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    Sprecher + Schuh CA7-TC851

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy CA7-TC851
    • 1 $129.4
    • 10 $114.61
    • 100 $106.63
    • 1000 $106.63
    • 10000 $106.63
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    Stancor STC-85-1

    Snap Disc Therm - Open On Rise - 27-32C (80-90F)
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Master Electronics STC-85-1
    • 1 -
    • 10 $11.59
    • 100 $9.25
    • 1000 $7.58
    • 10000 $7.58
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    TC851 Datasheets (1)

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    TC85169F Toshiba Toshiba Shortform Catalog Scan PDF

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    Allen-Bradley 100-c09*10

    Abstract: Sprecher Schuh CA 4-5-10 Sprecher Schuh CT 3-12 Sprecher Schuh CA 4-9-10 Sprecher Schuh CA 3-12 Sprecher Schuh 100-c72 00 100-C60 00 Allen-Bradley c09-10 Allen-Bradley 100-C16 10
    Text: Mini-Contactors and Contactors • Bulletin 100-M / CA 4 • Bulletin 100-C • Bulletin CAB6 / CA 6 2.5 . 4.3 kW 4 . 45 kW 47 . 238 kW Overview . 4-2 Product Selection AC Control . 4-4

    100-M 100-C 6-250-PS CAB6-250-PS 6-250-PU CAB6-250-PU 6-250-PY CAB6-250-PY 6-105-PY CAB6-105-PY Allen-Bradley 100-c09*10 Sprecher Schuh CA 4-5-10 Sprecher Schuh CT 3-12 Sprecher Schuh CA 4-9-10 Sprecher Schuh CA 3-12 Sprecher Schuh 100-c72 00 100-C60 00 Allen-Bradley c09-10 Allen-Bradley 100-C16 10 PDF


    Abstract: TC-221M-1A-5026 TC-471M-1A-6026 TC-900M-5A-9026 TC-501M-3A-9426 VC1019-333K-UL TC-430M-1A-4426 TC-290M-4A-6026 enamelled copper wire tables TC-101M-5A-8026
    Text: 89 RF Peaking Coils - PK 0608 - PK 0810 - PK1012 Series • • • • • Excellent Q, high SFR Radial mounting Small size PVC sleeving or UL tube Operating temperature range : - 20 °C to + 80 °C Specifications • Inductance range : 1.0 to 100 mH • Current rating :

    PK1012 PK0608-122K-S PK0608-152K-S PK0608-182K-S PK0608-222K-S PK0608-272K-S PK0608-332K-S PK0608-392K-S PK0608-472K-S PK0608-562K-S PK0810-472K-S TC-221M-1A-5026 TC-471M-1A-6026 TC-900M-5A-9026 TC-501M-3A-9426 VC1019-333K-UL TC-430M-1A-4426 TC-290M-4A-6026 enamelled copper wire tables TC-101M-5A-8026 PDF


    Abstract: Sprecher Schuh ca3 Sprecher Schuh ca3-23-10 Sprecher Schuh CA3-12-10 Sprecher Schuh ca3-16-10 CA3-12-10 Sprecher Schuh TE404 ca3 contactor CA3-16-10
    Text: Accessories – Field Installable CA7 Contactors Contact Block Description NO NC Contact Arrangement Standard Contacts Catalog For use with. Number Bifurcated Contacts Catalog Price Number ➋ Price 51 61 2 CA7 all CS7-PV-02 27 CS7-PVB-02 42 CA7-30.97-✱-00

    CS7-PVB-02 CA7-PV-02 CA7-PVB-02 CS7-PV-11 CS7-PVB-11 CA7-30. CA7-PV-11 CA7-PVB-11 CA7-PV-S11 CA7-PVB-S11 CA3-9-10 Sprecher Schuh ca3 Sprecher Schuh ca3-23-10 Sprecher Schuh CA3-12-10 Sprecher Schuh ca3-16-10 CA3-12-10 Sprecher Schuh TE404 ca3 contactor CA3-16-10 PDF

