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    THYRISTOR EUPEC Search Results

    THYRISTOR EUPEC Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CR8PM-12B-A8#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    CR3PM-12G-C#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    5P4J-Z-AZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    CR3PM-12G-AT#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    5P4J-ZK-E2-AZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    THYRISTOR EUPEC Datasheets Context Search

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    EUPEC powerblock

    Abstract: EUPEC Thyristor Thyristor eupec POWERBLOCK TT180N16KOF dc to ac inverter by thyristor powerblock DC Motor using Thyristor 110kW TT180N16 eupec igbt
    Text: MARKETING NEWS Date:2000-11-07 Page 1 of 2 Document No.:MN2000-22 Enlargement of the Thyristor/Diode Module Range within the 34mm powerBLOCK Case eupec will complete the 34mm Thyristor/Diode module range by the following half bridges: Detailed data sheets can be found on eupec‘s homepage .

    MN2000-22 TT140N. TT140N TT215N. TT180N. TT180N 110kW 240kW. 240kW TT180N16KOF EUPEC powerblock EUPEC Thyristor Thyristor eupec POWERBLOCK TT180N16KOF dc to ac inverter by thyristor powerblock DC Motor using Thyristor TT180N16 eupec igbt PDF

    EUPEC powerblock

    Abstract: thyristor TT 46 N Thyristor eupec POWERBLOCK tt 25 n powerblock EUPEC tt 105 N 16 thyristor tt 500 n 16 thyristor tt 250 n 16 EUPEC POWERBLOCK TD thyristor eupec tt 251 n 14 powerblock tt 60 N
    Text: . power the Home Products Bipolar News Contact N-Thyristor-Modules Editorials N-Diode-Modules Job Offers Company Search future Site Content Fast Thyristor Modules Fast Diode Modules the figures in the part-no. represent the current rating [A] Packages Packages



    Abstract: SG600R21 FG2000DV-90 FG2000DV90 westcode cross reference SG1000R23 SG1000EX23 FG1000AH SG700EX22 DG406BP18
    Text: Gate Turn-off Thyristor Cross Reference DS5549 Gate Turn-off Thyristor Cross Reference DS5549-1.1 May 2002 ABB - DYNEX ITQRM µF Cs µ ABB Part Number Voltage Maximum CSG 1501-25A01 2500 1500 3 Dynex Nearest Equivalent Part Number DG406BP25 CSG 2001-25A01

    DS5549 DS5549-1 1501-25A01 DG406BP25 2001-25A01 DG646BH25 2003-45A01 DG648BH45 2501-25A01 SG600EX21 SG600R21 FG2000DV-90 FG2000DV90 westcode cross reference SG1000R23 SG1000EX23 FG1000AH SG700EX22 DG406BP18 PDF

    Gate Turn-off Thyristor

    Abstract: SG1000R23 westcode cross reference SG1000EX23 SG600EX21 SG700ex22 SG800EX21 equivalent FG2000DV90 fg2000dv-90da DG406BP18
    Text: Gate Turn-off Thyristor Cross Reference Gate Turn-off Thyristor Cross Reference DS5549-2.0 September 2003 ABB - DYNEX ITQRM µF Cs µ ABB Part Number Voltage Maximum CSG 1501-25A01 2500 1500 3 Dynex Nearest Equivalent Part Number DG406BP25 CSG 2001-25A01

    DS5549-2 1501-25A01 DG406BP25 2001-25A01 DG646BH25 2003-45A01 DG648BH45 2501-25A01 3001-25A01 Gate Turn-off Thyristor SG1000R23 westcode cross reference SG1000EX23 SG600EX21 SG700ex22 SG800EX21 equivalent FG2000DV90 fg2000dv-90da DG406BP18 PDF


