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    SUBTRACTOR IC Search Results

    SUBTRACTOR IC Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    D1U74T-W-1600-12-HB4AC Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd AC/DC 1600W, Titanium Efficiency, 74 MM , 12V, 12VSB, Inlet C20, Airflow Back to Front, RoHs Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    D1U54T-M-2500-12-HB4C Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 2.5KW 54MM AC/DC 12V WITH 12VDC STBY BACK TO FRONT AIR Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MHM411-21 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Ionizer Module, 100-120VAC-input, Negative Ion Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    SCL3400-D01-1 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 2-axis (XY) digital inclinometer Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    SCC433T-K03-004 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 2-Axis Gyro, 3-axis Accelerometer combination sensor Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    SUBTRACTOR IC Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 8 bit subtractor AT40K AT40KAL AT94K
    Text: IP Core Generator: Subtractor Features • Subtractor – Carry Select • Subtractor – Ripple Carry • Accessible from the Macro Generator Dialog and HDLPlanner – Included in IDS for • • • • FPGA Devices and System Designer™ for AT94K FPSLIC™ Devices

    AT94K AT40K AT40KAL AT94K 12/01/xM subtractor 8 bit subtractor AT40K AT40KAL PDF

    "serial adder"

    Abstract: 74F385 adder-subtractor design N74F385D N74F385N SF0093
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Quad serial adder/subtractor 74F385 FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION • Four independent adders/subtractors • Two’s complement arithmetic • Synchronous operation • Common Clear and Clock • 74F385 is designed for use with serial multipliers in implementing

    74F385 74F385 500ns SF00006 "serial adder" adder-subtractor design N74F385D N74F385N SF0093 PDF


    Abstract: AD8206 AD8212 AD628 AD8200 AD8202 AD8203 AD8205 AD8210 AD8213
    Text: Chapter IV MONOLITHIC DIFFERENCE AMPLIFIERS Difference Subtractor Amplifier Products Monolithic difference amplifiers are a special category of in-amps that are usually designed to be used in applications where large dc or ac common-mode voltages are present. This includes many general current sensing

    AD8130 AD8130. AD8206 AD8212 AD628 AD8200 AD8202 AD8203 AD8205 AD8210 AD8213 PDF

    circuit diagram of full subtractor circuit

    Abstract: circuit diagram of full subtractor circuit using full subtractor pin configuration subtractor ic for instrumentation amplifier using three op amp AD629 high power fet amplifier schematic simple applications of full subtractor
    Text: Chapter II INSIDE AN INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIER A Simple Op Amp Subtractor Provides an In-Amp Function Furthermore, this circuit requires a very close ratio match between resistor pairs R1/R2 and R3/R4; otherwise, the gain from each input would be different­—directly affecting common-mode rejection. For example, at a gain of

    There27 AD627 circuit diagram of full subtractor circuit circuit diagram of full subtractor circuit using full subtractor pin configuration subtractor ic for instrumentation amplifier using three op amp AD629 high power fet amplifier schematic simple applications of full subtractor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Signetics FAST 74F385 Adder/Subtractor FAST Products Quad Serial Adder/Subtractor Product Specification FEATURES • Four Independent adder/subtrac­ tors • Two's complement arithmetic • Synchronous operation • Common Clear and Clock • One's complement or magnitude

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    74F385 20-Pin N74F385N N74F385D 500ns PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semlconductors-Signetlc* Document No. 853-0868 E C N No. 97678 Date of issue September 20,19 8 9 Status Product Specification FAST 74F385 Adder/Subtractor Quad Serial Adder/Subtractor F A S T Products T YPE FEATURES 74F385 • Four independent adder/subtrac­

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    74F385 74F385 20-Pin N74F385N N74F385D 500ns SUBTRACTOR IC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semlconductors-Slgnetlcs Document No. 853-0868 ECN No. 97678 Date of issue September 20,1989 Status Product Specification FAST 74F385 Adder/Subtractor Quad Serial Adder/Subtractor FAST Products 74F385 • Four Independent adder/subtrac­ tors • Two's complement arithmetic

