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    STRAIN GAUGE AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT LT1001 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TC75S102F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Operational Amplifier, 1.5V to 5.5V, I/O Rail to Rail, IDD=0.27μA, SOT-25 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74VHCT541AFT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Octal Buffer, TSSOP20B Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74VHC541FT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Octal Buffer, TSSOP20B Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC74HC14AF Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Inverter, SOP14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74HC14D Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Inverter, SOIC14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    STRAIN GAUGE AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT LT1001 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: OFM-1A OPTO MOS SWITCH OFM 2N5160 118MF ROSEMOUNT LT301A LM329 2N5160 equivalent 74c906 2N4393
    Text: LT1001 Precision Operational Amplifier DESCRIPTIO U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The LT 1001 significantly advances the state-of-theart of precision operational amplifiers. In the design, processing, and testing of the device, particular attention has been paid to the optimization of the entire

    LT1001 LT1001C, LT1001AM LT1001C 152mm) 254mm) 1001fb LT1001 OFM-1A OPTO MOS SWITCH OFM 2N5160 118MF ROSEMOUNT LT301A LM329 2N5160 equivalent 74c906 2N4393 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LT1001 Precision Operational Amplifier DESCRIPTIO FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ U ■ The LT 1001 significantly advances the state-of-theart of precision operational amplifiers. In the design, processing, and testing of the device, particular attention has been paid to the optimization of the entire

    LT1001 LT1001C, LT1001AM LT1001C LT10098 152mm) 254mm) 1001fb LT1001 PDF

    rosemount 118mf

    Abstract: OPTO MOS SWITCH OFM 2N5160 equivalent LT1001 KELVIN-VARLEY DIVIDER ultronix 105A 2n5160 OFM-1A 2N5160 ss LT301A
    Text: LT1001 Precision Operational Amplifier DESCRIPTION U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The LT 1001 significantly advances the state-of-theart of precision operational amplifiers. In the design, processing, and testing of the device, particular attention has been paid to the optimization of the entire

    LT1001 LT1001C, LT1001AM LT1001C 152mm) 254mm) rosemount 118mf OPTO MOS SWITCH OFM 2N5160 equivalent LT1001 KELVIN-VARLEY DIVIDER ultronix 105A 2n5160 OFM-1A 2N5160 ss LT301A PDF

    ultronix 105A

    Abstract: LT1001 118MF LM129 LT1001AM LT1001C LT1002 74C9 Transistor 2N3866 2N3866 equivalent
    Text: LT1001 Precision Operational Amplifier DESCRIPTION U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The LT 1001 significantly advances the state-of-theart of precision operational amplifiers. In the design, processing, and testing of the device, particular attention has been paid to the optimization of the entire

    LT1001 LT1001C, LT1001AM LT1001C 152mm) 254mm) ultronix 105A LT1001 118MF LM129 LT1001AM LT1001C LT1002 74C9 Transistor 2N3866 2N3866 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: LT485 AN6752 OP227 "direct replacement" ltc1097 an6266 AN2544 LTC201 spice AN6677 AN1523
    Text: SUBJECT INDEX Subject Index to Linear Technology’s Applications Circuits A GUIDE TO THE INDEX Linear Technology has made a major effort to address a wide variety of circuit topics. The number of application problems solvable with innovative circuit techniques or new linear integrated circuits continues to grow. This comprehensive index includes

    DN134) LT1016, LT1097, LT1222 LT1166, LT1431 LT1172, LT1006 LT1013, LT1088, LT1257 LT485 AN6752 OP227 "direct replacement" ltc1097 an6266 AN2544 LTC201 spice AN6677 AN1523 PDF


    Abstract: 74C90 LTC1052 TTL 7490 ICL7652CTV LTC1052CH LTC1052MH LTC7652 LTC7652CH strain gauge amplifier 102
    Text: LTC1052/LTC7652 Zero-Drift Operational Amplifier U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ DESCRIPTIO Guaranteed Max Offset: 5µV Guaranteed Max Offset Drift: 0.05µV/°C Typ Offset Drift: 0.01µV/°C Excellent Long Term Stability: 100nV/√Month Guaranteed Max Input Bias Current: 30pA

    LTC1052/LTC7652 100nV/Month 120dB 1052fa lt1052 74C90 LTC1052 TTL 7490 ICL7652CTV LTC1052CH LTC1052MH LTC7652 LTC7652CH strain gauge amplifier 102 PDF


    Abstract: LT318A
    Text: LTC1052/LTC7652 Zero-Drift Operational Amplifier FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ U ■ DESCRIPTIO Guaranteed Max Offset: 5µV Guaranteed Max Offset Drift: 0.05µV/°C Typ Offset Drift: 0.01µV/°C Excellent Long Term Stability: 100nV/√Month Guaranteed Max Input Bias Current: 30pA