    Abstract: ECONOPACK EUPEC Thyristor eupec igbt igbt eupec thyristor DATASHEET Thyristor catalog SCR bridge SCR DRIVER scr datasheet
    Text: power the Home News Addresses Editorials Products IGBT PIM Company Search future Site Content Help IGBT Driver EconoPACK+ web-Link to actual NEWS SCR & Diode Bridge/AC Switch web-Link to recent UPDATES N-Thyristor F-Thyristor Diode F-Diode Short Form Catalog


    thyristor tt 162 n

    Abstract: fast thyristor 1000V thyristor tt 162 n 16 IGBT module FZ 400 thyristor TT 162 thyristor td 162 n Thyristor PIN CONFIGURATION thyristor tt 500 n 16 thyristor 162 THYRISTOR H 1500
    Text: Typenbezeichnungen IGBT Scheibenbauelemente T930 S 18 TM TM C Thyristor K 40µs D Diode L 45µs A asymmetrischer Thyristor M 50µs P 55µs Dauergrenzstrom A N 60µs Standardkeramik-Scheibe T 80µs 1 Hochleistungskeramik-Scheibe U 120µs 930 SCR/Diode Modules


    EUPEC DD 105 N 16 L

    Abstract: all type of thyristor EUPEC tt 162 n 16 EUPEC Thyristor thyristor tt 162 n EUPEC Thyristor TT thyristor tt 162 n 12 tt 162 n 16 module bsm 25 gp 120 Eupec bsm 25 gb 120
    Text: IGBT SCR / Diode Modules Presspacks Stacks Outlines Accessories Explanations 96 Type designations Presspacks IGBT Modules T 930 S 18 T M C T D A 930 1 4 6 7 8 9 3 thyristor diode asymmetric thyristor average on state current A standard ceramic disc high power ceramic disc


    all type of thyristor

    Abstract: DISC THYRISTOR thyristor control ic with current sense Thyristor PIN CONFIGURATION thyristor t 500 n 1800 1000 A thyristor fast thyristor TO 220 THYRISTOR FAST SWITCHING IGBT presspack eupec phase control thyristor
    Text: Type designations Typenbezeichnungen Thyristors T 930 S 18 T M C T symmetrically blocking thyristor A asymmetrically blocking thyristor 930 limiting average forward current A at tc= 85° C Ceramic disc W 1 Ceramic disc P 4 Epoxy disc 19 mm high 6 Epoxy disc 35 mm high


    single phase bridge fully controlled rectifier

    Abstract: EUPEC DD 105 N 16 L single phase fully controlled rectifier 3 phase rectifier circuit thyristor EUPEC tt 105 N 16 EUPEC DD 151 N 14 k EUPEC Thyristor eupec FZ 800 R 16 thyristor TT 18 N B/B0615 DIODE
    Text: Type designations Thyristors T 930 S 18 T M C T symmetrically blocking thyristor A asymmetrically blocking thyristor 930 limiting average forward current A at tc= 85° C Ceramic disc W Ceramic disc P 1 Epoxy disc 19 mm high 4 Epoxy disc 35 mm high 6 7 Epoxy disc 8 mm high


    eupec rectifier

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: eupec Check List for Assemblies 1 Device Diode Thyristor Module IGBT / IHM 2 Circuit Middle point- M1 M2 M3 M3.2 circuit un-controlled full-controlled Bridgecircuit B2 un-controlled B6 half controlled Inverse parallel circuit half controlled full-controlled



    Abstract: D1131SH65T D931SH65T D1481N D2601N D3001N D471N D711N 150kV thyristor d471
    Text: MARKETING NEWS European PowerSemiconductor and Electronics Company Dioden zu IGBT- und GCT-Umrichtern 1. Anwendungen Moderne Frequenzumrichter hoher Leistungen > ca. 1 MW werden in zunehmenden Maße mit IGBT- oder GCT- (Gate Controlled Thyristor) Bauelementen realisiert.