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    74F385 74F385 20-Pin N74F385N N74F385D 500ns PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LO 00 CO National Semiconductor 54F/74F385 Quad Serial Adder/Subtractor General Description Features The ’F385 contains four serial adder/subtractors with com­ mon clock and clear inputs, but independent operand and mode select inputs. Each adder/subtractor contains a sum

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    54F/74F385 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M OTOROLA L SUFFIX DUAL 2-BIT ADDER/SUBTRACTOR CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620 The MC10H180 is a high-speed, lo w -po w e r, general-purpose adder/subtractor. It is designed to be used in special purpose a dders/subtractors o r in high-speed m u ltip lie r arrays.

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    MC10H180 10K-C MC10H180 PDF


    Abstract: 10180N ecl 10K signetics ECL ADDER
    Text: Signetics I 10180 I Adder/Subtractor • H ECL Products DESCRIPTION The 10180 is a high-speed, low power, general purpose adder/subtractor. In­ puts for each adder are: Carry-in C0jn, C 1in , Operand A (Ao, A ,), Operand B (Bo, B ,). Outputs are Sum (F0, F ,), Sum

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    C10ut) 800mVp-p 10180F 10180N ecl 10K signetics ECL ADDER PDF

    ic for half subtractor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA Military 10580 Dual 2-Bit Adder/Subtractor ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: MPG 10580 The 10580 is a high speed, low power general-purpose adder/subtractor. It is designed to be used in special purpose adders/subtractors or in high speed multi­ plier arrays. The 10580 can be used in any piece of equipment where these oper­

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 784 54F/74F784 Connection Diagrams 8-Bit Serial-Parallel M ultiplier With Adder/Subtractor - Bn-1 [7 13 vcc pi u m y xsGE m *4 Description x2 [7 m The ’F784 is a serial nx8 -bit m ultiplier with a final stage adder/subtractor for optional use in adding a B bit to obtain S ± B. A (Bn.-|)-bit can also be

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    54F/74F784 PDF

    Twos Complement Adder/Subtractor

    Abstract: full subtractor
    Text: 784 54F/74F784 Connection Diagrams 8-Bit Serial-Parallel M ultiplier W ith A dder/Subtractor —' Bn-1 [7 PL ID vcc U ÏÜ Y 3 Œ m X4 Description X2 [I The ’F784 is a serial nx8 -bit m u ltip lie r w ith a final stage adder/subtractor fo r optional use in adding a B bit to obtain S ± B. A (Bn.i)-bit can also be

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    54F/74F784 Twos Complement Adder/Subtractor full subtractor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am25LS15 A m 2 5 LS 15 Quad Serial Adder/Subtractor DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • Four independent adder/subtractors Use with two's complement arithmetic • • Magnitude only addition/subtraction Second sourced by T.l. as Am54LS/74LS3S5 GENERAL DESCRIPTION

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    Am25LS15 Am54LS/74LS3S5 Am25LS14 Am25LS Am25LS Am54LS/74LS IC000180 03663B SUBTRACTOR IC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: £3 National Semiconductor 54F/74F784 8-Bit Serial/Parallel Multiplier with Adder/Subtractor General Description The 'F784 is an 8-bit by 1-bit sequential logic element that multiplies two numbers represented in twos complement notation. The device implements Booth’s algorithm internal­

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    bj 950 131- 6

    Abstract: 74LS385 Am2SLS14 Am25LS14 Am25LS15 25LS22
    Text: m 2 5 L S 1 Am25LS15 A 5 Quad Serial Adder/Subtractor DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • Magnitude only addition/subtraction Second sourced by T.l. as Am 54LS /74LS385 Four independent adder/subtractors Use w ith tw o 's com plem ent arithm etic GENERAL DESCRIPTION

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    Am25LS15 Am54LS/74LS385 Am25LS14 Am25LS Am54LS/74LS IC000180 03663B bj 950 131- 6 74LS385 Am2SLS14 25LS22 PDF

