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    T85 TYP 620 Search Results

    T85 TYP 620 Datasheets Context Search

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    Motorola ULN2003A

    Abstract: mps 0940 MC1411 MC1412 MC1413 MC1413T MC1416 SN75476 SN75477 SN75478
    Text: MC1411 ULNZOOTA MC1412 {ULNZOOZA MC1413 (ULN2003A MC1413T M~1416 (ULN2004A) . HIGH-VOLTAGE, DAR LINGTON The are seven NPN well suited a variety down to600 Darlington-connected for driving of industrial voltage problems and internal TTL, diode and or CMOS

    MC1411 MC1412 MC1413 ULN2003A) MC1413T ULN2004A) to600 MC1416 Motorola ULN2003A mps 0940 MC1411 MC1412 MC1413 MC1413T MC1416 SN75476 SN75477 SN75478 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8 MEG x 64 SDRAM SODIMM MT8LSDT864 L H SMALL-OUTLINE SDRAM MODULE For the latest data sheet, please refer to the Micron Web site: FEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT (Front View, 100 MHz) 144-Pin Small-Outline DIMM • JEDEC-standard PC66 and PC100, rev 1.0, 144-pin,

    PC100, 144-pin, 096-cycle MT8LSDT864 128MB MT4VR6418AG 256MB MT8VR12816AG MT8VR12818AG PDF

    lra911 T85 Carling Switch

    Abstract: LRA211 T85 RGSCC901 TB801
    Text: Worldwide Headquarters Carling Technologies, Inc., Connecticut, USA 860 793-9281, fax: (860) 793-9231 e-mail: Switches and Controls Eastern U.S. and Eastern Canada: (860)586-8413, fax: (860) 586-8513 e-mail:



    Abstract: D-85609
    Text: 4, 8, 16 MEG x 64 SDRAM SODIMMs SMALL-OUTLINE SDRAM MODULE MT4LSDT464 L H, MT8LSDT864(L)H, MT8LSDT1664(L)H For the latest data sheet, please refer to the Micron Web site: FEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT (Front View) • JEDEC-standard 144-pin, small-outline, dual inline memory module (SODIMM)

    144-pin, 128MB 096-cycle -750A1 -745A1 -850A1 -845A1 -840A1 D8560 D-85609 PDF

    T85 "Rocker Switches" PCB mount

    Abstract: 4327030 lamp h4 female ck 66 ul94v-0 "Rocker Switch" DPST illuminated neon 3P ILLUMINATED ROCKER SWITCH marking code h65 marking .H22 T101J1AVBE2 76660
    Text: Rockers Product Selection Guide Rocker 7000 E ET T 9000 DA D Miniature Miniature Subminiature Subminiature Power Rocker & Lever Handle Miniature Power Miniature Power Poles/Throws SPDT, DPDT, 3PDT, 4PDT SPDT, DPDT, 3PDT SPST, SPDT, DPDT SPST, SPDT, DPDT DPDT

    H-112 T85 "Rocker Switches" PCB mount 4327030 lamp h4 female ck 66 ul94v-0 "Rocker Switch" DPST illuminated neon 3P ILLUMINATED ROCKER SWITCH marking code h65 marking .H22 T101J1AVBE2 76660 PDF

    g86 630 a2

    Abstract: T85 "Rocker Switches" PCB mount d5024 7101J1ZQE2 RS-186E U211 U213 SPST Round Red Illuminated Actuator Rocker Switch J51-J61 7301J1
    Text: Rockers Product Selection Guide Rocker 7000 E ET T 9000 DA D Miniature Miniature Subminiature Subminiature Power Rocker & Lever Handle Miniature Power Miniature Power Poles/Throws SPDT, DPDT, 3PDT, 4PDT SPDT, DPDT, 3PDT SPST, SPDT, DPDT SPST, SPDT, DPDT DPDT



    Abstract: marking GA86
    Text: Rockers Product Selection Guide Rocker 7000 E ET T 9000 DA D Miniature Miniature Subminiature Subminiature Power Rocker & Lever Handle Miniature Power Miniature Power Poles/Throws SPDT, DPDT, 3PDT, 4PDT SPDT, DPDT, 3PDT SPST, SPDT, DPDT SPST, SPDT, DPDT DPDT

