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    Honeywell Sensing and Control SS541AT

    Board Mount Hall Effect / Magnetic Sensors 20mA Unipolar 5V/9V/ 12V/15V/18V 4-Pin
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TTI SS541AT Reel 20,000 1,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $2.74
    • 10000 $2.55
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    Honeywell Sensing and Control SS543AT

    Board Mount Hall Effect / Magnetic Sensors 20mA Unipolar 5V/9V/ 12V/15V/18V 4-Pin
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TTI SS543AT Reel 16,000 1,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $2.52
    • 10000 $2.32
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    Honeywell Sensing and Control SS59ET

    Board Mount Hall Effect / Magnetic Sensors 2.7Vdc to 6.5Vdc Magnet Position Sens
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TTI SS59ET Reel 5,000 1,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $2.81
    • 10000 $2.67
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    Honeywell Sensing and Control SS566AT

    Board Mount Hall Effect / Magnetic Sensors Hall Latching SOT-89B
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    TTI SS566AT Reel 1,000 1,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $6.19
    • 10000 $6.19
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    Honeywell Sensing and Control SS511AT

    Board Mount Hall Effect / Magnetic Sensors 5V 10mA Bipolar Hall-Effect Sensor
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    TTI SS511AT Reel 1,000
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    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $2.79
    • 10000 $2.68
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    SOT89B Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Hardware Documentation D at a S h e e t HAL 1821.HAL 1823 Linear Hall-Effect Sensor Family in SOT89B Package Edition Aug. 2, 2013 DSH000162_001EN HAL1821.HAL1823 DATA SHEET Copyright, Warranty, and Limitation of Liability The information and data contained in this document

    OT89B DSH000162 001EN HAL1821. HAL1823 HAL182X PDF

    3 PIN hall effect 506k

    Abstract: an 503 sensor hall HAL 506K an 503 hall sensor 506A Magnetic Sensors forklift Hall Effect Sensor Family 503K hall effect 506k TRANSISTOR MT SMD 506K
    Text: MICRONAS INTERMETALL HAL501.506, 508, 509, HAL516.518 Hall Effect Sensor Family MICRONAS Edition Feb. April 4, 16,1996 1999 6251-365-1DS 6251-485-1DS HAL5xx Contents Page Section Title 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. Introduction Features

    HAL501. HAL516. 6251-485-1DS 6251-365-1DS 3 PIN hall effect 506k an 503 sensor hall HAL 506K an 503 hall sensor 506A Magnetic Sensors forklift Hall Effect Sensor Family 503K hall effect 506k TRANSISTOR MT SMD 506K PDF

    hall sensor 525k

    Abstract: 525k hall hall effect sensor ignition
    Text: MICRONAS INTERMETALL HAL525 Hall Effect Sensor IC MICRONAS Edition March April 4,10, 1996 1999 6251-365-1DS 6251-465-2DS HAL525 Contents Page Section Title 3 3 4 4 4 4 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. Introduction Features Marking Code Operating Junction Temperature Range

    HAL525 6251-365-1DS 6251-465-2DS HAL525 hall sensor 525k 525k hall hall effect sensor ignition PDF

    HAL 506K

    Abstract: hall effect 506k 3 PIN hall effect 506k HAL 503 APPLICATION NOTE SOT89B-1 519K marking code 506k sot89 hall 502a SOT89A HAL503
    Text: Hardware Documentation Data Sheet HAL 5xy Hall-Effect Sensor Family Edition Jan. 11, 2010 DSH000020_004E HAL 5xy DATA SHEET Copyright, Warranty, and Limitation of Liability The information and data contained in this document are believed to be accurate and reliable. The software

    DSH000020 OT89-B1 003EN. 004EN. O92UA D-79108 D-79008 HAL 506K hall effect 506k 3 PIN hall effect 506k HAL 503 APPLICATION NOTE SOT89B-1 519K marking code 506k sot89 hall 502a SOT89A HAL503 PDF

