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    SSOP18 PACKAGE Search Results

    SSOP18 PACKAGE Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TPH9R00CQH Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET, N-ch, 150 V, 64 A, 0.009 Ohm@10V, SOP Advance / SOP Advance(N) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TPH9R00CQ5 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation N-ch MOSFET, 150 V, 64 A, 0.009 Ω@10 V, High-speed diode, SOP Advance / SOP Advance(N) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TPH1R306PL Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation N-ch MOSFET, 60 V, 100 A, 0.00134 Ω@10 V, SOP Advance / SOP Advance(N) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TPHR8504PL Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation N-ch MOSFET, 40 V, 150 A, 0.00085 Ω@10 V, SOP Advance / SOP Advance(N) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TPH2R408QM Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET, N-ch, 80 V, 120 A, 0.00243 Ohm@10V, SOP Advance Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    SSOP18 PACKAGE Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: SSOP18 package
    Text: SANYO Semiconductor Shrink Small Outline Package 18Pin Plastic SSOP18 225mil Precautions concerning information given on package drawings Basically, SANYO Semiconductor Company’s packages are named and coded in compliance with JEITA regulations (ED-7303A), which stipulate the names and codes for integrated circuit packages. However, the

    18Pin SSOP18 225mil) ED-7303A) SSOP18 SSOP18 package PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA Silicon Monolithic Bi-Polor Digital Integrated Circuit TD62593AFN TD62594AFN TD62597AFN TD62598AFN TD62593AFN TD62594AFN TD62597AFN TD62598AFN 8CH Single Driver Common Emitter Product Description: Weight SSOP18-P-225: 0.09g Typ. These products are comprised of 8 NPN Transistor arrays.

    TD62593AFN TD62594AFN TD62597AFN TD62598AFN SSOP18-P-225: SSOP18pin PDF


    Abstract: SSOP18 package
    Text: SANYO Semiconductor Shrink Small Outline Package 18Pin Plastic SSOP18 225mil 外形図情報に関するご注意 三洋半導体パッケージは基本的に JEITA の名称付与規定(ED-7303A)に準じています。 ただし、従来のパッケージに用いている名称については、そのまま継続しています。

    18Pin SSOP18 225mil) ED-7303A SSOP18 SSOP18 package PDF


    Abstract: UDN2983A equivalent 1411d M54522P equivalent DARLINGTON SINK DRIVER TLP251 equivalent M54563P equivalent ULN2804A application relay driver ic ULN2804 td62304ap
    Text: TOSHIBA INTERFACE DRIVER ULN2000 TD62xxx TD62Mxxx TB62xxx SERIES SERIES SERIES SERIES Internal Internal&&External ExternalConcept Concept Applicable to Hi-Speed BiCMOS Applicable to Hi-Voltage BiCMOS Graphics MOVEMENT Video Signal MPU Pentium PowerPC ALPHA

    ULN2000 TD62xxx TD62Mxxx TB62xxx RS232C RS422 25degC) TD62445FN SSOP18-P-225-0 1412D UDN2983A equivalent 1411d M54522P equivalent DARLINGTON SINK DRIVER TLP251 equivalent M54563P equivalent ULN2804A application relay driver ic ULN2804 td62304ap PDF

    Transistor AND DIODE Equivalent list

    Abstract: Transistor Equivalent list 8ch pnp DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY pnp Octal Darlington Transistor Arrays equivalent transistor 2sk 2SK1078 TD62783 equivalent TD62783 TD62504 equivalent pnp DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY
    Text: [ 2 ] Product List [ 2 ] Product List 1. S-Drivers new product (9 series, 9 devices) TD62 S X X X A FM Package Output withstand voltage (A: 50 V) Input H/L (odd number: Low) Output current (0.5 A/0.1 A) 0: Sink current output 3: Source current output 6: Push-pull output

    2SA1203 HSOP16 TD62M8604AF 2SA1680 Transistor AND DIODE Equivalent list Transistor Equivalent list 8ch pnp DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY pnp Octal Darlington Transistor Arrays equivalent transistor 2sk 2SK1078 TD62783 equivalent TD62783 TD62504 equivalent pnp DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TD62786AFNG TOSHIBA BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TD62786AFNG 8CH HIGH−VOLTAGE SOURCE−CURRENT DRIVER The TD62786AFNG is eight Channel Non−Inverting Source current Transistor Array. All units feature integral clamp diodes for switching inductive loads. Applications include relay, hammer

    TD62786AFNG TD62786AFNG SSOP18 PDF

    SSOP18 package

    Abstract: SSOP18 TD62381FN TD62785FN TD62785
    Text: TD62381FN TOSHIBA BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TD62381FN 8CH LOW SATURATION SINK DRIVER The TD62381FN is comprised of eight NPN low saturation drivers. This device are speciffically designed for multiplexed eight driving of eight digit common−cathode LED and also can be

