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    SMD MARKING CODE W1A Search Results

    SMD MARKING CODE W1A Result Highlights (5)

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    BLM15PX121BH1D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd FB SMD 0402inch 120ohm POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    BLM15PX181SH1D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd FB SMD 0402inch 180ohm POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    BLM21HE802SN1L Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd FB SMD 0805inch 8000ohm NONAUTO Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    BLM15PX330BH1D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd FB SMD 0402inch 33ohm POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    BLM15PX600SH1D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd FB SMD 0402inch 60ohm POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    SMD MARKING CODE W1A Datasheets Context Search

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