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    4046 application note 9398

    Abstract: 4046 application note pll 4046 application note 9398 649 90011 4046 as FM demodulator 4046 PLL Designers Guide PLL WITH VCO 4046 4046 application note pll philips 4046 vco Zero-Crossing Trigger-Phase Control Circuit Dim 4046 application note philips
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL M E , „ ?11Qé2t ^ -p | P h ilip s S e m ic o n d u c to rs P re lim in a ry S p e c ific a tio n PLL with bandgap controlled VCO 74HCT9046A FEATURES • Frequency discrimination

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    74HCT9046A 4046 application note 9398 4046 application note pll 4046 application note 9398 649 90011 4046 as FM demodulator 4046 PLL Designers Guide PLL WITH VCO 4046 4046 application note pll philips 4046 vco Zero-Crossing Trigger-Phase Control Circuit Dim 4046 application note philips PDF

    TBA750 A

    Abstract: TDB1033 TBA750 SAF1032P TDA2581 hef4011 pulse stretcher circuit SAF1039P CQY89 INFRARED REMOTE CONTROL decoder
    Text: SAF1032P SAF1039P y v . REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM FOR INFRARED OPERATION The SAF1032P receiver/decoder and the SAF1039P (transmitter) form the basic parts of a sophis­ ticated remote control system (pcm: pulse code modulation) for infrared operation. The ICs can be

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    SAF1032P SAF1039P SAF1032P SAF1039P TBA750 A TDB1033 TBA750 TDA2581 hef4011 pulse stretcher circuit CQY89 INFRARED REMOTE CONTROL decoder PDF

    CMOS 4000B series device

    Abstract: 4000B 74HC 74HCT
    Text: 7 4H C /H CT40103 ^J _MSI 8-BIT SYNCHRONOUS B IN A R Y DOWN COUNTER FEATURES • • • • Cascadable Synchronous o r asynchronous preset Output capability: standard •cc category: MSI SY M B O L G ENERAL DESCRIPTION The 7 4 H C /H C T 4 0 1 0 3 consist each o f

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    74HC/HCT40103 74HC/HCT40103 4000B" CMOS 4000B series device 4000B 74HC 74HCT PDF


    Abstract: HEF4538BT HEF4538B HEF4538BD HEF4538 dual precision monostable multivibrator
    Text: HEF4538B MSI DUAL PRECISION MONOSTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR The HEF4538B is a dual retriggerable-resettable monostable m ultivibrator. Each m ultivibrator has an active LOW trigger/retrigger input I q , an active HIGH trigger/retrigger input ( I-j), an overriding active

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    HEF4538B HEF4538B 7Z90171 HEF4538BP HEF4538BT HEF4538BD HEF4538 dual precision monostable multivibrator PDF

    NSP 233

    Abstract: D15114
    Text: 74HC/HC T112 flip-flops DUAL JK FLIP-FLOP W ITH SET AND RESET; NEGATIVE-EDGE TRIGGER FEATURES TYPICAL • Asynchronous set and reset • Output capability: standard • IQ0 category: flip-flops PARAMETER SYMBOL U NIT CONDITIONS HC HCT 17 15 18 19 15 19 ns

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    74HC/HC 74HC/HCT112 NSP 233 D15114 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 74HC/HCT163 MSI PRESETTABLE SYNCHRONOUS 4-BIT B INA RY COUNTER; SYNCHRONOUS RESET FE A T U R E S • • • • • • TYPICAL Synchronous counting and loading Tw o count enable inputs for n-bit cascading Positive-edge triggered clock Synchronous reset O u tput capability: standard

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    74HC/HCT163 HC/HCT163 Modulo-11 MAX5974 PDF

    IC 4051

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 74HC/HCT4051 MSI 8-CHANNEL ANALOG MULTIPLEXER/DEMULTIPLEXER FEATURES • • TYPICAL Wide analog input voltage range: ± 5 V. Low "O N " resistance: 80 typ. at V c c - V EE = 4.5 V 70 n (typ.) at V q q — V EE = 6.0 V 60 (typ.) at V c c - V EE = 9.0 V Logic level translation:

