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    SLIDE POTENTIOMETER ALPS Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    X9317WS8IZT1 Renesas Electronics Corporation Digitally Controlled Potentiometer (XDCP™) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    X9116WM8IZT1 Renesas Electronics Corporation Digitally Controlled Potentiometer (XDCP™) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    X9317UV8ZT1 Renesas Electronics Corporation Digitally Controlled Potentiometer (XDCP™) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    X9317TM8ZT1 Renesas Electronics Corporation Digitally Controlled Potentiometer (XDCP™) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    X9317TV8ZT1 Renesas Electronics Corporation Digitally Controlled Potentiometer (XDCP™) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    SLIDE POTENTIOMETER ALPS Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALPS Manufacturer of Electronic Components/Parts Catalog Top Page > Products> Potentiometer > Slide Potentiometer > RS*1 Series > RS45112A400G Related information |Dimensions |Mounting Hole Dimensions |Terminal Layout / Circuit Diagram | |Packing Specifications |

    RS45112A400G rs45112a400g PDF

    alps B 503 Potentiometer

    Abstract: alps 103 alps 103 Potentiometers alps 502 alps 503 a alps 502 b RK11K112 RK11K RK09K12 RK11K114
    Text: Insulated Shaft Potentiometer 11mm Size Insulated Shaft Snap-in Type RK11K Series A 11mm wide potentiometer for audio, visual, electronic musical instruments and various applications. Typical Specifications Rotary Potentiometers Items Specifications Slide

    RK11K 000cycles -40dB alps B 503 Potentiometer alps 103 alps 103 Potentiometers alps 502 alps 503 a alps 502 b RK11K112 RK09K12 RK11K114 PDF


    Abstract: alps B 503 Potentiometer alps 502 alps 503 a potentiometer RK14k alps 103 Potentiometers RK14K122 Potentiometer center tap audio 12mm Size Insulated Shaft Snap-in Type B 503 Potentiometers
    Text: Insulated Shaft Potentiometer 14mm Size Insulated Shaft Snap-in Type RK14K Series A 14mm width potentiometer for audio, visual, electronic musical instruments and various applications. Rotary Potentiometers Typical Specifications Items Slide Potentiometers

    RK14K 000cycles -40dB alps B 503 Potentiometer alps 502 alps 503 a potentiometer RK14k alps 103 Potentiometers RK14K122 Potentiometer center tap audio 12mm Size Insulated Shaft Snap-in Type B 503 Potentiometers PDF

    alps 104 Potentiometers RK14K

    Abstract: alps 502 alps B 503 Potentiometer alps 503 a potentiometer RK14k rotary potentiometer alps 14mm RK14K124 Potentiometer center tap audio alps 103 Potentiometers RK14K1230A0X
    Text: Insulated Shaft Potentiometer 14mm Size Insulated Shaft Snap-in Type RK14K Series A 14mm wide potentiometer for audio, visual, electronic musical instruments and various applications. Rotary Potentiometers Typical Specifications Items Slide Potentiometers

    RK14K 000cycles -40dB alps 104 Potentiometers RK14K alps 502 alps B 503 Potentiometer alps 503 a potentiometer RK14k rotary potentiometer alps 14mm RK14K124 Potentiometer center tap audio alps 103 Potentiometers RK14K1230A0X PDF

    alps 104 Potentiometers

    Abstract: ALPS RK27 ALPS 502 alps 203 Potentiometers alps 103 Potentiometers rotary potentiometer alps 20mm alps 503 Potentiometers RK1681 alps 503 a alps potentiometer rk097
    Text: Metal Shaft Potentiometer 27mm Size Metal Shaft Type RK27 Series High performance potentiometer with excellent operational feel. Typical Specifications Rotary Potentiometers Items Slide Potentiometers Specifications Total resistance tolerance ±20% Maximum operating

    000cycles RK09L RK168 RK097 RK203 RK271 RK163 alps 104 Potentiometers ALPS RK27 ALPS 502 alps 203 Potentiometers alps 103 Potentiometers rotary potentiometer alps 20mm alps 503 Potentiometers RK1681 alps 503 a alps potentiometer rk097 PDF

    10k rotary potentiometer volume control

    Abstract: 50k slide Potentiometer dual alps rk27 50k slide Potentiometer alps 203 Potentiometers alps 502 alps 104 Potentiometers slide potentiometer 50k alps 103 Potentiometers rotary potentiometer switch dual 50k
    Text: Metal Shaft Potentiometer 27mm Size Metal Shaft Type RK27 Series High performance potentiometer with excellent operational feel. Typical Specifications Rotary Potentiometers Items Slide Potentiometers Specifications Total resistance tolerance ±20% Maximum operating

    000cycles RK09L RK168 RK097 RK203 RK271 RK163 10k rotary potentiometer volume control 50k slide Potentiometer dual alps rk27 50k slide Potentiometer alps 203 Potentiometers alps 502 alps 104 Potentiometers slide potentiometer 50k alps 103 Potentiometers rotary potentiometer switch dual 50k PDF