    Sprecher Schuh LE 2-16

    Abstract: TE404 Sprecher Schuh LE 2-20 Sprecher Schuh CA 3-9 m40 Sprecher Schuh CA 3-9 Sprecher Schuh LE 2-12 sprecher and schuh ca 4-9 TA473 CRD7-250 TD719
    Text: Contactors - AC Coil Four Pole - Series CA7 A Non-Reversing, Four Pole Contactors With AC Coil, Series CA7 Open type only Contactors Ratings for Switching AC Motors (AC2 / AC3 / AC4) Open Type Contact Configuration, Ie [A] kW (50 Hz) UL/CSA HP (60 Hz) Main Pole Catalog

    CA7-9-M40- CA7-9-M31- CA7-9-M22- CA7-12-M40- CA7-12-M31- CA7-12-M22- Sprecher Schuh LE 2-16 TE404 Sprecher Schuh LE 2-20 Sprecher Schuh CA 3-9 m40 Sprecher Schuh CA 3-9 Sprecher Schuh LE 2-12 sprecher and schuh ca 4-9 TA473 CRD7-250 TD719 PDF

    Allen-Bradley 100-M09

    Abstract: 100-C09D10 KRY 112 71/2 193-EF1A Allen-Bradley 100-c09*10 193-EF2A 193-EF 140M-C2E-C10 Allen-Bradley 100-c09D10 140M-C-AFA11
    Text: Bulletin 100 Line IEC Contactors, Starters, and Overload Relays Section Overview Motor Protection Circuit Breakers • Bulletin 140M Motor Protection Circuit Breakers Page 5 • Bulletin 140M Motor Circuit Protectors Page 7 • Bulletin 140M Accessories

    100/104-M 100/104-C 100/104-D 100-G 100S/104S TZ734 TZ747 TZ779 TZ780 TZS734 Allen-Bradley 100-M09 100-C09D10 KRY 112 71/2 193-EF1A Allen-Bradley 100-c09*10 193-EF2A 193-EF 140M-C2E-C10 Allen-Bradley 100-c09D10 140M-C-AFA11 PDF


    Abstract: DISPLAY 16 segmentos teclado burle tc8561 diodos led Teclado Numerico TC8561A Display 14 segmentos TC8550A FALLAS TV
    Text: Sistemas de Conmutador- Control Microprocesador-Base Allegiant Series TC8500, TC8600, TC8800 Instrucciones de Instalación y Operación Philips Communication & Security Systems IMPORTANTES MEDIDAS DE SEGURIDAD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

    TC8500, TC8600, TC8800 /APR97 T-IB00) TC8x00-IB00-S RELEVADOR DISPLAY 16 segmentos teclado burle tc8561 diodos led Teclado Numerico TC8561A Display 14 segmentos TC8550A FALLAS TV PDF

    Allen-Bradley 100-C09Z*10

    Abstract: 100-c09*10 100-C43*00 100-C09ZJ10 Allen-Bradley 100-c09*10 100-C23*10 Allen-Bradley 100-c37*00 c 100-M09N3 Allen-Bradley 100-M09 100-C23*200
    Text: Bulletin 100-M, 100-C, 104-C, 100S-C, 104S-C, CAB6, 100-G Contactors Contactors Bulletin 100-M, 100-C, CAB6 • Bulletin 100-M 2.2 … 5.5 kW • Bulletin 100-C 4 … 45 kW • Bulletin CAB6 45 … 220 kW 4 Pages 4-9 … 4-64 Bulletin 100S, 104S Safety Contactors

    100-M, 100-C, 104-C, 100S-C, 104S-C, 100-G 100-M 100-C Allen-Bradley 100-C09Z*10 100-c09*10 100-C43*00 100-C09ZJ10 Allen-Bradley 100-c09*10 100-C23*10 Allen-Bradley 100-c37*00 c 100-M09N3 Allen-Bradley 100-M09 100-C23*200 PDF

    Allen-Bradley 100-c09*10

    Abstract: Allen-Bradley 100-C09Z*10 CEFB1 100-dny41r 100-c09*10 Allen-Bradley 100-M09 100 c16z kcd4 switch CAB6-140-EI 100-MCA02
    Text: Bulletin 100-M, 100-C, 104-C, 100S-C, 104S-C, CAB6, 100-G Contactors Contactors Bulletin 100-M, 100-C, CAB6 • Bulletin 100-M 2.2 … 5.5 kW • Bulletin 100-C 4 … 45 kW • Bulletin CAB6 45 … 220 kW 4 Pages 4-9 … 4-64 Bulletin 100S, 104S Safety Contactors

