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    TDC1058 Search Results

    TDC1058 Datasheets (9)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    TDC1058 Unknown Video Signal Processor IC Data Book 1993 Scan PDF
    TDC1058 TRW LSI Products Data Converters Data Book 1990 Scan PDF
    TDC1058B6C National Semiconductor 8-Bit 20 MSPS Flash A/D Converter Scan PDF
    TDC1058B6C TRW LSI Products Data Converters Data Book 1990 Scan PDF
    TDC1058E1C TRW LSI Products Data Converters Data Book 1990 Scan PDF
    TDC1058N6C National Semiconductor 8-Bit 20 MSPS Flash A/D Converter Scan PDF
    TDC1058N6C TRW LSI Products Data Converters Data Book 1990 Scan PDF
    TDC1058R3C National Semiconductor 8-Bit 20 MSPS Flash A/D Converter Scan PDF
    TDC1058R3C TRW LSI Products Data Converters Data Book 1990 Scan PDF

    TDC1058 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TDC1058 Monolithic Video A/D Converter 8-Bit, 20Msps, Low Power The T R W T D C 1 0 5 8 is a fla sh a n a lo g -to -d ig ita l c o n v e rte r c a p a b le o f c o n v e rtin g a v id e o -s p e e d signal in to a stre a m o f 8 -b it d ig ita l w o rd s a t 2 0 M s p s M e g a S a m p le s Per

    OCR Scan
    TDC1058 20Msps, TDC1058 PDF


    Abstract: ADC-308 MC44250 TDC1058 CHIP IPS
    Text: - • 8 f . y h ä 6 ? i ] J f c ß ü A - D = ' -y' < - 9 15 « / — 1¡ m - x m & i'L h I N ADC-308 MC44250 TDC1038 TDC1058 DATEL MOTOROLA TRW TRW 25'C 25°C TFS TFS 250MHz min 15MSPS 20MSPS min 20MSPS min ± 0 . 5LSB max ± 2 . 0LSB max 0 . 4% max 0. 2% max

    OCR Scan
    ADC-308 MC44250 TDC1038 TDC1058 250MHz 15MSPS 20MSPS 270mA* -165mA TDC1058 CHIP IPS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A D TDC1058 TDC1058 Monolithic Video AID Converter 8-Bit, 20 Msps, Low Power Description The TDC1058 is a flash analog-to-digital converter capable of converting a video-speed signal into a stream of 8-bit digital words at 20 Msps MegaSamples Per Second . Since the TDC1058 is a flash converter, a

    OCR Scan
    TDC1058 TDC1058 28-Pin 1058B6C MIL-STD-883 05886V PDF


    Abstract: ttl input convert to video output TDC1038 TDC1048 TDC1058 TMC1175 20MSPS
    Text: TDC1007 Use TDC1048, TDC1038, TDC1058, TM C1175 for N ew Designs Monolithic Video A /D Converter Features 8-Bit, 20Msps • 8-B it Resolution • Conversion Rates Up To 2 0 M sp s The TDC1007 is an 8-bit fully parallel flash analog-todigital converter, capable of digitizing an input signal at

    OCR Scan
    TDC1007 TDC1048, TDC1038, TDC1058, TMC1175 20Msps TDC1007 40G00276 ttl input convert to video output TDC1038 TDC1048 TDC1058 20MSPS PDF


    Abstract: ccd marking zener diode 1058N6C trw resistor zener b27 ADC-304 TDC1058 1N3062 1N5711 CXA1096P
    Text: TDC1058 rn v w Monolithic Video A/D Converter 8-Bit, 20Msps, Low Power The T R W TD C1058 is a flash analog-to-digital converter capable of converting a video-speedi signal into a stream of 8-bit digital words at 20 M sp s M egaSam ples Per Second . Since the TD C1058 is a flash converter, a

    OCR Scan
    TDC1058 20Msps, TDC1058 20Msps 20Msps 60MHz TDC1058E1C 1058R3C ccd marking zener diode 1058N6C trw resistor zener b27 ADC-304 1N3062 1N5711 CXA1096P PDF


    Abstract: 1058R3C 1058R Raytheon 74
    Text: AD TDC1058 TDC1058 Monolithic Video A/D Converter 8-Bit, 20 Msps, Low Power Description The TDC1058 is a flash analog-to-digital converter capable of converting a video-speed signal into a stream of 8-bit digital words at 20 Msps MegaSamples Per Second . Since the TDC1058 is a flash converter, a

