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    ST 0366 Search Results

    ST 0366 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    R5F10366DSP#V0 Renesas Electronics Corporation Compact, Low Power Microcontrollers for General Purpose Applications Ideal for Sub-MCUs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R5F10366ASP#V0 Renesas Electronics Corporation Compact, Low Power Microcontrollers for General Purpose Applications Ideal for Sub-MCUs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R5F10366ASP#V5 Renesas Electronics Corporation Compact, Low Power Microcontrollers for General Purpose Applications Ideal for Sub-MCUs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    RJK0366DSP-00#J0 Renesas Electronics Corporation N Channel Power MOSFET, SOP, /Embossed Tape Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R5F10366DSP#X0 Renesas Electronics Corporation Compact, Low Power Microcontrollers for General Purpose Applications Ideal for Sub-MCUs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
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    ST 0366 Price and Stock

    TE Connectivity 170362-1

    Pin & Socket Connectors CNT 20-14 AWG REEL Reel of 4000
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics 170362-1 140,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $0.055
    Buy Now

    TE Connectivity 170362-3

    Pin & Socket Connectors SOCKET 24-18 AWG Reel of 4000
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics 170362-3 40,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $0.245
    Buy Now

    TE Connectivity 7-520365-2

    Terminals 110 REC 26-22 Reel of 3000
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics 7-520365-2 39,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $0.174
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    ST 0366 Datasheets Context Search

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    DK51 transistor

    Abstract: transistor dk51 TRANSISTOR KATALOG CSC01 IEC61131-3 rj45 MB90F546 JTag Emulator MB90F497 EN954-1 RISM51 Renesas 61508
    Text: Service ist unsere Stärke SYS TEC - Ihr Erfolgspartner! Ein beträchtlicher Teil der Innovation im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau geht von elektronischen Komponenten aus. Die SYS TEC electronic GmbH ist ein Systemhaus für Embedded Lösungen Prototyping und Serienfertigung Production on Demand. Elektronische Lösungen und gerade auch Lösungen der Automatisierungstechnik werden zunehmend komplexer. In Einzelfirmen ist es kaum möglich den raschen Innovationswandel für alle Komponenten umfangreicher Systeme nachzuvollziehen. Deshalb gewinnen Kooperationen und Outsourcing zunehmend an Bedeutung. Nutzen



    Abstract: F487 F65D F61C b1167 F47B F45E F48B F487 transistor 36B2
    Text: National Semiconductor Application Note 487 Ashok Krishnamurthy April 1987 INTRODUCTION This report describes the implementation of a radix-2 Decimation-in-time FFT algorithm on the HPC The program as presently set up can do FFTs of length 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 and 256 The program can be easily modified to work


    sc 2103

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SM1125ABV 移動体通信用マルチメロディ IC •概要 SM1125ABV は移動体通信用メロディ向けに適した仕様のメロディ CMOS IC です。 ■端子配列 ■特長 • 内蔵曲数 : 12 曲 Top view • 演奏モード : レベルホールド演奏

    SM1125ABV NC0720A sc 2103 PDF

    bbc 598 479

    Abstract: 918010 transistor d717 d717* transistor d717 transistor 80196 instruction set BBS 2202 DF08 928 01e3 bbc 598
    Text: 80C196 MACRO ASSEMBLER UT131 01-Feb-2000 12:18:09 PAGE 80C196 macro assembler v6.0 r3 1 SN00085643-195 c 1998 TASKING, Inc. SOURCE FILE: dac_rism.a96 OBJECT FILE: dac_rism.obj CONTROLS SPECIFIED IN INVOCATION COMMAND: errorprint debug linedebug source cmain copyattr pagelength(45) pagewidth(120)

    80C196 UT131 01-Feb-2000 SN00085643-195 \C196\include) UT131 UT131ECC UT131. 00000113H bbc 598 479 918010 transistor d717 d717* transistor d717 transistor 80196 instruction set BBS 2202 DF08 928 01e3 bbc 598 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PIC24FJ128GC010 FAMILY 16-Bit Flash Microcontrollers with 12-Bit Pipeline A/D, Sigma-Delta A/D, USB On-The-Go and XLP Technology Advanced Analog Features Extreme Low-Power Features • 12-Bit, up to 50-Channel, High-Speed, Pipelined Analog-to-Digital A/D Converter:

