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    NXP Semiconductors TEA1062AT-C4,118

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    DigiKey TEA1062AT-C4,118 Reel
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    NXP Semiconductors TEA1062AT-C4,112

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    DigiKey TEA1062AT-C4,112 Tube
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    NXP Semiconductors TEA1062A-C4-M1,112

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    DigiKey TEA1062A-C4-M1,112 Tube
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    Friedrich Lütze GmbH A1061404 (ALTERNATE: A1061404 CX100)

    DRIVEFLEX VFD Cable, Shielded 14 AWG 4C, XHHW-2 XLPE Ins., 1000V, UL TC-ER | LUTZE Inc. A1061404
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    RS A1061404 (ALTERNATE: A1061404 CX100) ft. Coil 18 1
    • 1 $464.17
    • 10 $417.76
    • 100 $417.76
    • 1000 $417.76
    • 10000 $417.76
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    Friedrich Lütze GmbH A1061204 (ALTERNATE: A1061204 CX100)

    DRIVEFLEX VFD Cable, Shielded 12 AWG 4C, XHHW-2 XLPE Ins., 1000V, UL TC-ER | LUTZE Inc. A1061204
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    RS A1061204 (ALTERNATE: A1061204 CX100) ft. Coil 9 1
    • 1 $600.63
    • 10 $540.56
    • 100 $540.56
    • 1000 $540.56
    • 10000 $540.56
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    TEA106 Datasheets (180)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    TEA1060 Unknown Telephone Transmission Circuit Scan PDF
    TEA1060 Unknown Scan PDF
    TEA1060 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    TEA1060 Philips Semiconductors Versatile Telephone Transmission Circuits with Dialler Interface Scan PDF
    TEA1060 Philips Semiconductors Versatile telephone transmission circuits with dialler interface Scan PDF
    TEA1060N Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
    TEA1061 Unknown Telephone Transmission Circuit Scan PDF
    TEA1061 Unknown Scan PDF
    TEA1061 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    TEA1061 Philips Semiconductors Versatile Telephone Transmission Circuits with Dialler Interface Scan PDF
    TEA1061 Philips Semiconductors Versatile telephone transmission circuits with dialler interface Scan PDF
    TEA1061N Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
    TEA1062 Contek Microelectronics Low voltage telephone transmission circuit with dialler interface. Original PDF
    TEA1062 Philips Semiconductors Low Voltage Transmission Circuits with Dialler Interface Original PDF
    TEA1062 Unisonic Technologies Original PDF
    TEA1062 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    TEA1062 Philips Semiconductors Low voltage versatile telephone transmission circuits with dialler interface Scan PDF

    TEA106 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: 1560 microphone piezoelectric amplifier circuits piezoelectric microphone dB
    Text: Replacement of Low Voltage Transmission ICs with dialer interface TEA1062/TEA1062A MIK1062/MIK1062A June 1998 – revised October 1999 Features • • • • • • • • • Low line voltage; operates down to 1.6 V excluding polarity guard Voltage regulator with adjustable static resistance

    TEA1062/TEA1062A MIK1062/MIK1062A MIK1062: MIK1062A: MIK1062 MIK1062A TEA1062A 1560 microphone piezoelectric amplifier circuits piezoelectric microphone dB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD TEA1062N/TEA1062AN LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT LOW VOLTAGE TELEPHONE TRANSMISSION CIRCUIT WITH DIALLER INTERFACE SOP-16  DESCRIPTION The UTC TEA1062N/TEA1062AN is a bipolar integrated circuit performing all speech and line interface function, required in the

    TEA1062N/TEA1062AN OP-16 TEA1062N/TEA1062AN DIP-16 QW-R108-011 PDF

    Tea1067 philips

    Abstract: TEA1067 MGR091 PCD3320 MBA454 BST76 transistor PCD3343 SO20 TEA1060 TEA1067T
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TEA1067 Low voltage versatile telephone transmission circuit with dialler interface Product specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC03A June 1990 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Low voltage versatile telephone

    TEA1067 IC03A TEA1067 SCA60 415102/00/02/pp28 Tea1067 philips MGR091 PCD3320 MBA454 BST76 transistor PCD3343 SO20 TEA1060 TEA1067T PDF


