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    SM5009 SERIES Search Results

    SM5009 SERIES Result Highlights (5)

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    M304 Coilcraft Inc Designer's Kit, 132/148 Series RF inductors, RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    ALVCH16374TE-E Renesas Electronics Corporation HD74ALVC Series, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HD74BC573AFP Renesas Electronics Corporation HD74BC Series, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ALVCH16245TE-E Renesas Electronics Corporation HD74ALVC Series, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74AC125FPEL-E Renesas Electronics Corporation HD74AC Series, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    SM5009 SERIES Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 40mhz crystal oscillator
    Text: SM5009 series Crystal Oscillator Module ICs OVERVIEW The SM5009 series are crystal oscillator module ICs that incorporate low crystal current type oscillating circuit to limit oscillator-stage current, so that they can reduce crystal current lower than the existing products. Since

    SM5009 40MHz. 40MHz NC9801LE 5009 40mhz crystal oscillator PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SM5009 series Crystal Oscillator Module ICs OVERVIEW The SM5009 series are crystal oscillator module ICs that incorporate low crystal current type oscillating circuit to limit oscillator-stage current, so that they can reduce crystal current lower than the existing products. Since

    SM5009 40MHz. 40MHz Tokyoi104-0032 iC81-3-5541-6501 iC81-3-5541-6510 NC9801LE PDF


    Abstract: NC9801K 5009AL crystal 40mhz power dissipation measurement CF5009AL1 CF5009AL2 CF5009AL3 CF5009AL4 CF5009AL5
    Text: SM5009 series Crystal Oscillator Module ICs OVERVIEW The SM5009 series are crystal oscillator module ICs that incorporate low crystal current type oscillating circuit to limit oscillator-stage current, so that they can reduce crystal current lower than the existing products. Since

    SM5009 40MHz. 40MHz NC9801KE HA5009 NC9801K 5009AL crystal 40mhz power dissipation measurement CF5009AL1 CF5009AL2 CF5009AL3 CF5009AL4 CF5009AL5 PDF


    Abstract: CF5009AL1 CF5009AL2 CF5009AL3 CF5009AL4 CF5009AL5 CF5009AL6 CF5009AN1 CF5009AN2 SM5009
    Text: SM5009 series Crystal Oscillator Module ICs OVERVIEW The SM5009 series are crystal oscillator module ICs that incorporate low crystal current type oscillating circuit to limit oscillator-stage current, so that they can reduce crystal current lower than the existing products. Since

    SM5009 40MHz. 40MHz NC9801GE NIPPON CAPACITORS CF5009AL1 CF5009AL2 CF5009AL3 CF5009AL4 CF5009AL5 CF5009AL6 CF5009AN1 CF5009AN2 PDF


    Abstract: HA5009 SM5009 SM5009AH1S SM5009AH2S SM5009AH3S SM5009AH4S
    Text: SM5009 series Crystal Oscillator Module ICs NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC. OVERVIEW The SM5009 series are crystal oscillator module ICs, that incorporate circuits to limit oscillator-stage current, controlling total current consumption. High-frequency capacitors are built-in, eliminating the need for external



    Abstract: 5009AL CF5009AL1 CF5009AL2 CF5009AL3 CF5009AL4 CF5009AL5 SM5009 HA5009 5009AK
    Text: SM5009 series 水晶発振モジュール用 IC •概要 SM5009 series は低水晶電流タイプの発振回路を採用した水晶発振モジュール用 IC です。発振部の電流を 制限する回路を採用したことにより、従来品と比較して水晶電流を抑えることができます。発振回路には周波

    SM5009 40MHz fo/16, fo/32 5009AL× 5009AH 5009AK× NC9801K 5009AL CF5009AL1 CF5009AL2 CF5009AL3 CF5009AL4 CF5009AL5 HA5009 5009AK PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SM5009 series 水晶発振モジュール用 IC •概要 SM5009 series は低水晶電流タイプの発振回路を採用した水晶発振モジュール用 IC です。発振部の電流を 制限する回路を採用したことにより、従来品と比較して水晶電流を抑えることができます。発振回路には周波

    SM5009 40MHz NC9801L PDF


    Abstract: npc 1220 005 als 4 pin
    Text: SM5009 series 水晶発振モジュール用 IC NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC. •概要 SM5009 series は水晶発振モジュール用 IC です。周波数特性の優れた発振容量を内蔵していますので、外 付け部品をつけることなく、安定した基本波発振が可能です。また、発振部の電流を制限する回路が内蔵され