    TD62381FN TD62381FN TD62785FN SSOP18 SSOP18 package TD62785 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TD62786AFNG TOSHIBA BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TD62786AFNG 8CH HIGH−VOLTAGE SOURCE−CURRENT DRIVER The TD62786AFNG is eight Channel Non−Inverting Source current Transistor Array. All units feature integral clamp diodes for switching inductive loads. Applications include relay, hammer

    TD62786AFNG TD62786AFNG SSOP18 PDF


    Abstract: TD62786AFN
    Text: TD62786AFN TOSHIBA BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TD62786AFN 8CH HIGH−VOLTAGE SOURCE−CURRENT DRIVER The TD62786AFN is eight Channel Non−Inverting Source current Transistor Array. All units feature integral clamp diodes for switching inductive loads. Applications include relay, hammer

    TD62786AFN TD62786AFN SSOP18 PDF


    Abstract: TD62786AFN
    Text: TD62786AFN TOSHIBA BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TD62786AFN 8CH HIGH−VOLTAGE SOURCE−CURRENT DRIVER The TD62786AFN is eight Channel Non−Inverting Source current Transistor Array. All units feature integral clamp diodes for switching inductive loads. Applications include relay, hammer

    TD62786AFN TD62786AFN SSOP18 PDF


    Abstract: tb62501 tb6808f TA78033LS TA1319AP TB62207BFG TD62C854AF ta1319 TA7804LS TB62207
    Text: General-Purpose Linear ICs Operational Amplifier ICs & Comparator ICs z 118 Intelligent Power Devices IPD z 122 Interface Drivers z 125 Motor Drivers z 130 Power Supply ICs z 134 Small-Signal MMICs (High-Frequency Cell-pack) z 142 117 Operational Amplifier ICs & Comparator ICs

    TA75S393F TA75S01F TA75S558F 22dBmW TG2213S 17dBmW TG2214S TG2213S. TG2216TU TB62501F tb62501 tb6808f TA78033LS TA1319AP TB62207BFG TD62C854AF ta1319 TA7804LS TB62207 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TD62083,084AFNG TOSHIBA BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TD62083AFNG,TD62084AFNG 8CH DARLINGTON SINK DRIVER The TD62083AFNG and TD62084AFNG are high−voltage, high−current darlington drivers comprised of eight NPN darlington pairs.

    TD62083 084AFNG TD62083AFNG TD62084AFNG TD62084AFNG SSOP18 PDF


    Abstract: TD62784AFN SSOP18 TD62783
    Text: TD62783,784AFN TOSHIBA BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TD62783AFN,TD62784AFN 8CH HIGH−VOLTAGE HIGH SOURCE−CURRENT DRIVER The TD62783AFN, TD62784AFN are comprised of eight source current Transistor Array. These drivers are specifically designed for fluorescent display

    TD62783 784AFN TD62783AFN TD62784AFN TD62783AFN, TD62784AFN SSOP18 TD62783AFN PDF


    Abstract: TD62381FN
    Text: TD62381FN TOSHIBA BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TD62381FN 8CH LOW SATURATION SINK DRIVER The TD62381FN is comprised of eight NPN low saturation drivers. This device are speciffically designed for multiplexed eight driving of eight digit common−cathode LED and also can be

    TD62381FN TD62381FN TD62785FN SSOP18 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TD62083,084AFNG TOSHIBA BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TD62083AFNG,TD62084AFNG 8CH DARLINGTON SINK DRIVER The TD62083AFNG and TD62084AFNG are high−voltage, high−current darlington drivers comprised of eight NPN darlington pairs.

    TD62083 084AFNG TD62083AFNG TD62084AFNG TD62084AFNG SSOP18 PDF


    Abstract: TD62382AFN SSOP18
    Text: TD62382AFN TOSHIBA BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TD62382AFN 8CH LOW INPUT ACTIVE DARLINGTON SINK DRIVER The TD62382AFN is non−inverting transistor array which is comprised of eight Low saturation output stages and PNP input stages.



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TD62783,784AFNG TOSHIBA BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TD62783AFNG,TD62784AFNG 8CH HIGH−VOLTAGE HIGH SOURCE−CURRENT DRIVER The TD62783AFNG, TD62784AFNG are comprised of eight source current Transistor Array. These drivers are specifically designed for fluorescent display

    TD62783 784AFNG TD62783AFNG TD62784AFNG TD62783AFNG, TD62784AFNG SSOP18 TD62783AFN PDF


    Text: TD62382AFN TOSHIBA BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TD62382AFN 8CH LOW INPUT ACTIVE DARLINGTON SINK DRIVER The TD62382AFN is non−inverting transistor array which is comprised of eight Low saturation output stages and PNP input stages.