    Abstract: utc1062a utc 1062 electret mic capacitive Wheatstone Bridge amplifier TEA1062A BAS11 TEA1062 DSA0037892 R1620
    Text: UTC TEA1062/1062A LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT LOW VOLTAGE TELEPHONE TRANSMISSION CIRCUIT WITH DIALLER INTERFACE DESCRIPTION The UTC TEA1062/1062A is a bipolar integrated SOP-16 circuit performing all speech and line interface function, telephone between required

    TEA1062/1062A OP-16 DIP-16 TEA1062A UTC1062A BSN254A TEA1062/1062A QW-R108-001 UTC1062 utc1062a utc 1062 electret mic capacitive Wheatstone Bridge amplifier TEA1062A BAS11 TEA1062 DSA0037892 R1620 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TEA1067 Low voltage versatile telephone transmission circuit with dialler interface Product specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC03A June 1990 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Low voltage versatile telephone

    TEA1067 IC03A OT102 OT163 pcd3320 PDF

    utc 1062

    Abstract: UTC1062 UTC1062A 1062A TEA1062 BZW14 BZW14 diode electret mic BAS11 TEA1062A
    Text: UTC TEA1062/1062A LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT LOW VOLTAGE TELEPHONE TRANSMISSION CIRCUIT WITH DIALLER INTERFACE DESCRIPTION The UTC TEA1062/1062A is a bipolar integrated SOP-16 circuit performing all speech and line interface function, telephone between required

    TEA1062/1062A OP-16 DIP-16 QW-R108-001 utc 1062 UTC1062 UTC1062A 1062A TEA1062 BZW14 BZW14 diode electret mic BAS11 TEA1062A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TEA1063 Linear ICs Compander Circuit statusû Nom. Supp V 15 Minimum Operating Temp (øC)0 Maximum Operating Temp (øC)70 Package StyleDIP Mounting StyleT Pinout Equivalence Code16-454 # Pins16 Ckt. (Pinout) NumberLN01600454 DescriptionTelephone Transmission Circuit

    TEA1063 Code16-454 Pins16 NumberLN01600454 PDF

    GV20 diode

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UTC TEA1062/1062A LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT LOW VOLTAGE TELEPHONE TRANSMISSION CIRCUIT WITH DIALLER INTERFACE DESCRIPTION The UTC TEA1062/1062A is a bipolar integrated SOP-16 circuit performing all speech and line interface function, telephone between required

    TEA1062/1062A OP-16 DIP-16 TEA1062A UTC1062A BSN254A TEA1062/1062A GV20 diode PDF


    Abstract: MBA357 mic amplifier using ic 741 TEA1062 capacitive Wheatstone Bridge amplifier philips zener diode c12 MLC203 msa504 pulse dtmf gateway DATASHEET OF IC 741
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TEA1062; TEA1062A Low voltage transmission circuit with dialler interface Product specification Supersedes data of September 1994 File under Integrated Circuits, IC03 1996 May 10 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Low voltage transmission circuit

    TEA1062; TEA1062A TEA1062 TEA1062A SCDS48 417021/10/03/pp28 TEA1062 APPLICATION NOTE MBA357 mic amplifier using ic 741 capacitive Wheatstone Bridge amplifier philips zener diode c12 MLC203 msa504 pulse dtmf gateway DATASHEET OF IC 741 PDF

    LN 358

    Abstract: capacitive Wheatstone Bridge amplifier TEA1068 TEA1068T DIP18 SO20 TEA1060
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TEA1068 Versatile telephone transmission circuit with dialler interface Product specification Supersedes data of June 1990 File under Integrated Circuits, IC03 1996 Apr 23 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Versatile telephone transmission circuit

    TEA1068 SCDS48 417021/10/ed/pp24 LN 358 capacitive Wheatstone Bridge amplifier TEA1068 TEA1068T DIP18 SO20 TEA1060 PDF

    Applications Handbook for Wired telecom systems, IC03b

    Abstract: IC03b TEA1062 APPLICATION NOTE Applications Handbook for Wired telecom systems
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Low voltage transmission circuits dialler interface TEA1062; TEA1062A FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Low DC line voltage; operates down to 1.6 V excluding polarity guard • Symmetrical high-impedance inputs (64 ki2) for

    OCR Scan
    TEA1062: TEA1062A: TEA1062; TEA1062A TEA1062 TEA1062A Applications Handbook for Wired telecom systems, IC03b IC03b TEA1062 APPLICATION NOTE Applications Handbook for Wired telecom systems PDF


