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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Package outlines SOT219 80-pin plastic quad flat pack B package 1

    OT219 80-pin sot219 PDF


    Abstract: sot213
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Package outlines SO28: plastic small outline package; 28 leads; body width 8.4 mm 1995 Jan 25 SOT213-1

    OT213-1 SO-28 sot213 PDF


    Abstract: S6J311EJAA
    Text: S6J3110 Series 32-bit Microcontroller Spansion TraveoTM Family S6J311EJAA Data Sheet Preliminary Notice to Readers: This document states the current technical specifications regarding the Spansion product(s) described herein. The Preliminary status of this document indicates that product qualification

    S6J3110 32-bit S6J311EJAA S6J311E DS708-00002 DS708-00002-0v01-E, SCS1600 S6J311EJAA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [AK8996/W] AK8996/W Pressure Sensor Control IC 特 長 • 圧力センサー補正機能内蔵IC(アナログ出力)  低消費電流 : 350A typ. @ 100Hzサンプリング  スタンバイ機能 :スタンバイ時 1A max.  低電圧動作

    AK8996/W] AK8996/W 100Hzã MS1055-J-04 PDF

    SP 31101

    Abstract: 80C51 83C749 87C749 P83C749EBP P87C749EBF P87C749EFF sot216 sot216-3
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontrollers DESCRIPTION 83C749/87C749 PIN CONFIGURATION The Philips 83C749/87C749 offers many of the advantages of the 80C51 architecture in a small package and at low cost. The 8XC749 Microcontroller is fabricated with Philips high-density

    83C749/87C749 83C749/87C749 80C51 2/A2/A10 8XC749 83C749) 87C749) 16-bit SU00309 SP 31101 83C749 87C749 P83C749EBP P87C749EBF P87C749EFF sot216 sot216-3 PDF

    Transistor 2TY

    Abstract: PHILIPS CNX21 CNX21 .2ty transistor npn Transistor 3TY diode 2Ty sot211 jn85 diode Optocouplers .2ty transistor
    Text: CNX21 ÖUALITY TECHNOLOGIES CORP S7E » • 74bbflSl 0004527 042 ■ ÛTY T ^ H t- HIGH-VOLTAGE OPTOCOUPLER Optically coupled isolator consisting of an infrared emitting GaAs diode and a silicon n-p-n photo­ transistor. The base is not accessible. Features of this product:

    OCR Scan
    CNX21 74bbflSl cut-of1986 OT212. 0DD4fl03 MSA048-2 Transistor 2TY PHILIPS CNX21 CNX21 .2ty transistor npn Transistor 3TY diode 2Ty sot211 jn85 diode Optocouplers .2ty transistor PDF


    Abstract: efm decoder lm 398- SAMPLE AND HOLD
    Text: Philips Sem iconductors Prelim inary Specification c a a 7 Q/ii &AA CMOS Digital decoding 1C for Compact Disc FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Error correction and concealm ent functions • Analog front end data slicer, phase detector, VCO The SAA7341 incorporates the

    OCR Scan
    SAA7341 SAA7341 FCB61C65L BC328 BC338 KA104 KA096 efm decoder lm 398- SAMPLE AND HOLD PDF

    453 optocoupler

    Abstract: optocoupler a 454 optocoupler ic 102 Optocoupler OPTOCOUPLER dc output SL5505S
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification 7 ^ -V /- High-speed optocoupler flUALITY TECHNOLOGIES SL5505S CORP S7E D 74bb651 0004720 SST • 2TY FEATURES • Short propagation delay times • Low saturation voltage • High transient immunity • High degree of AC and DC

    OCR Scan
    SL5505S OT97F OT212. 74bbflSl 453 optocoupler optocoupler a 454 optocoupler ic 102 Optocoupler OPTOCOUPLER dc output PDF

    314 optocoupler

    Abstract: 14CNP SOT-90B 453 optocoupler sot90b optocoupler 312 317 optocoupler transistor b73
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification 7 Optocoupler 2UALITY T E C H N O L O G I E S OF4114 CORP 57E D 74t.bfiSl G D O H b b b 773 » A T Y FEATURES • High current transfer ratio and low saturation voltage, making the device suitable for use with

