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    THYRISTOR TT 105 N 12 Search Results

    THYRISTOR TT 105 N 12 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CR8PM-12B-A8#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    CR3PM-12G-C#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    5P4J-Z-AZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    CR3PM-12G-AT#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    5P4J-ZK-E2-AZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    THYRISTOR TT 105 N 12 Datasheets Context Search

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    thyristor TT 18 N

    Abstract: thyristor tt 105 n 16 thyristor tt 121 thyristor phase control rectifier diode w3 three phase fully controlled rectifier ECONOPACK DD 105 N 16 L thyristoren three phase bridge fully controlled rectifier
    Text: Typenbezeichnungen Type designations Fully controlled Thyristor modules TT 121 N 18 K O F TT -A TZ 121 N F 18 L K O F -A -K with 2 symmetric thyristors with 1 symmetric thyristor limiting average on-state current A , tc = 85° C phase control thyristor fast thyristor with


    thyristor tt 121

    Abstract: EUPEC tt 105 thyristor DATASHEET EUPEC Thyristor three phase thyristor modules Common-Anode Half-Controlled Bridge EUPEC TT thyristor thyristor phase control rectifier EUPEC tt 105 N 16
    Text: Typenbezeichnungen Type designations Fully controlled Thyristor modules TT 121 N 18 K O F TT -A TZ 121 N F 18 L K O F -A -K with 2 symmetric thyristors with 1 symmetric thyristor limiting average on-state current A , tc = 85° C phase control thyristor fast thyristor with


    thyristor tt 162 n 12

    Abstract: thyristor tt 162 n thyristor TT 46 N thyristor TT 162 asymmetric thyristor thyristor tt 25 thyristor TD 25 N dd 55 n 14 powerblock powerblock tt 162 thyristor tt 105 n 16
    Text: kuka-2006-de-inhalt.qxd 07.02.2006 12:17 Uhr IGBT Seite 128 Presspacks Stacks Outlines Accessories Explanations 128 Type designations Presspacks IGBT Modules T 930 S 18 T M C T D A 930 1 4 6 7 8 9 3 average on state current A standard ceramic disc high power ceramic disc

    kuka-2006-de-inhalt thyristor tt 162 n 12 thyristor tt 162 n thyristor TT 46 N thyristor TT 162 asymmetric thyristor thyristor tt 25 thyristor TD 25 N dd 55 n 14 powerblock powerblock tt 162 thyristor tt 105 n 16 PDF

    EUPEC powerblock

    Abstract: thyristor TT 46 N Thyristor eupec POWERBLOCK tt 25 n powerblock EUPEC tt 105 N 16 thyristor tt 500 n 16 thyristor tt 250 n 16 EUPEC POWERBLOCK TD thyristor eupec tt 251 n 14 powerblock tt 60 N
    Text: . power the Home Products Bipolar News Contact N-Thyristor-Modules Editorials N-Diode-Modules Job Offers Company Search future Site Content Fast Thyristor Modules Fast Diode Modules the figures in the part-no. represent the current rating [A] Packages Packages


    thyristor tt 500 n 16

    Abstract: thyristor t 500 n 1800 thyristor phase control rectifier thyristor t 500 n 18 thyristor tt 121 three phase bridge fully controlled rectifier single phase thyristor controlled rectifier DISC THYRISTOR ECONOPACK thyristor bridge circuit
    Text: Type designations Thyristors IGBT: IHM & IHV modules Rectifier T 930 S 18 T M C T symmetrically blocking thyristor A asymmetrically blocking thyristor 930 limiting average forward current A at tc= 85° C 2.Letter D 1809 N 32 D 1809 N K S S fast thyristor, gatecathode interdigitated


    3 phase bridge fully controlled rectifier

    Abstract: press-pack igbt tt 60 n 16 kof single phase fully controlled rectifier dc to dc chopper by thyristor thyristor control ic with current sense 3 phase rectifier thyristor bridge specification of reverse conducting thyristor asymmetric thyristor thyristor tt 121
    Text: Type designations Thyristors IGBT: IHM & IHV modules Rectifier T 930 S 18 T M C T symmetrically blocking thyristor A asymmetrically blocking thyristor 930 limiting average forward current A at tc= 85° C 2.Letter D 1809 N 32 D 1809 N K S S fast thyristor, gatecathode interdigitated


    single phase bridge fully controlled rectifier

    Abstract: EUPEC DD 105 N 16 L single phase fully controlled rectifier 3 phase rectifier circuit thyristor EUPEC tt 105 N 16 EUPEC DD 151 N 14 k EUPEC Thyristor eupec FZ 800 R 16 thyristor TT 18 N B/B0615 DIODE
    Text: Type designations Thyristors T 930 S 18 T M C T symmetrically blocking thyristor A asymmetrically blocking thyristor 930 limiting average forward current A at tc= 85° C Ceramic disc W Ceramic disc P 1 Epoxy disc 19 mm high 4 Epoxy disc 35 mm high 6 7 Epoxy disc 8 mm high


