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    SPECIFICATION OF 2SK1058 Search Results

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    2SK1058-E Renesas Electronics Corporation N Channel MOSFET, TO-3P, /Tube Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    DX9773-DLG2A01-A4 Renesas Electronics Corporation D7Pro Decoder ASIC Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    DX8773-ELG2A01-A4 Renesas Electronics Corporation D7Pro Encoder ASIC Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    DX7753-ULG2B01-A4 Renesas Electronics Corporation D7Pro Transcoder ASIC Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    DX0783-ULG2B01-A4 Renesas Electronics Corporation D7Pro Unified Transcoder/Encoder/Decoder ASIC Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

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    Abstract: TOSHIBA 2N3055 bta41-600b application BTA41-600B firing circuit TAB 429 H toshiba BZX85C20V SCR tyn612 pin configuration picaxe TYN612 specification 2SA1085E
    Text: SEMICONDUCTORS DISCRETE DEVICES Cathode Anode DO-15 DO-201AD 6.8 x 3.5mm 9.5 x 5.3mm Anode Cathode TO-220AC Fast recovery diodes page 427 Schottky power diodes page 428 Isolated tab triacs page 430 Anode 1 Gate Anode 2 Bridge rectifiers Current regulating diodes

    DO-15 DO-201AD O-220AC T0202-3 STGP3NB60HD* STGP7NB60HD* STGP3NB60HD STGP7NB60HD BZX85C12V TOSHIBA 2N3055 bta41-600b application BTA41-600B firing circuit TAB 429 H toshiba BZX85C20V SCR tyn612 pin configuration picaxe TYN612 specification 2SA1085E PDF


    Abstract: rjh3077 rjp3047 RJH3047DPK rjp3049 rjp6065 rjp3053 RJP3042 smd code FX mosfet RJP6055
    Text: 2007.12 Renesas Discrete General Catalog Transistor/Diode/ Triac/ Thyristor Triacs and Thyristors Small-Signal Transistors Power Transistor Renesas discrete devices: extending the limits Advanced electronic equipment requires larger data processing

    REJ01G0001-0400 rjh3047 rjh3077 rjp3047 RJH3047DPK rjp3049 rjp6065 rjp3053 RJP3042 smd code FX mosfet RJP6055 PDF


    Abstract: 150w audio amplifier circuit diagram class AB 2sk1058 2SJ162 LME49830 12v 300W AUDIO AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT DIAGRAM lm4702 OUTPUT STAGE INFORMATION AN-1850 transistor 2sj162 450w power supply schematic diagram AN1645
    Text: National Semiconductor Application Note 1850 Troy Huebner John DeCelles July 1, 2008 Introduction validate the solution’s sonic performance in the desired test environment. The solution presented has undergone listening evaluations in a dedicated sound room for verification of sonic

    LME49830 EF125WT1 AN-1850 LM49830 150w audio amplifier circuit diagram class AB 2sk1058 2SJ162 12v 300W AUDIO AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT DIAGRAM lm4702 OUTPUT STAGE INFORMATION AN-1850 transistor 2sj162 450w power supply schematic diagram AN1645 PDF


    Abstract: Audio Power Amplifier MOSFET TOSHIBA high power fet audio amplifier schematic 300w power amplifier circuit diagram 150w audio amplifier circuit diagram class AB lm4702 OUTPUT STAGE INFORMATION lme49830 2sk1058 2SJ162 12v 300W AUDIO AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 300w mosfet audio amplifier circuit diagram
    Text: National Semiconductor Application Note 1850 Troy Huebner John DeCelles December 2, 2008 Introduction validate the solution’s sonic performance in the desired test environment. The solution presented has undergone listening evaluations in a dedicated sound room for verification of sonic

    LME49830 EF125WT1 AN-1850 LM49830 Audio Power Amplifier MOSFET TOSHIBA high power fet audio amplifier schematic 300w power amplifier circuit diagram 150w audio amplifier circuit diagram class AB lm4702 OUTPUT STAGE INFORMATION 2sk1058 2SJ162 12v 300W AUDIO AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 300w mosfet audio amplifier circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: an1850 150W TRANSISTOR AUDIO AMPLIFIER LM49830 AN-1850 SNAA058B
    Text: Application Report SNAA058B – July 2008 – Revised May 2013 AN-1850 LME49830TB Ultra-High Fidelity High Power Amplifier Reference Design .

    SNAA058B AN-1850 LME49830TB LME49830 an1850 150W TRANSISTOR AUDIO AMPLIFIER LM49830 SNAA058B PDF


    Abstract: BD139 heat sink lm4702 OUTPUT STAGE INFORMATION 2sk1058 2SJ162 2SK1058 specification of 2SK1058 LM4702 BJT BD139 BJT small signal low power BD139 transistor 2sj162
    Text: Introduction How To Choose A MOSFET This application note provides supporting design information regarding National Semiconductor’s newest offering of highperformance, ultra high-fidelity audio amplifier driver ICs. The LM4702 and its derivatives provide a highly reliable, fully

    LM4702 AN-1645 2SK1058 MOSFET APPLICATION NOTES BD139 heat sink lm4702 OUTPUT STAGE INFORMATION 2sk1058 2SJ162 2SK1058 specification of 2SK1058 BJT BD139 BJT small signal low power BD139 transistor 2sj162 PDF

    2sk135 application note

    Abstract: 2sk1058 equivalent k176 2SK2265 2sk135 audio application 2SC1343 2SK186 2sk135 application 2SK135 audio amplifier 2SK317
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid

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    Abstract: 2sj150 2sk1058 2SK215 equivalent 2sk135 application note 2SK975 equivalent 2SK2416 2sk135 audio application 2SK135 audio amplifier 2SK2225 equivalent
    Text: CONTENTS • Index. 4 ■ General Information.

