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    TIC 286 Search Results

    TIC 286 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: U LTR A HA R S H-E N VI RO N M EN T GEO-MARINE H I G H - PR ESSUR E ENV IRONME NTAL AND HE RME TIC CONNE CTORS AN D CABL ES MAY 2014 GEO-MARINE ® SERIES 22 Geo-Marine Rugged marine bronze / stainless steel harsh-environment connectors, cables, and accessories


    Signetics 2513

    Abstract: 2513N 7x5 dot matrix 7x5 dot matrix display cm2141 signetics 2513n R03-2513 -CGR-001 64X7X5 2513NX crt 08 3m
    Text: s ig n o tic s 64X8X5CHARACTER GENERATOR 2513 SILICON GATE MOS 2500 SERIES DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION Top V ie w T h e Signetics 2 5 1 3 is a high speed 25 60-b it Sta tic ROM N /l P A C K A G E organized as 6 4 x 8 x 5 . A standard 7 x 5 dot m a trix fits w ell in

    OCR Scan
    64X8X5 2560-bit 64x8x5. 2513/CM2141 24-PIN BI482 Signetics 2513 2513N 7x5 dot matrix 7x5 dot matrix display cm2141 signetics 2513n R03-2513 -CGR-001 64X7X5 2513NX crt 08 3m PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PH F:LiîvllNAR S Am79Q02/021/031 AMD£I Quad Subscriber Line Audio-Processing Circuit QSLAC Devices TABLE OF CONTENTS Distinctive C h a ra c te ris tic s . 2 - 5 3

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    Am79Q02/021/031 79Q031 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product specification SlgnetlcsMilitary Microprocessor Products Enhanced programmable communications interface EPCI 68661/2661 NO TIC E: This product is non-compliant to MlL-STD-883. DESCRIPTION - 5- to 6-bit characters plus parity The Signetics 68661 EPCI is a universal

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    MlL-STD-883. 16-bit PDF


    Abstract: HPX4-70 HPX15-70 HPX6-71 FP8-71 CPR137G PL10-71 PL8-70
    Text: Refer to page 78 for E llip tic a l W aveguide ordering inform ation 7.125 - 7.750 GHz Antenna Inputs. All antenna VSWR values are specified with CPR and PDR flanges. Other optional flanges may result in equal or slightly higher VSWR. Contact Andrew for details.

    OCR Scan
    CPR137G, PDR70, UG-3437 CPR137G PDR70 LBX6-71 LBX8-71 LBX10-71* LBX12-71* EN300833 HPX6-70 HPX4-70 HPX15-70 HPX6-71 FP8-71 PL10-71 PL8-70 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADV MICRO {MEMORY} 'it I Am99C164/Am99C165 1 1 6 ,3 8 4 x 4 S ta tic R /W R A M D2S7S2Û OOEbflMM 1 | D ’ DATA SHEET AMENDMENT Increased Standby Current TTL input levels for all speed grades of the Am99C164 and Am99C165, commercial temperature grade. *

    OCR Scan
    Am99C164/Am99C165 Am99C164 Am99C165 Am99CL164 Am99CL165 T-46-23 Am99C16 /Am99CL164 /Am99CL165 PDF

    nichicon vx

    Abstract: Nichicon VX cap TIC 2260
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS M Standard, For G eneral Purposes - Axial Lead Type 02 type series Anti-Solvent Feature (Through 100V only • Axial lead type of standard series for general purposes. iSpecifications Item P e rfo rm a n c e C h a ra c te ris tic s

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    13X31 16X31 16X41 10X21 nichicon vx Nichicon VX cap TIC 2260 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GS Series Standardise q q FEATURES 1. High CV value, guarantee 2000 hrs load life at 85°C 2. Suitable for use in electronic circuits in colour TV receiver, videocoder etc. SPECIFICATIONS r Ite m P e rfo rm a n c e C h a ra c te ris tic s Operating Temperature Range

    OCR Scan
    22000pF 120Hz, 10x12 10x16 10x20 16x25 16x30 18x35 PDF


    Abstract: MFOD71 MFOD71 motorola MFOD71 circuit 2N4401 ITT MFOE76 MFOD75 fiber optical photo detector MC3302 MOTOROLA FIBER OPTIC
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M FO D71 Fiber O p tic s — FLCS F am ily P h o to D e te c to r Diode Output FLCS FAMILY FIBER OPTICS PHOTO DETECTOR DIODE O U TPU T . . . designed fo r low cost, short distance Fiber Optic Systems using 1000 micron core

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    MFOE76 363B-01 MF0D71 MFOD71 MFOD71 motorola MFOD71 circuit 2N4401 ITT MFOD75 fiber optical photo detector MC3302 MOTOROLA FIBER OPTIC PDF