    EUPEC DD 105 N 16 L

    Abstract: all type of thyristor EUPEC tt 162 n 16 EUPEC Thyristor thyristor tt 162 n EUPEC Thyristor TT thyristor tt 162 n 12 tt 162 n 16 module bsm 25 gp 120 Eupec bsm 25 gb 120
    Text: IGBT SCR / Diode Modules Presspacks Stacks Outlines Accessories Explanations 96 Type designations Presspacks IGBT Modules T 930 S 18 T M C T D A 930 1 4 6 7 8 9 3 thyristor diode asymmetric thyristor average on state current A standard ceramic disc high power ceramic disc


    EUPEC tt 162 n 16

    Abstract: thyristor tt 162 n high power thyristor module bsm 25 gp 120 igbt module bsm 100 gb 60 dl DISC THYRISTOR diode high power thyristor scr EUPEC tt 105 N 16 IGBT module FZ
    Text: kuka-2003-inhalt.qxd 17.04.2003 10:34 Uhr Seite 101 Type designations Presspacks IGBT Modules T 930 S 18 T M C T D A 930 1 4 6 7 8 9 3 thyristor diode asymmetric thyristor average on state current A standard ceramic disc high power ceramic disc epoxy disc 19 mm high

    kuka-2003-inhalt EUPEC tt 162 n 16 thyristor tt 162 n high power thyristor module bsm 25 gp 120 igbt module bsm 100 gb 60 dl DISC THYRISTOR diode high power thyristor scr EUPEC tt 105 N 16 IGBT module FZ PDF


    Abstract: thyristor TT 430 N 22 TT 46 N 800 TT 56 N thyristor tt 250 n 16 thyristor TT 46 N 1200 thyristor tt 162 n 12 thyristor tt 121 thyristor TT 430 thyristor tt 500 n 16
    Text: ISOPACK Modules Type ISOPACK Module VDRM, VRRM IFRMSM V A VDSM = VDRM VRSM = VRRM + 100 V IFSM ∫ i²dt Id/tC A A²s A/°C V TO 10 ms, tvj 10 ms, tvj max max rT RthJC RthCK tvj max °C V mΩ °C/W °C/W tvj = tvj max tvj = tvj max per arm per arm Single phase diode bridges



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Technische Information / Technical Information Netz-Thyristor-Modu Phase Control Thyristor Module TT 240 N 28.36 N Elektrische Eigenschaften / Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte / Maximum rated values Periodische Vorwärts- und Rückwärts-Spitzensperrspannung Tvj = - 40°C.Tvj max


    tt 60 n 16 kof

    Abstract: thyristor TT 105 N 16 KOF THYRISTOR TT KOF thyristor tt 121 thyristor gate control circuit thyristoren ECONOPACK
    Text: Type designations Typenbezeichnungen Fully controlled Thyristor modules n 121 N 18 K O with 2 symmetric thyristors with 1 symmetric thyristor limiting average on-state current A , tc = 85° C phase control thyristor fast thyristor with central gate repetitive peak off-state

    OCR Scan

    BT 151 thyristor

    Abstract: BT thyristor 151 500 R BT thyristor thyristor BT bsm 25 op 120-b2
    Text: Type designations Thyristors IGBT & Diodes: IHM & IHV modules Rectifier T 930 S 18 T M C sym m etrically blocking T thyristor a sym m etrically blocking A thyristor limiting average forw ard 930 current A at tc= 85° C Ceram ic disc W C eram ic disc P 1

    OCR Scan
    80oltage BT 151 thyristor BT thyristor 151 500 R BT thyristor thyristor BT bsm 25 op 120-b2 PDF

    thyristor TT 46 N

    Abstract: TT 105 N 12 thyristor tt 162 n 12 thyristor TT 46 N 12 TT 46 N 800 thyristor TT 430 N 22 tt 104 n 12 thyristor tt 18 f 1000 thyristor TT 36 N thyristor tt 500 n 16
    Text: Phase Control Thyristor Modules T ype V drm V rrm V Itrmsm A V dsm = V drm V rsm = V rrm+100V Itsm A 1 0 ms, Jpdt A zs 1 0 ms, ^vj max tyj max X103 350 0,61 ItAVM^c A /°C 180° el sin V TO V rT (d i/d t)cr tq (d v /d t)cr m fì MS typ. V/|JS DIN IEC 747-6

