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    STD 883A Search Results

    STD 883A Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    DE6B3KJ151KA4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6B3KJ471KB4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6E3KJ152MN4A Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6B3KJ101KA4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6B3KJ331KB4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    STD 883A Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: m101a LM201N A2201 LM101N LM201 equivalent M301AN lm201at LH2101AF LM 101
    Text: L M 101 /A/201 /A /301 /A , LH2101 A/2201 A/2301 A -F,N ,N -14,T DESCRIPTION T h e LM101, LM201, LM 101A, LM 201A, and LM 301A are h ig h p e rfo rm a n ce o p e ra tio n a l a m p lifie rs fe a tu rin g hig h ga in , s h o rt c irc u it p ro te c tio n , s im p lifie d c o m pensa tion and

    OCR Scan
    /A/201 LH2101 LM101, LM201, LH2101A, LH2201A, LM101 m101a LM201N A2201 LM101N LM201 equivalent M301AN lm201at LH2101AF LM 101 PDF

    a 1458

    Abstract: OF IC 741C MA741CN nc 1458 741C IC 1458 741CM F741 741C DC CHARACTERISTICS A1458
    Text: mA741/741C /SA741C , M C 1458/1558/S A 1458-F.N .T DESCRIPTION T he nA741 is a h ig h pe rfo rm a n ce o p e ra tio n ­ al a m p lifie r w ith high open lo o p gain, in te r­ nal com pensa tion, hig h c om m on m ode range and exce p tio n a l te m perature s ta b ili­

    OCR Scan
    mA741/741C /SA741C 1458/1558/S 1458-F nA741 1558/M 1458/S MA741/741C/SA741C, a 1458 OF IC 741C MA741CN nc 1458 741C IC 1458 741CM F741 741C DC CHARACTERISTICS A1458 PDF


    Abstract: MC1456N MC1556 MC1456F MC1556N MC1556F MC1456/MC1556
    Text: MC1456/1556-F,N,T DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATIONS The MC1456/1556 is an internally compen­ sated precision m onolithic operational am­ p lifie r featuring extremely low offset and bias currents and offset null capability. The MC1456/1556 is short circu it protected and

    OCR Scan
    MC1456/1556-F MC1456/MC1556 MC1456/1556 MC1456N MC1556N current--15nA bandwidth--40kHz consumption--45l MC1456 10kii, MC1456N MC1556 MC1456F MC1556N MC1556F PDF


    Abstract: NE529
    Text: NE/SE529-F,K,N DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SE/NE529 is a high speed analog volt­ age com parator which, for the first time mates state-of-the-art Schottky diode tech­ nology with the conventional linear proc­ ess. This allows simultaneous fabrication of high speed T2L gates with a precision linear

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    NE/SE529-F SE529/NE529 SE529 NE529 PDF


    Abstract: 883AB MA710C ma710 ua710 equivalent 710c
    Text: iuA710-F/N/N-14/T DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ¿iA710 is a High Speed Differential Voltage Com parator featuring low offset voltage, high sensitivity and a wide input voltage range. It is ideally suited for use as a pulse height discriminator, an analog com ­

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    iuA710-F/N/N-14/T uA710 nA710 iA710 response--40ns 883AB MA710C ma710 ua710 equivalent 710c PDF


    Abstract: se527f SE527 equivalent SE/NE527
    Text: NE/SE527-F,K,N DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SE/NE527 is a high speed analog vol­ tage comparator which, in the first time mates state-of-the-art Schottky diode tech­ nology with the conventional linear proc­ ess. This allows simultaneous fabrication of high speed T2L gates with a precision

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    NE/SE527-F SE527/NE527 SE/NE527 SE/NE529 SE527 se527f SE527 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D S7830/8830-F.N DESCRIPTION FEATURES The DS7830/DS8830 is a dual d iffe re n tia l line d riv e r th a t also pe rform s th e dual fo u rin p u t N A N D o r dual fo u r-in p u t AN D fu n c tio n . • Single 5 volt power supply • High speed • Diode protected outputs for termination

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    S7830/8830-F DS7830/DS8830 DS7830 DS8Q300 DS7820 DS7B30 DS7830 PDF

    LM308 equivalent

    Abstract: LM208T LH2208 LM108A
    Text: LM108/A/208/A/308/A-F, N,N -14,T LH2108/A/2208/A/2308/A-F, N ,N -14,T DESCRIPTION The LM108/108A series are precision oper­ ational amplifiers having specifications a factor of ten better than FET amplifiers over their operating temperature range. In addi­

