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    SPECIFICATION OF 1K RESISTOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    DX9773-DLG2A01-A4 Renesas Electronics Corporation D7Pro Decoder ASIC Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    DX8773-ELG2A01-A4 Renesas Electronics Corporation D7Pro Encoder ASIC Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    DX7753-ULG2B01-A4 Renesas Electronics Corporation D7Pro Transcoder ASIC Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    37-1409 Coilcraft Inc Tuning tool Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    37-2182 Coilcraft Inc Tuning tool Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy

    SPECIFICATION OF 1K RESISTOR Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: diode 1041 MBG280 PCB2421 PCB2421P PCB2421T ddc2b st 393 8-pin
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET PCB2421 1K dual mode serial EEPROM Preliminary specification Supersedes data of 1995 Oct 11 File under Integrated Circuits, IC12 1997 Apr 01 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification 1K dual mode serial EEPROM PCB2421

    PCB2421 SCA53 417067/1200/02/pp24 24cl21 diode 1041 MBG280 PCB2421 PCB2421P PCB2421T ddc2b st 393 8-pin PDF


    Abstract: p87c750eba 83C750-87C750 80C51 P83C750EBP P83C750EFP 87C451 64 pin dip
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 83C750/87C750 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 1K/64 OTP ROM, low pin count Product specification Supersedes data of 1998 Jan 19 IC20 Data Handbook Philips Semiconductors 1998 May 01 Philips Semiconductors Product specification 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family

    83C750/87C750 80C51 1K/64 8XC750 2/A2/A10 87C750 p87c750eba 83C750-87C750 P83C750EBP P83C750EFP 87C451 64 pin dip PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: THIN FILM PRECISION CHIP RESISTORS The content of this specification may change without notification 10/12/07 CT Series Chip Resistors – Tin / Gold Terminations Available HOW TO ORDER CT G 10 - 1003 B X M Packaging M = Std. Reel O = 1K Reel TCR PPM/C

    0603P 0805P 1206P 0805P 0603P PDF


    Abstract: 1206P MIL-R-55342D CECC40401
    Text: THIN FILM PRECISION CHIP RESISTORS The content of this specification may change without notification 10/12/07 CT Series Chip Resistors – Tin / Gold Terminations Available HOW TO ORDER CT G 10 1003 B X M Packaging M = Std. Reel O = 1K Reel TCR PPM/°C L = +1

    0603P 0805P 1206P 0805P 0603P 012-512 MIL-R-55342D CECC40401 PDF

    resistor 2012

    Abstract: era-6a ERA6A resistance 1k ohm RESISTOR 1M OHM
    Text: DIGI-KEY CORPORATION July 12, 2006 TECHNICAL DATA Metal Film Chip Resistor, High Reliability Type ERA6A Type 2012 Size 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Temperature Coefficient of Resistance Short Time Overload Bending Strength Resistance to Soldering Heat High Temperature Exposure

    x10-6/deg resistor 2012 era-6a ERA6A resistance 1k ohm RESISTOR 1M OHM PDF

    resistance 1k ohm

    Abstract: 1K 1608 1608-size resistance 47k ohm metal film resistor
    Text: DIGI-KEY CORPORATRION July 12, 2006 TECHNICAL DATA Metal Film Chip Resistor, High Reliability Type ERA3A Type 1608 Size 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Temperature Coefficient of Resistance Short Time Overload Bending Strength Resistance to Soldering Heat High Temperature Exposure

    x10-6/deg 47330k 25ion> resistance 1k ohm 1K 1608 1608-size resistance 47k ohm metal film resistor PDF


    Abstract: hv 102 SMD magnetron klystron 1K 102 resistor charger/discharger charger/discharger circuit magnetron* -coaxial 700M HTE15
    Text: HTE Cylindrical High Voltage Resistors,Thicker film,Non-Inductive High Voltage High Frequency Resistors for various High Voltage Applications HTE - series to meet general set of requirements , high voltages at reasonable prices. HTE is in epoxy coating which is very good humidity protection, and a wide range of tolerances,TCR

    Mod000 Mil-Std-202, HTE24 hv 102 SMD magnetron klystron 1K 102 resistor charger/discharger charger/discharger circuit magnetron* -coaxial 700M HTE15 PDF


