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    TE 804 Price and Stock

    Pentair Equipment Protection - Hoffman AMTE8040

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey AMTE8040 Bulk 1
    • 1 $122.22
    • 10 $122.22
    • 100 $122.22
    • 1000 $122.22
    • 10000 $122.22
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    Nisshinbo Micro Devices NJG1804K64-TE1

    RF Switch ICs SP3T Switch GaAS MMIC 1.9Vctl 5.0V
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics NJG1804K64-TE1 15,019
    • 1 $0.98
    • 10 $0.708
    • 100 $0.563
    • 1000 $0.468
    • 10000 $0.436
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    KOA Speer Electronics Inc HV732HTTE1804F

    Thick Film Resistors - SMD 0.5W 1.8M 1% 2000 VO
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics HV732HTTE1804F 7,991
    • 1 $0.7
    • 10 $0.417
    • 100 $0.289
    • 1000 $0.229
    • 10000 $0.183
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    Analog Devices Inc MAX3804ETE+

    Equalizers 10G Buffer/Driver w/ Fixed Equalization
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics MAX3804ETE+ 200
    • 1 $35.09
    • 10 $25.84
    • 100 $23.58
    • 1000 $23.58
    • 10000 $23.58
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    Harwin M80-4TE1005F3

    Power to the Board 5+5 Pos. Female DIL Extended Vertical Throughboard Conn. Guide Pin
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics M80-4TE1005F3 133
    • 1 $24.79
    • 10 $20.99
    • 100 $19.42
    • 1000 $17.74
    • 10000 $17.74
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    TE 804 Datasheets Context Search

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    littelfuse 250v 4a

    Abstract: E2423 CQC10012048703 NBK060111-JP1021A NBK060111-JP1021B NBK060111-JP1021C Fuse 250V 3.15A X1250
    Text: Universal Modular Fuses TE > Time Lag > 804 Series 804 Series Fuse, TE, Time-Lag Fuse Description The 804 Series is a TE UMF, TT time lag type subminiature fuse designed for overcurrent protection. It is 250V rated and designed in accordance to IEC 60127-4.

    E242325 800mA DE1-42667 800mA, CQC10012048703 NBK060111-JP1021A NBK060111-JP1021B SU05024-10004 NBK060111-JP1021C littelfuse 250v 4a E2423 CQC10012048703 NBK060111-JP1021A NBK060111-JP1021B NBK060111-JP1021C Fuse 250V 3.15A X1250 PDF

    AMP Micro-MaTch Miniature Connector

    Abstract: Application Specifications 114-19016 5103310-8 20 pin Polarized IDC Male Headers with Latch idc 20 pin data ribbon connector 734024-1 5102321-4 3 Pin Mini DIN Plug assembly AWM 2651 TB cable lug catalogue
    Text: TE Connectivity Catalog 82012 Revised 4-12 2012 Tyco Electronics Corporation, a TE Connectivity Ltd. Company. All Rights Reserved. 82012 LUG Printer ?M 04/2012 TE Connectivity and the TE connectivity logo are trademarks. Other logos, product and/or company names might be trademarks of their respective owners.


    siemens rs1002A

    Abstract: RS1002A YL-1050 RS1072C siemens rs 1002A Q81-X1410 kg391 siemens triode yl1010 siemens datenbuch
    Text: SIEMENS Datenbuch 1976/77 I Senderöhren In h a lts v e rz e ic h n is A u s w a h lta b e lle Ä q u iv a le n te R ö h re n ty p e n S y m b o lv e rz e ic h n is E rlä u te ru n g e n zu d en te c h n is c h e n D a te n D a te n b lä tte r RS 5 23 bis RS 1082 C

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F -2 0 7 Te c m m FOURRHY JBV .050“x .050“SOCKETS SPECIFICATIONS Low Insertion Force contacts available M a te s w ith : M O LC F or c o m p le te s p e c ific a tio n s a n d re c o m m e n d e d P C B layo uts s e e w w w .s a m te c .c o m ? F O L C

    OCR Scan
    852-26904858-Fax: 4528112-Fax: 747-Fax: PDF

    OZ 9972

    Abstract: OZ 9966 BD 4914 RTA 16065 LA 7809 ite 8892 BUL 380 SN 49710 LT 7207 IC 4081
    Text: M MOTOROLA M C 13109 Advance Information U niversal Cordless Telephone Subsystem 1C UNIVERSAL CT-1 SUBSYSTEM INTEGRATED CIRCUIT T h e M C 1 3 1 0 9 in te g ra te s s e v e ra l o f th e fu n c tio n s re q u ire d fo r a c o rd le s s te le p h o n e in to a s in g le in te g ra te d c irc u it. T h is s ig n ific a n tly re d u c e s c o m p o ­

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: PCD8584T pcd8584 scn68000 mab8400 mab8051 Z80 microcontroller MAB8048 S020 mab8400series
    Text: Philips S e m ico n d u cto rs V id eo Products l2C-bus controller P relim in ary specification PCD8584 BUS G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N T he P C D 8584 is an in te g ra te d c ir c u it designed in CM OS te c h n o lo g y w h ic h serves as an in te rfa ce betw een