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    hitachi j50

    Abstract: 2SK1168 HA16116 "cross reference" TRANSISTOR MARKING YB 826 ADE-408 GG 84 MARKING CODE N-CHANNEL MOS FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR 2sk1058 2SJ162 2sj177 2SJ182 equivalent
    Text: CONTENTS Index . 5 General Information . 9

    D-85622 hitachi j50 2SK1168 HA16116 "cross reference" TRANSISTOR MARKING YB 826 ADE-408 GG 84 MARKING CODE N-CHANNEL MOS FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR 2sk1058 2SJ162 2sj177 2SJ182 equivalent PDF

    2sk 4207

    Abstract: 2SK176 2SK975 equivalent 2SJ177 2SJ318 PM45502C 2SK2225 2sk1058 2SJ162 pwm 100w audio amplifier 2SK1336 equivalent
    Text: CONTENTS Index . 5 General Information . 9

    D-85622 2sk 4207 2SK176 2SK975 equivalent 2SJ177 2SJ318 PM45502C 2SK2225 2sk1058 2SJ162 pwm 100w audio amplifier 2SK1336 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: M56730ASP PAC011A PAC010A UPC2581 PAL005A stk413-020a upc2581v ecg semiconductors master replacement guide STRS5717
    Text: C52_pg_337~347 8/16/07 11:47 AM Page 337 Semiconductors/ Components SEMICONDUCTORS MCM has an extensive selection of SMD Surface Mount Devices which are denoted on the following page with an *(asterisk)! COUNT ON MCM TO ALWAYS PROVIDE. section 16 Semiconductors/Components

    100-up) STk442-130 M56730ASP PAC011A PAC010A UPC2581 PAL005A stk413-020a upc2581v ecg semiconductors master replacement guide STRS5717 PDF

    2SK2225 equivalent

    Abstract: 2SK1762 equivalent 2sk2221 equivalent C2373 2SK215 equivalent 2SJ182 equivalent 2SK1317 equivalent 2SK1336 equivalent 2SK975 equivalent 2sk1058 equivalent
    Text: Section 1 Lineup by Application 1.1 Power Supply Use 1 Recommended products in each power range Recommended Products in Each Power Range Type power supply Voltage Up to 10 w 10 W to 30 W 30 W to 50 W 50 W to 100 W 100 W to 200 W 100 V to 132 V AC □ 2SK1151 {3.5}

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    2SK1151 2SK1152 2SK1862 2SK1863 2SK1155 2SK1156 2SK1313 2SK1314 2SK1540 2SK1541 2SK2225 equivalent 2SK1762 equivalent 2sk2221 equivalent C2373 2SK215 equivalent 2SJ182 equivalent 2SK1317 equivalent 2SK1336 equivalent 2SK975 equivalent 2sk1058 equivalent PDF

    2SK975 equivalent

    Abstract: k2796 equivalent transistor 2sk POWER MOS FET 2sj 2sk .model 2SK216 TRANSISTOR 2SK 1180 SK1626 2SK215 equivalent DRUM DRIVER 2sj44
    Text: Section 1 Lineup by Application 1.1 Power Supply Use 1 R ecom m ended products in each pow er range Recommended Products in Each Power Range Type power supply Voltage Up to 1 0 W 10 W tO 30 W 30 W to 50 W 50 W to 100 W 100 W to 200 W 200 W 100 V to 132 V AC

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    2SK1151 2SK1152 2SK1862 2SK1863 2SK1155 2SK1157 2SK1313 2SK1314 2SK1540 2SK1541 2SK975 equivalent k2796 equivalent transistor 2sk POWER MOS FET 2sj 2sk .model 2SK216 TRANSISTOR 2SK 1180 SK1626 2SK215 equivalent DRUM DRIVER 2sj44 PDF

    Diode DII

    Abstract: 2SK299 2SK1518 equivalent 2SJ68 2SK1058 2sk135 application note 2SK1058 cross reference 2SK2265
    Text: Section 5 Absolute Maximum Ratings and Electrical Characteristics 5.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings and Electrical Characteristics 5.1.1 Absolute M aximum Ratings The following absolute maximum rating items are stipulated independently of each other: Sustained drainsource voltage V DSS

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    Abstract: sk 100 gale 065 tf 2SK1058 MOSFET APPLICATION NOTES APC UPS CIRCUIT DIAGRAM es 725 General Instrument data book 2SK2264 ESI 252 impedance meter transistor bf 175 PF0144 2SK212
    Text: Hitachi Power MOS FET DATA BOOK HITACHI ADE-408 CONTENTS • Index. 5 ■ General Information.

    OCR Scan
    ADE-408 50502C APC UPS es 500 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM sk 100 gale 065 tf 2SK1058 MOSFET APPLICATION NOTES APC UPS CIRCUIT DIAGRAM es 725 General Instrument data book 2SK2264 ESI 252 impedance meter transistor bf 175 PF0144 2SK212 PDF