    LTC1052/LTC7652 100nV/â 120dB LTC7652 1052fa ltc1052 LT318A PDF

    20K potentiometer

    Abstract: OP-07 THERMOCOUPLE AMPLIFIER OP-07 application LT1001 MXL1001 MXL1001ACJ8 MXL1001ACN8 MXL1001ACS8 MXL1001CN8 MXL1001CS8
    Text: 19-0286; Rev 1; 8/94 Precision Operational Amplifier _Applications Thermocouple Amplifiers Low-Level Signal Processing _Ordering Information Strain Gauge Amplifiers High-Accuracy Data Acquisition _Pin Configuration

    MXL1001 MXL1001AM: MXL1001C: 114dB 20K potentiometer OP-07 THERMOCOUPLE AMPLIFIER OP-07 application LT1001 MXL1001 MXL1001ACJ8 MXL1001ACN8 MXL1001ACS8 MXL1001CN8 MXL1001CS8 PDF


    Abstract: MXL1001 MXL1001ACJ8 MXL1001ACN8 MXL1001ACS8 MXL1001CN8 MXL1001CS8 OP-07
    Text: Not Recommended for New Designs This product was manufactured for Maxim by an outside wafer foundry using a process that is no longer available. It is not recommended for new designs. The data sheet remains available for existing users. A Maxim replacement or an industry second-source may be available.


    schematic diagram 110v dc charger

    Abstract: Capacitor NSK Theta-J voltage follower lm 741 LT1001
    Text: um TECHNOLOGY _LT1QQ1 , Precision Operational Amplifier F6HTURCS DCSCRIPTIOn • Guaranteed Low Offset Voltage LT1001AM 15/iV max LT1001C 60/iV max ■ Guaranteed Low Drift LT1001AM 0.6/iV/°C max LT1001C 1.0MV/°Cm ax ■ Guaranteed Low Bias Current

    OCR Scan
    LT1001AM 15/iV LT1001C 60/iV 114dB schematic diagram 110v dc charger Capacitor NSK Theta-J voltage follower lm 741 LT1001 PDF

    rosemount 118

    Abstract: rosemount 118 mf rosemount 118mf Rosemount RTD 118mf 74Cb6 Rosemount 118mf 1000 an60c 1560P LT1001
    Text: _LT1QQ1 u i m TECHNOLOGY , Precision Operational Amplifier F c n ru R c s D C S C R IP T IO n • Guaranteed Low Offset Voltage The LT1001 significantly advances the state-of-theart of precision operational amplifiers. In the design, processing, and testing of the device, particular atten­

    OCR Scan
    LT1001AM 15max LT1001C 60/iV 114dB rosemount 118 rosemount 118 mf rosemount 118mf Rosemount RTD 118mf 74Cb6 Rosemount 118mf 1000 an60c 1560P LT1001 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: um TECHNOLOGY _ LT 1001 Precision O perational Amplifier F€flTUR€S D € S C R IP T IO n • Guaranteed Low Offset Voltage LT1001AM 15/xV max LT1001C 60juV max ■ Guaranteed Low Drift The LT1001 significantly advances the state-of-theart of precision operational amplifiers. In the design,

    OCR Scan
    LT1001AM 15/xV LT1001C 60juV LT1001 LT1001C, -O370w PDF


    Abstract: LT1001
    Text: rrwm _ LT1Q01 Precision Operational Amplifier TECHNOLOGY F € flT U R € S D C S C R IP T IO n • Guaranteed Low Offset Voltage LT1001AM 15/uV max LT1001C 60mV max ■ Guaranteed Low Drift LT1001AM 0.6 mV /°C max LT1001C 1.0MV /°C max ■ Guaranteed Low Bias Current

    OCR Scan
    LT1Q01 LT1001AM 15/uV LT1001C LT1001AM 114dB OPTO MOS SWITCH OFM LT1001 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _ LT1001CS8 Precision Operational Amplifier DCSCRIPTIOn F€ATUR€S • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Guaranteed Low O ffset Voltage 60jtV Max. Guaranteed Low Drift 1.0/tV/°C Max. Guaranteed Low Bias Current 4nA Max. Guaranteed C M R R 110dB M in.

    OCR Scan
    LT1001CS8 60jtV 106dB 35AWIREWOUND PDF


    Abstract: 0p07 0P-07C 0P07A 0P07CJ thermocouple OP07 amplifier OP07AH strain gauge OP07 amplifier strain gauge OP07 Amplifier type t thermocouple op07
    Text: / T L i r _ QP-07 Precision Operational Amplifier m TECHNOLOGY F€ATUR€S DCSCRIPTIOil • Guaranteed 2 5 m V m ax. Offset Voltage ■ G u a r a n t e e d l ° C m ax. Offset Voltage Drift with Temperature ■ Excellent I.OjuV/Month m ax. Long Term Stability

    OCR Scan
    QP-07 0P-07 ST538TW- 1008SC" 0P07C 0p07 0P-07C 0P07A 0P07CJ thermocouple OP07 amplifier OP07AH strain gauge OP07 amplifier strain gauge OP07 Amplifier type t thermocouple op07 PDF