    100-M, 100-C, 104-C, 100S-C, 104S-C, 100-G 100-M 100-C Allen-Bradley 100-c09*10 Allen-Bradley 100-C09Z*10 CEFB1 100-dny41r 100-c09*10 Allen-Bradley 100-M09 100 c16z kcd4 switch CAB6-140-EI 100-MCA02 PDF


    Abstract: TC860

    OCR Scan
    TC8250P/AP, TC8521AP/AM TC8505AP/AF, TC8506M, TC8507P, TC8511F, TC8512G/YM TC8576AF/77AP/78AP, TC8570AP/AF TC8554F controller TC860 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA UC/UP bME D WM DÜSblTl 732 « T 0 S 3 DISPLAY CONTROLLER I I TC8512G/YM | TENTATIVE High Speed Shading Processor 1. G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N The 3-D Graphics Processor (HSP) is an advanced high-performance VLSI chip for high-speed Smooth

    OCR Scan
    TC8512G/YM 12MHz) 32-bit QFP144-G-2626 TC8512G/YM-93 PGA144â M-S15U TC8512G/YM-94 PDF


    Abstract: toshiba multiplexing signal gouraud line drawing polygon filling z-buffer z014
    Text: Toshiba TC8512 Gouraud Shading Processor Data Sheet Features Performance as high as 6 Mpixels/sec is achieved through hardware implementation of the Gouraud shading algorithm and Bresenham line drawing algo­ rithm. Higher performance can be obtained by running

    OCR Scan
    TC8512 144-pin 16-bit TC8512G toshiba multiplexing signal gouraud line drawing polygon filling z-buffer z014 PDF


    Abstract: QFP144-P-2626B TC8511F BY03A K 176 LE, K 561 LN BY-03A
    Text: DISPLAY CONTROLLER TC8511F Font G rap h ics A ccelerato r 1. G EN ERA L DESCRIPTION T h e F o n t G ra p h ic s A c c e le ra to r F G A is a high-speed L S I th a t en a b le s hardw are-b ased processing. E f f ic ie n t com m an ds a re provided to c o n v e r t d is p la y

    OCR Scan
    TC8511F 120ns TC8511F-85 TC8511F-86 200ns TC8511F-87 TC8511F-88 QFP144-P-2626B TC8511F-89 tc8511 TC8511F BY03A K 176 LE, K 561 LN BY-03A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TO S H IB A UC/UP b4E D • cl[]c1724cl G G 2 b l Q 2 4b7 M T O S B DISPLAY CONTROLLER I I TC8511F Font Graphics Accelerator 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The F ont Graphics Accelerator (FGA) is a high-speed LSI th a t enables hardw are-based processing. Efficient commands are provided

    OCR Scan
    1724c TC8511F TC8511F-88 QFP144-P-2626B 625TYP TC8511F-89 PDF


    Abstract: tc8564 TC8607F 77ap TC8512G TC8511F T7518 TC8505AP Tc8507 TC8512

    OCR Scan
    TC8250P/AP, TC8521AP/AM TC8505AP/AF, TC8506M, TC8507P, TC8511F, TC8512G/YM TC8576AF/77AP/78AP, TC8570AP/AF TC8554F tc8511 tc8564 TC8607F 77ap TC8512G TC8511F T7518 TC8505AP Tc8507 TC8512 PDF


    Abstract: A144-M 1414D ip 2222A TC8576 ST506 TC8608 note com IBM battery circuit C68B4 765 VFO
    Text: Microcomputer Peripheral Controller LSI PRODUCT GUIDE note * shows new issue updated. RTC NAM E Real Time Clocks PARTS NAM E PACKAGE TC8250P D IP I 6-P-300A TC8250A P DIP16-P-300A TC8521AP DIP18-P-300A TC8521 AM SOP20-P-300 RTC-1 RTC-2A DC Group NAME PRODUCT

