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    SM TX 4 AM / ASK TRANSMITTER MODULE Result Highlights (5)

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    LBUA5QJ2AB-828 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd QORVO UWB MODULE Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LBAA0QB1SJ-295 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd SX1262 MODULE WITH OPEN MCU Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LBUA5QJ2AB-828EVB Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd QORVO UWB MODULE EVALUATION KIT Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MYC0409-NA-EVM Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 72W, Charge Pump Module, non-isolated DC/DC Converter, Evaluation board Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MHM411-21 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Ionizer Module, 100-120VAC-input, Negative Ion Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    SM TX 4 AM / ASK TRANSMITTER MODULE Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Specification : TS-S05D215A February, 2006 Technical Specification for Optical Transceiver Module SCM6012-JR-## 155.52Mb/s 622.08Mb/s other _ Short Haul Intermediate Reach other _ Single 5.0 V Long Haul Long Reach Single 3.3 V 1.3 µm

    TS-S05D215A SCM6012-JR-# 52Mb/s 08Mb/s SCM6012-JR-ZN, SCM6012-JR-CN, SCM6012-JR-DN SCM6012-JR-ZW, SCM6012-JR-CW, SCM6012-JR-DW SCM6012 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Specification : TS-S05D116A October, 2005 Technical Specification for Optical Transceiver Module SRM6012 155.52Mb/s 622.08Mb/s other _ Short Haul Intermediate Reach other _ Single 5.0 V Long Haul Long Reach Single 3.3 V 1.3 µm 1.55 µm other _

    TS-S05D116A SRM6012 52Mb/s 08Mb/s SRM6012-JL-ZN, SRM6012-JL-CN, SRM6012-JL-DN SRM6012-JL-ZW, SRM6012-JL-CW, SRM6012-JL-DW PDF


    Abstract: T5757 AVR atmega8515 led matrix AT78C5010 fingerprint scanner circuit ATSAM2193 STK502 voltage regulator Stepper motor control using AT89S52 STK502 voltage regulator ic atr0890
    Text: ATMEL PRODUCT GUIDE August 2004 Atmel Corporation • 2325 Orchard Parkway • San Jose, CA 95131 TEL: 408 441-0311 • FAX: (408) 487-2600 Web Site: ATMEL’S PRODUCTS Atmel Corporation is an industry leader in the design and manufacture of advanced semiconductors, with focus on microcontrollers, nonvolatile memory, logic, radio frequency (RF) components and sensors. These functions are marketed as

    U6808B U6809B U6812B U6813B U6815BM U6820BM U7004B U7006B U9280M AT90SC7272C T5757 AVR atmega8515 led matrix AT78C5010 fingerprint scanner circuit ATSAM2193 STK502 voltage regulator Stepper motor control using AT89S52 STK502 voltage regulator ic atr0890 PDF


    Abstract: P-830-003 C1005C0G1H101JT TPLS8027-7 A 434 RF modules freescale tpms antenna c1005x7r1e103kt c3225x5r1c226mt NX3225DA MPXY8300RM
    Text: MPXY8300 Design Reference Manual Document Number: MPXY8300RM Rev. 2 12/2008 MPXY8300 Design Reference Manual by: Rudi Lenzen Freescale Toulouse Systems Laboratories Toulouse, France To provide the most up-to-date information, the revision of our documents on the World Wide Web will be

    MPXY8300 MPXY8300RM MPXY8300 P-830-003 C1005C0G1H101JT TPLS8027-7 A 434 RF modules freescale tpms antenna c1005x7r1e103kt c3225x5r1c226mt NX3225DA MPXY8300RM PDF

    infrared receiver sharp

    Abstract: Infrared Transceiver
    Text: SHARP RY5KD01 Technical Information Infrared Transceiver Module FEATURES The SHARP RY5KD01 infrared transceiver module contains a high speed, high efficiency, low power con­ sumption AIGaAs LED, a silicon PIN photodiode, and the low power driven bipolar integrated circuit. The IC

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    RY5KD01) RY5KD01K) RY5KD01 RY5KD01 J63428 SMT98165 infrared receiver sharp Infrared Transceiver PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS V23806-A84-T20 Single Mode 155 M Bd ATM 1x9Transceiver w ith Isolated Stud Pins and High Sensitivity w ith ST Connector Dimensions in mm inches m (11.5 max) PC board .453 max thickness , ' (2 . 0 ) (a) .08 View Z (Lead cross section and standoff size)

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    V23806-A84-T20 D-13623, iconductor/products/37/376 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A R T Devi ces Advanced DS3/STS-1 Receiver/Transmitter ART: TXC-02020 44-Pin ARTE: TXC-02021 (68-Pin) DATA SH EE T Preliminary FEATURES - DESCRIPTION Single device line interface for DS3 and STS-1 Single +5V power supply Meets ‘crossconnect fram e’ mask requirements

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    TXC-02020 44-Pin) TXC-02021 68-Pin) 44-pin 68-ph TXC-02020-M PDF

