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    Circular connector
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey 806-012-MT16-2AMD 1
    • 1 $2265.59
    • 10 $2265.59
    • 100 $2265.59
    • 1000 $2265.59
    • 10000 $2265.59
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    Circular connector
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey 806-020-MT16-2ABD 1
    • 1 $2067.93
    • 10 $2067.93
    • 100 $2067.93
    • 1000 $2067.93
    • 10000 $2067.93
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    Circular connector
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey 806-019-MT16-2AMA 1
    • 1 $2722.21
    • 10 $2722.21
    • 100 $2722.21
    • 1000 $2722.21
    • 10000 $2722.21
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    Circular connector
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey 806-012-MT16-2AMA 1
    • 1 $2265.59
    • 10 $2265.59
    • 100 $2265.59
    • 1000 $2265.59
    • 10000 $2265.59
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    Circular connector
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey 806-020-MT16-2ABA 1
    • 1 $2067.93
    • 10 $2067.93
    • 100 $2067.93
    • 1000 $2067.93
    • 10000 $2067.93
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    T162A Datasheets Context Search

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    LED Drive smps circuit diagram

    Abstract: TEA1101 NTC resistor T24 120 VAC to DC smps circuit diagram 7 pin dil smps power control ic APPLICATION NOTES OF SMPS CHARGERS 15A POWER TRANSISTOR FOR SMPS 7 pin SMPS LED monitor circuit diagram SMPS CIRCUIT DIAGRAM
    Text: Preliminary specification Philips Semiconductors Integrated Circuits Battery monitor for NiCd and NiMH chargers FEATU RES • Accurate detection of fully charged batteries by currentless - d V sensing • Digital filtering of the battery voltage to avoid false - d V

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    711032b TEA1101 TEA1101T 711005b LED Drive smps circuit diagram TEA1101 NTC resistor T24 120 VAC to DC smps circuit diagram 7 pin dil smps power control ic APPLICATION NOTES OF SMPS CHARGERS 15A POWER TRANSISTOR FOR SMPS 7 pin SMPS LED monitor circuit diagram SMPS CIRCUIT DIAGRAM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philip» Semlconductors-Signetics Document No. 853-0347 ECN No. 0347 Date of issue October 7 ,1 088 Status Product Specification FAST 74F160A,74F161 A 74F162A,74F 163A Counters ’F 1 6 0 A , ’F 1 6 2 A B C D D e c a d e C o u n t e r FAST Products ' F l 61 A , 'F 1 6 3 A 4 -B it B in a r y C o u n t e r

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    74F160A 74F161 74F162A 74F161A 74F163A 130MHz F160A, F162A, PDF


    Abstract: cqy89a t162a A5500 CQY89 TEA5500T
    Text: TEA5500 TEA5500T CODED LOCKING CIRCUIT FOR SECURITY SYSTEMS G ENERAL DECRIPTION The TE A 5500 is an encoder/decoder circuit, for security systems. The system has the ability to transmit a complex code between an encoding and decoding unit by infrared radiation. The device can

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    TEA5500 TEA5500T cqy89a t162a A5500 CQY89 TEA5500T PDF


    Abstract: F163A 74F161 signetics
    Text: FAST Signetics 74 F160A,74F161A 74F162A,74F163A Counters FAST Products FEATURES • Synchronous counting and loading • Two count enable inputs for n-blt cascading • Positive edge-triggered clock • Asynchronous Master Reset 'F160A, *F161 A • Synchronous Reset ('F162A,F163A)

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    F160A, F162A, F163A) 130MHz F162A) F161A, FI63A F163A 74F161 signetics PDF

    philips tea charger 14 pin

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Prelim inary specification Philips Sem icond uctors Integrated C ircuits Battery monitor for NiCd and NiMH chargers X^VMOOT FOR DETAILED INFORMATION SEE THE LATEST ISSUE OF HANDBOOK IC 11 O R DATA S H E E T The circuit has to be situated on the FEATURES • Large battery voltage range

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    TEA1100 PLVA450A) philips tea charger 14 pin PDF


    Abstract: F8591
    Text: D E V E L O P M E N T D ATA T his data sheet co n ta in s advance in fo rm a tio n and PCF8591 s p e cifica tio n s are su bje ct to change w ith o u t n o tice . 8-B IT A /D AND D /A CONVERTER G E N E R A L D ESCRIPTIO N The PCF8591 is a single chip, single supply low pow er 8 b it CMOS data acquisition device w ith fo u r

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    PCF8591 PCF8591 t162a F8591 PDF


    Abstract: PCF0450 pcf 0700 philips PCF0330 pcf0700 philips HEF4000B Family specifications SOT134 sot154b0 hef4526 PCC0330
    Text: DEVELOPMENT SAMPLE DATA CMOS GATE ARRAYS T h is in fo r m a tio n is d e riv e d fr o m d e v e lo p m e n t sam ples m ade a v aila b le f o r e v a lu a tio n . I t does n o t necessarily im p ly th a t th e d evice w ill g o in to re g u la r p r o d u c tio n .

