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    SPRAGUE FILTER Search Results

    SPRAGUE FILTER Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    S3HP807L Coilcraft Inc High Pass Filter Visit Coilcraft Inc
    S3LP807L Coilcraft Inc Low Pass Filter Visit Coilcraft Inc
    S3LP218L Coilcraft Inc Low Pass Filter Visit Coilcraft Inc
    DFT7160-513BLB Coilcraft Inc Data Line Filter, Visit Coilcraft Inc
    S3LP158L Coilcraft Inc Low Pass Filter Visit Coilcraft Inc

    SPRAGUE FILTER Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Model 550D Vishay Sprague Solid Tantalum Capacitors Solid-Electrolyte TANTALEX Capacitors For High Frequency Power Supplies Designed for power supply filtering applications at above 100kHz, hermetically-sealed, axial-lead Vishay Sprague Type 550D solid-electrolyte TANTALEX® capacitors feature

    100kHz, 15-Jan-01 550D PDF

    mica trimmers capacitors

    Abstract: impatt diode impatt diode datasheet Gunn Diode SG-206 gunn diode datasheet sprague capacitor trimmer 205 SG-250 bracket SG-207

    SG-100A SG-100 MIL-I-45208. MIL-C-14409D, SG-700. mica trimmers capacitors impatt diode impatt diode datasheet Gunn Diode SG-206 gunn diode datasheet sprague capacitor trimmer 205 SG-250 bracket SG-207 PDF


    Abstract: GLSL20D102 GLSV82N00 Z500l GLSV47N00 GLSV56N00 GLSV68N00 SG-890A Z451l1r1 Z6R8
    Text: ENGINEERING BULLETIN Sprague-Goodman SG-890A Supercedes SG-890.1 SURFCOIL SMT INDUCTORS AND TRANSFORMERS PROFESSIONAL GRADE Sprague-Goodman Electronics, Inc. 1700 SHAMES DRIVE, WESTBURY, NY 11590 TEL: 516-334-8700 • FAX: 516-334-8771 E-MAIL:

    SG-890A SG-890 glsw4m202 GLSL20D102 GLSV82N00 Z500l GLSV47N00 GLSV56N00 GLSV68N00 SG-890A Z451l1r1 Z6R8 PDF


    Abstract: Schematic of 100K digital potentiometer resistor 1.2M MAX749CSA SURFACE MOUNT RESISTOR 1N5819 595D EC10QS04 MAX749 MAX749EVKIT-SO
    Text: MAX749 Evaluation Kit _Component List DESIGNATION QTY DESCRIPTION C1 1 0.001µF surface-mount capacitor C2 1 15µF, 35V surface-mount tantalum capacitor. Sprague 595D 156 X0 035 D 7. C3 1 15µF, 10V surface-mount tantalum capacitor. Sprague 595D 156 X0 010 C 7.

    MAX749 1N5819 EC10QS04. LR2010-01-R200-J. ZTX750 ZTX750M1 CD54-470N. CD54-470N Schematic of 100K digital potentiometer resistor 1.2M MAX749CSA SURFACE MOUNT RESISTOR 595D EC10QS04 MAX749EVKIT-SO PDF

    sprague date code

    Abstract: 550D 550D226X9050S2 roederstein capacitor tantalum 550D157X0006R2 550D157X9006R2 550D187X0006R2 550D187X9006R2 550D227X0006S2 550D277X0006S2
    Text: TYPE 550D Solid Tantalum Capacitors Solid-Electrolyte TANTALEX Capacitors For High Frequency Power Supplies Designed for power supply filtering applications at above 100kHz, hermetically-sealed, axial-lead Vishay Sprague Type 550D solid-electrolyte TANTALEX® capacitors feature

    100kHz, sprague date code 550D 550D226X9050S2 roederstein capacitor tantalum 550D157X0006R2 550D157X9006R2 550D187X0006R2 550D187X9006R2 550D227X0006S2 550D277X0006S2 PDF

    TANTALUM capacitor ESR vs frequency

    Abstract: 40057 df2at 150D CAPACITOR SPRAGUE Standard Tantalum 106 esr measure tantalum capacitor dip df Vishay Sprague capacitor value calculation tantalum capacitor dip
    Text: Application Notes Vishay Sprague AC Ripple Current Calculations INTRODUCTION Solid tantalum capacitors are preferred for filtering applications in small power supplies and DC/DC converters in a broad range of military, industrial and commercial systems including computers, telecommunications,

    04-Nov-02 TANTALUM capacitor ESR vs frequency 40057 df2at 150D CAPACITOR SPRAGUE Standard Tantalum 106 esr measure tantalum capacitor dip df Vishay Sprague capacitor value calculation tantalum capacitor dip PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: U673D and U674D Vishay Sprague Aluminum Capacitors + 105 °C, Tubular Radial Lead FEATURES • Wide temperature range • Radial design in two and three lead configuration • Ideal SMPS output filter Fig.1 Component outline QUICK REFERENCE DATA DESCRIPTION