    Abstract: TEA1064AT philips tea 1064A
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Low voltage versatile telephone transmission circuit with dialler interface and transmit level dynamic limiting GENERAL DESCRIPTION PACKAGE OUTLINES The TEA1064A is a bipolar integrated circuit that performs all the speech and line interface functions required in fully

    OCR Scan
    TEA1064A PCD3310; PCD332X TEA1064AT philips tea 1064A PDF


    Abstract: EE2318 dmo 365 r MRC D17 Diode KD 521 a circuit diagram 1209 mic TEA1093 TEA1083 T1 BC548 QFP44
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Versatile speech/dialler/ringer with music-on-hold TEA1069 FEATURES - Speech part - register recall earth and flash times - keyboard layout selection - selection for german requirements - hold/mute mode selection.

    OCR Scan
    TEA1069 1n414b EE2318 dmo 365 r MRC D17 Diode KD 521 a circuit diagram 1209 mic TEA1093 TEA1083 T1 BC548 QFP44 PDF


    Abstract: PC03310 Piezoelectric Transducer hm ir amplifier PCD3343 A1068 S020 TEA1060 TEA1068 TEA1068T
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors Versatile telephone transmission circuit with dialler interface TEA1068 G E N E R A L D ES C R IPTIO N The T E A 1 0 6 8 is a bipolar integrated circuit performing all speech and line interface functions required

    OCR Scan
    TEA1Q68 TEA1068 PCD3320 7Z86752 PCD3343 PCD3312 TEA1068 MCA479 PC03310 Piezoelectric Transducer hm ir amplifier A1068 S020 TEA1060 TEA1068T PDF

    K-Line L line

    Abstract: oasi PCD3343 PCD3310 S020 TEA1060 TEA1066T capacitive Wheatstone Bridge amplifier ti555 aatj
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Versatile telephone transmission circuit with dialler interface TEA1066T G E N E R A L D ESC RIPTIO N The T E A 1 0 6 6 T is a bip o la r integrated c irc u it w h ich perform s all speech and line interface fu n ction s

    OCR Scan
    TEA1066T TEA1066T PCD3310 PCD3320 PCD3312 K-Line L line oasi PCD3343 S020 TEA1060 capacitive Wheatstone Bridge amplifier ti555 aatj PDF


    Abstract: philips capacitor part numbering system ic dmo 255 smd diode UJ 64 A MBH210 diode S1G D9 Music Generator IC SDIP42 TEA1069N TEA1081
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Versatile speech/dialler/ringer with music-on-hold TEA1069N FEATURES - pulse or DTMF mode selection Speech part - register recall earth and flash times Voltage regulator with adjustable static resistance Low DC line voltage; operates down to 1.6 V

    OCR Scan
    TEA1069N D102fiDb MBH201 philips capacitor part numbering system ic dmo 255 smd diode UJ 64 A MBH210 diode S1G D9 Music Generator IC SDIP42 TEA1069N TEA1081 PDF


    Abstract: TEA1061 PCD3320 TEA1060 1061 voltage regulator TEA106T
    Text: TEA1060 TEA1061 VERSATILE TELEPHONE TRANSMISSION CIRCUITS WITH DIALLER INTERFACE G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N The T E A 1 0 6 0 and T E A 1 0 6 1 are b ip o la r integrated circu its p e rfo rm in g all speech, and line interface fu n c tio n s required in fu lly e le ctro n ic telephone sets. The c ircu its in te rn a lly p e rfo rm e le ctro n ic sw itching

    OCR Scan
    TEA1060 TEA1061 TEA1060 TEA1061 TEA1060) TEA1061) TEA106T PCD3320 PCD3343 PCD3320 1061 voltage regulator TEA106T PDF

    TDA 1083 equivalent

    Abstract: ML8032 TDA 1083 TDA 6200 circuit board tea 1059 receiver tda 1072 TDA 3030 TEA1064B dynamic microphone piezo electric microphone
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Low voltage versatile telephone transmission circuit with dialler interface and transmit level dynamic limiting FEATURES t p a i orar TEA1064B • Line loss compensation line current dependent for microphone and earpiece amplifiers (not used for