    Abstract: LT1002 LT1002A LT1002AC LT1002ACJ LT1002AMJ LT1002C LT1002MJ strain gauge amplifier 102 strain gauge
    Text: r Æ r È êêm u v m i F t e c h n o lo g y _ LT10Q2 Dual, M a tch ed Precision O perational Amplifier F6OTUR6S D€SCMPTIOil • Guaranteed low offset voltage LT1002A 60^V max LT1002 10 VV max ■ Guaranteed offset voltage match LT1002A 40^V max

    OCR Scan
    LT10Q2 LT1002A LT1002 100MV 80/iV LT1001 LT1002AC LT1002ACJ LT1002AMJ LT1002C LT1002MJ strain gauge amplifier 102 strain gauge PDF


    Abstract: LT1001 LT1002 OP-05 OP-05EH OP-05H Absolute Value Circuit precision Absolute Value Circuit
    Text: TECHNOLOGY DCSCRIPTIOn F€HTUR€S • ■ ■ ■ Guaranteed max. 0.5^V/°C Drift Guaranteed max. 0.6n V pk-pk Noise Guaranteed max. 2nA Bias Current Guaranteed minimum 114dB CMRR nppucnnons ■ ■ ■ ■ Operational Amplifier Strain Gauges Thermocouple Amplifiers

    OCR Scan
    114dB 0P-05 40SUU-- LT1001 LT1002 OP-05 OP-05EH OP-05H Absolute Value Circuit precision Absolute Value Circuit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: L i n Ç A B . TECHNOLOGY _LU 002 Dual, M atched Precision O perational Amplifier F€flTUR€S D C S C R IP T IO n • Guaranteed low offset voltage LT1002A 60/uV max LT1002 100MV max ■ Guaranteed offset voltage match LT1002A 4 0 max LT1002

    OCR Scan
    LT1002A 60/uV LT1002 110dBmin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r r u n m _ LT1002 TECHNOLOGY D ual, M a tc h e d Precision O p e ra tio n a l A m p lifie r FCRTURCS DCSCRIPTIOn • Guaranteed low offset voltage LT1002A 60|iV max LT1002 100|iV max ■ Guaranteed offset voltage match LT1002A 40|iV max

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: strain gauge OP07 0P07C
    Text: / r u r _QP-07 Precision O perational Am plifier m TECHNOLOGY F€ATUR€S DCSCRIPTIOn • Guaranteed 25mV max. Offset Voltage ■ Guaranteed 0.6juV/°C max. Offset Voltage Drift with Temperature ■ Excellent I.OjuV/Month max. Long Term Stability

    OCR Scan
    QP-07 OP-07 0P-07C strain gauge OP07 0P07C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r r u n m _ LT1002 TECHNOLOGY D ual, M a tc h e d Precision O p e ra tio n a l A m p lifie r FCRTURCS D C S C R IP TIO n • Guaranteed\o\n offset voltage LT1002A 60|iV max LT1002 100|iV max ■ Guaranteed offset voltage match LT1002A

    OCR Scan
    LT1002 LT1002A 110dB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: rrurm TECHNOLOGY _ QP-07CS8 Precision Operational Amplifier FCflTURCS DCSCRIPTIOn • Guaranteed 150/iV max. Offset Voltage ■ Guaranteed 1.8/iV/°C max. Offset Voltage Drift with Temperature ■ Excellent 2.0/tV/Month max. Long Term Stability ■ Guaranteed 0.65/iVp-p max. Noise

    OCR Scan
    150/iV 65/iVp-p QP-07CS8 OP-07 qp07c PDF

    ultronix 105A

    Abstract: Rosemount RTD
    Text: /"TTintAR TECHNOLOGY Lriocncs8 Precision Operational Amplifier F€ A TU R € S D C S C R IP T IO fl • Guaranteed Low Offset Voltage 60/tV Max. ■ Guaranteed Low Drift 1.0/tV/°C Max. ■ Guaranteed Low Bias Current 4nA Max. ■ Guaranteed CM RR110dBM in.

    OCR Scan
    60/tV RR110dBM 106dB LT1001 LT1001C, LT1001C ultronix 105A Rosemount RTD PDF

    strain gauge OP07

    Abstract: strain gauge OP07 amplifier op07 thermocouple OP07 amplifier OP-07 op07 application note LT1001CS8 OP07CS8 OP-07CS8 OP-07 differential
    Text: rrunm J k « / te c h n o lo g y _ OP-Q7CS8 Precision Operational Amplifier FCflTURCS DCSCRIPTIOn • Guaranteed 15 VV max. Offset Voltage ■ Guaranteed 1.8/iV/°C max. Offset Voltage Drift with Temperature ■ Excellent 2.0/tV/Month max. Long Term Stability

    OCR Scan
    65/iVp-p OP-07 dr18V strain gauge OP07 strain gauge OP07 amplifier op07 thermocouple OP07 amplifier op07 application note LT1001CS8 OP07CS8 OP-07CS8 OP-07 differential PDF