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    SONY AM FM 24PIN Search Results

    SONY AM FM 24PIN Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CXA2202N EIAJ Sound Multiplexing Decoder Description The CXA2202N, is a bipolar IC designed as EIAJ TV sound multiplexing decoder, provides various functions including sound multiplexing demodulation, broadcast mode identification stereo/bilingual discrimination display , mode

    CXA2202N CXA2202N, 24PIN SSOP-24P-L01 P-SSOP24-7 CXA2202N PDF


    Abstract: SFU-455B 1684X soshin bpf CXA1611N CDA 5.5 MC discriminator ve45 sony am fm CXA1611M application SFU-455B
    Text: SONY C X A 1 6 1 1 M / N / P FM/AM Radio |r or the availability of this product, please contact the sales office] Description CXA1611M/N/P is an IC designed for use in FM/AM radios, integrating all necessary functions from the front CXA1611M 24 pin SOP {Plastic}

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    CXA1611 CXA1611M/IM/P S50P-24P-L01 CXA1611P 24PIN 42COPPÃ pfwe8 SFU-455B 1684X soshin bpf CXA1611N CDA 5.5 MC discriminator ve45 sony am fm CXA1611M application SFU-455B PDF


    Abstract: SONY cx20111 SONY 20111 CX-20111 SONY cx 20111 B.P.F FM band pfwe8 soshin bpf SFU 455 B sony tuner radio
    Text: SONY C X 2 1 1 1 FM/AM Radio 24 pin SOP Plastic D e s c rip tio n CX20111 is an IC designed for use in FM/AM radios, integrating all necessary functions from the front end detector stage of a radio. Features . Wide application range as it contains functions

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    CX20111 55kHz SONY cx20111 SONY 20111 CX-20111 SONY cx 20111 B.P.F FM band pfwe8 soshin bpf SFU 455 B sony tuner radio PDF


    Abstract: CXA1611N PFW E8
    Text: SONY C X A 1611M/N/P FM/AM Radio Description CXA1611M/IM/P is an IC designed for use in FM/AM radios, integrating all necessary functions from the front end detector stage of a radio. CXA1611M 24 pin SOP Plastic CXA1611N 24 pin SSOP (Plastic) Features • Wide application range as it contains functions from

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    CXA1611M/IM/P 1611M/N/P CXA1611M CXA1611N SSOP02 CXA1611P CXA1611M/N/P 24PIN 1611M PFW E8 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CXA1293M/N Sony. Low Power FM IF Am plifier Description The CXA1293M/N are single-chip ICs FM radio such as CELLULAR mobile, etc. CXA1293M 24pin SOP Plastic CXA1293N 24pin VSOP (Plastic) Features • Low current consumption (lcc = 3.8mA,at VCC=3.6V) • It includes all the functions needed to the cellular

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    CXA1293M/N CXA1293M/N CXA1293M 24pin CXA1293N CXA1003. 300mil PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CXA1293M/N Sony. Low Power FM IF Amplifier Description The C X A 1 2 93 M /N are single-chip ICs FM radio such as CELLULAR mobile, etc. C XA1293M 24pin SOP Plastic CXA1293N 24pin VSOP (P lastic) Features • Low current consum ption (lcc = 3.8m A ,at VCC=3.6V )

    OCR Scan
    CXA1293M/N XA1293M 24pin CXA1293N CXA1003. 50MIL) PDF

    audio limiter ic

    Abstract: CXA1293N Colpitts cxa FM radio CXA1003 CXA1293M
    Text: CXA1293M/N SONY. Low Power FM IF Amplifier Description The C X A 1293M /N are single-chip ICs FM radio such as CELLULAR mobile, etc. CXA1293M 24pin SOP Plastic F eatures • Low current consum ption ( lcc = 3.8m A ,at VCC=3.6V ) • It includes all the functions needed to the cellular

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    CXA1293M/N CXA1293M/N CXA1003. CXA1293M 24pin CXA1293M 300mil S0P-S4P-L01 audio limiter ic CXA1293N Colpitts cxa FM radio CXA1003 PDF


    Abstract: CXA1111AP pfwe8 se IF AFT sfu 455b 2SC668 AM 455KHz pfwe8 7TRS-8441X 88-108
    Text: SONY C X A 1 1 1 1 AN/AP t, plea; — :ontact 1-— sa]- 3-offico.| iF g rthgavailabilit CXA111 lA N / A P Ì à F M / A M ? ' / t f f l C l £ t t £ f t fz\ C V , F M / A M 7 D > K â 'f e t è i f c Ü i â ë f c Î o tè M C ttifr C è S t o H . 7 n >