    Abstract: SSOP18 TD62083AFN TD62084 TD62084AFN
    Text: TD62083,084AFN TOSHIBA BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TD62083AFN,TD62084AFN 8CH DARLINGTON SINK DRIVER The TD62083AFN and TD62084AFN are high−voltage, high−current darlington drivers comprised of eight NPN darlington pairs. All units feature integral clamp diodes for switching inductive

    TD62083 084AFN TD62083AFN TD62084AFN TD62084AFN SSOP18 TD62083AFments, TD62084 PDF


    Abstract: IC TD62783 equivalents TD62783 SSOP18 TD62783AFN TD62784AFN
    Text: TD62783,784AFN TOSHIBA BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TD62783AFN,TD62784AFN 8CH HIGH−VOLTAGE HIGH SOURCE−CURRENT DRIVER The TD62783AFN, TD62784AFN are comprised of eight source current Transistor Array. These drivers are specifically designed for fluorescent display

    TD62783 784AFN TD62783AFN TD62784AFN TD62783AFN, TD62784AFN SSOP18 TD62783AFN 784afn IC TD62783 equivalents PDF


    Abstract: TD62786AFNG
    Text: TD62786AFNG TOSHIBA BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TD62786AFNG 8CH HIGH−VOLTAGE SOURCE−CURRENT DRIVER The TD62786AFNG is eight Channel Non−Inverting Source current Transistor Array. All units feature integral clamp diodes for switching inductive loads. Applications include relay, hammer

    TD62786AFNG TD62786AFNG SSOP18 TD62ality PDF

    Common collector 8 bit darlington

    Abstract: TB62705AF 16-Bit sipo Shift Register 8ch FET driver SOP18 TD62M8601 DIP18 darlington buffer array push-pull driver led constant current driver 500mA 8ch driver SOP18
    Text: A4 Type No. Function Output Output No. of Clamp Output Voltage Current Circuite V (*A) Diode Input RasMor (O) Recommended System Power Supply Package TD62591AP Single transistor array (emitter common) 8 50 200 Not provided Free DIP 18 TD62592AP Single transistor array (emitter common)

    OCR Scan
    TD62591AP TD62592AP TD62S93AP/AFN TD62594AP/AFN TD62595AP/AF TD62596AP/AF TD62597AP/AF/AFN TD62598AP/AF/AFN TD62601P/F TD62602P/F Common collector 8 bit darlington TB62705AF 16-Bit sipo Shift Register 8ch FET driver SOP18 TD62M8601 DIP18 darlington buffer array push-pull driver led constant current driver 500mA 8ch driver SOP18 PDF

    smd dual darlington transistor

    Abstract: uln2xxx 8ch DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY 5a SMD Transistor 8ch DARLINGTON SOURCE DRIVER DIP18 DARLINGTON SINK DRIVER 8-channel darlington array HSOP16 TD62083AP
    Text: Transistor Array/Interface Driver Line Ups Toshiba’s standard Darlington transistor arrays supply high voltage and high current outputs for common interface driver IFD applications, including driver circuits for stepping motors, relay switches and LED drivers.

    OCR Scan
    typTD62001AF TD62002AP TD62002AF TD62003AP TD62003AF TD62004AP TD62004AF TD62081AP TD62081AF TD62082AP smd dual darlington transistor uln2xxx 8ch DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY 5a SMD Transistor 8ch DARLINGTON SOURCE DRIVER DIP18 DARLINGTON SINK DRIVER 8-channel darlington array HSOP16 TD62083AP PDF


    Abstract: TD62382AP TD62003 TD62553 DIP-16 TD62382 DIP18 BF transistor series M 615 transistor td62503p
    Text: Transistor Array/Interface Driver Series Typ« No. Funcion m No. of Output Oufcut Voltag» Circuits Clamp V ceìsusKV DM* TD62001P/AP/F/AF Darlington driver emitter common) 7 TD62002P/AP/F/A F Darlington driver (emitter common) 7 TD62003P/PA/AP/APA/F/FB/AF

    OCR Scan
    TD62001P/AP/F/AF TD62002P/AP/F/A TD62003P/PA/AP/APA/F/FB/AF TD62004P/PA/AP/APA/F/FB/AF TD62006P/F TD62007P/F TD62008AP/F/AF TD62064AP/APA/BP-1/F/AF/BF TD62074P/AP/F/AF TD62081AP/F/AF dip16 TD62382AP TD62003 TD62553 DIP-16 TD62382 DIP18 BF transistor series M 615 transistor td62503p PDF