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    STA 401 SEMICONDUCTOR Search Results

    STA 401 SEMICONDUCTOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    MHM411-21 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Ionizer Module, 100-120VAC-input, Negative Ion Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    SCL3400-D01-1 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 2-axis (XY) digital inclinometer Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    SCC433T-K03-004 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 2-Axis Gyro, 3-axis Accelerometer combination sensor Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MRMS591P Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Magnetic Sensor Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    SCR410T-K03-PCB Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 1-Axis Gyro Sensor on Evaluation Board Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    STA 401 SEMICONDUCTOR Datasheets Context Search

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    SEIKO lcd display 16x2

    Abstract: L168200J000 msg05a water level pressure sensor for washing machine
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR APPLICATION NOTE AN1950 Water Level Monitoring By Michelle Clifford Applications Engineer Sensor Products Division Tempe, AZ INTRODUCTION Many washing machines that are currently in production use a mechanical sensor for water level detection.

    AN1950 MPXM2010GS msg05b msg05c 160mm' msg05d 160mm: msg05e msg02a msg02b SEIKO lcd display 16x2 L168200J000 msg05a water level pressure sensor for washing machine PDF


    Abstract: MC6805 motorola MC68HC05 Applications Guide CPU08 HC05 HC08 MC6805 MC68HC05 motorola mc6805 manual MC146805
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR APPLICATION NOTE Order this document by AN1218/D AN1218 HC05 to HC08 Optimization by Mark Glenewinkel CSIC Applications INTRODUCTION Motorola's HC05 Family of microcontrollers contains the world's most popular 8-bit microcontroller units

    AN1218/D AN1218 CPU08. CPU08 AN1218 MC6805 motorola MC68HC05 Applications Guide HC05 HC08 MC6805 MC68HC05 motorola mc6805 manual MC146805 PDF

    motorola mc6805 manual

    Abstract: MC6805 motorola 00FF AN1218 CPU08 HC05 HC08 MC6805 MC68HC05 HC08 c code example spi
    Text: Order this document by AN1218/D Rev. 2 Motorola Semiconductor Application Note AN1218 HC05 to HC08 Optimization By Mark Glenewinkel CSIC Applications Austin, Texas Introduction Motorola's HC05 Family of microcontrollers contains the world's most popular 8-bit microcontroller units MCUs . In keeping pace with

    AN1218/D AN1218 CPU08. CPU08 AN1218/D motorola mc6805 manual MC6805 motorola 00FF AN1218 HC05 HC08 MC6805 MC68HC05 HC08 c code example spi PDF


    Abstract: LM2925 005juF GQG155S WUI6817157 LM2925 "pin compatible" CS925
    Text: CHERRY. SEMI CONDUCTOR CORP H0b7S5b. 0 0 0 1 S S 4 CS-925 SEMICONDUCTOR LOW DROPOUT REGULATOR WITH DELAYED RESET DESCRIPTION T he C S -9 2 5 is a low dropout, high current regulator. Included orr-chip is a reset function with an externally set delay time. During pow er up, or

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    20b7S5b. T-SS-U-13 CS-925 CS-925 T0220 WUI6817157 LM2925 005juF GQG155S WUI6817157 LM2925 "pin compatible" CS925 PDF


    Abstract: light dependent resistor orp12 light resistance orp12 SCSR 118 68HC05B4 disp1 Application Note AN431 b765 IC MC 14489 a608
    Text: Order this document MOTOROLA as AN431/D SEMICONDUCTOR APPLICATION NOTE AN431 Temperature measurement and display using the MC68HC05B4 and the MC14489 By Jeff Wright, Motorola Ltd., East Kilbride INTRODUCTION TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT This application note is intended to show the basic

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    AN431 MC68HC05B4 MC14489 AN431/D MC68HC05Bx MC14489 A30048-0 AN431/D ORP12 light dependent resistor orp12 light resistance orp12 SCSR 118 68HC05B4 disp1 Application Note AN431 b765 IC MC 14489 a608 PDF

    transistor wu1

    Abstract: transistor wu1 5 CS-427N8 WUI6817157 T 427 transistor
    Text: CS-427 200mA Ignition Pre-Driver D escription T he CS-427 is a m on o lith ic in teg rated circu it w h ic h d riv es a n e x tern al p o w e r tra n sisto r to s tart a n d re g u la te in d u ctiv e lo a d currents. A control in p u t triggers th e on -c h ip o u tp u t tra n sisto r to satu ­