    OCR Scan
    TDC1058 TDC1058 CXA1096P, 57954550MHz TDC1058B6C TDC1058B6V TDC1058N6C 1058n6 1058R3C 1058R Raytheon 74 PDF


    Abstract: TDC1007 pin 1011B2C 1011J7C 1011B2 TDC1038 marking WMM TDC1007 pin description WMM marking code TDC1011
    Text: TDC1007 Use TDC1048, TDC1038, TDC1058, TM C1175 for N ew Designs Monolithic Video A /D Converter Features 8-Bit, 20Msps • 8 -B it R esolution • Conversion Rates Up To 2 0 M s p s The TDC1007 is an 8 -b it fu lly parallel flash a n a lo g -to digital converter, capable of digitizing an in p u t signal at

    OCR Scan
    TDC1007 TDC1048, TDC1038, TDC1058, TMC1175 20Msps TDC1007 TDC1007 pin 1011B2C 1011J7C 1011B2 TDC1038 marking WMM TDC1007 pin description WMM marking code TDC1011 PDF

    ATS diagram

    Abstract: TRW LSI Products
    Text: TRVw TDC1007 Use TDC1048, TDC1038, TDC1058, TMC1175 for New Designs Monolithic Video A/D Converter Features 8-Bit, 2 0 M s p s • 8 -B it R eso lu tio n • C onversion R ates U p To 2 0 M s p s The T D C 1 0 0 7 is an 8 -b it fu lly parallel flash an alog -tod igital converter, cap ab le of d igitizing an inp u t sig nal at

    OCR Scan
    TDC1007 TDC1048, TDC1038, TDC1058, TMC1175 ATS diagram TRW LSI Products PDF


    Abstract: ADC-308 MC44250 TDC1058
    Text: - • 8 f . y h ä 6 ? i ] J f c ß ü A - D = ' -y ' < - 9 15 « / — 1¡ m - x m & i'L h I N ADC-308 MC44250 TDC1038 TDC1058 DATEL MOTOROLA TRW TRW 2 5 'C 25°C TFS TFS 250MHz min 15MSPS 20MSPS min 20MSPS min ± 0 . 5LSB max ± 2 . 0LSB max 0 . 4% max 0. 2% max

    OCR Scan
    ADC-308 MC44250 TDC1038 TDC1058 250MHz 15MSPS 20MSPS 270mA* -165mA TDC1058 PDF

    SC 2272 L4

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: b4E D • _ TMC2272 7 S c573bO DODfiObfi 7 4T « R T N RAYTHEON/ SEMICONDUCTOR TMC2272 Digital Colorspace Converter/Corrector 36-Bit Color 12 Bits x 3 Components 40 MHz Description A complete set of three 12-bit samples is processed on every clock cycle, with a five-cycle pipeline latency. Full

    OCR Scan
    TMC2272 573bO 36-Bit 12-bit 23-bit 10-bit 1041A 7SR73bO TMC2272H5C SC 2272 L4 PDF

    SC 2272 L4

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMC2272 TMC2272 Digital Colorspace Converter/Corrector 36-Bit Color 12 Bits x 3 Components 40 MHz Description A 40 MHz, three-channel, 36 bit (three 12-bit components) colorspace converter and color corrector, the TMC2272 uses 9 parallel multipliers to process hlghresolution imagery in real time.

    OCR Scan
    TMC2272 36-Bit 12-bit TMC2272 TMC2272â 1041A TMC2272H5C SC 2272 L4 PDF


    Abstract: 110B2 CXA 1181 TRANSISTOR C 6090 ADC-304 CXA1096P J28A TDC1058 1N571
    Text: November 1990 ADC0881 8-Bit 20 MSPS Flash A /D Converter General Description Key Specifications The ADC0881 is a monolithic flash Analog-to-Digital con­ verter capable of converting a video signal into a stream of 8-bit digital words at 20 MegaSamples Per Second MSPS .