    U673D U674D 08-Apr-05 PDF

    0.120-80 UNS

    Abstract: nut 36 UNS-2A 0.234-64 UNS-2A SG-660B 0.120-80+UNS GAA3R501 GAA10004 GAA6R001 Sprague-Goodman Electronics UNS-2A
    Text: ENGINEERING BULLETIN Sprague-Goodman SG-660B Supercedes SG-660A AIRTRIM AIR DIELECTRIC MULTITURN TRIMMER CAPACITORS APPLICATIONS Designed for VHF, UHF and microwave applications: amplifiers, oscillators, filters, radar, cable TV, mobile radios and RF appliances. Suitable for military and

    SG-660B SG-660A MIL-C-14409D GAA10007, GAA14007 GAA16007 GAA10008, GAA14008 GAA16008 GAA10009, 0.120-80 UNS nut 36 UNS-2A 0.234-64 UNS-2A SG-660B 0.120-80+UNS GAA3R501 GAA10004 GAA6R001 Sprague-Goodman Electronics UNS-2A PDF

    Vishay Sprague u674D

    Abstract: GP 510 U673D HS 8810 U674 1020x U674D sprague U673D U673D227H250JP1C
    Text: U673D and U674D Vishay Sprague Aluminum Capacitors + 105 °C, Tubular Radial Lead FEATURES • Wide temperature range • Radial design in two and three lead configuration • Ideal SMPS output filter Fig.1 Component outline QUICK REFERENCE DATA DESCRIPTION

    U673D U674D 18-Jul-08 Vishay Sprague u674D GP 510 HS 8810 U674 1020x U674D sprague U673D U673D227H250JP1C PDF


    Abstract: U674D Vishay Sprague u674D vishay U674D
    Text: U673D and U674D Vishay Sprague Aluminum Capacitors + 105 °C, Tubular Radial Lead FEATURES • Wide temperature range • Radial design in two and three lead configuration • Ideal SMPS output filter Fig.1 Component outline QUICK REFERENCE DATA DESCRIPTION

    U673D U674D 18-Jul-08 U674D Vishay Sprague u674D vishay U674D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: U673D and U674D Vishay Sprague Aluminum Capacitors + 105 °C, Tubular Radial Lead FEATURES • Wide temperature range • Radial design in two and three lead configuration Pb-free Available • Ideal SMPS output filter Fig.1 Component outline QUICK REFERENCE DATA

    U673D U674D 08-Apr-05 PDF


    Abstract: SFC2741 sn72741 SF.C2741C SN72741L SN55471 SFC2741DC ULN-2113A SG3821N LM1307N
    Text: SPRAGUE Sprague Electric's Semiconductor Division has taken the advan­ tages of Sprague-pioneered ion-implantation and directed them toward the design and manufacture of consumer entertainment products. With 'state-of-the-art' design and process capability,

    OCR Scan
    ULN2289A SFC2741C SFC2741 ULN2151D ULN2151M T2741WV ULN2151D sn72741 SF.C2741C SN72741L SN55471 SFC2741DC ULN-2113A SG3821N LM1307N PDF

    sprague DIP

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: til V,V SPRAGUE HYBRID CIRCUITS • Sprague Electric Co. Hybrid Circuits Our advanced hybrid facility in Ronse, Belgium and additional manufacturing capabilities in Hudson, NH, Sprague offers custom designed hybrids in either SIP, DIP or SMT packaging. Utilizing thick film technology

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SPRAGUE SOLID TANTALUM CAPACITORS TYPE 197D T ripole Triple-Lead, Molded Case Solid-Electrolyte T antalex® Capacitors T \ esigned for high frequency power supply filtering applications, molded radial-lead Sprague Type 197D solid-electrolyte Tantalex capacitors feature

    OCR Scan
    Characteristi7D225X0050H2T 197D335X0050H2T 197D475X0050J2T 197D685X0050J2T 197D474X9050G2T 197D684X9050G2T 197D105X9050G2T 197D155X9050G2T 197D225X9050H2T 197D335X9050H2T PDF


    Abstract: ULN-2113A "product detector" 2113A ULN-2111 9845A ULN-2110A ULN2110 radar detector detector SPRAGUE SEMICONDUCTOR
    Text: SP RAGUE Sprague Electric's Semiconductor Division has taken the advan­ tages of Sprague-pioneered ion-implantation and directed them toward the design and manufacture of consumer entertainment products. With 'state-of-the-art' design and process capability,