    CNY 14-4

    Abstract: 0q00 ScansUX1003
    Text: 4705/4705B ARITHMETIC LOGIC REGISTER STACK FAIRCHILD C M O S M A C R O LO G IC 1 DESCR IPTIO N — The A rith m e tic Logic Register Stack A LR S is designed to im plem ent accum ulators in high performance m icroprogram m ed digital systems. The device contains

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    4705/4705B CNY 14-4 0q00 ScansUX1003 PDF


    Abstract: 2125A-2 2115A 2115AL 2125AL 1K x 4 static ram ttl A5 GNA 2115AL-2 2125AL-2 2115 intel
    Text: in y 2115A, 2125A FAM ILY HIGH S P E E D 1K X 1 B IT STA TIC RAM 211 SAL, 2125AL 2115A, 2125A 2115AL-2,2125AL-2 2115A-2.2125A-2 70 125 Max. T aa ns 45 45 70 Max. lCc <mA) 75 125 75 • TTL Inputs And Outputs •Pin Compatible To 93415A (2115A) And 93425A (2125A)

    OCR Scan
    2115AL-2 2125AL-2 125A-2 3415A 3425A 16-Pin 39mW/Bit 2115AL, 2125AL) st5A/2125A 211sa 2125A-2 2115A 2115AL 2125AL 1K x 4 static ram ttl A5 GNA 2115 intel PDF


    Abstract: 5905-002 VG95211 RGU 525-0
    Text: OMC RADIAL LEAD MOLDED METAL GLAZE RESISTOR Four-b an d co lo r code on top for easy identification RGU SERIES* C o nta in s M etal G laze thick film elem en t fired at high te m pe ra tures on an alum ina slug R ectangular, m olded syn th e tic resin case

    OCR Scan

    pcu 620

    Abstract: MIL-C-19978 378X 100 mfd 450 vdc capacitor polystyrene capacitors copper foil
    Text: A O ^ iy - o 'i ' i 1-: V . C a o tic a : -iW r Specialty Audio Series Exotica Teflon & Tin Foil TFT This series, with Teflon film, withstands high temperatures. Listening tests have revealed superb sonic performance, first among conventional design capacitors, making it the choice for applications where only the highest performance w ill do.

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r* 1 " 7 J nv ' 4705B/4705BX ARITHMETIC LOGIC REGISTER STACK FAIRCHILD CMOS MACROLOGIC D E S C R IP T IO N — T h e A rith m e tic Logic Register Stack A L R S is designed to im plem ent accumulators in high perform ance m icroprogram m ed digital systems. The device contains

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    4705B/4705BX PDF


    Abstract: MC68020 Minimum System Configuration mc68010 mc68020 mc6888 M68000 MC68000 MC68008 MC68030 MC68882
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR • h h h h h h h h h i TECHNICAL DATA MC68881 Technical Sum m ary HCMOS Floating-Point Coprocessor The MC68881 flo a tin g -p o in t coprocessor fu lly im plem ents the IEEE Standard fo r Binary Floating-P oint A rith m e tic 754 fo r use w ith the M otorola M68000

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    MC68881 MC68881 M68000 MC68020 32-bit 68-LEAD MC68020 Minimum System Configuration mc68010 mc6888 MC68000 MC68008 MC68030 MC68882 PDF

    "Bit Shift Register"

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2509-N .K • 2510-N .K • 2511-N.K PIN CONFIGURATIONS TRUTH TABLE DESCRIPTION Th e 2509 50-bit, 2510 100-bit, and th e 2511 2 0 0 -b it re c irc u la tin g s ta tic s h ift registers con sist of en hancem ent m ode p-channel silico n gate MOS devices inte grated on a

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    50-bit, 100-bit, 200-bit 2509-N 2510-N 2511-N "Bit Shift Register" PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PHILIPS E C G INC 17E bhS3Tafl 0005201 T Features • Incorporating pro tectio n circuits surge, th e rm a l p ro tectio n, etc. • A u to m a tic operating point stabilizer circuit -07Q"r ( 1*8 ) • Low d istortion, lo w l / f noise • Low shock noise fro m p o w e r O N , OFF

    OCR Scan
    ECG1373 bfa5312fl T-74-05-0Ã ECG1373 T-74-05-01 PDF

    tms 980 processor

    Abstract: 68881 6n35 68881 floating point coprocessor dialog do 902 ea TS68881 A93N 6n37 motorola 68881 68000 thomson
    Text: THOMSON COMPOSANTS MILITAIRES ET SPATIAUX TS 68881 HCMOS FLOATING-POINT COPROCESSOR DESCRIPTION The TS 68881 floating-point coprocessor is a full implemen­ ta tio n o f th e IEEE S ta n d ard fo r B ina ry F lo a tin g -P o in t A rith m e tic 754 fo r use w ith th e THOMSON TS 68000