    OCR Scan
    CXA1111AN/AP CXA1111AN CXA1111AP J95Y26-ST SFU-455B BFCFL-455 SFE10 24PIN CXA1111AP pfwe8 se IF AFT sfu 455b 2SC668 AM 455KHz pfwe8 7TRS-8441X 88-108 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I_ C X A 1 5 9 8 M / S Recording Equalizer Amplifier for Stereo Cassette Decks Description The CXA1598M/S is a bipolar IC developed for recording equalizer am plifier in analog cassette CXA1598M CXA1598S 24 pin SOP Plastic 22 pin SDIP (Plastic)

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    CXA1598M CXA1598S CXA1598M/S 12D3E CXA1598M/S 24PIN OP024-P-Q300-A 22PIN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SO N Y CXA3176N Preliminary IF Amplifier for FM Receiver AFC Supported Description The CXA3176N is a low current consumption FM IF am p lifie r w h ich e m p lo y s the n ew est b ip o la r process. It is suitable for FM receiver using AFC. Features • Low current consumption :

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    CXA3176N CXA3176N 24-pin 24PIN SSOP-24P-L01 SSOP024-P-0056 42/CO PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ,ONY |_ CXA3176N IF Amplifier for FM Receiver AFC Supported Description TheCXA3176N IF a m p lifie r w hich is a low current consumption FM em ploys the new est bip olar process. It is suitable for FM receiver using AFC. Features • Low current consumption :

    OCR Scan
    CXA3176N TheCXA3176N 24-pin 24PIN SSOP-24P-L01 SSOP024-P-0056 PDF


    Abstract: CXA1213 CXA1214P SONY 171 color killer circuits block diagram sony television circuit diagram sony flyback flyback sony RDE capacitor sony
    Text: S O NY CORP/COMPONENT PRODS 4TE 0302303 D □□□32m 5 CXA1214P SONY. S E C A M C olor D ecoder Description The C X A 1 2 1 4 P is a color signal processing IC for SECAM color television system. The IC has an ID determ ination circuit as well as the video processing

    OCR Scan
    CXA1214P CXA1214P T-77-07-09 24pin CXA1213S CXA1213 SONY 171 color killer circuits block diagram sony television circuit diagram sony flyback flyback sony RDE capacitor sony PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 10NY |_ CXA3176N IF Amplifier for FM Receiver AFC Supported Description The CXA3176N is a low current consumption FM IF a m p lifie r w hich e m p lo y s the n ew est b ip o la r process. It is suitable for FM receiver using AFC. Features • Low current consumption :

    OCR Scan
    CXA3176N CXA3176N 24-pin XA3176N 24PIN P-24P-L01 PDF


    Abstract: cxa am fm CXA1380M CXA1381
    Text: SONY CXA1380M/N ADIP Demodulator for MiniDisc Description The CXA1380M/N can be used to read the ADIP Address In Pre-groove signal stamped in MiniDiscs. Features • ADIP FM demodulator • ADIP defect protection circuit • ADIP data clock regeneration circuit

    OCR Scan
    CXA1380M/N CXA1381, CXD2525, CXA1380 CXA1380M 20PIN 300mil CXA1380M/N OP-20P-L01 OP020-P-0300-A CXD2525 cxa am fm CXA1380M CXA1381 PDF


    Abstract: RPE131 10P10 RPE MuRata RPE Series TZ03P450FR169 quad power amplifier CDBC45 Nihon Dempa Kogyo SONY INDUCTOR
    Text: SONY CXA3176N IF Amplifier for FM Receiver AFC Supported Description The CXA31 76N is a low current consumption FM IF a m p lifie r w h ic h e m p lo y s th e n e w e s t b ip o la r process. It is suitable for FM receiver using AFC. Features • Low current consumption :

    OCR Scan
    CXA3176N CXA3176N 24-pin 24PIN CDBC450 RPE131 10P10 RPE MuRata RPE Series TZ03P450FR169 quad power amplifier CDBC45 Nihon Dempa Kogyo SONY INDUCTOR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SONY CXA3001N RX Gain Control Amplifier Description C XA3001N is an RX gain control am plifier fo r C D M A cellular m obile phone. Features • W ide gain control range • Linear gain slope • Noise figure • O utput IP3 Typ. 6dB at Gain = 45dB Typ. +2dBm at Gain = 40dB

    OCR Scan
    XA3001N CXA3001N 24PIN SSOP-24P-L01 OP024-P-0056 42/CO PDF

    ceramic capacitor 105 E5z

    Abstract: Nihon Dempa Kogyo Co., Ltd. LC-2-G Nihon Dempa Kogyo SONY INDUCTOR CDBM455C28 CXA3179N DD100 capacitor murata ceramic disc 2SA1015
    Text: SONY CXA3179N IF Amplifier for M-ary FSK Pagers AFC Supported D escription T he CXA31 79N is a low c u rre n t consum ption FM IF a m p lifie r w h ic h e m p lo y s th e n e w e s t b ip o la r process. It is su itab le fo r M -ary FSK pagers using AFC.