    4 Pin SMD Hall sensors

    Abstract: Hall-Effect-Sensor 115C SMD Hall sensors code C smd hall sensor SMD Hall sensors 3 pin SMD hall sensor SMD Hall C 115c hall 4 lead SMD Hall sensors 4 pin hall sensor
    Text: MICRONAS Edition Dec. 20, 1999 6251-456-2DS HAL114, HAL115 Hall Effect Sensor Family MICRONAS HAL11x Contents Page Section Title 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. Introduction Features Family Overview Marking Code Operating Junction Temperature Range

    6251-456-2DS HAL114, HAL115 HAL11x HAL114 OT-89A SPGS0022-5-A3/2E 4 Pin SMD Hall sensors Hall-Effect-Sensor 115C SMD Hall sensors code C smd hall sensor SMD Hall sensors 3 pin SMD hall sensor SMD Hall C 115c hall 4 lead SMD Hall sensors 4 pin hall sensor PDF

    502a hall sensor

    Abstract: hall sensor smd 502A TO-92UA SMD Hall sensors code se micronas ordering codes SMD Hall sensors code C to92ua hal 502a
    Text: Hall Sensors: Ordering Codes, Packaging, Handling Edition Sept. 12, 2001 6200-249-2E Hall Sensors: Ordering Codes, Packaging, Handling Contents Page Section Title 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 6 7 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Ordering Codes for Hall Sensors Overview

    6200-249-2E 502a hall sensor hall sensor smd 502A TO-92UA SMD Hall sensors code se micronas ordering codes SMD Hall sensors code C to92ua hal 502a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Hardware Documentation D at a S h e e t ® HAL 700, HAL 740 Dual Hall-Effect Sensors with Independent Outputs Edition Nov. 30, 2009 DSH000029_002EN HAL700, HAL740 DATA SHEET Copyright, Warranty, and Limitation of Liability The information and data contained in this document

    DSH000029 002EN HAL700, HAL740 6251-477-2DS. OT89B-2 HAL740 002EN. PDF

    T04 transistor SOT

    Abstract: hall switch ignition SMD Hall C micronas hall 203 4 Pin SMD Hall sensors HAL320 hall chip smd hall current sensor 3A sensor hall 4.5 24 pulse 300C
    Text: MICRONAS Edition July 15, 1998 6251-345-1DS HAL300 Differential Hall Effect Sensor IC MICRONAS HAL300 Differential Hall Effect Sensor IC in CMOS technology Introduction The HAL 300 is a differential Hall switch produced in CMOS technology. The sensor includes 2 temperaturecompensated Hall plates 2.05 mm apart with active offset compensation, a differential amplifier with a Schmitt

    6251-345-1DS HAL300 OT-89B OT-89A SPGS0022-5-B3/1E T04 transistor SOT hall switch ignition SMD Hall C micronas hall 203 4 Pin SMD Hall sensors HAL320 hall chip smd hall current sensor 3A sensor hall 4.5 24 pulse 300C PDF


    Abstract: DO214AA-NP cmc tp16 SOT23-BEC
    Text: G l o b a l Vo i c e I S O m o d e m - E V B Evaluation Board for the Si2494/39/38/37/36/35/29/19/18/17 ISOModem Description Features The Global Voice ISOmodem EVB evaluation board provides the system designer with an easy way of evaluating the ISOmodem. The Voice ISOmodem EVB

    Si2494/39/38/37/36/35/29/19/18/17 24-pin 38-pin 16-pin Si24xx2G-DC DO214AA-NP cmc tp16 SOT23-BEC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Hardware Documentation D at a S h e e t HAL 2xy Hall-Effect Sensor Family Edition Sept. 20, 2013 DSH000141_004EN HAL 2xy DATA SHEET Copyright, Warranty, and Limitation of Liability The information and data contained in this document are believed to be accurate and reliable. The software

    DSH000141 004EN 004EN. O92UA-5 D-79108 D-79008 hal204 PDF

    MARKING 526 sot-23 smd

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Hardware Documentation Data Sheet HAL 525, HAL 526 Hall-Effect Switches Edition Nov. 30, 2009 DSH000144_003EN HAL 525, HAL 526 DATA SHEET Copyright, Warranty, and Limitation of Liability The information and data contained in this document are believed to be accurate and reliable. The software