    OCR Scan
    PCF/PCC0330; -40to PCF0330, PCFCI450, PCF0700 PCF1100. HEF4071B HEF4724B HEF4072B HEF4731B; PCF0450 pcf 0700 philips PCF0330 pcf0700 philips HEF4000B Family specifications SOT134 sot154b0 hef4526 PCC0330 PDF

    BZX78 - C6V8

    Abstract: bzx78 PCD3360P LN5060 BAX18A BST72A BZW03 PCD3360 PCD3360T AUTOMATIC RINGING BELL
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors Programmable multi-tone telephone ringer_ PCD3360 G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N The PCD3360 is a CMOS integrated c ircu it, designed to replace the electro-mechanical bell in telephone sets. It meets most postal requirements, p a rtic u la rly w ith tone sequence possibilities and in p u t

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    PCD3360 PCD3360 BZW03 680ki2 BZX78 1N5060 BZX78 - C6V8 PCD3360P LN5060 BAX18A BST72A PCD3360T AUTOMATIC RINGING BELL PDF


    Abstract: pj56
    Text: 160A • 162 A National Semiconductor 54F/74F160A 74F162A Synchronous Presettable BCD Decade Counter G eneral Description The 'F160A and 'F162A are high-speed synchronous dec­ ade counters operating in the BCD 8421 sequence. They are synchronously presettable for applications in program­

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    54F/74F160A 74F162A F160A F162A F160A) F162A) t162a pj56 PDF


    Abstract: t162a
    Text: Philips Semiconductor« Product apaclfleatlon 8-bit A/D and D/A converter PCF8591 FOR DETAILED INFORMATION SEE THE LATEST ISSUE OF HANDBOOK IC11 OR DATA SHEET G E N E R A L D ESCRIPTIO N The PCF8591 is a single chip, single supply low power 8-bit CMOS data acquisition device with four

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    PCF8591 PCF8591 PCF8591P: 16-lead PCF8591T T162A PCF8591 APPLICATIONS t162a PDF

    ic 8702 8 pin

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P roduct specification Philips Sem icond uctors Linear Products 8-bit video digital-to-analog converter TDA8702 FEATURES A P P L IC A T IO N S • 8-bit resolution • H igh -sp eed digital-to-analog conversion • C onversion rate up to 3 0 M H z • Digital T V including:

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    TDA8702 TDA8702 USA664 ic 8702 8 pin PDF


    Abstract: pcf0700 HEF4000B Family specifications pcf0700 philips PCF0450 PCF0330 HEF4000B PCF1100 hef4011 philips HEF4731B
    Text: DEVELOPMENT SAMPLE DATA PCF0700 IPCC0700 T h is in fo rm a tio n is d e rive d fro m d e v e lo p m e n t sam p les m ad e a va ila b le fo r e v a lu a t io n . It do es n o t n e c e ssa rily im p ly th a t th e d e v ic e w ill go in to 'e g u la r p ro d u c tio n ,

    OCR Scan
    PCF0700 IPCC0700 PC0700 PCF0700 PCC0700, HEF4071B HEF4724B HEF4072B HEF4731B; HEF4073B hef401068 HEF4000B Family specifications pcf0700 philips PCF0450 PCF0330 HEF4000B PCF1100 hef4011 philips HEF4731B PDF


    Abstract: source selector 4 stereo AV12 AV16 TEA5581 TEA5581T
    Text: TEA5581 TEA5581T PLL STEREO DECODER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The TEA5581 P L L stereo decoder is fo r car and m edium -fi radios. It incorporates all th e features provided by the T E A 5 5 8 0 together w ith a source selector, m utin g c irc u it and o u tp u t a m plifiers w ith

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    TEA5581 TEA5581T TEA5581 TEA5580 711002b 00022m \220nF 680pFT source selector 4 stereo AV12 AV16 TEA5581T PDF

    program for adc pcf8591

    Abstract: pcf85911 philips pcf8591
    Text: Philips Semlconductors-Slgnetics Linear Products Preliminary specification 8-Bit A/D and D/A converter PCF8591 G E N E R A L DESC RIPTIO N The PCF8591 is a single chip, single supply low power 8 -b it CMOS data acquisition device w ith fo u r analogue inputs, one analogue o u tp u t and a serial l 2C bus interface. Three address pins AO, A1 and A2

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    PCF8591 PCF8591 program for adc pcf8591 pcf85911 philips pcf8591 PDF