    SW-13A65N-A01 SW-13A65N-A01 125VAC GA85 marking GA86 PDF

    cables KSP 9360

    Abstract: health data sheet egypt
    Text: Enclosures and cable glands Catalogue 2013/2014 Let’s connect. Klippon – enclosure system The World of Industrial Connectivity As experienced experts we support our customers and partners around the world with products, solutions and services in the industrial environment of power, signal

    dist00 1420920000/03/2013/SMDM cables KSP 9360 health data sheet egypt PDF

    varistor svc 561 14

    Abstract: Z5U 103M 1KV samwha capacitor part numbers SVC 561 14 varistor 472m varistor svc 471 14 SVC 561 10 Varistor sck 055 varistor 332m varistor SVC 561
    Text: Contents_ Company History 2 Multi Layer Ceramic Capacitors SMD Type 5 SMD Type-High Voltage 13 Automotive Application 26 Radial & Axial 38 Chip Beads & Inductors Chip Ferrite Beads 46 Chip Ferrite Beads Arrays 65 Chip Ferrite Inductors 68 Chip Power Inductors

    revoluti90 varistor svc 561 14 Z5U 103M 1KV samwha capacitor part numbers SVC 561 14 varistor 472m varistor svc 471 14 SVC 561 10 Varistor sck 055 varistor 332m varistor SVC 561 PDF

    pronic t85 br

    Abstract: pronic t85 eaton T85 rotary Switch pronic r13 t85 55 pronic r13 SS510 MST205N MST105D pronic 2GK54-73
    Text: Product Numerical Index NTE Page Type No. No. Description NTE Page Type No. No. Description NTE Page Type No. No. Description 54−001 54−002 54−003 54−004 54−005 1 1 5 5 2 Toggle, SPST, 15A, 125VAC Toggle, SPDT, 15A, 125VAC Toggle, DPDT, 15A, 125VAC

    125VAC 12VDC pronic t85 br pronic t85 eaton T85 rotary Switch pronic r13 t85 55 pronic r13 SS510 MST205N MST105D pronic 2GK54-73 PDF


    Abstract: RKA-7DZ-12 R50-E2Y2-24 r50e2y1 R50-E2Y2-12 R50-E2X1-24 RKA-7DZ-24 R50-E2Y1-24 3PDT foot switch T73S5D14-24
    Text: PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD RELAYS T85 Series Printed Circuit Board Relay T81 Series Printed Circuit Board Relay FEATURES • 1.25Arating • Miniature, DIP relay • Sealed, immersion cleanable case • High sensitivity coil • DIP terminal arrangement • Meets FCC Part 68 insolation

    25Arating 16-pin 12-pin T81N5D212-05 T81N5D212-12 W28-XQ1A-0 W28-XQ1A-1 W28-XQ1A-2 W28-XQ1A-3 RKA-11DZ-24 RKA-7DZ-12 R50-E2Y2-24 r50e2y1 R50-E2Y2-12 R50-E2X1-24 RKA-7DZ-24 R50-E2Y1-24 3PDT foot switch T73S5D14-24 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8101/8104 Gigabit Ethernet Controller Technical Manual November 2000 Order Number R14017.A This document contains proprietary information of LSI Logic Corporation. The information contained herein is not to be used by or disclosed to third parties without the express written permission of an officer of LSI Logic Corporation.

    R14017 DB14-000123-01, D-33181 D3318 PDF


    Abstract: D3318 216520-4 8B10B ansi encoder
    Text: 8101/8104 Gigabit Ethernet Controller Technical Manual February 2001 Order Number R14017.A This document contains proprietary information of LSI Logic Corporation. The information contained herein is not to be used by or disclosed to third parties without the express written permission of an officer of LSI Logic Corporation.

    R14017 DB14-000123-02, D-33181 RXD29 D3318 216520-4 8B10B ansi encoder PDF

    sony R04

    Abstract: 100BASE-FX 8B10B DA16 TX2 -RX2
    Text: TECHNICAL MANUAL 8101/8104 Gigabit Ethernet Controller November 2001 This document contains proprietary information of LSI Logic Corporation. The information contained herein is not to be used by or disclosed to third parties without the express written permission of an officer of LSI Logic Corporation.