    OCR Scan
    TEA1064B Conf75T TEA1064B BSN254A PCD3344 PCF8576 7110fl2fc TDA 1083 equivalent ML8032 TDA 1083 TDA 6200 circuit board tea 1059 receiver tda 1072 TDA 3030 dynamic microphone piezo electric microphone PDF

    philips tea 1064A

    Abstract: piezo electric microphone AMS microphone TEA 1045 TEA1064A S020 TEA1064AT TEA1067 7zu34s Tea1067 philips
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Low voltage versatile telephone transmission circuit with dialler interface and transmit level dynamic limiting TEA1064A G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N The T E A 1 0 6 4 A is a bipolar integrated circuit that performs all the speech and line interface functions

    OCR Scan
    TEA1064A TEA1064 TEA1064A 7Z26S11 PCD3344 711032t. philips tea 1064A piezo electric microphone AMS microphone TEA 1045 S020 TEA1064AT TEA1067 7zu34s Tea1067 philips PDF

    amplifier gain 36 dB

    Abstract: Automatic Voltage stabilizer PCD3343 TEA1060 waveform for inverting amplifier PCD3320 S020 TEA1068 TEA1068T Wheatstone Resistive Bridge amplifier
    Text: TEA1068 _ VERSATILE TELEPHONE TRANSMISSION CIRCUIT WITH DIALLER INTERFACE G EN ER AL DESCRIPTION The T E A 1 0 6 8 is a b ip o la r integrated c irc u it p e rfo rm in g all speech and line interface fu n c tio n s required in fu lly e le ctro n ic telephone sets. I t p e rfo rm s e le ctro n ic sw itching between d ia llin g and speech.

    OCR Scan
    TEA1068 TEA1068 PCD3343 PCD3343 PCD3312 amplifier gain 36 dB Automatic Voltage stabilizer TEA1060 waveform for inverting amplifier PCD3320 S020 TEA1068T Wheatstone Resistive Bridge amplifier PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors Low voltage versatile telephone transmission circuit with dialler interface TEA1067 Asymmetrical high-impedance input 32 k ii for electret microphone GENERAL DESCRIPTION The TEA1067 is a bipolar integrated circuit performing all

    OCR Scan
    TEA1067 TEA1067, PDF


    Abstract: audio automatic gain control TEA1061 PCD3343 BZW14 3 pin electret mic piezoelectric microphone
    Text: TEA1060 TEA1061 VER S A TILE TE L E P H O N E T R A N S M IS S IO N C IR C U IT S W ITH DIALLER IN TER FA C E GENERAL DESCRIPTION The TEA1060 and TEA1061 are bipolar integrated circuits performing all speech, and line interface functions required in fu lly electronic telephone sets. The circuits internally perform electronic switching

    OCR Scan
    TEA1060 TEA1061 TEA1060 TEA1061 TEA1060) TEA1061) audio automatic gain control PCD3343 BZW14 3 pin electret mic piezoelectric microphone PDF

    Automatic Voltage stabilizer

    Abstract: Wheatstone Bridge INA 125 P MCA479 amplifier gain 36 dB automatic stabilizer circuit diagram PCD3343 TEA1067T w1A 74 W1A 93 waveform for inverting amplifier
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Low voltage versatile telephone transmission circuit with dialler interface TEA1067 G E N E R A L DESC RIPTIO N The T E A 1067 is a b ip o la r integrated c irc u it perform ing all speech and line interface functions required

    OCR Scan
    TEA1067 TEA1067 CD3320 PCD3320 PCD3343 Automatic Voltage stabilizer Wheatstone Bridge INA 125 P MCA479 amplifier gain 36 dB automatic stabilizer circuit diagram TEA1067T w1A 74 W1A 93 waveform for inverting amplifier PDF


    Abstract: TEA1062 APPLICATION NOTE circuit diagram for automatic voltage regulator network crad 20S2 TEA1060 TEA1062 TEA1062T TEA1081
    Text: DEVELOPM ENT DATA TEA1062 T h is d ata sheet c o n ta in s advance in fo r m a tio n and s p e c ific a tio n s are su b je c t to change w it h o u t n o tic e . LOW VOLTAGE TELEPHONE TRANSMISSION CIRCUIT WITH DIALLER INTERFACE GENERAL DESCRIPTION The T EA1062 is a bipolar integrated circu it performing all speech and line interface functions required

    OCR Scan
    TEA1062 TEA1062 PCD3310. PCD3320 PCD3343 PCD3312 TEA1081 TEA1062 APPLICATION NOTE circuit diagram for automatic voltage regulator network crad 20S2 TEA1060 TEA1062T PDF