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    TDA4282 Search Results

    TDA4282 Datasheets (6)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    TDA4282T Infineon Technologies Quasi-Parallel Sound IC Scan PDF
    TDA4282T Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF
    TDA4282T Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF
    TDA4282T Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    TDA4282T Siemens Quasi-Parallel Sound IC Scan PDF
    TDA4282T Siemens Quasi-Parallel Sound IC with FM IF, Sym. Input and Volume Control Scan PDF

    TDA4282 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: k4005 U664B mosfet k4005 MB8719 transistor mosfet k4004 SN16880N stk5392 STR451 BC417
    Text: 1 BHIAB Electronics Du som söker besvärliga IC & transistorer, börja Ditt sökande hos oss – vi har fler typer på lager än man rimlingen kan begära av ett företag Denna utgåva visar lagerartiklar men tyvärr saknas priser och viss information Men uppdatering sker kontinuerligt

    MK135 MK136 MK137 MK138 MK139 MK140 Mk142 MK145 MK155 157kr k2645 k4005 U664B mosfet k4005 MB8719 transistor mosfet k4004 SN16880N stk5392 STR451 BC417 PDF


    Abstract: STK411-220E stk442-130 PAL005A UPC2581V FN1016 STRG6153 RSN313H25 STK407-070B MCZ3001D
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    STVDST-01 CAT22 STK411-230E STK411-220E stk442-130 PAL005A UPC2581V FN1016 STRG6153 RSN313H25 STK407-070B MCZ3001D PDF


    Abstract: LA7522 CDA 5,5 MC CDA 5.5 MC
    Text: PIEZO FILTERS CERAMIC DISCRIMINATORS FOR QUADRATURE DETECTION CDA MC/ME 4.5–6.5MHz The CDA MC/ME lines of ceramic discriminators are IC dependent devices used in the recovery of audio signals. The CDA MC discriminators have three terminals while the CDA ME discriminators are 2 terminal devices.

    MC24B M51354AP M51316P LA7520 LA7521 LA7530 PC1411CA M51316BP M51365SP LA7550 m51346ap LA7522 CDA 5,5 MC CDA 5.5 MC PDF


    Abstract: TPWA02B m51346ap cxa1110 F45C TA8680N ha11229 CDA 5.5 ceramic filter MURATA CDA 5.5 MHZ t4.5b
    Text: FILTERS FOR TV/VCR APPLICATIONS–HIGH SELECTIVITY SFT SERIES Ceramic Filter SFT Series is high selectivity filter which involves 3-element filter unit. FEATURES • Excellent shape factor ■ Good performance for spurious suppression DIMENSIONS: mm SFT CIRCUIT

    15MHz 8-100MHz. P-05-D. P34E-3. la7522 TPWA02B m51346ap cxa1110 F45C TA8680N ha11229 CDA 5.5 ceramic filter MURATA CDA 5.5 MHZ t4.5b PDF

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    Text: The Piezoelectric Effect Piezoelectric Effect Basics A piezoelectric substance is one that produces an electric charge when a mechanical stress is applied the substance is squeezed or stretched . Conversely, a mechanical deformation (the substance shrinks or expands) is produced



    Abstract: la7522 cda 6.5 mhz CX-20014 HA11229 CDA MC CDA 5.5 Mhz m51316bp CDA 5,5 MC tda4280
    Text: PIEZO FILTERS CERAMIC DISCRIMINATORS FOR QUADRATURE DETECTION CDA MC/ME 4.5–6.5MHz The CDA MC/ME lines of ceramic discriminators are IC dependent devices used in the recovery of audio signals. The CDA MC discriminators have three terminals while the CDA ME discriminators are 2 terminal devices.

    MC24B M51354AP M51316P LA7520 LA7521 LA7530 PC1411CA M51316BP M51365SP the110AS m51346ap la7522 cda 6.5 mhz CX-20014 HA11229 CDA MC CDA 5.5 Mhz m51316bp CDA 5,5 MC tda4280 PDF

    TDA 2021

    Abstract: CDA 5,5 Mc AM deMODULATOR TDA 1211 3 Mhz fm demodulator amplifier if 38,9 MHz TDA 785 LA 1 Mhz fm demodulator CDA 5.5 MC condensator 22NF -10PVX7R
    Text: SIEMENS TDA 4282 T Quasi-Parallel Sound 1C with FM IF, Sym. Input and Volume Control T he T D A 4282 T is a controlled A M am plifier with F M dem o d u la to r to produce an intercarrier and su b se q u e n t so u n d -IF lim iting am plifier with coincidence dem odulator, standard V C R

    OCR Scan
    TDA4282T TDA 2021 CDA 5,5 Mc AM deMODULATOR TDA 1211 3 Mhz fm demodulator amplifier if 38,9 MHz TDA 785 LA 1 Mhz fm demodulator CDA 5.5 MC condensator 22NF -10PVX7R PDF


    Abstract: CDA 5.5 MC m51346ap
    Text: CERAMIC DISCRIMINATORS FOR QUADRATURE DETECTION m u R a ta C D A M C /M E 4.5-6.5MHZ T h e C D A M C /M E lines of ceram ic discrim inators are 1C depen dent devices used in the recovery of audio signals. T h e C D A M C discrim inators have th ree term inals while

    OCR Scan

    CDA 5,5 MC

    Abstract: CDA 5.5 MC 2 Mhz fm demodulator TDA 2021 amplifier if 38,9 MHz fm operational amplifier TDA 1211 AM deMODULATOR agcv AM deMODULATOR circuit
    Text: ; • - M S IE M E N S TDA 4282 T Quasi-Parallel Sound 1C with FM IF, Sym. Input and Volume Control The T D A 4282 T is a controlled A M amplifier with FM demodulator to produce an intercarrier and subsequent sound-IF limiting amplifier with coincidence demodulator, standard VCR

    OCR Scan
    TDA4282T TDA4282T CDA 5,5 MC CDA 5.5 MC 2 Mhz fm demodulator TDA 2021 amplifier if 38,9 MHz fm operational amplifier TDA 1211 AM deMODULATOR agcv AM deMODULATOR circuit PDF