    8085 microprocessor serial communication

    Abstract: LTE Receiver ic 8155 block diagram optocoupler ITT 900 ScansU9X21 ITT900
    Text: STSOO-Series CONTROL SYSTEM Part 5.1 « TECHNICAL HANDBOOK Manual B27000 1100 51 SEPTEMBER 1986 S t a n d a f d B a d Ì ° & T e le ,° n A B ITT 900/5.1 CO NTRO L SYSTEM T able of Contents page 1. A rchite cture 1 2. Serial Data Communication 2 3. System Perform ance

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    B27000 8085 microprocessor serial communication LTE Receiver ic 8155 block diagram optocoupler ITT 900 ScansU9X21 ITT900 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WEM HEW LETT wLt M P A C K A R D Gb/s Gigabit Ethernet: 1.25 GBd 850 ran VCSEL Transceiver in Low C ost 1x9 Package Style Preliminary Technical Data F eatures A pplications • C om pliant w ith Proposed S p ecification s for IEEE802. 3z/D 3.2 G igabit

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    IEEE802. HFBR-5305 HFBR-5305E HFBR-5305F HFBR5305E PDF


    Abstract: 28-VDDD gsm baseband LS071 philips gmsk
    Text: NAPC/PHILIPS SEPIICOND b?E I> • bbSBTEM GQflTEB? 3bb * S I C 3 Philips Semiconductors RF Communications Products Preliminary specification GSM baseband interface PCD5071 G en era! In fo rm a tio n T he baseband interface circuit pcd 5 0 7 1 is a fully CMOS IC. The baseband interface m odulates die incoming data bits

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    PCD5071 pcd5071 28-VDDD gsm baseband LS071 philips gmsk PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VITESSE VSC7115/7116 Data Sheet 1.0625 Gbit/sec Fibre Channel Transmitter/Receiver Chipset Features ANSI X 3T11 Fibre Channel Compatible at 1.0625 Gbps Compliant With FCSI Gigabaud Link Module Specification On-chip Clock Multiplication Relieves System of High Speed Clock Generation

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    VSC7115/7116 7115/VSC7116 FCSI-301-Rev G52093-0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: What H E W L E T T mLftM P A C K A R D 2488 Mb/s Single Mode Fiber Transceiver for SONET OC-48/SDH STM-16 and ATM Technical Data HFCT-5402D F eatures Applications • 1300 nm S in gle M ode T ra n sceiver fo r SONET/SDH S hort R each Links • C om pliant w ith p rop osed

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    OC-48/SDH STM-16 HFCT-5402D 5968-5288E PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T hal HEW LETT WLEM P A C K A R D 1 x 9 Fiber Optic Transceivers for Gigabit Ethernet Technical Data HFBR-53D5 Family, 850 nm VCSEL HFCT-53D5 Family, 1300 nm FP Laser Features Applications • Compliant with Specifications for IEEE- 802.3z Gigabit Ethernet

    OCR Scan
    HFBR-53D5 HFCT-53D5 HFBR-53D5: HFCT-53D5: HFBR-53D5 HFBR-53D5EM HFBR-53D5FM HFCT-53D5EM HFCT-53D5FM 5968-3183E PDF

    RU 110012

    Abstract: dma 8257 sdk 8085 microcomputer intel 8273 intel d 8273 0836 sdk oni 350 DMA8257 8273 dma controller IC TL 0841
    Text: in ter APPLICATION NOTE AP-36 November 1986 Using the 8273 SDLC/HDLC Protocol Controller JOHN BEASTON MICROCOMPUTER APPLICATIONS Order Number: 611001-001 U S IN G T H E 8 2 7 3 S D L C / HDLC PRO TO CO L CO NTRO LLER CONTENTS PAGE in t r o d u c t io n .

    OCR Scan
    AP-36 STAT57 PARM73 STAT73 0ft62 RU 110012 dma 8257 sdk 8085 microcomputer intel 8273 intel d 8273 0836 sdk oni 350 DMA8257 8273 dma controller IC TL 0841 PDF

    0408 Diode 1045

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WEM HEW LETT wLt M P A C K A R D Fibre Channel 1062.5 MBd 850 nm VCSEL Transceiver in Low C ost 1x9 Package Style Preliminary Technical Data HFBR-5303 Fam ily F eatures • C om pliant w ith A N SI X 3 .2 3 0 -1 9 9 4 F ib re C hannel P h ysical In terfa ce FC-PH-2

    OCR Scan
    HFBR-5303 100-M HFBR-5303E HFBR-5303F 0408 Diode 1045 PDF

    nec ecom 3.29

    Abstract: n8960dsb
    Text: Bt8960 Single-Chip 2B1Q Transceiver The Bt8960 is a fu ll-d u p le x 2B1Q transceiver based on R o ckw ell’s HDSL te c h n o l­ Distinguishing Features ogy. It su p p o rts Nx64 kbps tra n sm issio n of m ore than 18,000 feet over 26 AWG copper telephone w ire w ith o u t repeaters. Sm all size and low pow er d issipa tion