    SM5009 SM5009AL SM5009AK S16mA SM5009AH CF5009AL× fo/16, HA5009 npc 1220 005 als 4 pin PDF

    inductor 1 mH

    Abstract: 1 mH inductors adsl splitter schematic SM5005 SM5002 SM5001-11
    Text: March 7, 2007 SERIES 500 ADSL POTS SPLITTER INDUCTORS Features z z z z z Maximum DC Line Current up to 80mA DC Dielectric strength 850VDC for 1 second Extended temperature range available Customization available Optimized design for size and performance ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS AT 25°C

    850VDC 10kHz, 0/100mADC SM500-1 220kHz SM500-2 820pf 350kHz SM500-3 inductor 1 mH 1 mH inductors adsl splitter schematic SM5005 SM5002 SM5001-11 PDF


    Abstract: SM5021 SM5617KES SM5009CH3S can use SM5006 SM5617KE SM5003 SM5004 SM5007
    Text: NPC Oscillator Family Cross Reference SM56xx families. This chart shows the recommended replacements for the SM56xx families. Where there are two or more recommended choices, a decision must be made. Be sure to review the NewOsc.doc for a detailed specification table comparison.

    SM56xx SM5009 SM5006 S614AA3 SM5616 SM5617HA SM5617HAS SM5617HB SM5021 SM5617KES SM5009CH3S can use SM5617KE SM5003 SM5004 SM5007 PDF


    Abstract: SM5814 SM5545 SM5152A1 d2816c D2824C SM5152A sm5806 sm5860 SM5870
    Text: CD-ROM Catalog 2001 Audio DVD Driver Oscillator Clock Generator Power Communication Controller Timepiece Frequency Synthesizer PLL Real Time Clock Melody IC Other Index Discontinued Products NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC. Audio IC 1 Digital Filter Over sampling

    SM5841A/B SM5841C SM5841D SM5841H SM5842AP/APT SM5843AP1/AS1 SM5846A SM5847A 00002dB 00005dB sm5861 SM5814 SM5545 SM5152A1 d2816c D2824C SM5152A sm5806 sm5860 SM5870 PDF


    Abstract: sm5861 D2816C SM5152A1 SM5860 D2824C SM5806 M1109 C5121 M1190
    Text: CD-ROM カタログ 2001 オーディオ用IC DVD用IC ドライバIC 発振器用IC クロック・ジェネレータ 電源IC 通信用IC 時計用IC 周波数シンセサイザ用IC リアルタイムクロック メロディIC その他 索引 受注終了品

    SM5841A/B SM5841C SM5841D SM5841H SM5842AP/APT SM5843AP1/AS1 SM5846A SM5847A 00002dB 00005dB sm5814 sm5861 D2816C SM5152A1 SM5860 D2824C SM5806 M1109 C5121 M1190 PDF

    sony SBX1610-52

    Abstract: SBX1610-52 PCF8544 msm58371 SFH5110-38 equivalent M50925 M62446 L7808CV equivalent SHARP HD44780 PIC-12043TE2
    Text: Summer 2001 Part Number New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! AD66761 AN1311 AN1311S AN1319 AN1319S AN1339 AN1339NS AN1393 AN1393NS AN1432 AN1458 AN1458S AN311 AN311S AN6572 AN7810 TO-220 AN78L06 AN78L08 AN78L09 AN78L18 AN78L20 AN78L24 AN78M10

    AD66761 AN1311 AN1311S AN1319 AN1319S AN1339 AN1339NS AN1393 AN1393NS AN1432 sony SBX1610-52 SBX1610-52 PCF8544 msm58371 SFH5110-38 equivalent M50925 M62446 L7808CV equivalent SHARP HD44780 PIC-12043TE2 PDF


    Abstract: SBX1610-52 sony SBX1610-52 LA2785 UPC177C ST L7805CV NJM79L05A SBX1810-52 sbx1610 MC34063P1
    Text: 12/11/02 NJR Corporation Cross Reference Guide Sorted by Part Number Winter 2003 Competing Part Number AD66761 AN1311 AN1311S AN1319 AN1319S AN1339 AN1339NS AN1393 AN1393NS AN1432 AN1458 AN1458S AN311 AN311S AN6572 AN7810 AN78L06 AN78L08 AN78L09 AN78L18 AN78L20

    AD66761 AN1311 AN1311S AN1319 AN1319S AN1339 AN1339NS AN1393 AN1393NS AN1432 KAD7001 SBX1610-52 sony SBX1610-52 LA2785 UPC177C ST L7805CV NJM79L05A SBX1810-52 sbx1610 MC34063P1 PDF