    OCR Scan
    OF4114 OT90B CNY17-3, 14CNP. MSB051 OF4114 OT212. 74bbflSl 0DD4fl03 314 optocoupler 14CNP SOT-90B 453 optocoupler sot90b optocoupler 312 317 optocoupler transistor b73 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors GaAIAs high-voltage optocouplers CNG82/CNG83 FEATURES • High output/input current transfer ratio at low input current • High degree of AC and DC insulation 3750 V (RMS and 5300 V (DC) • Input/output pin distance

    OCR Scan
    CNG82/CNG83 E90700 BS415 CNG82 CNG83 bb53331 003530a D3530tl PDF

    12/a1273 y k transistor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CNX21 y V HIGH-VOLTAGE OPTOCOUPLER Optically coupled isolator consisting of an infrared emitting GaAs diode and a silicon n-p-n photo­ transistor. The base is not accessible. Features o f this product: • very high isolation voltage o f 10 kV d.c. . • working voltage o f 10 kV (d.c.).

    OCR Scan
    CNX21 bbS3T31 12/a1273 y k transistor PDF


    Abstract: I/cmosh-3 tr
    Text: Philips Components Data sheet status Product specification date of issue June 1990 FCB61 C65 L/LL 8 K x 8 Fast CMOS low-power static RAM FOR DETAILED INFORMATION SEE RELEVANT DATA BOOK OR DATA SHEET FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Operating supply voltage

    OCR Scan
    FCB61 FCB61C65L/LL FCF61C65L FCF61C65LL fcb61c65l I/cmosh-3 tr PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SL5500 SL5501 SL5511 , ÛUALITY TECHNOLOGIES CORP 57E D • 74bbô51 0GD4bûT 270 «fiTY OPTOCOUPLERS Optically coupled isolators consisting of an infrared emitting GaAs diode and a silicon npn phototransistor with accessible base. Plastic envelopes. Suitable for T T L integrated circuits.

    OCR Scan
    SL5500 SL5501 SL5511 OT212. MSA048-2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification 7- H t - r j Optocouplers ÛUA L IT Y T E C H N O L O G I E S CNY17-1 to 4/CNY17F-1 to 4 CORP S7E D 74bbasi OOQMblM • Fast switching STANDARD REFERENCE • Low saturation voltage UL note 1 • High maximum output voltage

    OCR Scan
    CNY17-1 4/CNY17F-1 74bbasi 0110b 57804/VDE 86/HD OT212. SA048-2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification 7 Heavy duty optocouplers 2UALITY T E C H N O L O G I E S C0 RP CNW11AV-1/2/3 S7E D 74bbfi51 0 0 G 4 4 b 4 03T « f i T Y FEATURES • Minimum 2 mm isolation thickness between emitter and receiver • A wide body encapsulation with a

    OCR Scan
    CNW11AV-1/2/3 74bbfi51 E90700 OT212. 74bbflSl 0DD4fl03 MSA048-2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4N29 4N30 4N31 ÛUALITY TECHNOLOGIES CORP S7E ]> 4N32 4N33 T m4 • Ö TY s a OPTOCOUPLER Opto-isolator comprising an infrared emitting GaAs diode and a silicon npn Darlington phototransistor with accessible base. Plastic 6-lead dual-in-line DIL envelope.

    OCR Scan
    E90700 0110B AC/450 57804/VDE 86/HD 195S4 74bbfl51 OT212. 74bbflSl 0DD4fl03 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Sem iconductors Product specification High voltage optocouplers flUALITY T E C H N O L O G I E S CORP SL5582W/SL5583W S7E D • 7 4 b b A5 1 0 D O 4 74 1 EflH ■ f l T Y FEATURES • A wide body encapsulation with a pin distance of 10.16 mm • An external clearance of 9.6 mm

    OCR Scan
    SL5582W/SL5583W SL5582W SL5583W OT212. 74bbflSl 0DD4fl03 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification High-voltage optocouplers ÖUALITY tec h n o lo g ie s corp CNX82A/CNX83A S7E T> TMbbôSl OOOMbOS bS3 «fiTY FEATURES • High current transfer ratio and low saturation voltage, making the devices suitable for use with