    DSH000144 003EN 6251-4655DS. 6251-465-6DS. HAL525 OT89B-1 O92UA-1 O92UA-2 O92UA-1/-2 D-79108 MARKING 526 sot-23 smd PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Hardware Documentation D at a S h e e t ® HAL 710, HAL 730, Hall-Effect Sensors with Direction Detection Edition Oct. 13, 2009 DSH000031_002EN HAL 710, HAL 730 DATA SHEET Copyright, Warranty, and Limitation of Liability The information and data contained in this document

    DSH000031 002EN 6251-4783DS. 002EN. D-79108 D-79008 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Hardware Documentation Data Sheet HAL 202 Hall-Effect Sensor Edition July 21, 2011 DSH000159_001EN HAL202 DATA SHEET Copyright, Warranty, and Limitation of Liability The information and data contained in this document are believed to be accurate and reliable. The software

    DSH000159 001EN HAL202 HAL202 001EN. D-79108 PDF

    smd hall effect sensor

    Abstract: IC 1820 analog hall smd 4 pin HALL Sensor TO92UA hall effect interface WITH digital MICRONAS USB hall magnetic field current sensor HALL Sensor 1820 TO92UA hall sensors for magnetic measurements hall sensor smd
    Text: PRODUCT INFORMATION HAL 1820 July/2009 HAL 1820 Programmable Linear Hall-Effect Sensor Family The HAL 1820 is a new member of the Micronas family of programmable linear Hall sensors. The HAL 1820 is a universal magnetic field sensor with a linear analog output based on

    July/2009 PI000129 002EN D-79108 D-79008 smd hall effect sensor IC 1820 analog hall smd 4 pin HALL Sensor TO92UA hall effect interface WITH digital MICRONAS USB hall magnetic field current sensor HALL Sensor 1820 TO92UA hall sensors for magnetic measurements hall sensor smd PDF

    Traction brushless DC motor

    Abstract: 4pin linear hall sensor -dual SS59E
    Text: Magnetic Sensors Line Guide You know us as a leader, whether you’ve known us as MICRO SWITCH or Honeywell Sensing and Control S&C . In 1968, we revolutionized the industry with the first solid-state keyboard combining Hall-effect sensing and associated electronics in

    005894-16-EN Traction brushless DC motor 4pin linear hall sensor -dual SS59E PDF


    Abstract: SS49E aps00a SS491B SS411P APS00B ss41 hall effect sensor SS461R SS50AT SS351AT
    Text: Magnetic Sensors Line Guide You know us as a leader, whether you’ve known us as MICRO SWITCH or Honeywell Sensing and Control S&C . In 1968, we revolutionized the industry with the first solid-state keyboard combining Hall-effect sensing and associated electronics in


    Motorola transistor smd marking codes

    Abstract: SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 5c SMD code smd TRANSISTOR code marking 2F toshiba smd marking code transistor TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 1P smd transistor 5c Diode SOT-23 marking 15d SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 6B TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 1d
    Text: Eugene Turuta 2 - pins SOT - 89 databook 3 - pins Acti ve Activ SMD components mar king codes marking Introduction SMD-codes for semiconductor components in 3-pins cases SMD-codes for semiconductor components in SOT-89 cases SMD-codes for semiconductor components in BGA and LPP cases

    OT-89 OT-223 C-120, 2001MD, Motorola transistor smd marking codes SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 5c SMD code smd TRANSISTOR code marking 2F toshiba smd marking code transistor TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 1P smd transistor 5c Diode SOT-23 marking 15d SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 6B TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 1d PDF

    Hall sensors code sf

    Abstract: HAL700 HAL700SF-K HAL740 Hall sensors marking code D
    Text: Hardware Documentation Data Sheet ® HAL 700, HAL 740 Dual Hall-Effect Sensors with Independend Outputs Edition Sept. 13, 2004 6251-477-2DS HAL700, HAL740 DATA SHEET Contents Page Section Title 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.3.1. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7.