    PIC24FJ128GC010 16-Bit 12-Bit 12-Bit, 50-Channel, 10-Bit DS30009312B-page DS30505 PDF


    Abstract: 3 phase pwm generator pic18f DS70046 PWM control dsPIC 33f DS70157 RD12 active optical cable DS70149
    Text: dsPIC30F5015/5016 Data Sheet High-Performance, 16-Bit Digital Signal Controllers 2007 Microchip Technology Inc. DS70149C Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices: • Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet.

    dsPIC30F5015/5016 16-Bit DS70149C Microch6-4803 DS70149C-page RC13-RC15 3 phase pwm generator pic18f DS70046 PWM control dsPIC 33f DS70157 RD12 active optical cable DS70149 PDF


    Abstract: DS70157 SP4020 DS70149
    Text: dsPIC30F5015/5016 Data Sheet High-Performance, 16-Bit Digital Signal Controllers 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS70149B Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices: • Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet.

    dsPIC30F5015/5016 16-Bit DS70149B Microch6-4803 DS70149B-page DS70046 DS70157 SP4020 DS70149 PDF


    Abstract: DSC servo Family Reference Manual ds70046 DS70046 RD12
    Text: dsPIC30F5015/5016 Data Sheet High-Performance Digital Signal Controllers 2005 Microchip Technology Inc. Preliminary DS70149A Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices: • Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet.

    dsPIC30F5015/5016 DS70149A DS70119D-page DS70030 DSC servo Family Reference Manual ds70046 DS70046 RD12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: dsPIC30F5015/5016 Data Sheet High-Performance, 16-bit Digital Signal Controllers 2011 Microchip Technology Inc. DS70149E Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices: • Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet.

    dsPIC30F5015/5016 16-bit DS70149E DS70149E-page PDF

    dsPIC30F Family Reference Manual DS70046

    Abstract: DS70046 Family Reference Manual ds70046 PWM control dsPIC 33f in C three phase bldc motor drive schematic hex code DS70149 analog servo controller for bldc PI control PIC bldc motor speed control pic32 PWM DS70157
    Text: dsPIC30F5015/5016 Data Sheet High-Performance, 16-bit Digital Signal Controllers 2008 Microchip Technology Inc. DS70149D Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices: • Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet.

    dsPIC30F5015/5016 16-bit DS70149D DS70149D-page dsPIC30F Family Reference Manual DS70046 DS70046 Family Reference Manual ds70046 PWM control dsPIC 33f in C three phase bldc motor drive schematic hex code DS70149 analog servo controller for bldc PI control PIC bldc motor speed control pic32 PWM DS70157 PDF

    dsPIC30F Family Reference Manual ds70046

    Abstract: DS70046 DS70157 picdem 2 plus demo board examples DSC servo Family Reference Manual ds70046 pic32 PWM PIC32 PICC-18 RD12
    Text: dsPIC30F5015/5016 Data Sheet High-Performance, 16-bit Digital Signal Controllers 2011 Microchip Technology Inc. DS70149E Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices: • Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet.

    dsPIC30F5015/5016 16-bit DS70149E DS70149E-page dsPIC30F Family Reference Manual ds70046 DS70046 DS70157 picdem 2 plus demo board examples DSC servo Family Reference Manual ds70046 pic32 PWM PIC32 PICC-18 RD12 PDF

    dspic30f4011 motor control example codes

    Abstract: dspic30f4011 pwm threephase DS70046 DS70157 PIC32 PICC-18 CH123SA UART dspic30f4011 DS70135G SCHEMATIC scaler mcu lvds control
    Text: dsPIC30F4011/4012 Data Sheet High-Performance, 16-Bit Digital Signal Controllers 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. DS70135G Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices: • Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet.

