N D R IV E R NEC Electronics Inc. P R E L IM IN A R Y IN F O R M A T IO N D e s c r ip tio n P in C o n fig u ra tio n The ¿PD6308 can d ire c tly drive any m ultiple xed d o t­ m atrix LCD organized w ith up to 40 colum n s. It is

    OCR Scan
    uPD6308 PD72030 iPD6308 PDF

    ATIC 39 b4

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KeyCoder UR5HCFJL USAR product sp ecificatio ns Self Power Management Laptop/Notebook Keyboard Encoder GreenCoder™ UR5HCFJL Description Features The UR5HCFJL G reenC oder ™ is a unique, q uasi-zero pow er keyboard e ncod er that provides an optim um

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: MSM5260GS MSM6240GS QFP100-P-1420-K QFP100-P-1420-L QFP100-P-1420-VIK 19BIAS lcd msm5260 80 pin lcd
    Text: O K I semiconductor MSM5260_ DOT M A TR IX LCD 80 DOT COMMON/SEGMENT DR IVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION T h e O K I M S M 5 2 6 0 is a d o t m a tr ix c o m m o n /s e g m e n t L C D d riv e r L S I w h ic h is fa b r ic a te d by lo w p o w e r C M O S .m e ta l

    OCR Scan
    MSM5260 MSM5260 80-bit MSM5260GS MSM6240GS QFP100-P-1420-K QFP100-P-1420-L QFP100-P-1420-VIK 19BIAS lcd msm5260 80 pin lcd PDF


    Abstract: 8652 ks00658 KS0065 sc 4145 CI 7425 KS0065b lcd 1414a 142 LTACH KS0066
    Text: KS0065B CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 40-CHANNEL SEGMENT/COMMON DRIVER FOR DOT MATRIX LCD 60 Q FP The K S 0 0 6 5 B is a L C D driver LSI w hich is fabricated by low power C M O S technology. Bascially this LSI co nsists of 20 x 2bit bidrectional shift register, 20 x 2bit data latch ad 20 x 2 bit driver,

    OCR Scan
    KS0065B 40-CHANNEL KS0065B 60-QFP-U14A 64-QFP-1420D 80-QFP-1420A 0D220bfl 98-STAB-35mm 220bti 55N555555 8652 ks00658 KS0065 sc 4145 CI 7425 KS0065b lcd 1414a 142 LTACH KS0066 PDF

    3.58MHZ ceramic crystal

    Abstract: CI 58 K1351 110 3CG k0246
    Text: EPSON P F 6 6 2 -0 2 SMC62T3 4-bit Single Chip Microcomputer • • • • Core CPU Architecture SVD Circuit DTMF/DP Generator High Quality Display LCD Driver I DESCRIPTION The SMC62T3 is a single-chip microcomputer made up of the 4-bit core CPU SMC6200A, ROM, RAM, LCD

    OCR Scan
    PF662-02 SMC62T3 SMC62T3 SMC6200A, 768kHz 579545MHz 3.58MHZ ceramic crystal CI 58 K1351 110 3CG k0246 PDF

    110 3CG

    Abstract: cd 124 E0C624C SEG40
    Text: P F 72 0-04 EPSON E0C624C 4-bit Single Chip M icrocom puter • • • • Core CPU Architecture Dot Matrix LCD Driver Serial Interface Program m able SVD Circuit • DESCRIPTION The E0C624C is a CMOS 4-bit single chip m icrocom puter with a Core CPU E0C6200 as main component,

    OCR Scan
    PF720-04 E0C624C E0C624C E0C6200 768kHz 100pF, QFP8-144pin 110 3CG cd 124 SEG40 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PF658-04 EPSON SMC621C 4-bit Single Chip Microcomputer • • • • Core CPU Architecture R/F Converter Remote-control Carrier Output LCD Driver • DESCRIPTION The SMC621C is a single-chip microcomputer made up of the 4-bit core CPU SMC6200A, ROM, RAM, remote

    OCR Scan
    PF658-04 SMC621C SMC621C SMC6200A, 768kHz 455kHzr QFP5-80pin PDF

    capacitor 106 35K

    Abstract: 110 3CG capacitor 106 35K 102 105 35K capacitor SEG40 20 pin lcd panel r30 3.0v
    Text: P F 720-03 EPSON SMC624C 4-bit Single Chip Microcomputer • • • • Core CPU Architecture Dot Matrix LCD Driver Serial Interface Program m able SVD Circuit • DESCRIPTION The SMC624C is a CMOS 4-bit single chip microcomputer with a Core CPU SMC6200 as main component,

    OCR Scan
    SMC624C SMC624C SMC6200 768kHz QFP8-144pin capacitor 106 35K 110 3CG capacitor 106 35K 102 105 35K capacitor SEG40 20 pin lcd panel r30 3.0v PDF