    6251-477-2DS HAL700, HAL740 Hall sensors code sf HAL700 HAL700SF-K HAL740 Hall sensors marking code D PDF

    Hall-Effect-Sensor 115C

    Abstract: SMD Hall sensors code 115c hall Hall sensors marking code D hall sensor fan 115E HAL114 HAL114UA-E HAL115
    Text: MICRONAS Edition Dec. 20, 1999 6251-456-2DS HAL114, HAL115 Hall Effect Sensor Family MICRONAS HAL11x Contents Page Section Title 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. Introduction Features Family Overview Marking Code Operating Junction Temperature Range

    6251-456-2DS HAL114, HAL115 HAL11x HAL114 Hall-Effect-Sensor 115C SMD Hall sensors code 115c hall Hall sensors marking code D hall sensor fan 115E HAL114 HAL114UA-E HAL115 PDF


    Abstract: HAL320 to92ua DSH000016 4 Pin SMD Hall sensors diagram induction welding sot892 Micronas HAL 18
    Text: Hardware Documentation D at a S h e e t HAL 300 Differential Hall Effect Sensor IC Edition Nov. 24, 2008 DSH000016_002EN HAL300 DATA SHEET Copyright, Warranty, and Limitation of Liability Micronas Trademarks The information and data contained in this document are

    DSH000016 002EN HAL300 O92UA-3/-4 6251-345-3DS. D-79108 D-79008 HAL300 HAL320 to92ua 4 Pin SMD Hall sensors diagram induction welding sot892 Micronas HAL 18 PDF

    4 Pin SMD Hall sensors

    Abstract: to92ua SMD Hall sensors 4 lead SMD Hall sensors HAL320 smd code Hall SMD Hall diagram induction welding HALL Sensor TO92UA Hall sensors marking code D
    Text: Hardware Documentation Data Sheet HAL 320 Differential Hall-Effect Sensor IC Edition Nov. 25, 2008 DSH000017_002EN HAL320 DATA SHEET Copyright, Warranty, and Limitation of Liability Micronas Trademarks The information and data contained in this document are

    DSH000017 002EN HAL320 specif2004, 6251-439-2DS. OT89B-2 O92UA-4 O92UA-3 O92UA-3/-4 OT89B 4 Pin SMD Hall sensors to92ua SMD Hall sensors 4 lead SMD Hall sensors HAL320 smd code Hall SMD Hall diagram induction welding HALL Sensor TO92UA Hall sensors marking code D PDF

    506A Magnetic Sensors

    Abstract: hall 508k Hall Effect Sensor Family 503K 3 PIN hall effect 506k 509K hall effect IC hall effect position sensor 503 HAL502 HAL503 HAL505 HAL506
    Text: DATA SHEET MICRONAS Edition Oct. 7, 2002 6251-485-3DS HAL501.506, 508, 509, HAL516.519, 523 Hall Effect Sensor Family MICRONAS HAL5xx DATA SHEET Contents Page Section Title 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.3.1. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. Introduction Features Family Overview

    6251-485-3DS HAL501. HAL516. 506A Magnetic Sensors hall 508k Hall Effect Sensor Family 503K 3 PIN hall effect 506k 509K hall effect IC hall effect position sensor 503 HAL502 HAL503 HAL505 HAL506 PDF

    relais datenbuch siemens

    Abstract: siemens datenbuch triac zu 103 ma BSS97 diode sg 5 ts Scans-048 BUZ23 s489 DSAGER00059 Transistor Datenbuch
    Text: SIEMENS SIPMOS Kleinsignaltransistoren Technische Beschreibung Ausgabe September 1986 Inh alt 1. Einleitung 5 2. Technologie 5 3. Schaltverhalten 6 4. D atenblattangaben 8 4.1 4.2 4.3 Drainstrom lD Gate-Schwellenspannung VGS th Temperaturabhängigkeit 8 8

    OCR Scan
    BRT12H BRT12M relais datenbuch siemens siemens datenbuch triac zu 103 ma BSS97 diode sg 5 ts Scans-048 BUZ23 s489 DSAGER00059 Transistor Datenbuch PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HAL55x, HAL56x Contents Page Section Title 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. Introduction Features Family Overview Marking Code Operating Junction Temperature Range Hall Sensor Package Codes Solderability 5 2. Functional Description 6 6 6 6 7

    OCR Scan
    HAL55x, HAL56x PDF