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    LM108/A/208/A/308/A-F, LH2108/A/2208/A/2308/A-F, LM108/108A LH2108 LM108A LM108/A/208/A/308/ LH2108/A/2208/A/2308/A-F LM308 LM308 equivalent LM208T LH2208 PDF

    lm 307 operational amplifier

    Abstract: LM107 equivalent schematic of LM107 J20I-I lm3074
    Text: LM107/207/307-F.N.T DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATIONS The LM 107/207/307 is a general purpose internally compensated operational am plifi­ er. Advanced processing techniques pro­ vide input currents which are an order of magnitude lower than the *iA709. Standard

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    LM107/207/307-F LM107/LM207/LM307 iA709. nA709, LM101, LM101A, uA741. 100nA 107N/LM 207N/LM lm 307 operational amplifier LM107 equivalent schematic of LM107 J20I-I lm3074 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SA556F.N • SE556N.F • NE556F.N • SE556C.F.N FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION • Timing from microseconds to hours • Replaces two 555 timers • Operates in both astable and monostable modes • High output current • Adjustable duty cycle • TTL compatible

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    SA556F SE556N NE556F SE556C SE566 N38510 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: luA733/733C-F,K,N DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 733 is a m onolithic differential input, differential output, wideband video am plifi­ er. It offers fixed gains of 10,100 or 400 w ithout external components, and ad­ justable gains from 10 to 400 by the use of an

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    luA733/733C-F mA733/733C-F MA733 PDF


    Abstract: mA748c A748CN 748C A748CT A748 A748N A748CN-14
    Text: mA748/748C/SA748C-F, N ,N -14 PIN CONFIGURATIONS DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 748 is a High Performance Operational Am plifier featuring high gain, short circuit immunity, offset voltage null capability, sim plified compensation and excellent tem­ perature stability.

    OCR Scan
    mA748/748C/SA748C-F, mA748F, A748N-14, mA748CF, SA748CF, A748CN-14, SA748CN-14 mA748C SA74SC MA748 A748CN 748C A748CT A748 A748N A748CN-14 PDF


    Abstract: NE555F
    Text: FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATIONS • Turn off time less than 2^s • Maximum operating frequency greater than 500kHz • Timing from microseconds to hours • Operates in both astable and monostable modes • High output current • Adjustable duty cycle • TTL compatible

    OCR Scan
    500kHz SE555 M38510 M38510 NE555URRENT SE555C NE555F PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: iiA711-F,K,N DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION LOGIC DIAGRAM The juA711 H igh Speed D ual V oltag e C o m ­ pa ra to r fea ture s lo w o ffse t voltage, high s e n s itiv ity and a w ide in p u t v olta ge range. It is ideal fo r use as a b i-d ire c tio n a l lim it

    OCR Scan
    iiA711-F juA711 /iA711 mA711C response--40ns nA71i xA711 UA711 PDF


    Abstract: 747c nA747 MA747 ma747c A747
    Text: ¿¡A747/747C/SA747C-F.K.N DESCRIPTION The 747 is a p a iro f high performance mono­ lithic operational amplifiers constructed on a single silicon chip. High common mode voltage range and absence of “ latch-up" make the 747 ideal for use as a voltage follower. The high gain and wide range of

    OCR Scan
    A747/747C/SA747C-F nA747CN. SA74LY juA747/747C/SA747C-F AA747 747c nA747 MA747 ma747c A747 PDF

    la 7830

    Abstract: analog delay line schematic description of la 7830 pin ds8830 DS7820 DS7830 DS7830F DS7830N DS8830N DSS830F
    Text: MARCH 1982 A NALO G DIVISION DS7830/DS8830 DUAL DIFFERENTIAL LINE DRIVER DESCRIPTIO N FEATURES T h e D S 7 8 3 0 /D S 8 8 3 0 is a d u a l d iffe r e n tia l lin e d riv e r th a t a ls o p e rfo rm s th e d u a l fo u r in p u t N A N D o r d u a l fo u r - in p u t A N D

    OCR Scan
    DS7830/DS8830 DS7830/DS8830 100nand 5000pF DS7830 DS7830 DS7820 la 7830 analog delay line schematic description of la 7830 pin ds8830 DS7830F DS7830N DS8830N DSS830F PDF


    Abstract: TF-874 TF-823 tf886 TF-886 TF-899 TF823 tf844 TF-835 814a
    Text: NARROWBAND SP8T SWITCH REFLECTIVE AND ABSORPTIVE 0.02-18 GHz SERIES TF-8/TN-8-A r- GENERAL INFORMATION: Series TF-8 and TN-8-A switches are medium power devices that operate over commonly used frequency ranges. Carefully selected diodes placed in either series, series-shunt, or shunt configurations produce excellent elec­