    DB14-000123-04, sony R04 100BASE-FX 8B10B DA16 TX2 -RX2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ^ MC14071B thru MC14Û73B, MC14Ô75B M O TO R O LA MC14076B 4-BIT D-TYPE REGISTER with THREE-STATE OUTPUTS CMOS MSI The M C 1 4 0 7 6 B 4 - 6 it Register consists o f fo u r D -typ e flip-flops operating synchronously fro m a com m on clock. O R gated outputdisable inputs force the outputs into a high*impedance state fo r use

    OCR Scan
    MC14071B MC14076B PDF

    spike guard circuit diagram

    Abstract: LH0036 LH0038 D16D LH0038C LH0038CD LH0038D operational amplifier discrete schematic
    Text: yw\ National ÆA Semiconductor LH0038/LH0038C True Instrumentation Amplifier General Description The LH0038/LH0038C is a precision true instrumentation amplifier TIA capable of amplifying very low level signals, such as thermocouple and low impedance strain gauge out­

    OCR Scan
    LH0038/LH0038C LH0038 spike guard circuit diagram LH0036 D16D LH0038C LH0038CD LH0038D operational amplifier discrete schematic PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA MC34163 MC33163 • SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA A dvan ce Inform ation POWER SWITCHING REGULATORS POWER SWITCHING REGULATORS The MC34163 series are m o n o lith ic p o w e r s w itc h in g re gu la to rs th a t co nta in the p rim a ry fu n c tio n s re qu ire d fo r DC-to-DC co n ­

    OCR Scan
    MC34163 MC33163 MC34163, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MC14522B MC14526B M OTOROLA CMOS MSI PRESETTABLE 4-B IT DOWN COUNTERS {LOW-POWER C O M P L E M E N T A R Y MO S The MC14522B BCD counter and the MC14526B binary counter are constructed with MOS P-channel and N-channel enhancement mode devices in a monolithic structure.

    OCR Scan
    MC14522B MC14526B MC14526B PDF


    Abstract: AD810A DIP65
    Text: Low Power Video Op Amp with Disable ANALOG DEVICES AD810 FEATURES High Speed SO MHz Bandwidth 3 dB, G = +1 75 MHz Bandwidth {3 dB, G = +2) 1000 V /(is Slew Rate 50 ns Settling Time to 0.1% (V0 = 10 V Step) Ideal for Video Applications 30 MHz Bandwidth (0.1 dB, G = +2)

    OCR Scan
    AD810 AD773) AD810 AD810A DIP65 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EL1882C EL1882C Sync Separator w/50% Slice, AGC F e a tu r e s G e n e r a l D e s c r ip t io n • N TSC, PA L, SECA M , non­ s ta n d a rd v ideo sy n c se p a ra tio n • P re c isio n 50% slicin g o f video in p u t levels fro m 0.5 V p .p to T h e E L 1882C v ideo sy n c se p a ra to r is m a n u fa c tu re d u sin g E la n te c ’s h ig h p e rfo rm a n c e a n a lo g C M O S process. T h is device ex­

    OCR Scan
    EL1882C 1882C el1882C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    DAC87/883B DAC87-CBI-V/B DAC87U-CBI-V/B DAC87-CBI-V DAC87U-CBI-V 12-Bit MIL-STD-883 20ppm/Â DAC85 87/883B PDF

    CK 66 UL 94V-0 LCD

    Abstract: unimax FA5508 CK 99 UL 94V-0 LCD lcd CK 66 UL 94V-0 unimax switch series 9 marking 4c7e a2231 unimax of thumbwheel switch E42363
    Text: For Orders/Service Call: 1-800-334-7729 & 919 553-3131 JU k ' In NC IB CLAYTON DIVISION PRODUCTS A complete line of switchlock, rotary, slide, rocker, lever, and pushbutton switches Catalog No. C8909 SEE W H A T’S NEW INSIDE . Look w hat’s new at C&K CLAYTON DIVISION! See the pages noted below for

    OCR Scan
    C8909 prob31, CK 66 UL 94V-0 LCD unimax FA5508 CK 99 UL 94V-0 LCD lcd CK 66 UL 94V-0 unimax switch series 9 marking 4c7e a2231 unimax of thumbwheel switch E42363 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C L 5 5 0 /C L 5 6 0 JPEG C o m p ressio n P ro c e s s o r U s e r’s M an u al % C-Cube M icro s y s te m s lTbHHb*! 0 0 0 0 6 2 2 • This document is preliminary. The specifications contained herein are derived from functional specifications and performance estimates, and

    OCR Scan

    macronix chipset

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3ME D MACRONIX INC • SböfififlE GDDÜGÖ4 T ■ ,' p | q j 7 - D | tàM àÉâ.' jYwr ^HgW MACRONIX,Inc. ■J mm 2680 N. First Street. Suite 204 • San Jose, California 95134 • 408 434-1133 PC/AT COMPATIBLE CHIPSET MX6C200 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS C o p y r i g h t 1988.

    OCR Scan
    MX6C200 000sq. macronix chipset PDF