    4 bit serial subtractor

    Abstract: logic diagram to setup adder and subtractor using 74F10 F384 F385
    Text: 00 EH National MjM Semiconductor 54F/74F784 8-Bit Serial/Parallel Multiplier with Adder/Subtractor General Description The ’F784 is an 8-bit by 1-bit sequential logic element that multiplies two numbers represented in twos complement notation. The device implements Booth’s algorithm internal­

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    54F/74F784 4 bit serial subtractor logic diagram to setup adder and subtractor using 74F10 F384 F385 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AMI S2811 A M ERICAN M ICR O SY ST EM S, INC. SIGNAL PROCESSING PERIPHERAL General Description Features The S2811 Sign al Processing Peripheral S P P is a high speed special purpose arithm etic processor w ith on-chip R O M , R A M , m ultiplier, adder/subtractor, accum ulator

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    S2811 S2811 12-bit 256x17) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ZW Ä N a t io n a l é H à S e m ic o n d u c t o r 54F/74F385 Quad Serial Adder/Subtractor General Description Features The 'F 3 8 5 co ntains fo u r serial a d d e r/su b tra cto rs w ith com ­ mon clo ck and clea r inputs, but independent operand and

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    54F/74F385 PDF

    high speed multiplier

    Abstract: subtractor 8 bit carry select adder adder-subtractor design circuit diagram of inverting adder F10180 ecl adder
    Text: / F10180 • F 10580 / F10K VOLTAGE COMPENSATED ECL DUAL 2-BIT ADDER/SUBTRACTOR DESCRIPTION — The F10180/F10580 are high-speed, low-power Dual 2-Bit Adder/ Subtractors. It is designed to be used in special purpose adder/subtractors or in high speed multiplier arrays. Inputs for each adder are Carry-in, Operand A, and Operand B;

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    F10180 Fl0580 F10180/F10580 high speed multiplier subtractor 8 bit carry select adder adder-subtractor design circuit diagram of inverting adder F10180 ecl adder PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 385 54F/74F385 Connection Diagrams Quad Serial Adder/Subtractor c p [T l° | v c c S ,H IDF« ms. B i Gl H Iß « A lU Te] a < Fi Œ Description The 'F385 contains four serial adder/subtractors with common clock and clear inputs, but independent operand and mode select inputs. Each

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    54F/74F385 54F/74F PDF

    "serial adder"

    Abstract: serial adder 25LS14 subtractor 25LS15 adder-subtractor design Fourier transform adder subtractor
    Text: I Quad Serial Adder/Subtractor 25LS15 FEA TU R ES • Four Independent Adder/Subtractors ■ Use w ith Tw o's C om plem ent A rith m etic ■ M agnitude O n ly A ddition /S ubtraction ■ ■ Advanced Low-Pow er S chottky Processing 100% R eliability Assurance Testing in Com pliance W ith

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    25LS15 MIL-STD-883 25LS15 25LS14 "serial adder" serial adder subtractor adder-subtractor design Fourier transform adder subtractor PDF

    Fast Fourier T

    Abstract: adder ic serial adder adder subtractor
    Text: Quad Serial Adder/Subtractor 25LS15 FEA TU R ES. • Fo u r Independent Adder/Subtractors ■ Use w ith Tw o's Com plem ent A rithm etic ■ M agnitude O n ly A d dition /Su btraction ■ Advanced Low -Pow er Sch o ttk y Processing ■ 100% R eliab ility Assurance Testing in Com p lian ce With

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    25LS15 Fast Fourier T adder ic serial adder adder subtractor PDF

    85x Resistor

    Abstract: resistor 85x adder ic
    Text: HD10180 Dual 2 - bit Adders/Subtractors The H D 1 0 1 8 0 is a high speed, low power, general- are Sum , Sum, and C arry-ou t. The com m on Select purpose adder/subtractor. Inputs fo r each adder inputs serve as a control line to invert A fo r are C arry-in, operand A , and operand B; outputs

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    HD10180 85x Resistor resistor 85x adder ic PDF