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    T 326 TRANSISTOR Search Results

    T 326 TRANSISTOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=5 A / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22 V / tf=120 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-5 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27 V / tf=60 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    T 326 TRANSISTOR Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: J 326 t 326 Transistor
    Text: BUZ 326 SIPMOS Power Transistor • N channel • Enhancement mode • Avalanche-rated Pin 1 Pin 2 G Pin 3 D S Type VDS ID RDS on Package Ordering Code BUZ 326 400 V 10.5 A 0.5 Ω TO-218 AA C67078-S3112-A2 Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Continuous drain current

    O-218 C67078-S3112-A2 C67078-S3112-A2 J 326 t 326 Transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BUZ 326 SIPMOS Power Transistor • N channel • Enhancement mode • Avalanche-rated Pin 1 Pin 2 G Pin 3 D S Type VDS ID RDS on Package Ordering Code BUZ 326 400 V 10.5 A 0.5 Ω TO-218 AA C67078-S3112-A2 Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Continuous drain current

    O-218 C67078-S3112-A2 C67078-S3112-A2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS BUZ 326 SIPMOS Power Transistor • N channel • Enhancement mode V’fOb'bS ' fé • Avalanche-rated 3 P in i Pin 2 Pin 3 D G S Type Vbs b ^bsion Package Ordering Code BUZ 326 400 V 10.5 A 0.5 Q T O -2 18 A A C67078-S3112-A2 Maximum Ratings

    OCR Scan
    C67078-S3112-A2 DGfi474fi 023Sbà D0fl474T PDF


    Abstract: Itron 326A BU326A BU 2578 SOLITRON DEVICES

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: GERMANIUM TRANSISTOR 2SC1468 1470 LM 2SC1470 2SB214 transformerless inverter 2SB206 ac-ac inverter 2sd206
    Text: SHINDENGEN C A T . N o . E 326 100W ty p e high v o lta g e silic on p o w e r t r a n s i s t o r d e velope d n e w ly by S H IN ­ D E N G E N has such and V ceo = 3 6 0 V and 4 0 0V and AC 2 0 0V is r e c t if ie d d ir e c tly it can be used in the t r a n s f o r m e r le s s c ir c u it d i r e c t ly . T h e r e f o r e , it is

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    2SC1468 2SC1469 T10M36 T10M40 T10M36) T10M40) T30M36) T30M40) 2SB205 GERMANIUM TRANSISTOR 2SC1468 1470 LM 2SC1470 2SB214 transformerless inverter 2SB206 ac-ac inverter 2sd206 PDF

    t 326 Transistor

    Abstract: transistor TE 901 BUZ 14
    Text: SIEMENS BUZ 326 SIPMOS Power Transistor • N channel • Enhancement mode • Avalanche-rated Type BUZ 326 Yds 400 V Id 10.5 A RoSlon 0.5 a Package Ordering Code TO-218AA C67078-S3112-A2 Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Values Continuous drain current

    OCR Scan
    O-218AA C67078-S3112-A2 O-218 t 326 Transistor transistor TE 901 BUZ 14 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS SIPMOS Power Transistor • N channel • Enhancement mode • Avalanche-rated Type ^os BUZ 326 400 V ^ D S o n 10.5 A 0.5 a Maximum Ratings Parameter Continuous drain current, Tc = 27 C Pulsed drain current, 7C = 25 'C Avalanche current, limited by 7|max

    OCR Scan
    O-218AA C67078-S3112-A2 PDF

    sot 326

    Abstract: 338 sot-23 NE68530 NE02139
    Text: Low Noise Bipolar Transistors ' *- i NHG* Vcc 1111UM HF K ’ TYP ÛA TYP VCE V M Ì I TEST Part TYP (dB) fr TYP la tu t Hfis TYP 1c F a im SURFACE MOUNT PLASTIC NE68018 2.0 6 5 ’ 1.8 10.0 6 10 9.5 10.0 100 35 (SOT-343) 18 7 1.2 13.5 8 20 15.0 9.0 100

    OCR Scan
    NE68018 NE68118 NE68518 NE68618 NE68718 NE68818 NE85618 NE68019 NE68119 NE68519 sot 326 338 sot-23 NE68530 NE02139 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Low Noise Bipolar Transistors i ir * J * k ji W ft •i íU fÁ A Vac S I P W W NF - fi* ' VtP t y p m tm VCE V) (Sm I* Ic TYP (mA) (dB) tr W tfce iiS lS 1 PÉ TtP «m SURFACE MOUNT PLASTIC Faxon PÄ M w SS Daratnd Doc No. NE68018 2.0 6 5 1.8 10.0 6 10