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    200mA CS-427 200mA. 20b7S5b CS-427N8 transistor wu1 transistor wu1 5 CS-427N8 WUI6817157 T 427 transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 200mA Ignition Pre-Driver Description T h e C S-427 is a m on olith ic integrated circu it w h ich drives an extern al p o w er transisto r to start and reg u late in ductive load cu rrents. A co n tro l in put triggers th e o n -ch ip outpu t transisto r to satu­

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    200mA S-427 S-427 CS-427N8 PDF

    STA 401 semiconductor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CS-122 SEMICONDUCTOR DUAL LEVEL SENSING IC with SCHM ITT TRIGGER DESCRIPTION The CS-122 is a dual m o n o lith ic in te g ra te d c irc u it level d e te c to r w ith c o n ­ tro lle d h yste re sis and is d esig n ed fo r a p p lic a tio n s re q u irin g th e fu n c tio n o f a

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    CS-122 CS-122 STA 401 semiconductor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS BUP 401 IGBT Preliminary data • Low forward voltage drop • High switching speed • Low tail current • Latch-up free • Avalanche rated Pin 1 Pin 2 G Type BUP 401 VCE 600V >c 29A C Pin 3 E Package Ordering Code TO-220 AB C67078-A4404-A2 Maximum Ratings

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    O-220 C67078-A4404-A2 6235bQ5 006511b GPT05 fi235b05 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PBU401-PBU407 Vishay Lite-On Power Semiconductor ▼ 4.0A Bridge Rectifier Features • D iffu se d ju n c tio n • L o w fo rw a rd v o lta g e d ro p , h igh c u rre n t c a p a b ility • S u rg e o v e rlo a d ra tin g to 2 0 0 A p e a k • Ideal fo r p rin te d c irc u it b o a rd a p p lic a tio n s

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    PBU401-PBU407 D-74025 24-Jun-98 PDF


    Abstract: CS-8154TH CS-8154TV
    Text: 12V/5V Low Dropout Dual Regulator with ENABLE D escription Features will automatically shut down to pro­ tect both internal circuits and the load, while the standby regulator continues to power any standby load. The CS-8154 is a low dropout 12Y 5V dual linear regulator. The second

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    CS-8154 V/100mA 750mA 20b755b O-220 CS-8154T T0-220 CS-8154TV O-220 CS-8154TH PDF


    Abstract: MSM27C64AS MAX165 MAX200 MAX250 MSM27C64-20 MSM27C64-25 MSM27C64-30
    Text: OKI semiconductor MSM27C64AS 8 1 9 2 x 8 BIT UV ERASABLE ELECTRICALLY PROGRAMMABLE READ-ONLY MEMORY GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M S M 27 C 6 4 is a 8 1 9 2 w o rds x 8 b it ultraviolet erasable and e le ctrica lly program m able read­ o n ly m em ory. Users can fre e ly prepare th e m em ory content, w hich can be e a sily changed, so the

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    MSM27C64AS MSM27C64 MAX200 MSM27C64-20) MAX250 MSM27C64-25) MAX300 MSM27C64-30) 27C64-30 MSM27C64AS MAX165 MSM27C64-20 MSM27C64-25 MSM27C64-30 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Enhanced Wtage Mode PWM Controller CS-51227 T E C H N I C A L FEATURES • Undervoitage Lock Out ■ Fixed Frequency, Feed Forward Voltage Mode Operation ■ teadmg Edge Current Sense Blanking ■ Tiiermal Shutdown V cc ■ 1 M fe d e r a tin g FrequencyCapabiiity

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    CS-51227 CS-51227 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MICROCONTROLLER T h e V e rsa Mix VMS 1020 la u n c h e d by G oal S e m i­ c o n d u cto r Inc. is a DSP m icrocontroller for u se in the in d u stria l, co n su m er, in stru m e n tatio n , autom otive and com m unications m arkets. The MAC u n it an d 32-bit b a r­

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    32-bit 12-bit ScansU9X22 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8V/5V Low Dropout Dual Regulator with ENABLE Description The CS-8165 is a low dropout, 8V, 750mA regulator. Also included is a second 5V/10mA output for powering systems w ith standby memory. Quiescent current drain is less than 2mA w hen supplying 10mA loads from