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    74HC/HCT4051 74HCT IC 4051 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification 4-rnt X 64-word FIFO register; 3-state FEATURES • Synchronous or assynchronous operation • 3-state outputs 74HC/HCT7403 QUICK REFERENCE DATA GND = 0 V; T ^ = 25 °C; t, = t, = 6 ns. TYP. SYMBOL PARAMETER HC

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    64-word 74HC/HCT7403N 74HC/HCT7403D 74HC/HCT7403 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 74HC/HCT162 MSI PRESETTABLE SYNCHRONOUS BCD DECADE COUNTER; SYNCHRONOUS RESET FEA TU R ES T Y P IC A L • Synchronous counting and loading • Two count enable inputs for n-bit cascading • Positive-edge triggered clock • Synchronous reset • Output capability: standard

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    74HC/HCT162 HC/HCT162 PDF

    EE-19 N

    Abstract: hct4053
    Text: 74HC/HCT4053 MSI TRIPLE 2-CHANNEL ANALOG M U LTIPLEXER/DEM U LTIPLEXER FEATURES • • • • • TYPICAL L o w " O N " resistance: 80 n ty p . at v c c - V EE = 4 .5 V 7 0 n (ty p .) at V c c - V EE = 6.0 V 60 i2 (ty p .) at V c c - V EE = 9 .0 V Logic level tra n sla tio n :

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    74HC/HCT4053 74HCT EE-19 N hct4053 PDF


    Abstract: HC 193 n
    Text: 74HC/HCT75 MSI QUAD BISTABLE TRANSPARENT LATCH FEATURES • • • • Complementary Q and Q outputs V c c and GND on the centre pins Output capability: standard ICC category: MSI T Y P IC A L HC tP H L / iP L H propag ation delay n D to nQ , nQ L E n.n to nQ , nQ

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    74HC/HCT75 7Z93J51 TYP33 HC 193 n PDF


    Abstract: 74HCT
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification 4-Bit x 64-word FIFO reaister: 3-state FEATURES • Synchronous or assynchronous operation • 3-state outputs • 30 MHz typical shift-in and shift-out rates • Readily expandable in word and bit dimensions

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    64-word 74HC/HCT7403 74HC 74HCT PDF

    hct 347

    Abstract: 74HC 74HCT Modulo-11
    Text: 7 4 H C /H C T 1 6 3 MSI PRESETTABLE SYNCHRONOUS 4-BIT BINA RY COUNTER; SYNCHRONOUS RESET F E A TU R E S • • • • • • T Y P IC A L Synchronous counting and loading Tw o count enable inputs for n-bit cascading Positive-edge triggered clock Synchronous reset

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    74HC/HCT163 HC/HCT163 Modulo-11 hct 347 74HC 74HCT PDF


    Abstract: 74HCT RC-19 counter philips diagram fr 310
    Text: 74HC/HCT191 MSI PRESETTABLE SYNCHRONOUS 4-BIT B IN A R Y UP/DOW N COUNTER FEATURES T Y P IC A L Synchronous reversible counting Asynchronous parallel load Count enable control for synchronous expansion Single up/down control input Output capability: standard

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    74HC/HCT191 74HC/HCT191 74HC 74HCT RC-19 counter philips diagram fr 310 PDF


    Abstract: 74LV4316D 74LV4316DB 74LV4316N 74LV4316PW
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product Specification Quad bilateral switches FEATURES • • • • • • • Optimized for Low Voltage applications: 1.0 to 6.0 V Accepts TTL input levels between Vcc = 2.7 V and Vcc = 3.6 V Low typ "ON" resistance: 80 S2 at Vcc - VEE = 4.5 V

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    74LV4316 74LV4316 74HC/HCT4316. 711DflEb DGCH344 74LV4316D 74LV4316DB 74LV4316N 74LV4316PW PDF


    Abstract: 74LV138 74LV138D 74LV138N 74HC DEmultiplexer
    Text: 1^53=124 0 0 0 3 7 ^ =Ißb « S I C 3 Philips Sem iconductors Product Specification 3-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexer; inverting 74LV138 bBE D NAPC/PHILIPS SEMICOND FEATURES • • • • • • • • • • Optimized for Low Voltage applications: 1.0 to 3.6 V

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    74LV138 74LV138 74HC/HCToder/demultiplexer; dil16 74LV138D 74LV138N 74HC DEmultiplexer PDF


    Abstract: HEF4720BD HEF4720BP HEF4720BT HEF4720V HEF4720VD HEF4720VP HEF4720VT
    Text: b3E D • bbS312M GGfi0437 NAPC/PHILIPS HEF4720B HEF4720V 151 « S I C 3 LSI SEMICOND 256-BIT, 1-BIT PER W ORD RANDOM ACCESS MEMORIES ' The HEF4720B and HEF4720V are 256-bit, 1-bit per word random access memories with 3-state outputs. The memories are fu lly decoded and completely static.