    OCR Scan
    OT-23) NE68018 PDF


    Abstract: 814T
    Text: Medium Power Bipolar Transistors Pide MAQ fr I TEST Hfe Fax on dBM TYP (dBM) NE46100 2.0 12.5 100 19 27 10 100 9.8 5.5 100 250 Chip 00 D 314 NE46134 1.0 12.5 100 20.5 27.5 10 50 9 5.5 100 250 SOT-89 34 D 314 NE85634 1.0 10 40 13 22 10 40 11 6.5 120 100 SOT-89

    OCR Scan
    NE46100 NE46134 NE85634 OT-89 NE94430 E944321 NE94433 UPA801T UPA806T NE68018 814T PDF

    TL 2272

    Abstract: TL 2272 R sft 43 2SA993 138D 2SA1021 2SA982 2SA984 2SA985 2SC2262
    Text: - 5 - FOR U SE BY E LEC TR IC IA N S O VER SEA S : •M-EiiOSWHE New Transistor Manual lists all the transistors registered with the Electronic Industries Association of Japan (EIAJ), arranged in a manner easy to look up. We hope that you will make full use of the data provided in this manual by referring to the Japanese-English

    OCR Scan
    175MHz 18dBm) /-175MHz, 26dBm) 175MHz, -34dBm) 28MHz, 200/unit TL 2272 TL 2272 R sft 43 2SA993 138D 2SA1021 2SA982 2SA984 2SA985 2SC2262 PDF

    transistor tt 2206

    Abstract: TT 2206 transistor transistor BU 102 t 326 Transistor transistor npn 326 BU326 W2206 326 Transistor
    Text: ESC D Ml fl2 3 5 bOS G 0 G M Ô 4 M *] H S 1 E G , NPN Silicon Power Transistor BU 326 A - SIEMENS AKT IENÛ ES ELLS CH AF BU 326 A is a triple diffused silicon NPN power switching transistor in TO 3 case 3 B 2 DIN 41872 . It is outstanding for short switching times and high dielectric strength and is

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-U268 0t304 transistor tt 2206 TT 2206 transistor transistor BU 102 t 326 Transistor transistor npn 326 BU326 W2206 326 Transistor PDF

    t 326 Transistor

    Abstract: 326 Transistor BU 103 A transistor J 326 transistor BU 104 BU326 Q62702-U268 npn transistor w5
    Text: E5C D Ml fl235bOS G0GMÔ4M 'i H S 1 E G , NPN Silicon Power Transistor BU 326 A -SIEMENS AKTIENÛESELLSCHAF BU 3 2 6 A is a triple diffused silicon N PN power switching transistor in TO 3 case 3 B 2 DIN 4 18 7 2 . It is outstanding for short switching times and high dielectric strength and is

    OCR Scan
    653SbQ5 Q62702-U268 fl23SbaS t 326 Transistor 326 Transistor BU 103 A transistor J 326 transistor BU 104 BU326 Q62702-U268 npn transistor w5 PDF


    Abstract: 326a
    Text: BU326, BU326A >ÎL BU326, 326A NPN POWER TRANSISTORS Switching-Mode CTV Power Supply Applications DIM A B C D E F G H J K L M MIN MAX 39,37 22,22 8,50 6,35 1.09 0,96 1.77 29,90 30,4 10,69 11,18 5,72 5,20 16,64 17,15 11.15 12,25 26,67 3.84 4,19 - PIN CONFIGURATION

    OCR Scan
    BU326, BU326A 100mA; 300yis; BU326 326a PDF

    IR 92 0151

    Abstract: transistor BU 109 bu326 t 326 Transistor transistor BU 184
    Text: MO TO RO LA SC XSTRS/R F 12E D | b3b?2S4 QGâMflQâ 2 | MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 6 AM PERES HIGH VO LTAGE NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR NPN SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS . . . Designed far use in the switch-mode power supplies of colour television receivers.

    OCR Scan
    AN415A) IR 92 0151 transistor BU 109 bu326 t 326 Transistor transistor BU 184 PDF

    KT 819 transistor

    Abstract: 2N2222A 338 SF129D SF137D SSY20B KT819W SF127E KFY18 321 KP303W KFY18
    Text: Deutsche Post NfD Studiotechnik Fernsehen Bauelemente - Mitteilung Nr. 6 TRANSISTORVERGLEICHSLISTE Herausgebers Halbleitervergleichsgruppe Studiotechnik Fernsehen Deutsche Post Studiotechnik Fernsehen Bauelemente-Mitteilung Nr. 6 Dez. 79 N f D T r a n s i s t o r v e r g l e i c h s l i s t e

    OCR Scan

    WF VQE 13

    Abstract: VQE 24 WF VQE 24 Wf vqe 14 vqe 23 VQE21 wf vqe 23 VQE24 WF VQE 12 vqe 13
    Text: FUNKAMATEUR - Bauelementeinformation Anzeigen VD/VT Koppler Vergleichslisten Optoelektronik Anzeigen, IR-Dioden, Fotodioden- und Transistoren, Koppler Lichtemitteranzeigen o Farbe WF rot rot grün grün rot rot grün grün grün grün rot rot rot grün grün