    12bzw. 24-pulsige MN2000-04d D1331SH45T D1131SH65T D931SH65T D1481N D2601N D3001N D471N D711N 150kV thyristor d471 PDF


    Abstract: thyristor 1100A D1031SH gct thyristor
    Text: New Fast Diodes With Pressure Contact For GCT / IGBT Converters R. Barthelmeß, M. Beuermann, N. Winter eupec, D-91362 Pretzfeld, Germany Abstract New power semiconductor switches, like IGBT and GCT gate commutated thyristor , offer excellent switching performance and make snubberless converter design possible. New FWD (free-wheeling

    D-91362 4500V1030A 100mm 1000h D1031SH D1031SH45 thyristor 1100A gct thyristor PDF


    Abstract: D1481N D2601N D3001N D471N Dioden eupec igbt 150kV thyristor gct thyristor
    Text: MARKETING NEWS European PowerSemiconductor and Electronics Company Dioden zu IGBT- und GCT-Umrichtern 1. Anwendungen Moderne Frequenzumrichter hoher Leistungen > ca. 1 MW werden in zunehmenden Maße mit IGBT- oder GCT- (Gate Controlled Thyristor) Bauelementen realisiert.

    12bzw. 24-pulsige MN2000-04d D711N D1481N D2601N D3001N D471N Dioden eupec igbt 150kV thyristor gct thyristor PDF


    Abstract: freewheeling diodes 12-pulse medium frequency inverter series connection igbt eupec igbt EUPEC Thyristor gct thyristor D1481N D2601N D3001N
    Text: MARKETING NEWS European PowerSemiconductor and Electronics Company Diodes for IGBT and GCT converters 1. Applications Modern high power frequency converters > approx. 1 MW are increasingly realised with IGBT or GCT (Gate Controlled Thyristor) devices. Here, the line side power converter is

    MN2000-04e HIGH VOLTAGE DIODE kv freewheeling diodes 12-pulse medium frequency inverter series connection igbt eupec igbt EUPEC Thyristor gct thyristor D1481N D2601N D3001N PDF

    thyristor td 61 n 12 k

    Abstract: thyristoren
    Text: Type designations Thyristoren Typenbezeichnungen Gleichrichterdioden T 930 S 18 T M C T symmetrisch sperrender Thyristor A asymmetrisch sperrender Thyristor 930 Dauergrenzstrom A bei tc= 85“ C Keramic Scheibe W Keramic Scheibe P 1 4 Epoxy disc 19 mm hoch

    OCR Scan

    thyristor short circuit

    Abstract: PS-20 pressure switch fast diode "40 A" eupec phase control thyristor
    Text: Type designations Typenbezeichnungen Thyristors Rectifier T 930 S 18 T M C T symmetrically blocking thyristor asymmetrically blocking thyristor 930 limiting average forward current A at tc= 85° C Ceramic disc W Ceramic disc P Epoxy disc 19 mm high Epoxy disc 35 mm high

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EUPEC b lE D m 3 4 0 3 2 c17 □□□1301 0Tb H U P E C Thyristor-Dioden-Module fur l-Umrichter Thyristor-diode-modules for current source inverters Typ Type V drm V rrm It r m s m It s m /¡ 2dt It a v m ^ c V TO it (di/dt)cr (dv/dt)cr Rthjc RlhCK tv, max

    OCR Scan

    IC 7476

    Abstract: 14120 81 210 W 20 81 210 w 54 EUPEC TD 25 th34032 dt250n DT18N td18n
    Text: b l E T> EUPEC 3 4 0 32 *1 7 I D0013Q1 0Tb M U P E C Thyristor-Dioden-Module für l-Umrichter Thyristor-diode-modules for current source inverters Typ Type V drm V rrm It r m s m I tsm / ¡ 2dt I t avm ^ c V TO rj (dv/dt)cr R th jc DIN ty p . IEC 747-6 □ IN

    OCR Scan
    D0013Q1 IC 7476 14120 81 210 W 20 81 210 w 54 EUPEC TD 25 th34032 dt250n DT18N td18n PDF


    Abstract: dt250n DT18N td18n
    Text: EUPEC MIE D • 3MD35T7 DOGDiaD STI ■ Thyristor-diode-modules for current source inverters Type Vdrm Vrrm TRM SM dv/dt cr ^ th J C yp- DIN EC 747-6 180 °el sin. ns V/flS 50 100 di/dt)cr /'i2dt tavm/Ic 10 ms, 10 ms, VJ V] max 180 °el sin. VJ = v] max vj max