    OCR Scan
    32-bit 68881VR20 68881MR16 68881MR20 68881VF16 68881VF20 68881MF16 68881MF20 PGA68 tms 980 processor 68881 6n35 68881 floating point coprocessor dialog do 902 ea TS68881 A93N 6n37 motorola 68881 68000 thomson PDF

    dipped tantalum capacitor markings

    Abstract: S102 CS-102
    Text: DIPPED TANTALUM SOLID ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR CB Series 1. General 1.1 Range o f A p p licatio n s This docunent ap p lies to m iniaturized <Hpped tantalum s o lid e le c tr o ly tic cap acito rs fo r a p p lica tio n s in tra n sisto riz e d c ir c u its of e le ctro n ic devices.

    OCR Scan
    45kllz, dipped tantalum capacitor markings S102 CS-102 PDF


    Abstract: 2N2195 2N2243 2N1420 3053-1000 2N2192 2N2219 2N696 A-80080 2N698
    Text: general purpose, amplification, switching - metal case commutation, am plification, usage général boît \e r m éta I th o m so n -csf T ype C h a r a c t e r is tic s a t 25 °C M a x im u m ra tin g s NPN PNP P to t h21E v CEO VCER* / >C V C E sat !

    OCR Scan
    2N696 aa2n 2N2195 2N2243 2N1420 3053-1000 2N2192 2N2219 2N696 A-80080 2N698 PDF

    KL SN 102 94v-0

    Abstract: KL SN 102 94v BZWD4-28B s3h 02 kl SN 102 94-0 0103 MA WJ 78 KL SN 102 bzwd4 bzwo4 BZWD4-17B
    Text: TAIWAN SEMICONDUCTOR % BZW04 SERIES 400 Watts Transient Voltage Suppressor Diodes DO-41 ¡a RoHS COM PLIANCE -Q Ü 1 - .10712.7J .m o i2 .o:- Features ^ '> u l R e c c ^ jn iz c d Flic- * E -E xw os P la s tic p a c k a g e h a s U n d e rw rite r* L a b o ra to ry

    OCR Scan
    BZW04 DO-41 94v-0 mil-std-19500 soldoZW04-154B BZW04-171 SZW04-171B BZW04-188B BZW04-213 BZW04-213B KL SN 102 94v-0 KL SN 102 94v BZWD4-28B s3h 02 kl SN 102 94-0 0103 MA WJ 78 KL SN 102 bzwd4 bzwo4 BZWD4-17B PDF

    2516 eprom

    Abstract: 8104-4CD wf vqc 10 d a6 8114 RAM 8104-3CD 2516* eprom L8112 L8104 RTD 1055 8114 static ram
    Text: 8104 8112 8114 S ta tic RAMs oe- 002557 1024 x 8 N -M O S TTL In/Out 1 1991 JUL General Description Block Diagram Truth Table *3 - A4 a5 - X *6- A d d re s s a7 - L a tc h e s X D ecoder 128 CE 1024 x 8 M e m o ry A rra y -h - *8*9- *0- Ai a 2 - Y A d d re ss

    OCR Scan
    22-pin 24-pin MlL-STD-883B 8192-bit Division/2000 968-4431/TWX 2516 eprom 8104-4CD wf vqc 10 d a6 8114 RAM 8104-3CD 2516* eprom L8112 L8104 RTD 1055 8114 static ram PDF


    Abstract: bargraph LCD COP881C COP88OC 10 mhz clock 14 pin dip national cop881
    Text: w . C O P 68O C/C O P 68 IC/C O P 8 8 O C/C O P 88 IC/ CO P 980 C /C O P 9 8 1 C Microcontrollers General Description The COP8 8 OC and COP881C are m em bers of the COPStm m icrocontroller family. They are fully sta tic parts, fabricated using double-m etal silicon gate m icroC M O S technology.

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    COP68OC/COP68IC/COP88OC/COP88IC/ COP980C/COP981C COP88OC COP881C 16-bit COP881CMHD bargraph LCD 10 mhz clock 14 pin dip national cop881 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HEF4031B MSI 64-STAGE STATIC SHIFT REGISTER The H E F 4031B ¡san edge-triggered 64-stage sta tic s h ift register w ith tw o serinl data inputs D ^ , D g , a data select in p u t A /B , a c lo ck in p u t (CP), a b u ffere d clo ck o u tp u t (CO), and b u ffere d o u tp u ts fro m th e

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    HEF4031B 64-STAGE 4031B connectin95 7Z84278 PDF