    OCR Scan
    00021b? thyristor TT 46 N TT 105 N 12 thyristor tt 162 n 12 thyristor TT 46 N 12 TT 46 N 800 thyristor TT 430 N 22 tt 104 n 12 thyristor tt 18 f 1000 thyristor TT 36 N thyristor tt 500 n 16 PDF

    thyristor TT 46 N 1200

    Abstract: thyristor tt 162 n 12 thyristor tt 142 n 12 thyristor TT 31 N 12 TD25N TT 93 N 08 thyristor TT 46 N 12 TT 46 N 12 thyristor TD 25 N PHASE CONTROL THYRISTOR MODULE TT 56 N
    Text: Phase control thyristor modules Type Itrmsm V oR M I tsm i2dt / IfA V M ^C V TO (di/dt)ci tq (dv/dt)CF typ D IN 180 °el IEC 747-6 sin. V /( iS °c/w “C/W °c RlhJC R|hCK tv) max V rrm Vdsm = Vdrm V rsm = V r r M f100 V V Baseplate = A 10 ms, 10 ms, 180 °el

    OCR Scan
    TD18N DT18N TD25N N2600 N1200 N2400* thyristor TT 46 N 1200 thyristor tt 162 n 12 thyristor tt 142 n 12 thyristor TT 31 N 12 TT 93 N 08 thyristor TT 46 N 12 TT 46 N 12 thyristor TD 25 N PHASE CONTROL THYRISTOR MODULE TT 56 N PDF

    EUPEC tt 105 N 16

    Abstract: EUPEC tt 66 N 16 EUPEC TT 56 n 16 EUPEC TT 66 EUPEC TT 46 n 16 EUPEC TT 25 N EUPEC Thyristor TT 56 N PHASE CONTROL THYRISTOR MODULE TT 56 N of EUPEC tt 105 N 16 TT105N
    Text: Phase control thyristor modules Vdrm •t r m s m It s m eupec m te / i 2dt I tavm ^ c D V TO • 3 4 D 3 5 117 0D0Q114 (dv/dt)cr (di/dt)cr It tts RthJC ■ upec RthCK tv j m ax V rrm V A 10 ms, 10 ms, tv) max tvj max 180°el sin. A A2s A/°C tv , = tv j

    OCR Scan
    0D0Q114 EUPEC tt 105 N 16 EUPEC tt 66 N 16 EUPEC TT 56 n 16 EUPEC TT 66 EUPEC TT 46 n 16 EUPEC TT 25 N EUPEC Thyristor TT 56 N PHASE CONTROL THYRISTOR MODULE TT 56 N of EUPEC tt 105 N 16 TT105N PDF

    thyristor T122

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: s e M IK R O n V rsm dv/dt cr V rrm It r m s (maximum values for continuous operation) 195 A V drm It a v V V (sin. 180; Toase = 85 °C) V/|xs 900 800 500 SKKT 122/08 D SKKH 122/08 D 1300 1200 1000 SKKT 122/12 E SKKH 122/12 E 1500 1400 1000 SKKT 122/14 E

    OCR Scan
    SKKT122 thyristor T122 PDF

    thyristor TT 46 N 1200

    Abstract: thyristor TT 46 N thyristor TT 36 N TT 46 N 1600 TT 46 N 800 TT 80 N 1200 TT 95 N 1200 thyristor TT 36 DT18N td18n
    Text: - 'i ase con'ro’ thyristor modules "ype It r m s m V d iim It s m / i 2d t hAVM^C V TO rT ( d i/ d t ) cr t„ = DIN Wj max IEC 747-6 (dv/dt)cr RthJC RthCK tv, max Outline V rhm V d jm = V crm V r ev i = V r r m + 100 V V A 10 ms, 10 ms. w 180 ”el sin.