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    GGfl0437 HEF4720B HEF4720V 256-BIT, HEF4720B HEF4720V 7Z84406 HEF4720BD HEF4720BP HEF4720BT HEF4720VD HEF4720VP HEF4720VT PDF


    Abstract: 74LV4094D 74LV4094N
    Text: NAPC/PHILIPS SEMICOND b3E D WM bbSBTSM OOÛBÛM'l T7T H S I C 3 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary Specification 8-stage shift-and-store bus register FEATURES • Serial-to-parallel data conversion • Remote control holding register DESCRIPTION The 74LV4094 is a low-voltage

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    74LV4094 74LV4094 74HC/HCT4094. 74LV4094D 74LV4094N PDF


    Abstract: 74LV4053D 74LV4053DB 74LV4053N 74LV4053PW
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product Specification Triple 2-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer FEATURES • ♦ * * * • • Optimized for Low Voltage applications: 1.0 to 6.0 V Accepts TTL input levels between Vcc = 2.7 V and Vcc = 3.6 V Low typ "ON" resistance:

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    74LV4053 74LV4053 74HC/HCT4053. 74LV4053D 74LV4053DB 74LV4053N 74LV4053PW PDF


    Abstract: 74LV174D 74LV174DB 74LV174N 74LV174PW
    Text: FEATURES • Optimized for Low Voitage applications: 1.0 to 3.6 V • Accepts TTL input levels between Vcc = 2.7 V and Vcc = 3.6 V • Typical V0LP output ground bounce < 0.8 V at Vcc » 3.3 V, Tm* = 25 °C. • Typical V0HV (output V0H undershoot) > 2 V at

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    74LV174 74HC/HCT174. 74LV17 711062b 0D75267 74LV174D 74LV174DB 74LV174N 74LV174PW PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HEF4543B MSI BCD TO 7-SEGMENT LATCH/DECODER/DRIVER The HEF4543B is a BCD to 7-segment latch/decoder/driver fo r liquid crystal and LED displays. It has fou r address inputs D ^ to D p , an active HIGH latch disable in pu t (L D ), an active HIGH blanking

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    HEF4543B HEF4543B square-wav30 PDF


    Abstract: 74LV4316D 74LV4316DB 74LV4316N 74LV4316PW
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Preliminary Specification Quad bilateral switches FEA TU RES 74LV4316 QUICK R EFER EN C E DATA • Optimized for Low Voltage applications: 1.0 to 6.0 V • Accepts TTL input levels between Vcc « 2.7 V and Vcc = 3.6 V • Low typ "ON" resistance:

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    74LV4316 74LV4316 74HC/HCT4316. 7S43T 74LV4316D 74LV4316DB 74LV4316N 74LV4316PW PDF


    Abstract: 74LV367D 74LV367DB 74LV367N 74LV367PW
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product Specification Hex buffer/line driver; 3-state FEATURES • • • • • • • QUICK REFERENCE DATA GND = 0 V; T ^ = 25°C; t, = t, < 2.5 ns Optimized for Low Voltage applications: 1.0 to 3.6 V Accepts TTL input levels between Vcc = 2.7 V and

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    74LV367 74LV367 74HC/HCT367. 7110fl2L 74LV367D 74LV367DB 74LV367N 74LV367PW PDF


    Abstract: 74HCT
    Text: P C 74H C /H C T160 MSI PR E SE TTA B LE S Y N C H R O N O U S BCD D E C A D E C O U N T E R ; A S Y N C H R O N O U S RESET TYP IC A L F E A TU R E S • • • • • • Synchronous counting and loading Tw o count enable inputs fo r n-bit cascading Positive-edge triggered clock

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    PC74HC/HCT160 74HC/HCT160 7Z93622 74HC 74HCT PDF