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    71V67603S133BGI Renesas Electronics Corporation 3.3V 256K x 36 Synchronous 3.3V I/O PipeLined SRAM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    71V67603S133BQI8 Renesas Electronics Corporation 3.3V 256K x 36 Synchronous 3.3V I/O PipeLined SRAM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    71V67603S150BGGI8 Renesas Electronics Corporation 3.3V 256K x 36 Synchronous 3.3V I/O PipeLined SRAM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    71V67603S150PFG Renesas Electronics Corporation 3.3V 256K x 36 Synchronous 3.3V I/O PipeLined SRAM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    71V67603S166PFGI Renesas Electronics Corporation 3.3V 256K x 36 Synchronous 3.3V I/O PipeLined SRAM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

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    Text: Application Note 113 August 2007 Power Conversion, Measurement and Pulse Circuits Tales From the Laboratory Notebook, 2005-2007 Jim Williams INTRODUCTION This ink marks LTC’s eighth circuit collection publication.1 We are continually surprised, to the point of near mystification, by these circuit amalgams seemingly limitless

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    Text: AN-959 An Introduction to the HEXSenseTM Current-Sensing Device HEXSense and HEXFET are trademarks of International Rectifier by S. CLEMENTE, H. ISHII, S.YOUNG Introduction This application note will acquaint the designer with International Rectifier's new family of HEXFET power

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    Abstract: 30 ampere to 1000 ampere converter 500 WATT smps 100 watt hf transistor 12 volt electrolytic capacitors for SMPS SM051A153KAN 150 watt hf transistor 12 volt 300 watt hf transistor 12 volt computer smps circuit datasheet Tektronix 7603
    Text: TECHNICAL INFORMATION CERAMIC MULTILAYER CAPACITORS IN HF SMPS APPLICATIONS by John Prymak Olean Advanced Products Abstract There has been an explosion of interest in the use of ceramic capacitors for high frequency power conversion applications. This interest is

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    Abstract: HP4192 SM02 SM05 energy discharge capacitor Olean Advanced Products OR AVX
    Text: TECHNICAL INFORMATION CERAMIC MULTILAYER CAPACITORS IN HF SMPS APPLICATIONS by John Prymak Olean Advanced Products Abstract There has been an explosion of interest in the use of ceramic capacitors for high frequency power conversion applications. This interest is

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    Abstract: hp laptop charging CIRCUIT diagram p50n05 43a Hall effect pin out 2N2219 transistor substitute PURE SINE WAVE inverter schematic diagram 2n3906 npn magnetic amplifier saturable core P50N05E pe-61592
    Text: Application Note 29 October 1988 Some Thoughts on DC/DC Converters Jim Williams and Brian Huffman INTRODUCTION Many systems require that the primary source of DC power be converted to other voltages. Battery driven circuitry is an obvious candidate. The 6V or 12V cell in a laptop computer must be converted to different potentials needed for

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    Abstract: LM337T NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR AN7835 74F541 SPT7835 3266 bourns Regulated Power Supply Schematic Diagram lm317 3 volt Regulated Power Supply Schematic Diagram without j7-A
    Text: AN7835/40/50/55/60/61/63 EVALUATION BOARD APPLICATION NOTE FEATURES APPLICATIONS • • • • • • Evaluation of SPT7835/40/50/55/60/61/63 10-Bit SOIC ADCs • Engineering System Prototype Aid • Incoming Inspection Tool • Guide for System Layout

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    Abstract: C5152 ECU-S1J103KBA C2429 LM337 Hex Op Amp PMI op07ez C3841 ECS-F1CE105K ecu-s1j
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    Text: AN7734 EVALUATION BOARD APPLICATION NOTE FEATURES APPLICATIONS • • • • • • • • • Up to 40 MSPS Conversion Rates Output Buffer On-Board Reference Circuits Analog Input Buffer Regulated Power Supplies Evaluation of SPT7734 8-Bit SOIC ADCs Engineering System Prototype Aid

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    Abstract: dc-dc converter royer PE-65050 p50n05 figure 19 hysteresis loop of magnetic core in flyback circuit 2n3507 1amp IRFZ44 mosfet for square wave inverter pe-6197 diode r 4kl c 46 PE-65066
    Text: L ir m Application Note 29 O ctober 1988 TECHNOLOGY Some Thoughts on DC-DC Converters Jim Williams Brian Huffman INTRODUCTION Many systems require that the primary source of DC power be converted to other voltages. Battery driven cir­ cuitry is an obvious candidate. The 6V or 12V cell in a lap­

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    Abstract: working of astable multivibrator circuit bipolar transistor tester mje13008 motorola AN1033 BASIC THERMAL MANAGEMENT OF POWER SEMICONDUCTORS Tektronix 7603 tester SCR DL111/D AN569
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    Abstract: T1S57 RJh 3347 2N3680 LA 4301 transistor ITT 2907 2N3792 2N3574 BF173 transistor bf 175
    Text: Semiconductor Components Data Book 4 Transistors C o p y rig h t 1971 by T exas In s tru m e n ts L im ited . A ll R ig h ts R eserv ed . P rin te d in th e U n ite d K ingdom . T his b o o k , o r p arts th e re o f, m ay n o t be rep ro d u ce d in any

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    Abstract: MATSUA compressor R12 scf 101 saw filter gte wiring diagram audio amplifier ic 6283 am/transistors JX 6822 A Sansui 21 i fs circuit diagram MC145202 addendum ne602 scrambler motorola power transistor 7752 MC145026
    Text: Contents at a Glance VOLUME I Device Index Alphanumeric . viii Chapter One Selector G u id e .1.1-1

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    Text: Selection Guides Data Sheets Evaluation Kits Application Notes and Product Literature Glossary Handling and Design Guidelines Quality and Reliability Mechanical Data DATA CLASSIFICATION Product Preview This heading on a data sheet indicates that the device is in the formative stages or under

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