    OCR Scan

    thyristor TT 45 N 1200

    Abstract: TT 56 N 1200 PHASE CONTROL THYRISTOR MODULE TT 56 N thyristor TT 46 N thyristor TT 46 N 1200 tt 46 n 1200 thyristor TT 36 N thyristor TT 18 N 1400 EUPEC TT 66 thyristor 45 n 1200
    Text: Phase control thyristor modules EUPEC Type V drm •t r m s m It s m aMDBtîT? D D O D l l t MTE D / ¡ 2d t W m^C TTS • It d i/d t cr (d v/dt)cr Rthjc tv ,= tvj = tv j m ax tv] max typ. DIN IEC 747-6 DIN IEC 747-6 180 °el sin. V mQ A/pis V /ns K /W V(TO>

    OCR Scan
    34D32T7 thyristor TT 45 N 1200 TT 56 N 1200 PHASE CONTROL THYRISTOR MODULE TT 56 N thyristor TT 46 N thyristor TT 46 N 1200 tt 46 n 1200 thyristor TT 36 N thyristor TT 18 N 1400 EUPEC TT 66 thyristor 45 n 1200 PDF


    Abstract: thyristor cs3 MB11A06 cs3 thyristor thyristor tt 142 n
    Text: POüJEREX INC "TÏ TETMbEl D0D1Ö35 S D T-S lZ - H C-Series Fast Single Diode Modules Vrrm IFSM trr typical VlSOL (Amps) (°C) (Volts) (Amps) (fisec) (Vrms) Package 20 20 20 50 50 50 100 100 100 200 300 121 121 121 105 105 105 60 60 60 60 60 600 1000 1200

    OCR Scan
    CS24/CS34 CS340602 CS341002 CS341202 CS240650 CS241050 CS241250 CS240610 CS241010 CS241210 MB11A02 thyristor cs3 MB11A06 cs3 thyristor thyristor tt 142 n PDF

    diode pj

    Abstract: PJ 63 MM diode pj 66 diode pj 83 diode pj 29 diode pj 82 diode pj 56 diode pj 46 diode 40576 rapide
    Text: A B B SEMICONDUCTORS AG 3ÖE CSR Reverse Conducting Thyristors CSR Rückwärtsleitende Thyristoren Reverse Conducting Thyristors Rückwärtsleitende Thyristoren - Thyristor und Diode auf einer Siliziumtablette - Platz- und Gewichtsersparnis - Höhere Betriebssicherheit

    OCR Scan
    00DDD3b l2mi01 diode pj PJ 63 MM diode pj 66 diode pj 83 diode pj 29 diode pj 82 diode pj 56 diode pj 46 diode 40576 rapide PDF


    Abstract: M235A E72873 MDD172 MDD172-06N1 MDD172-08N1 MDD172-12N1 MDD172-18N1 ITT DIODE 129
    Text: MbfibEBb D D D 1 7 1 S 7b2 H I X Y n i x Y S Diode Modules MDD172 Itav = 2 x 190 a < < i > > 700 900 1300 1500 1700 1900 i VRRM = 600-1800 V 600 800 1200 1400 1600 1 8 00 * Type V ersion 1 M D D 172-06N1 M D D 172-08N1 M D D 172-12N 1 M D 0172-14N 1 M D D 172-16N1

    OCR Scan
    MDD172 MDD172-06N1 MDD172-08N1 MDD172-12N1 MD0172-14N1 MDD172-16N1 MDD172-18N1 MDD172-16N1 M235A E72873 MDD172-06N1 MDD172-08N1 MDD172-12N1 MDD172-18N1 ITT DIODE 129 PDF


    Abstract: ST1280C04KO thyristor tt 18 n 1100 ST1900C46R0 t90ria120 ST1200C16KO thyristor TT 188 F 87105 T70RIA120 thyristor TT 18 N 1400
    Text: 1 In t e r n a t i o n a l R e c t i f i e r Phase Control SCR '¡rsc vrrm Part Number 11X14 VDRM h-(RMs; (V) (A) Thyristors ITSMP) 50 Hi 60 Hi (A) P) VCT (V) (3) *GT M l ST730C12LO ST730C14L0 ST730C16L0 ST730C18L0 ST780C04LO ST780C06L0 1200 1400 1600 1800

    OCR Scan
    11X14) ST730C12LO ST730C14L0 ST730C16L0 ST730C18L0 ST780C04LO ST780C06L0 ST1000C12K0 ST1000C14K0 ST1000C16KO ST1280C04KO thyristor tt 18 n 1100 ST1900C46R0 t90ria120 ST1200C16KO thyristor TT 188 F 87105 T70RIA120 thyristor TT 18 N 1400 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: s e MIKRO n zurück V rsm V rrm dv/ SEMIPACK 3 Thyristor / Diode Modules Itrms (maximum values for continuous operation 350 A 420 A 220 A (88 °C) 260 A (82 °C) 220 A (88 °C) 260 A (82 °C) SKKT SKKT SKKH SKKH V drm dt)cr 350 A 420 A Itav (sin. 180, Tcase —. . .)

    OCR Scan
    KT21010 SKMT250 PDF