    dsPIC30F4011/4012 16-Bit DS70135G DS70135G-page dspic30f4011 motor control example codes dspic30f4011 pwm threephase DS70046 DS70157 PIC32 PICC-18 CH123SA UART dspic30f4011 DS70135G SCHEMATIC scaler mcu lvds control PDF

    L4W 87

    Abstract: L4W 66 800-696-094B Naltron Nanotec Electronic GmbH Jaco Electronics
    Text: "HYUNDAI REPRESENTATIVES SE/NC REGION CANADA Tech Trek, Ltd. 1015 Matheson Blvd. Unit #6 Mississauga, Ontario L4W 3A4 Tel 905-236-0366 Fax 905-238-0319 Tech Trek, Ltd. 2271 Guenette St St. Laurent, Quebec H4R 2E9, Tel : 514-337-7540 Fax : 514-337-7544 Tech Trek, Ltd.

    OCR Scan
    6413E 30927-C L4W 87 L4W 66 800-696-094B Naltron Nanotec Electronic GmbH Jaco Electronics PDF

    Jaco Electronics

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: REPRESENTATIVES HYUNDAI SE/NC REGION CANADA Tech Trek, Ltd. 1015 Mathe?son Blvd. Unit #6 Mississauga, Ontario L4W 3A4 Tel 905-236-0366 Fax 905-238-0319 Tech Trek, Ltd. 2271 Guenette St St Laurent. Quebec H4R 2E9, Tel 514-337-7540 Fax 514-337-7544 Tech Trek, Ltd.

    OCR Scan
    6413E 30927-C Jaco Electronics PDF

    IEC 6850

    Abstract: S101 1053 str g 5696 al357 Nanotec Electronic GmbH worthington
    Text: REPRESENTATIVES • HYUNDAI I CANADA I Harvey King Inc. Tech Trek, Ltd. Corporate Office 9520 Padgett St. S101 San Diego. CA 92126 1015 Matheson Blvd., Unit 6 Mississauga Ontano L4W 3A4 Tel :416-238-0366 Fax :416-238-0319 Tel : 619-695-9300 Fax : 619-695-9515

    OCR Scan
    105TH 124th IEC 6850 S101 1053 str g 5696 al357 Nanotec Electronic GmbH worthington PDF

    VEB Keramische Werke

    Abstract: keramische Werke Hermsdorf hermsdorf ker 221 ABB TKC ker 221 din 40685 Scans-048 VEB M ik ro e le k tro n ik Werke Hermsdorf "keramische werke"
    Text: VEB KERAMISCHE WERKE HERMSDORF — HERMSDORF/THÜRINGEN VEB KERAMISCHE WERKE HERMSDORF - H E R M S D O R F / THÜR 7 T IKWH1 DIN-Kondensatoren Miniatur-Kondensatoren Spezialtypen Trimmer H o c h l e i st u n g s - K o n d e n s a t o r e n KATALOG HFKo . D ra h tw o rt: Kaw eha H e rm sd o rfth ü r.

    OCR Scan
    800Hz VEB Keramische Werke keramische Werke Hermsdorf hermsdorf ker 221 ABB TKC ker 221 din 40685 Scans-048 VEB M ik ro e le k tro n ik Werke Hermsdorf "keramische werke" PDF

    str s 6545

    Abstract: 2D333 D2153 STR M 6545 B098 D3B2 L4W 91
    Text: •HYUNDAI REPRESENTATIVES I CANAPAI Tech Trek, Ltd. Corporate Office 1D15 Malheson Blvd., Unit 6 Tel : 416-238-0366 Mississauga, Ontario Fax : 416-238-0319 L4W 3A4 Tech Treck, Ltd. 155 Terence Matthews Cres., Unit 7, Kanata, Dnlario K2M 2A8 Tel : 613-599-B7B7

    OCR Scan
    613-599-B7B7 614-B95-1550 BOI-975-1207 215-425-B134 216-425-1B63 B04-971 513-4S9-B685 124th 105TH 97D05 str s 6545 2D333 D2153 STR M 6545 B098 D3B2 L4W 91 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0366; Rev 1; 1/96 A M X IA I 3.0V/3.3V A d ju sta b le M ic ro p ro c e s s o r Supervisory Circuits The MAX793/MAX794/MAX795 m ic ro p ro c e s s o r |J.P supervisory circuits monitor and control the activities of +3.0V/+3.3V ^Ps by providing backup-battery switchover,