    OCR Scan
    PCD8584 PCD8584 7Z28115 PCD8584P PCD8584T scn68000 mab8400 mab8051 Z80 microcontroller MAB8048 S020 mab8400series PDF

    s 8187

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F-207 Te c 50Q RF CABLE ASSEMBLIES ; ; " SPECIFICATIONS For complete specifications see R F174 or RF316 RF Connector: S h e ll M a te ria l: Brass C o n ta c t M a te ria l: Brass O p e ra tin g T e m p e ra tu re : -65°C to +165°C

    OCR Scan
    F-207 RF316 024pF/meter s 8187 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ä P M Ä IM ! OM F©KffiíL&YO©M in te i 82374EB/82374SB EISA SYSTEM COMPONENT (ESC In te g ra te s E ISA C o m p a tib le Bus C o n tro lle r — T ra n s la te s C y cles B e tw e e n E ISA and ISA Bus — S u p p o rts E IS A B u rst an d S tan d ard

    OCR Scan
    82374EB/82374SB MASTER16# 82374EB/82374SB 290476-D3 2L17S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Passive components sales offices ● Head office 206, Cheomdansaneop Road, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-city, Gyeonggi province, Korea, 443- 743 Europe Te l: +82- 31- 210 - 6328 America Te l: +82- 31- 210 - 6794

    sh386 kevin0130 PDF


    Abstract: CL21A106 CL21F104 cl31a106k CL10A105K cl31c471 CL05B104K CL21B47 CL10A106K CL21B104KB
    Text: Augest 2010 Passive components sales offices ● Head office 206, Cheomdansaneop Road, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-city, Gyeonggi province, Korea, 443- 743 Europe Te l: +82- 31- 210 - 6328 America Te l: +82- 31- 210 - 6794

    sh386 FM90588 PH08/0220 02107E10192R3L 02109S10089R2L 02109E10143R2L 02109S10088R2L CL21A106K CL21A106 CL21F104 cl31a106k CL10A105K cl31c471 CL05B104K CL21B47 CL10A106K CL21B104KB PDF

    str f 6456

    Abstract: str x 6456 SM 5126 BP STR F 6168 str 6668 STR G 6352 STR 6456 str f 6468 321 CJ 7121 AXP 209 IC
    Text: Tem ic Se ni i co n fi li c t ci Sales Offices rs Addresses Europe France TE M IC France Les Q uadrants 3. avenue du centre B.P. 309 78054 S t.-Q uentin-en-Y veL nes Cedex Tel: 33 I 3060 7000 F a x :33 I 3060 V 11 i Germany TE M IC TE LEFU N K EN m icroelectronic G m bH

    OCR Scan
    09-Dec-96 str f 6456 str x 6456 SM 5126 BP STR F 6168 str 6668 STR G 6352 STR 6456 str f 6468 321 CJ 7121 AXP 209 IC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F-207 Te c 2mm HIGH REL SOCKET SMM SERIES SPECIFICATIONS For com plete specifications and recom m ended PCB layouts see w w w .sam vSM M In s u la to r M a te ria l: B lack Liquid C rystal P olym er rurohhsm C o n ta c t M a te ria l: BeCu P la tin g : Sn o r Au over

    OCR Scan
    F-207 128In 852-26904858-Fax: 4528112-Fax: 747-Fax: PDF


    Abstract: CL05A CL10B104KB8
    Text: June 2009 Passive components Sales Office ● Head Office 206, Cheomdansaneop Road, Youngtong-gu, Suwon, Kyonggi Province 443- 743, Korea Europe Te l: +82-31-210 -6328 America Te l: +82- 31- 210 - 6794

    kevin0130 CL31A CL05A CL10B104KB8 PDF

    Microprocessor 8048

    Abstract: 8048 microprocessor floppy disk drive 3.5 diskette diagram floppy disk motor head step 8048 BASED P20-P23 SA400
    Text: Süiconsusiaris INNOVATORS IN/INTEGRATION SSI 5 8 0 Port Expander Floppy Disk Drive Preliminary Data Sheet DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SSi 580 de vice is a b ip o la r in te g ra te d c irc u it th a t serves as an in p u t/o u tp u t port exp ande r fo r an 8048 type

    OCR Scan
    SA400 28-Lead Microprocessor 8048 8048 microprocessor floppy disk drive 3.5 diskette diagram floppy disk motor head step 8048 BASED P20-P23 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Datasheet D i s c o n n e c t Te r m i n a l s w i t h Te n s i o n C l a m p Te c h n o l o g y ZTR 2.5 NEW Disconnect test terminals are specially designed for test and measurement tasks. Electrical circuits can be disconnected from the supply by means of their disconnect lever: an advantage for quick

    neede000 5X100 3/06-5M-LIT0610 PDF

    intel 4269

    Abstract: mcs-48 intel 4269 0824 keyboard controller intel 8048 intel 8039 applications of 7447 BCD to Seven Segment display intel mcs-48 8049 Keyboard Controller intel 8049 microcomputer MCS-48
    Text: 1 AP-40 INTRODUCTION T h is a p p lic a tio n n o te s p re s e n ts a s o ftw a re p a c kag e for in te rfa c in g m e m b e rs o f In te l’s M C S -4 8 fa m ily o f s in g le-c h ip m ic ro c o m p u te rs w ith key boards and d is ­ plays using a m in im u m of extern al co m p o n e n ts . Be­