    OCR Scan
    ADC0881 ADC0881 110B2 CXA 1181 TRANSISTOR C 6090 ADC-304 CXA1096P J28A TDC1058 1N571 PDF


    Abstract: 74LS04 ttl 1001b8c TDC1025 Marking A103 low noise TMC12441 SMD CAPACITOR CODE b7 SMD marking A67 LS161 TDC1038
    Text: A /D Converters T R in i TRW offers a line o f high performance A /D converters that addresses applications from 50kHz to 100MHz. For video bandwidths on the order o f 10MHz , w e have converters with resolutions o f 4 to 10 bits and conversion rates from 18Msps to lOOMsps. W e pioneered the monolithic video A /D converter in 1977,

    OCR Scan
    50kHz 100MHz. 10MHz) 18Msps THC1200 12-bit THC1202) THC1200, 1001B8A TDC1001 74LS04 ttl 1001b8c TDC1025 Marking A103 low noise TMC12441 SMD CAPACITOR CODE b7 SMD marking A67 LS161 TDC1038 PDF

    trw 1048

    Abstract: OF 8 pin DIP IC 1251 TDC1048 OD-1020
    Text: rnvw A/D Converters TRW offers a line o f high perform ance A /D converters that addresses applications from 50kH z to 100M Hz. For video bandwidths on the order o f 10M H z , w e have converters with resolutions o f 4 to 10 bits and conversion rates from 18Msps to lOOMsps. W e pioneered the m onolithic video A /D converter in 1977,

    OCR Scan
    18Msps 12-bit 120ith trw 1048 OF 8 pin DIP IC 1251 TDC1048 OD-1020 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADC0881 50 National Semiconductor ADC0881 8-Bit 20 MSPS Flash A/D Converter General Description Key Specifications The ADC0881 is a monolithic flash Analog-to-Digital con­ verter capable of converting a video signal into a stream of 8-bit digital words at 20 MegaSamples Per Second MSPS .

    OCR Scan
    ADC0881 ADC0881 ADCQ861 PDF

    C1Z V2

    Abstract: lg tv electronic diagram 2110CB TMC2330 MARKING lsi logic TDC1012 TMC0171 TMC2242 TMC2272 2272H5C2
    Text: TMC2272 m S H w w Digital Colorspace Converter/Corrector 36 Bit Color 12 Bits x 3 Components 40MHz A 40MHz, three-channel, 36 bit (three 12-bit components) colorspace converter and color corrector, the TMC2272 uses 9 parallel multipliers to process high-resolution

    OCR Scan
    TMC2272 40MHz 40MHz, 12-bit TMC2272 2272H5C-2 C1Z V2 lg tv electronic diagram 2110CB TMC2330 MARKING lsi logic TDC1012 TMC0171 TMC2242 2272H5C2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMC2311 TMC2311 CMOS Fast Cosine IVansform Processor 12 Bits, 15 Million Pixels Per Second Description Features The TM C2311, a high-speed algorithm specific ♦ Stand alone execution of 8-point forward or inverse ♦ cosine transform Continuous 8x8-point 2-D DCTs every 4.48 ¿is

    OCR Scan
    TMC2311 C2311, 12-bit TMC2311R1C 2311R1C TMC2311R1C1 2311R1C1 TMC2311R1C2 2311R1C2 PDF

    2272 m4

    Abstract: 2272 DECODER c2330 equivalent 2272 l4 MC2272 8349b C233G C2272
    Text: TMC2272 TMC2272 Digital Colorspace Converter/Corrector 36-Bit Color 12 Bits x 3 Components 40 MHz Description A complete set of three 12-bit samples is processed on every clock cycle, with a five-cycle pipeline latency. Full 23-bit (for each of three components) internal precision

    OCR Scan
    TMC2272 TMC2272 36-Bit 12-bit 1041A C2272H5C 2272 m4 2272 DECODER c2330 equivalent 2272 l4 MC2272 8349b C233G C2272 PDF


    Abstract: TDC1038 18 pin led 3digit ADC 4 digit 7 segment 14-pin ADC1225C 8 bit ttl mux ADD3501 ADD3701 ADC3511 ADC3711
    Text: A/D Converter Selection Guide S National Semiconductor A/D Converter Selection Guide Part No. Input Resolution Accuracy Conversion Voltage Bits (Max) Time Range Output Logic Levels Supplies (V) Temperature Range* M I Package Comments C A /D CONVERTER TTL,

    OCR Scan
    tADC0800 18-Pin tADC0801 20-Pin ADC0802 IADC0803 TADC0808 TDC1038 18 pin led 3digit ADC 4 digit 7 segment 14-pin ADC1225C 8 bit ttl mux ADD3501 ADD3701 ADC3511 ADC3711 PDF