    OCR Scan
    CNX82A/CNX83A CNX82A CNX83Aare OT231 CNX83A. OT212. 74bbflSl 0DD4fl03 MSA048-2 PDF

    pj 929 diode picture

    Abstract: bf471 A7R SMD Transistor TDA8391 transistor f488 tda8351 pin-compatible tda1000 Germanium drift transistor marking 3U 3T 3C diode germanium transistor
    Text: Philips Sem iconductors Semiconductors for Television and Video Systems Contents PART A page SELECTION GUIDE Functional index 5 Numerical index 17 Maintainance list 27 GENERAL Quality 31 Pro Electron type numbering system for Discrete Semiconductors 31 Pro Electron type numbering system for Integrated Circuits

    OCR Scan
    BA481 SAA7197 SAA7199B TDA4680 TDA4685 pA733C LFC02 MEH469 pj 929 diode picture bf471 A7R SMD Transistor TDA8391 transistor f488 tda8351 pin-compatible tda1000 Germanium drift transistor marking 3U 3T 3C diode germanium transistor PDF


    Abstract: Quality Technologies optocouplers 2ty transistor
    Text: P h ilip s S em Product specification GaAIAs high-voltage optocouplers 2UALITY TECHNOLOGIES CORP CNG82/CNG83 S7E 1> • 74t.bfiSl 0 0 0 4 4 3 e T s 5 T " S 7 t Y FEATURES • High output/input current

    OCR Scan
    CNG82/CNG83 E90700 BS415 0110b OT212. 74bbflSl 0DD4fl03 sot212 Quality Technologies optocouplers 2ty transistor PDF

    453 optocoupler

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors CNX71A/CNX72A High-voltage optocouplers 3UALITY T E C H N O L O G I E S CORP 57E D 7Mbbfl51 O O Q M S q Q OGI • ( 3 T Y FEATURES • High current transfer ratio and a low saturation voltage, making the devices suitable for use with

    OCR Scan
    CNX71Aand CNX72Aare OT229B CNX72A, CNX71A. -CNX71A CNX71A/CNX72A OT212. 74bbflSl 0DD4fl03 453 optocoupler PDF

    453 optocoupler

    Abstract: Transistor 2TY SOT230
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors CNX62A High-voltage optocoupler 3UALITY TECHNOLOGIES CORP 57E D 74bb051 0004570 S04 • Ö T V FEATURES • High current transfer ratio and a low saturation voltage, making the devices suitable for use with TTL integrated circuits

    OCR Scan
    CNX62A 74bb051 CNX62A OT230 E90700 BS415ptocouplers OT212. 74bbflSl 0DD4fl03 MSA048-2 453 optocoupler Transistor 2TY SOT230 PDF

    CBC 184 transistor

    Abstract: CNX35U Transistor 2TY CBC 184 c transistor
    Text: CNX35U CNX36U PM VO O I I Û U A L IT Y T E C H N O L O G I E S CORP S7E D 7 4 b b 6 5 1 G G G 4 53 4 EfiS • ■ 3T Y — % OPTOCOUPLERS Optically coupled isolators consisting o f an infrared emitting GaAs diode and a silicon npn phototransistor w ith accessible base. Plastic envelopes. Suitable fo r TTL integrated circuits.

    OCR Scan
    CNX35U CNX36U E90700 0110b 74bbfl51 OT212. 74bbflSl 0DD4fl03 CBC 184 transistor CNX35U Transistor 2TY CBC 184 c transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors Wide body, high isolation/high-gain optocouplers flUALITY TECHNOLOGIES CORP CNW 138/CNW 139 57E J> 7Mbt3fl51 0004512 bll • ö T Y FEATURES • Wide body DIL encapsulation, with a pin distance of 10.16 mm • Minimum clearance of 9.6 mm

    OCR Scan
    138/CNW 7Mbt3fl51 OT212. 74bbflSl 0DD4fl03 MSA048-2 PDF