    OCR Scan
    3MD35T7 dt61n dt250n DT18N td18n PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EUPEC m 4TE D 3 4 0 3 3 1}? DQ0Ü150 5TT • Thyristor-diode-modules for current source inverters V V A Itsm / i 2dt Itavm ^ c 10 ms, tvj max 10 ms, tvj max 180 °el sin. kA A2s A/°C It di/dt cr tq (dv/dt)cr Rthjc *vj = tvj max DIN typ. IEC 747-6 DIN IEC 747-6

    OCR Scan

    thyristor tt 45 f 1100

    Abstract: EUPEC Thyristor tt 71 EUPEC TT 42F TD 42 F thyristor TD 42 TT 42F f 42 thyristor TD 42 F thyristor tt 18 f 1000 TT 6-A
    Text: Type V drm blE EUPEC Fast thyristor modules Itr m sm Itsm / i 2d t V T0 Tt BMOBST? □□□1337 ESI T> (di/dt)cr (dv/dt)cr RthJC R th C K tv j m ax IUPEC Outline V rrm V dsm = vDRM 10 ms, 10 ms, D IN D IN VRRM + 100 V tvj max tv j max 180 ”el sin. t, j

    OCR Scan

    thyristor tt 18 N 1100

    Abstract: thyristor tt 18 f 1000 EUPEC tt 93 n EUPEC tt 93 n 14 thyristor tt 45 f 1100 thyristor tt 18 n 800 TD 42 F thyristor TD 42 F EUPEC TD 25 eupec tt 92 n 12
    Text: Fast thyristor modules Type V drm iH E EUPEC It r m s m I tsm /¡2dt I tavm ^ c V TO> •t '»,= tvj max tv, = 34D35T7 DOGOllt. Ö7fl D (di/dt cr (dv/dt)cr R,hjc DIN IEC 747-6 DIN IEC 747-6 sin. V rrm 10 ms, 180 °el tvj max sin. A A V 10 ms, tvj max A/°C

    OCR Scan
    34D3H17 thyristor tt 18 N 1100 thyristor tt 18 f 1000 EUPEC tt 93 n EUPEC tt 93 n 14 thyristor tt 45 f 1100 thyristor tt 18 n 800 TD 42 F thyristor TD 42 F EUPEC TD 25 eupec tt 92 n 12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: n. , . . . Phase control thyristor modules Type V drm V rrm It r m s m Itsm EUPEC / i 2dt blE ]> • Itavm^ c VfTO 3403217 QGOlSSb 315 ■ U P E C fT di/dt)cr t„i = *q (dv/dt)cr R th J C V dsm = V d r m 10 ms, 10 ms, 180 °el tvi V rsm = V r r m + 100 V

    OCR Scan

    EUPEC tt 162 n 16

    Abstract: thyristor tt 142 n EUPEC tt 95 n EUPEC tt 250 n EUPEC tt 104 thyristor TT 95 N 1200 EUPEC tt 142 n 16 thyristor tt 162 n thyristor tt 61 N 1200 thyristor tt 95
    Text: Phase control thyristor modules eupec Type / ¡2dt Itavm ^ c V TO> It (di/dt cr (dv/dt)cr Rtwc tvj = tv, = tv, max tvj max DIN typ. IEC 747-6 DIN IEC 747-6 180°el sin. V mQ A/|liS us V /jlS V drm V It r m s m Itsm MTE D 34 G 32 T 7 00 D 0115 T 31 m • UPZCf

    OCR Scan
    34G32là 00D0115 180-el EUPEC tt 162 n 16 thyristor tt 142 n EUPEC tt 95 n EUPEC tt 250 n EUPEC tt 104 thyristor TT 95 N 1200 EUPEC tt 142 n 16 thyristor tt 162 n thyristor tt 61 N 1200 thyristor tt 95 PDF