    OCR Scan
    AP-40 MCS-48â UPI-41Â intel 4269 mcs-48 intel 4269 0824 keyboard controller intel 8048 intel 8039 applications of 7447 BCD to Seven Segment display intel mcs-48 8049 Keyboard Controller intel 8049 microcomputer MCS-48 PDF


    Abstract: mp22a 8212 decoder F72H PDP-11 650X MP22 544NS 2350MC
    Text: B U R R -B R O W N | B O MP22BG j /p c I -> v Microprocessor-Interfaced 12-BIT DATA A C Q U IS IT IO N SYSTEM D E S C R IP T IO N FEA TU RES • INTERFACES WITH BOBOA. 8048. Z-BO, SC/M P MICROPROCESSOR WITHOUT ADDITIONAL COMPONENTS A c o m p le te in te r fa c e s

    OCR Scan
    MP22BG 12-BIT PDP-11. MP22BG 80-pin mp22a 8212 decoder F72H PDP-11 650X MP22 544NS 2350MC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: April 2008 Passive components Sales Office � Head Office 206, Cheomdansaneop Road, Youngtong-gu, Suwon, Kyonggi Province 443- 743, Korea Europe Te l : + 82 - 3 1- 2 10 - 6803 E-mail : America Te l : + 82 - 3 1- 2 10 - 6794 E-mail :

    ksj1445 H2310 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F -2 1 2 INDEX BY BRAND NAME AcceleRate FCC3 0.83mm High Speed Cost-effective Coax Cable Assembly.279 FCS8 0.83mm High Speed Cost-effective Coax Cafcle Socket.279 A c c liM a te " ACP-12 A ccM a te " IP68 Sealed 12mm Cable Assembly_334

    OCR Scan
    ACP-12 ACR-12 ACP-16 ACR-16 ACP-22 ACR-22 ate-IP68 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product Specification 108-1049-2 11Mar11 Rev C Hooded SL 156 Connectors, Tin 1. SCOPE 1.1. Content This specification covers the performance, tests and quality requirements for the TE Connectivity TE SL 156 hooded, dual wipe tin connector system. This system is used for wire to board interconnection

    11Mar11 Jun98. 10Jul09. PDF

    INTEL 8049 IC

    Abstract: F62A intel 8049 microcomputer processor 8049 mcs48 assembly language intel 8082 intel 8049 8049 equivalent intel MCS-48 intel 80.82
    Text: in te i APPLICATION NOTE AP-49 J a n u a ry 1979 Intel Corporation 1979 9B 00904 Related lntel Publications Application Techniques for the MCS-48 Fam ily The m a te ria l in th is A p p lic a tio n N o te is fo r in fo rm a tio n a l p u rp o s e s o n ly a n d is s u b je c t

    OCR Scan
    AP-49 MCS-48TM INTEL 8049 IC F62A intel 8049 microcomputer processor 8049 mcs48 assembly language intel 8082 intel 8049 8049 equivalent intel MCS-48 intel 80.82 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F-207 Te c DIFFERENTIAL PAIR ARRAY SPECIFICATIONS DPAM SER IES Performance of up to a terabit pe r connector M a te s w ith: DPAF, R D PA F For complete specifications and recommended PCB layouts see ?DPAM Insulator Material: Black LCP t o Contact Material:

    OCR Scan
    F-207 2-26904858-F PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F-207 SUPPLEMENT a m te c 2mm HI-DENSITY SOCKET SERIES SPECIFICATIONS M a te s w ith : YTT, YTW, YTE For complete specifications see Insu lator Material: Black Liquid Crystal t o Polymer "“ «•« Contact Material: Phosphor Bronze C urrent Rating:

    OCR Scan
    F-207 7526SOO 852-26904858-Fax: PC104 PDF

    AXP 209 IC

    Abstract: sem 2105 16 pin AXP 202 AEG T 51 N 1200 77480 48409 IC SEM 2105 Pioneer PA 0016 94-4033 sem 2105
    Text: Tem ic Sales Offices Semiconductors Addresses Europe Poland Sweden TE M IC TELEFU N K EN m icroelectronic Gm bH Theresienstrasse 2 74072 H eilbronn Postfach 3535, PLZ 74025 Tel: 49 7131 67 3737 Fax: 49 7131 672444 TEM IC TE LE FU N K E N m icroelectronic Gm bH

    OCR Scan
    3194621Road AXP 209 IC sem 2105 16 pin AXP 202 AEG T 51 N 1200 77480 48409 IC SEM 2105 Pioneer PA 0016 94-4033 sem 2105 PDF