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    TFS140E Search Results

    TFS140E Datasheets (2)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    TFS140E Vectron International Filter, Passive, RF & IF Original PDF
    TFS140E Vectron International Filter Specification Original PDF

    TFS140E Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Filename: tfs140e.doc Version 1.4 VI TELEFILTER 19.05.2003 Filter specification Measurement condition Ambient temperature: Input power level: Terminating impedance: * Input: Output: 23 860 860 TFS140E 1/5 °C dBm | -1.2 pF | -1,2 pF Characteristics Remark:

    tfs140e TFS140E PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: file: ap140e_1.doc VI TELEFILTER _ Ltp: -_ 01.11.00 Application Note TFS140E - 1 / 1 version 1.0

    ap140e TFS140E PDF

    455 khz filter

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: tfs140e.doc version 1.3 06.01.02 VI TELEFILTER Filter Specification TFS 140E - 1/4

    tfs140e mea240 455 khz filter PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: file: ap140e_1.doc VI TELEFILTER _ Ltp: - Application Note TFS140E - 1 / 1 version 1.0 _ _

    ap140e TFS140E PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: tfs140e.doc version 1.3 31.10.00 VI TELEFILTER Filter Specification TFS 140E - 1/4

    tfs140e mea240 PDF


    Abstract: "Crystal Filters" 455 ceramic filter ISO14000 TFS140E TFS35A TFS35B TS16949
    Text: SAW filters for space and military applications Two reflectors and a transducer form an one port resonator. The unsage of resonant structure allows low loss operation. Requirements for SAW filters for space and military applications: By mechanical an electrical


    vanguard tcxo

    Abstract: COSMO 1010 ovenaire 10 mhz oscillator 42 TCXO vanguard ovenaire 10 mhz oscillator Temex Electronics Oscillatek cosmo 1010 -817 TFS1227 vectron orbcomm
    Text: Space Products Space Products Vectron International World-Wide Locations United States VI Hudson, Corporate Headquarters 267 Lowell Road Hudson, NH 03051 Tel: 1.888.328.7661 Fax: 1.888.329.8328 * Military/Space Center of Excellence VI Mount Holly Springs 100 Watts Street

    D-74924 D-14513 vanguard tcxo COSMO 1010 ovenaire 10 mhz oscillator 42 TCXO vanguard ovenaire 10 mhz oscillator Temex Electronics Oscillatek cosmo 1010 -817 TFS1227 vectron orbcomm PDF

    TFS1227 vectron

    Abstract: TFS1590 GPS SAW filter 35.42 MHz Loss Filters Low-Loss Filters TFS403B TFS456E resonator 4.00 MHz DIP TFS140 TFS360K
    Text: lW Filters ;sonators loiitnic Crystal Filters srformance RF Filters ^-Filters up to 3 GHz A uto m o tiv e M ed ical T elecom m unications GPS A p p licatio n s W iM Á X WLAN M ilita ry & S \W f M JIM m p o n INTERNATIONAL! a jjp o v m c o m pa n y Types of SAW Devices

    OCR Scan
    D-14513 CH-2000 TFS1227 vectron TFS1590 GPS SAW filter 35.42 MHz Loss Filters Low-Loss Filters TFS403B TFS456E resonator 4.00 MHz DIP TFS140 TFS360K PDF


    Abstract: Low-Loss Filters Loss Filters TFS1590 TFS281 TFS280G TFS285 TFS915P SAW Components band stop Filter TFS868H
    Text: Cnstomen Innovate Improve Grow W F ilte rs so n a to r s ic C ry sta l F ilte rs H ig h -P e rfo rm a n c e R F F ilte rs -F ilte rs u p to 3 G H z V o lu m e GPS A p p lic a t io n s M ilit a r y & S p a c e W iM A X WLAN T e l e c ommun ica t io n s M e d ic a l A u to m o

    OCR Scan
    D-74924 D-14513 TFS1621 Low-Loss Filters Loss Filters TFS1590 TFS281 TFS280G TFS285 TFS915P SAW Components band stop Filter TFS868H PDF