    Abstract: RC01 phycomp material data sheet for chip resistors Phycomp Yageo pulse load RC02 Chip Resistors General Introduction mga21 Phycomp Components resistors phycomp part number specification
    Text: Product Specification – Jul 25, 2003 V.4 DATA SHEET CHIP RESISTORS Introduction Phycomp Product specification Chip resistors Introduction Exceptions to this rule are customer/application specific resistors that are not included in our standard series, such as

    RC02G. YAGEO CHIP RESISTORS MARKING RC01 phycomp material data sheet for chip resistors Phycomp Yageo pulse load RC02 Chip Resistors General Introduction mga21 Phycomp Components resistors phycomp part number specification PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 20S Series MHP20S Series r Resistor Power Resistor MHP20S Series s MHP20S Series Power Resistor ng • TO-126 housing · Low inductance capacitance for ce and capacitance for high and frequency circuits high frequency circuits ating · 20Welements power rating

    MHP20S O-126 PDF


    Abstract: arc furnace UT20 M6 DATASHEET ultra high voltage diode UT100 UT35 UT50 UT70 capacitor 1000 10T
    Text: UT Thicker Film Tubular type Non-Inductive Resistors for Ultra High Voltage, High Energy Ultra Voltage,High Frequncy Pulse,R & R-C Tank,High Energy. UT series to meet general set of requirements Ultra high voltage high energt at reasonable prices. And to be connection on M4, M6 . Corona Ring & Cap std. A wide range of R-Value & tolerance,

    800kV 300kV 000Megohms 11/2005A intensifier arc furnace UT20 M6 DATASHEET ultra high voltage diode UT100 UT35 UT50 UT70 capacitor 1000 10T PDF


    Abstract: ST24 ST24W01 ST25 ST25W01 st25 250 1
    Text: £ Z J SCS-THOMSON QiäD @»Ili iiaDgS "LJM. STC^oi, STC5JM1 ST24W01, ST25W01 SERIAL ACCESS 1K (1 2 8 x 8 EE PROM DESCRIPTION This specification covers a range of 1K bits PC bus EEPROM products, the ST24/25C01, and the ST24/25W01. In the text, products are referred to

    OCR Scan
    ST24W01, ST25W01 ST24W01 ST24/25C01, ST24/25W01. ETE37 D071135 ST24/25W01 AN404 ST24 ST25 ST25W01 st25 250 1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Com ponents-Signetics Document No. 100149B ECN No. 1K-bit ECL bipolar PROM Date of Issue January 1989 Status Preliminary Specification Memory Products PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 100149B is field programmable, meaning that custom patterns are

    OCR Scan
    100149B 100149B 10jiF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Components-Signetics 100149A 1K-Bit ECL Bipolar PROM Document No. 853-1283 ECN No. 91142 Date of Issue October 27, 1987 Status Product Specification ECL Products DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 100149A is field programmable, meaning that custom patterns are

    OCR Scan
    00149A 10fiF 00149A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I N T E G R A T E D C IR C U IT S 83C750/87C750 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 1K/64 OTP ROM, low pin count Product specification Supersedes data of 1998 Jan 19 IC20 Data Handbook Philips Semiconductors 1998 May 01 PHILIPS Philips S em iconductors Product specification

    OCR Scan
    83C750/87C750 80C51 1K/64 83C750/87C750 8XC750 87C750 80C75 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Com ponents-Signetics 10149 Document No. 853-0133 ECN No. 86487 Date of Issue November 11,1986 Status Product Specification 1K-Bit ECL Bipolar PROM ECL Products PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 10149 is field programmable, meaning that custom patterns are

    OCR Scan
    10fiF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Com ponents-Signetics 100149 Document No. 853-0134 ECN No. 86487 Date of Issue November 11, 1986 Status Product Specification 1K-Bit ECL Bipolar PROM ECL Products PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 100149 is field programmable, meaning that custom patterns are

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Components-Signetics Document No. 853-1282 1 0 1 4 9 A ECN No. 91142 Date of Issue October 27, 1987 1K-Bit ECL Bipolar PROM Status Product Specification ECL Products D ESCR IPTIO N The 10149A is field programmable, meaning that custom patterns are

    OCR Scan
    0149A 66mW/blt 0149A 10149AF PDF


    Abstract: P8XC51 P87C52sfbb
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 8XC52/54/58/80C32 8XC51FA/FB/FC/80C51 FA 8XC51RA+/RB+/RC+/RD+/80C51RA + 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 8K-64K/256-1K OTP/ROM/ROMIess, low voltage 2.7V-5.5V , low power, high speed (33 MHz) Product specification Supersedes data of 1998 Jun 04