    OCR Scan
    TC8250P 6-P-300A DIP16-P-300A TC8250A TC8521AP TC8521 DIP18-P-300A OP20-P-300 20-DEC- 20-NOV- a144m A144-M 1414D ip 2222A TC8576 ST506 TC8608 note com IBM battery circuit C68B4 765 VFO PDF


    Abstract: hard disk controller board TC8563AF-89-6
    Text: TABLE of CONTENTS P art 1 ♦ Microcomputer Peripheral Controller LSI Product Guide . 7 Quality and Reliability Assurance . 13 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Quality Assurance. 13

    OCR Scan
    TC8565P/F. TC8566AF. TC8568AM TC8569AF. TC8605F. TC8607F. FHDC400. TBP9L03. tc8504 hard disk controller board TC8563AF-89-6 PDF


    Abstract: TB 1226 BN TA8859P mg75n2ys40 t6961A TA8242AK ta8644n 7378P ta8310 7628P
    Text: Index of Type Number Type Number 015Z10 015Z11 015Z12 015Z2.0 015Z2.0-12 015Z2.2 015Z2.4 015Z2.7 015Z3.0 015Z3.3 015Z3.6 015Z3.9 015Z4.3 015Z4.7 015Z5.1 015Z5.6 015Z6.2 015Z6.8 015Z7.5 015Z8.2 015Z9.1 02CZ10 02CZ11 0 2 C Z 12 0 2 C Z 13 0 2 C Z 15 0 2 C Z 16

    OCR Scan
    015Z10 015Z11 015Z12 015Z2 015Z3 TA8172AF TB 1226 BN TA8859P mg75n2ys40 t6961A TA8242AK ta8644n 7378P ta8310 7628P PDF


    Abstract: TC8505AP tc8511 TC8563F-55 TC8563AF-89-6
    Text: TABLE of CONTENTS P art 1 ♦ Microcomputer Peripheral Controller LSI Product Guide . Quality and Reliability Assurance. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Quality A ssurance.

    OCR Scan
    TC8565P/F. TC8566AF. 8568AM TC8569AF. TC8605F. TC8607F. FHDC400. TBP9L03. tc8564 TC8505AP tc8511 TC8563F-55 TC8563AF-89-6 PDF


    Abstract: ym34 MA23 TRAN
    Text: DISPLAY CONTROLLER TENTATIVE 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION T h e 3-D G r a p h i c s Processo r I1SP is an ad v a n c e d h igh -p erfo r m an ce V L S I ch ip for high -speed Sm ooth S h a d i n g a n d other 3-D, 2-1) g r a p h i c s functions. B y c o ntrolling d u a l-p o r t V R A M e x te n siv e ly , the I IS P

    OCR Scan
    QFP144-G-2626 TC8512G/YM-93 PGA144-M-S1 TC8512G/YM-94 ym26 ym34 MA23 TRAN PDF


    Abstract: 1414f TC8606F-000 battery 1414D TC8521 Battery Charging Controller ST506 FLOPPY DISK DRIVE FDMC ibm scsi hard disk drive
    Text: Microcomputer Peripheral Controller LSI PRODUCT GUIDE note * shows new issue updated. RTC Group NAME Real Time Clocks PARTS NAME PACKAGE TC8250P DIP16-P-300A TC8250AP DIP16-P-300A TC8521AP DIP18-P-300A TC8521 AM SOP20-P-300 RTC-1 RTC-2A DC Group NAME TECHNICAL

    OCR Scan
    TC8250P DIP16-P-300A DIP18-P-300A OP20-P-300 TC8250AP TC8521AP TC8521 20-DEC- 20-N0v TC8606F 1414f TC8606F-000 battery 1414D Battery Charging Controller ST506 FLOPPY DISK DRIVE FDMC ibm scsi hard disk drive PDF


    Abstract: TC221
    Text: W O U N D TOROIDS TC SERIES TC Series are inductors wound on Amidon #26 Iron Powder material toroids. Arnidon provides low volume hand windings to high volume automatic machine windings. Please call for the most competitive pricing, and delivery schedules.

    OCR Scan
    TC-101 TC-131M-3A-94 TC221 PDF