    OCR Scan
    14-pin) -9HI43 2111N ULN-2113A "product detector" 2113A ULN-2111 9845A ULN-2110A ULN2110 radar detector detector SPRAGUE SEMICONDUCTOR PDF

    motorola stereo decoder mc1310p

    Abstract: MC 1310 stereo decoder ULN2111A ULN2244A MC 1357 stereo decoder 741TC MC1305P SFC2741C SPRAGUE SEMICONDUCTOR guide ULN2111N
    Text: SP RAGUE Sprague Electric's Semiconductor Division has taken the advan­ tages of Sprague-pioneered ion-implantation and directed them toward the design and manufacture of consumer entertainment products. With 'state-of-the-art' design and process capability,

    OCR Scan
    ULN2289A SFC2741C SFC2741 ULN2151D ULN2151M T2741WV ULN2151D motorola stereo decoder mc1310p MC 1310 stereo decoder ULN2111A ULN2244A MC 1357 stereo decoder 741TC MC1305P SPRAGUE SEMICONDUCTOR guide ULN2111N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A514A12 0020CHA 7A4 A COMPANY TYPE 197D Solid Tantalum Capacitors OF SPRAGUE Y Solid-Electrolyte T a n t a l e x C apacitors T r ip o l e ® , Triple-Lead, Molded Case Designed for high frequency power supply filtering applications, molded radial-lead Sprague®

    OCR Scan
    A514A12 0020CHA EIA-468. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 0514012 DD200TÔ 7fl4 A COMPANY TYPE 197D Solid Tantalum Capacitors OF SPRAGUE Solid-Electrolyte T a n t a l e x C apacitors T r i p o l e ® , Triple-Lead, Molded Case Designed for high frequency power supply filtering applications, molded radial-lead Sprague®

    OCR Scan
    DD200TÃ EIA-468. PDF

    Sprague 40 capacitor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QUICK GUIDE TO FILM CAPACITORS OSPRAGUE GUIDE TO METALIZED-FILM CAPACITORS PAPER/ POLYESTER Sprague milm Metal-Cased Tubular Type Cap. Range Temp. Range Volt. Range POLYCARBONATE Sprague Metfilm®K 218P .001-12>*F - 5 5 to + 125°C 100to400VDC POLYPROPYLENE

    OCR Scan
    01-12uF 50to400VDC 033-20pF 01-10/iF 80to440VAC 001-10/iF 0047-10mF 50to600VDC 022-1O Sprague 40 capacitor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A C O M P A N Y OF TYPE 550D Solid Tantalum Capacitors Solid-Electrolyte T a n t a l e x Capacitors For High Frequency Pow er Supplies SPRAGUE Designed for power supply filtering applications at above 100kHz, hermetically-sealed, axial-lead Sprague® Type 550D solid-electrolyte

    OCR Scan
    100kHz, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SPRAGUE- GOODHAN E LE K S b2E D • 0514483 00003TE Û13 I Sprague^Goodman I fì*P5 I M ■ ENGINEERING BULLETIN 1 SG-660 AIRTRIM AIR DIELECTRIC MUIUTURN TRIMMER CAPACITORS FEATURES: •High Q •Fourteen standard mounting styles, including surface mount •Excellent stability

    OCR Scan
    00003TE SG-660 MIL-C-14409D GAA10002 GAA10001 GAA10003 GAA10005 GAA10009 PDF


    Abstract: Sprague-Goodman Electronics
    Text: SPRAGUE- GOODHAN E LE K S b2E D • 0514483 00003TE Û13 I Sprague^Goodman I fì*P5 I M ■ ENGINEERING BULLETIN 1 SG-660 AIRTRIM AIR DIELECTRIC MUIUTURN TRIMMER CAPACITORS FEATURES: •High Q •Fourteen standard mounting styles, including surface mount •Excellent stability

    OCR Scan
    SG-660 MIL-C-14409D GAA10003 GAA10004 GAA10005 GAA10006 GAA10007 GAA10008 GAA10009 GAA10004 Sprague-Goodman Electronics PDF


    Abstract: ULN-3862A ULN3862A 6402C sprague ULN sprague
    Text: D m ûTàX * öS w w flSlUñSQ DQD1B3Q 5 SPRAGUE 82D 01330 INTERIM ISSUE D T -77 0S~ 0 7 Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice Ma)'3l9M ULN-3862A Integrated Circuits THE MARK OF RELIABILITY SPRAGUE/SEfllCOND GROUP ULN-3862A LOW-POWER F-M l-F SYSTEM

    OCR Scan
    ULN-3862A ULN-3862A 16-Pin C3361P 6597H -6402C MC3361P ULN3862A 6402C sprague ULN sprague PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A TYPE 197D Solid Tantalum C apacitors Solid-Electrolyte T a n t a l e x C apacitors T r i p o l e ® , Triple-Lead, Molded Case COMPANY OF SPRAGUE Designed for high frequency power supply filtering applications, molded radial-lead Sprague® Type 197D solid-electrolyte T a n t a l e x 5' capacitors feature low equivalent series resistance

    OCR Scan
    EIA-468. 9010H PDF