    OCR Scan
    8XC52/54/58/80C32 8XC51FA/FB/FC/80C51 8XC51RA /80C51RA 80C51 8K-64K/256-1K P80C32 P8XC51 P87C52sfbb PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Components-SigneHcs Document No. 853-0133 ECN No. 96054 Date of Issue March 14, 1989 Status Product Specification 10149 1K-bit ECL bipolar PROM Memory Products PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 10149 is fie ld prog ra m m a ble , m eaning th a t cu sto m p a tte rn s are

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r = 7 SGS-THOM SON ST24/25C01, ST24C01R *7 # . IlOWiUiMWIKêS ST24/25W01 S E R IA L 1 K 1 2 8 x 8 E E P R O M Table 1. Signal Names 8 \i w PSDIP8 (B) 0.25mm Frame S 0 8 (M) 150mil Width < Figure 1. Logic Diagram o DESCRIPTION This specification covers a range of 1K bits FC bus

    OCR Scan
    ST24/25C01, ST24C01R ST24/25W01 150mil ST24C01R ST24/25W01. ST24/25x01, ST24x01 ST25x01 for50 PDF


    Abstract: RESISTOR 10 KILO OHM dale resistor code 1 kilo ohm resistor specifications E192 Series DALE ELECTRONICS RLR MIL-R-27208
    Text: A C O M PAN Y 0 F MODEL ROX M etal Oxide Resistors a m T High Voltage, Special Purpose FEATURES • Low T.C.: ± 200PPM/°C standard. ± 100PPM/°C, ± 50PPM/°C available. • Tolerances: ± 10%, ± 5%, ± 2%, ± 1% • For oil bath or open air operation

    OCR Scan
    200PPM/ 100PPM/ 50PPM/ 47 KILO OHM RESISTOR RESISTOR 10 KILO OHM dale resistor code 1 kilo ohm resistor specifications E192 Series DALE ELECTRONICS RLR MIL-R-27208 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A COM PANY OF MODELS RJU and RDX M etal Oxide Resistors S p e c ia l Purpose, High P o w e r, U ltra H igh V a lu e • RJU S p e c ia l Purpose, High V o lta g e , R atio D ivider - RDX FEATURES JU M odel H R JU • • • • • B W attages to 400 watt at 25°C

    OCR Scan
    125KV RJU-40 RJU-50 RJU-70 RJU-95 RJU-95-1 RJU-140 RJU-275 RJU-275-1 RJU-150 PDF

    1 kilo ohm resistor specifications

    Abstract: 100 KILO OHM RESISTOR RESISTOR 10 KILO OHM 470 KILO OHM RESISTOR rlr07c1002 4.7 kilo ohm resistor RER65F 10 kilo ohm resistor 1000 kilo ohm resistor specifications COLOR BAND MARKING CODES
    Text: A COMPANY OF MODELS HVW, MVW, HVX M etal Alloy Resistors High Voltage, Special Purpose FE A T U R E S • HVW and MVW are uncoated. HVX is silicone coated. • Semi-precision: ± 5%, ± 10%, + 20%. Closer tolerances available on HVX. • Axial leads: HVW and HVX = Tinned copper. MVW = C opper clad steel.

    OCR Scan
    1/2x11 1 kilo ohm resistor specifications 100 KILO OHM RESISTOR RESISTOR 10 KILO OHM 470 KILO OHM RESISTOR rlr07c1002 4.7 kilo ohm resistor RER65F 10 kilo ohm resistor 1000 kilo ohm resistor specifications COLOR BAND MARKING CODES PDF

    dale rw 69

    Abstract: 74w marking code RWR78N DALE RW
    Text: A COMPANY OF MODELS ESS/W/N, EGS/W/N W irewound Resistors M ilitary/Established R eliability M IL-R-39007 Q ualified, Type RWR, R Level FE A T U R E S • • • • • • • Meets solvent resistance of MIL-STD-202, Method 215 100% power stabilization and screening test

    OCR Scan
    IL-R-39007 EGS-1-80 MIL-STD-202, dale rw 69 74w marking code RWR78N DALE RW PDF