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    CS-8165 750mA V/10mA CS-8165T5 CS-8165TV5' CS-8165TH5 T0-220 O-22Q PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Micropower 5V, 100mA Low Dropout Linear Regulator Description T he CS-8221 is a p recisio n 5V, 100m A m ic ro p o w e r v o ltag e re g u la ­ to r w ith v ery lo w q u ie sc e n t c u rre n t 60pA ty p ical a t IOOji A load . T he 5V o u tp u t is acc u ra te w ith in ±2%

    OCR Scan
    100mA CS-8221 600mV. aS-8221 CS-8221D8 CS-8221T3 PDF


    Abstract: IDD2774 iou 150ct
    Text: 10V, 5V Low Dropout Dual Regulator with ENABLE Description Features T he C S -8145 is a low d ro p o u t, h ig h cu rren t 10V, 5V d u al regu lato r. T h e secon d 5 V /2 0 m A o u tp u t is u sed for p o w erin g system s w ith stand by m em ory. Q u iescen t cu rren t d rain is

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    CS-8145 V/20mA 500mA O-220, CS-8145T5 T0-220 CS-8145TV5 O-220 IDD2774 iou 150ct PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification TOPFET high side switch SMD version of BUK201-50X DESCRIPTION Monolithic temperature and overload protected power switch based on M OSFET technology in a 5 pin plastic surface mount envelope, configured as a single

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    BUK201-50X K205-50X BUK205-50X PDF

    2N5190 MOTOROLA

    Abstract: N5191 2N5190 C 3311 transistor LT 7706 d 317 P 2n transistor Motorola transistors 2N5192
    Text: MOTORCLA SC XSTRS/R F T'3Ò 12E D | b3L72SM Q0ÛMS30 5 I 2N5190 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR thru TECHNICAL DATA 2N5192 SILICON NPN POWER TRANSISTORS 4 AMPERE POWER TRANSISTORS SILICON NPN . . . for use in power amplifier and switching circuits, — excellent safe

    OCR Scan
    b3L72SM 2N5190 2N5192 2N5193, 2N5194, 2N5195 ZN5190 2NS191 2N5192 2N5190 2N5190 MOTOROLA N5191 C 3311 transistor LT 7706 d 317 P 2n transistor Motorola transistors 2N5192 PDF

    IRC RN55D

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: National Semiconductor t u CLC401 Fast Settling, Wideband High-Gain Monolithic Op Amp General Description Features The CLC401 is a wideband, fast-settling op amp designed for applications requiring gains greater than ± 7 . Constructed using an advanced complementary bipolar process and a proprietary design, the CLC401

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    CLC401 150MHz 50MHz) IRC RN55D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Alternator Voltage Regulator FET Driver D escription The CS3361 integral alternator reg­ ulator integrated circuit provides the voltage regulation for autom o­ tive, 3-phase alternators. It drives an external logic level N channel enhancem ent p ow er FET

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    CS3361 MS-012 CS3361YD14 CS3361YDR14 14LSO EC 401 TRANSISTOR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 85mA Dual H-Bridge Odometer Driver with Divide by Select and UVLO Description The CS4161 is a Stepper Motor Driver that implements an H-Bridge design in order to drive two coils in an eight step sequence per revolu­ tion in the divide by 1 mode; 16 step sequence in the divide by 2 mode.

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    CS4161 MS-001 CS4161XN8 D1999 600p1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: / V SC18000/SC18005 'W M ultim edia System C ontroller SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR 1 4 4 - P IN Q U A D F L A T P A C K A G E □ AdLib R egister E m ulatio n □ S o u n d Blaster™ 8-bit Record a n d P layback C o m p atib le □ S u b set of R oland MPU-401™

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    SC18000/SC18005 MPU-401â 16-bit 1168M PDF


    Abstract: larsholt varicap diode kv1235 varicap kv1235 diode kv1235 KV1235 68HC805B6 TDA7000 larsholt 7254 fc177
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by ANE416/D SEMICONDUCTOR APPLICATION NOTE ANE416 MC68HC05B4 RADIO SYNTHESIZER By: Peter Topping, Microprocessor Applications, Motorola, East Kilbride The MC68HC05B4 is a genera! purpose single-chip microcomputer with 4K of ROM. it shares with the other

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    ANE416/D ANE416 MC68HC05B4 M6805 ANE416/D LP1186 larsholt varicap diode kv1235 varicap kv1235 diode kv1235 KV1235 68HC805B6 TDA7000 larsholt 7254 fc177 PDF