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: DS7820 DS820 0588 DS7820F DS7820N DS7830 DS8820F
    Text: MARCH 1982 ANALOG DIVISION DUAL LINE RECEIVER DESCRIPTIO N DS7820/DS8820 FEATURES The DS7820, specified fro m -5 5 ° C to 125°C, and the DS8820, specified fro m 0 °C to 70°C, are d ig ita l line receivers w ith tw o co m ple te ly independent units fabricated on

    OCR Scan
    DS7820/DS8820 DS7820, DS8820, DS7820 DS8820 100pF DS7820-DS8820 DS7830 DS7820 DS8820 DS820 0588 DS7820F DS7820N DS7830 DS8820F PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS7820/8820-F.N DESCRIPTION FEATURES T he DS7820, spe cifie d fro m -5 5° C to 125°C, and the DS8820, sp e cifie d fro m 0 °C to 70°C , are d ig ita l lin e receivers w ith tw o c o m p le te ly inde pen den t un its fab ricate d on a sin g le s ilic o n c h ip . Intended fo r use w ith

    OCR Scan
    DS7820/8820-F DS7820, DS8820, DS7820 DS8820 100pF DS7820-DS8820 DS7830 PDF


    Abstract: TA 511 NE510N NE511N
    Text: NE5SE510/511-F.N PIN CONFIGURATIONS DESCRIPTION The 510/511 are d ual h ig h fre q u e n c y d iffe r­ ential a m p lifie rs w ith associated con stant c u rre n t sources and biasin g elem ents c o n ­ tained w ith in a s ilic o n m o n o lith ic substrate.

    OCR Scan
    NE5SE510/511-F 100mhz. T511F TA 511 NE510N NE511N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATIONS T h e 532 con sists o f tw o inde pen den t, high gain, in te rn a lly fre q u e n c y com pensated o p ­ era tio n a l a m p lifie rs de sig ned s p e c ific a lly to operate fro m a sin g le p o w e r s u p p ly o v e r a

    OCR Scan
    30Vdc) 15Vdc) 532/532A 532-N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TM S 41 6800 , TM S 41 7 8 0 0 2 0 9 7 1 5 2 - W O R D B Y 8- B I T H I G H - S P E E D D R A M S S M K S883A-O C TO BER 1995 - REVISED MARCH 1996 Or ga n i za t i o n . . . 2 0 9 7 1 52 x 8 DZ P A C K A G E TOP V IE W S i ngl e S V P o w e r S up p l y ( ± 1 0 % T ol er a n c e )

    OCR Scan
    S883A-O 41x800-60 41x800-70 41x800-80 PDF


    Abstract: 7905CD 7905D 7918C 7905CDA 7924CU 79052C 7912 TO3 PACKAGE 7915CD 7906C
    Text: #iA7905/05.2/0 6 /0 8 /1 2 /1 5 /1 8/24-U ,DA DESCRIPTION FEATURES The /jA 790 0 series o f m o n o lith ic T hreeTerm inal N egative V oltag e R egulators em ­ p lo ys inte rnal c u rre n t lim itin g , therm al s h u t­ do w n and sa fe-area com pensa tion, m aking

    OCR Scan
    iA7905/05 8/24-U jliA7800 juA7905/05 18/24-U pA7900 7915C 7905CD 7905D 7918C 7905CDA 7924CU 79052C 7912 TO3 PACKAGE 7915CD 7906C PDF


    Abstract: "Op Amp" LM 324N IC LM 258 IC 358A st 358a "Op Amp" LM 158n LM 324 N with 16 pin LM358T 224N LM358
    Text: LM124/A/224/A/324/A/SA534-F, N-14,T LM 158/A/258/A/358A-F, N,T DESCRIPTION The LM 124/SA534 series consists of four independent, high gain, internally frequen­ cy compensated operational amplifiers de­ signed specifically to operate from a single power supply over a wide range of volt­

    OCR Scan
    LM124/A/224/A/324/A/SA534-F, 158/A/258/A/358A-F, 124/SA534 LM158 45nAdc 32Vdc 124/A/224/A/324/A/SA534-F LM158/A/258/A/358A-F 358AF "Op Amp" LM 324N IC LM 258 IC 358A st 358a "Op Amp" LM 158n LM 324 N with 16 pin LM358T 224N LM358 PDF