    OCR Scan
    AX793/MAX794/M AX795 MAX793/M AX795) MAX794) MAX793/MAX794 MAX793) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 79-0366; Rev 1; 1/96 J V W ÏX A J V X 3.0V I3.3V Adjustable Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits The MAX793/MAX794/MAX795 m icroprocessor |jP supervisory circuits monitor and control the activities of +3.0V/+3.3V pPs by providing backup-battery switchover,

    OCR Scan
    MAX793/MAX794/MAX795 MAX793/MAX795 MAX794' Sfl7bb51 PDF


    Abstract: F423 4626a 0533 OHMITE RGS400 L0149 4808 F40J3R0 l0147 f422
    Text: OHMITE Cross Reference Manufacturing Company Old to New Stock Part Numbers m Old No. 0328 0329 0330 0331 0332 0360 0360B 0361 0362 0362B 0363 0364 0364B 0365 0366 Ó367 0368 0369 0370 0371 0371B 0371C 0372 0373 0374 0375 0375B 0376 0377 0377B 0378 0379 0380

    OCR Scan
    RNS25R RNS50R RNS75R RNS100 RJS10K RNS150 D25K1R0 RLS10R RNS200 0360B L4204 F423 4626a 0533 OHMITE RGS400 L0149 4808 F40J3R0 l0147 f422 PDF

    MSTAR 901

    Abstract: MSTAR 828 dic a700 stk 795 821 GE 8352 MSTAR 309 108 046f 864F 5252 F 0921 XD 5252 F
    Text: fig-FORTH FOR PACE ASSEMBLY SOURCE LISTIN G RELEASE 1 WITH COMPILER SECURITY AND VARIABLE LENGTH NAMES MAY 1979 This public domain publication is provided through the courtesy of the Forth Interest Group, P .O . Box 1105, San Carlos, CA 94070. Further distribution must include this notice.

    OCR Scan

    debounce IC

    Abstract: AX793 transistor 8P RETU 3.02
    Text: VMyJXIVM 19-0366; Rev 0; 2/95 3 .0V /3 .3V Adjustable M icroprocessor Supervisory Circuits The M AX793/MAX795 offer a choice of reset threshold voltage range denoted by suffix letter : 3.00V to 3.15V (T), 2.85V to 3.00V (S), and 2.55V to 2.70V (R). The M AX794's reset threshold is set externally with a resistor

    OCR Scan
    AX793/MAX795 MAX793/MAX795 MAX794 MAX793 MAX794 MAX795 debounce IC AX793 transistor 8P RETU 3.02 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DISC RETE S E M IC O N D U C TO R S ATA S&flEET BSH107 N-channel enhancement mode MOS transistor Objective specification Supersedes data of 1997 Nov 26 File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC13b Philips Semiconductors 1998 Apr 01 PHILIPS PHILIPS Philips S e m ico n d u cto rs

    OCR Scan
    BSH107 SC13b 135108/00/02/pp8 PDF

    B331 transistor

    Abstract: transistor b331 Transistor B28D A 42 B331 transistor A 92 B331 transistor A 42 B331 transistor B324 KT 117A 851B52 intel 8049 microcomputer
    Text: 1 AP-91 USING THE 8049 AS AN 80 COLUMN PRINTER CONTROLLER I. INTRODUCTION This A pplication N ote d eta ils u sin g I N T E L ’S 8049 m icrocom puter a s a d ot m atrix p rin ter controller. P re v io u s I N T E L A pplication n o tes, e.g. AP-27 and AP-54 d escrib e d usin g in telligen t p ro c e sso rs and p eri­

    OCR Scan
    AP-91 AP-27 AP-54) B331 transistor transistor b331 Transistor B28D A 42 B331 transistor A 92 B331 transistor A 42 B331 transistor B324 KT 117A 851B52 intel 8049 microcomputer PDF