    OCR Scan
    VQE11 TLR326 TLR327 VQE21 TLG327 TLR325 VQB201 HDSP-3906) LTS3406LP) DL3403) WF VQE 13 VQE 24 WF VQE 24 Wf vqe 14 vqe 23 wf vqe 23 VQE24 WF VQE 12 vqe 13 PDF


    Abstract: transistor BDX 62 A transistor BU 184 bdx 330 BU800 transistor BDX 65 transistor BU 109 darlington NPN 1000V 8a transistor ESM855 h21e BU 208
    Text: SUPERSWITCH high power transistor M U 86 selector guide guide de sélection transistors grande puissance MU 86 SUPERSWITCH power transistor and darlington for TV applications selector guide guide de sélection transistors de puissance et darlingtons pour applications TV

    OCR Scan
    130CIV 109DP O-220 104DP BUX37 CB-159) BUV54 CB-19 TRANSISTOR BDX transistor BDX 62 A transistor BU 184 bdx 330 BU800 transistor BDX 65 transistor BU 109 darlington NPN 1000V 8a transistor ESM855 h21e BU 208 PDF


    Abstract: BUZ60
    Text: Standard Power MOSFETs File Number BUZ 60 2260 N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Power Field-Effect Transistors 5 .5 A , 4 0 0 V N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE fDSioni - 1 .0 f î Features: • SOA is pow er-dissipation lim ite d ■ N anosecond sw itching speeds ■ Linear transfer characteristics

    OCR Scan
    O-220RRENT 55A400 BUZ60 PDF

    MOS 6509

    Abstract: 400v 50A DIODE
    Text: UNITRODE CORP 9347963 TS UNITRODE CORP DGlDbbQ 1 920 10660 DT' ^ /i POWER MOSFET TRANSISTORS 400 Volt, 0.55 Ohm N-Channel UFN342 UFN343 DESCRIPTION The Unitrode power MOSFET design utilizes the most advanced technology available, This efficient design achieves a very low Rosiom and a high transconductance.

    OCR Scan
    UFN342 UFN343 UFN341 UFN340 MOS 6509 400v 50A DIODE PDF


    Abstract: NE243187 transistor 81 110 w 63 NE243287 NE243188 NE243 NE243288 transistor 81 110 w 85 NE243499 NE24318
    Text: N E C / SbE D C A L IF O R N IA b*4274m 00D2371 31b «NECC H " '3 3 > - 0 S NEC NPN MEDIUM POWER OSCILLATOR TRANSISTOR NE243 SERIES FEATURES DESCRIPTION AND APPLICATIONS • HIGH OSCILLATOR POWER OUTPUT: 630 mW TYP at 7.5 GHz The NE243 NPN series transistor is designed for oscillator

    OCR Scan
    b4E7414 00D2371 NE243 NE24300 NE243187 NE243188 NE243287 NE243288 transistor 81 110 w 63 transistor 81 110 w 85 NE243499 NE24318 PDF

    928 606 402 00

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC SILICON TRANSISTOR 2SC5008 NPN SILICON EPITAXIAL TRANSISTOR 3 PINS ULTRA SUPER MINI MOLD DESCRIPTION PACKAGE DIMENSIONS The 2SC5008 is an NPN epitaxial silicon transistor designed for use in millimeters in low noise and small signal am plifiers from VHF band to L band. Low

    OCR Scan
    2SC5008 2SC5008 928 606 402 00 PDF

    IRF 850

    Abstract: mje13005-1 transistors bu 407 13005 A 13005 ballast IRF 426 IRFP 450 application 13007 applications SGSP364 IRF 810
    Text: L^mg SGS-THOMSON A / f MMiLKgWMtSS consum er TV, MONITORS AND VCR CIRCUITS BIPOLAR POWER TRANSISTORS AND DARLINGTONS FOR MONOCHROME DEFLECTION v CBO 'c v CEO T yp e N P N Package ptot hFE @ V (A) 800 800 900 900 330 330 400 400 400 400 400 400 600 330 400

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NPN SILICON OSCILLATOR AND MIXER TRANSISTOR NE944 SERIES FEATURES DESCRIPTION • LOW COST T he N E 9 44 series o f NPN silicon epitaxial b ipo lar transisto rs is intended fo r use in ge ne ral purpose U H F o scilla to r and m ixer applicatio ns. It is su ita b le fo r au tom otive keyless entry

    OCR Scan
    NE944 NE94430 2SC4184 NE94430-T2 NE94433-T1B 24-Hour PDF