    OCR Scan
    CXA31 24-pin CXA3179N CXA3179 24PIN SSOP-24P-L01 SSOP024-P-0056 42/COPPER ceramic capacitor 105 E5z Nihon Dempa Kogyo Co., Ltd. LC-2-G Nihon Dempa Kogyo SONY INDUCTOR CDBM455C28 CXA3179N DD100 capacitor murata ceramic disc 2SA1015 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SONY CXA3179N Preliminary IF Amplifier for M-ary FSK Pagers Description The CXA3179N is a low current consumption FM IF amplifier which employs the newest bipolar process. It is suitable for M-ary FSK pagers. Features • Low current consumption : 1.1 mA typ. at Vcc=1.4 V

    OCR Scan
    CXA3179N CXA3179N 24-pin 24PIN SSOP-24P-L01 SSOP024-P-0056 fi3fi23fi3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ,ONY I_ CXA3179N IF Amplifier for M-ary FSK Pagers AFC Supported Description The CXA3179N is a low current consumption FM IF a m p lifie r w h ic h e m p lo y s th e n e w e s t b ip o la r process. It is suitable for M-ary FSK pagers using AFC.

    OCR Scan
    CXA3179N CXA3179N 24-pin 24PIN SSOP-24P-L01 SSOP024-P-0056 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: >O N Y I_ C X A 3117N IF Amplifier for M-ary FSK Pagers Description The CXA3117N is a low current consumption FM IF amplifier which employs the newest bipolar process. It is suitable for M-ary FSK pagers. Features • Low current consumption: 1.1 mA

    OCR Scan
    3117N CXA3117N 24-pin CXA3117N 24PIN 275mil SSOP-24P-L01 SSOP024-P-0300 PDF


    Abstract: limiter circuit operation in basic fm demodulation
    Text: ,ONY I_ CXA3179N IF Amplifier for M-ary FSK Pagers AFC Supported Description The CXA3179N is a low current consumption FM IF a m p lifie r w h ic h e m p lo y s th e n e w e s t b ip o la r process. It is suitable for M-ary FSK pagers using AFC.

    OCR Scan
    CXA3179N CXA3179N 24-pin A3179 24PIN SSOP-24P-L01 SSOP024-P-0056 mdd100-series limiter circuit operation in basic fm demodulation PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SONY Advance Information IF Amplifier for M-ary FSK Pager CXA3117AN escription J The CXA3117AN is a low current consum ption FM IF a m p lifie r using the latest bipolar process, and supports M-ary FSK pagers. F eatu re^^ Bit rate filter with variable cut-off

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    CXA3117AN CXA3117AN 24-pin mary PDF

    sony KSS 240

    Abstract: sony KSS 210 LC-2-G 2SA1015 limiter circuit operation in basic fm demodulation CP QUICK CONNECT SONY INDUCTOR vc 22p trimmer CDBM455C28 CXA3117N
    Text: •OJNY I_ CXA3117N IF Amplifier for M-ary FSK Pagers D escription The C XA 3117N is a low current consum ption FM IF am p lifie r w hich em ploys the new est bipolar process. It is suitable for M -ary FSK pagers. F eatures • Low current consum ption: 1.1 mA

    OCR Scan
    CXA3117N CXA3117N 24-pin 24PIN 275mil SSOP-24P-L01 SSOP024-P-0300 sony KSS 240 sony KSS 210 LC-2-G 2SA1015 limiter circuit operation in basic fm demodulation CP QUICK CONNECT SONY INDUCTOR vc 22p trimmer CDBM455C28 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IF Amplifier for M-ary FSK Pagers P relim indry Description The CXA3117N is a low current consumption FM IF amplifier which employs the newest bipolar process. It is suitable for M-ary FSK pagers. Features • Low current consumption: 1.1mA typ. at Vcc = 1.4V

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    CXA3117N 24-pin -65to 417fi2303 512bps 1200bps 2400bps 1600bps 3200bps CXA3117N PDF