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    Bt8960 Bt8960 Bt8960, nec ecom 3.29 n8960dsb PDF

    bosch me 7.3.1

    Abstract: marking CODE 7Ls adc0n0 marking 7Ls SHV-3 MCP25020 MCP25025 MCP25050 MCP25055 MCP2505X
    Text: M icrochip MCP2502X/5X CAN I/O Expander Family Package Types Features • Im ple m en ts CAN V 2.0B PDIP/SOIC - P rog ram m a ble bit rate up to 1 M b/s 1 GP1/AN1 H 2 13 □ TXCAN/TXRXCAN* GP2/AN2/PWM1 □ 3 12 □ RXCAN/NC* GP3/AN3/PWM2 □ 4 11 □ GP7/RST/VPP

    OCR Scan
    MCP2502X/5X 10-bit, MCP2505X 10-bit D-81739 DS21664B-page DS21664B bosch me 7.3.1 marking CODE 7Ls adc0n0 marking 7Ls SHV-3 MCP25020 MCP25025 MCP25050 MCP25055 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Thp% H E W L E T T WL/IM P A C K A R D 1 x 9 Fiber Optic Transceivers for Gigabit Ethernet Technical Data HFBR-53D5 Family, 850 nm VCSEL HFCT-53D5 Family, 1300 nm FP Laser Features Applications • Compliant with Specifications for IEEE- 802.3z Gigabit Ethernet

    OCR Scan
    HFBR-53D5 HFCT-53D5 HFBR-53D5: HFCT-53D5: HFBR-53D5EM HFBR-53D5FM HFCT-53D5EM HFCT-53D5FM 5968-3183E PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P R E L IM IN A R Y Advanced Micro Devices Am79C850 SUPERNET 3 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Compliant with the ANSI X3T9.5/ISO 9314 specification ■ ANSI-com pliant TP-PM D Stream Cipher Scram bling/Descram bling — 100 Mbps data rate ■ Full duplex operation: 200 Mbps continuous

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    Am79C850 PQR208, 208-Pin 16-038-PQR-2 PQR208 SUPERNET PDF

    gigabyte g41

    Abstract: siemens PMB 6610 transistor full 2000 to 2012 roland ic 1N191 transistor said horizontal tt 2222 schematic diagram of aoc monitor mod 4 c program with flowchart of countdown timer in 8051 BD2XXXX
    Text: MftH'll \t/\H vSi V X T JJ ✓ Ar % 1 Overview 2 External Signals 3 Memory Map m n Reset 5 Clocks and Power Control 6 Core PowerPC Architecture Compliance 8 Instruction Execution Timing 9 Instruction Cache 10 Data Cache 11 Memory Management Unit 12 System Interface Unit

    OCR Scan
    MPC821 1ATX35431-0 MPCB31UM/A0 gigabyte g41 siemens PMB 6610 transistor full 2000 to 2012 roland ic 1N191 transistor said horizontal tt 2222 schematic diagram of aoc monitor mod 4 c program with flowchart of countdown timer in 8051 BD2XXXX PDF


    Abstract: 80X86 10s9 AM79C900JC AMD 29000
    Text: Am79C900 Integrated Local Area Com m unications Controller I LACC Distinctive C h a ra cte ristics. 1-51 G eneral D e s c rip tio n .1-51

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    Am79C900 80X86 10s9 AM79C900JC AMD 29000 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Thal H E W L E T T mtHim P A C K A R D IrDA Compliant 4 Mb/s 3 V Infrared Transceiver Technical Data H SDL-3600#007 H SDL-3600#008 Features Fully Compliant to IrDA 1.1 Physical Layer Specifications - 9.6 kb/s to 4 Mb/s operation Typical Link Distance > 1.5 m

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    SDL-3600 IEC825-Class 5968-1786E 5968-4082E PDF

    pinouts aui db15

    Abstract: PM6501 fujitsu ten ECU IC 74ALS245 application 161 0M
    Text: M B86965 _ FUJITSU ETHERCOUPLER SINGLE-CHIP ETHERNET CONTROLLER DATA S H E E T A P R IL 1 9 9 3 FEATURES daughter and m otherboards, as w ell as expansion-bus adapter boards. An E E P R O M can be interfaced to the chip for storage o f E thernet ID and configuration set­

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    B86965 MB86965_ 10BASE2 160-LEAD FPT-160P-MQ3) pinouts aui db15 PM6501 fujitsu ten ECU IC 74ALS245 application 161 0M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MT9074 < g M IT E L T1/E1/J1 Single Chip Transceiver Advance Inform ation S E M IC O N D U C T O R DS5024 Features • Combined E1 (PCM 30 and T1 (D4/ESF) framer, Line Interface Unit (LIU) and link controller with optional digital framer only mode • In T1 mode the LIU can recover signals attenuated

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    MT9074 DS5024 T9074AP T9074AL PDF