    Abstract: 10k rotary potentiometer alps potentiometer 100k potentiometer 10k with knob RK08H1130 RK08H1120 alps B 503 Potentiometer Photo resistor type alps 503 b B 502 Potentiometers
    Text: Knob Operating Type Potentiometer Without Knob Type RK08H Series Compact type potentiometer suitable for volume and tone controls. Rotary Potentiometers Typical Specifications Items Specifications Slide Potentiometers Total resistance tolerance ±30% Maximum operating voltage

    RK08H 000cycles RK08H1110A 10k rotary potentiometer alps potentiometer 100k potentiometer 10k with knob RK08H1130 RK08H1120 alps B 503 Potentiometer Photo resistor type alps 503 b B 502 Potentiometers PDF

    alps potentiometer rk097

    Abstract: 50k slide Potentiometer center tap Dual-shaft, multi-ganged type ALPS rk0971111 RK0971114-5R4211 RK168 Alps alps rotary switch rk0971111 B 103 rotary Potentiometers Alps RK0971221Z05
    Text: Metal Shaft Potentiometer 9mm Size Metal Shaft Multi-ganged Type RK097 Series 9.5mm width potentiometer ideal for various types of control. Rotary Potentiometers Typical Specifications Items Slide Potentiometers Specifications Total resistance tolerance ±20%

    RK097 000cycles 85Vehicle- RK097111080J RK0971110909 RK0971110Dhaft RK09L RK168 RK097 RK203 alps potentiometer rk097 50k slide Potentiometer center tap Dual-shaft, multi-ganged type ALPS rk0971111 RK0971114-5R4211 RK168 Alps alps rotary switch rk0971111 B 103 rotary Potentiometers Alps RK0971221Z05 PDF

    alps potentiometer

    Abstract: potentiometer alps 416 W 503 Potentiometers alps 413 rotary potentiometer dual alps alps rs6011 alps slide potentiometer RS201111J011 RS60112 RS20111
    Text: Slide Potentiometer Standard Type(Super SlideTM) RS□□1 Series Solderable with auto dipping and available in a wide variety. Typical Specifications Items Rotary Potentiometers Specifications Slide Potentiometers Total resistance tolerance ±20% Maximum operating voltage

    000cycles RS201111J011 RS301111J00P RS3011 alps potentiometer potentiometer alps 416 W 503 Potentiometers alps 413 rotary potentiometer dual alps alps rs6011 alps slide potentiometer RS201111J011 RS60112 RS20111 PDF

    alps slide potentiometer

    Abstract: alps potentiometer alps 203 Potentiometers 412m alps 503 RS30112ac RS30111AJ01R RS45111 slide potentiometer Alps RS60112A600U
    Text: Slide Potentiometer Standard Type(Super SlideTM) RS□□1 Series Solderable with auto dipping and available in a wide variety. Typical Specifications Items Rotary Potentiometers Specifications Slide Potentiometers Total resistance tolerance ±20% Maximum operating voltage

    000cycles RS301111J00P RS301111J00R RS301 alps slide potentiometer alps potentiometer alps 203 Potentiometers 412m alps 503 RS30112ac RS30111AJ01R RS45111 slide potentiometer Alps RS60112A600U PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Slim Slide Slim 4 RS*H Series Compact slide potentiometer with improved operational feel. Applications Personal audio Telephone, Facsimile Other product variety Product Line * For details information, click on the 'part number' Part number Number of resistor

    RS15H113CA05 RS15H111CA04 RS15H113C001 RS30H121A00B RS15H12AA00F RS15H12AA009 RS20H12AC002 RS30H12AA003 RS**H PDF


    Abstract: ALPS 502 alps 103 Potentiometers B 103 rotary Potentiometers alps rotary switch alps 104 Potentiometers alps potentiometer rk163 10k rotary potentiometer volume control alps 204 rotary potentiometer alps 20mm
    Text: Metal Shaft Potentiometer 16mm Size Metal Shaft Type RK163 Series A wide range of versatile products applicable for various types of control. Rotary Potentiometers Typical Specifications Items Slide Potentiometers Specifications Total resistance tolerance

    RK163 000cycles RK09L RK168 RK097 RK203 RK271 RK163 RK16312A0B85 ALPS 502 alps 103 Potentiometers B 103 rotary Potentiometers alps rotary switch alps 104 Potentiometers alps potentiometer rk163 10k rotary potentiometer volume control alps 204 rotary potentiometer alps 20mm PDF

    to 15c 10k slide

    Abstract: alps 502 10k rotary potentiometer volume control alps 103 Potentiometers potentiometer alps rk168 alps potentiometer rk097 alps 203 Potentiometers B 503 Potentiometers potentiometer 10k with knob B 103 rotary Potentiometers
    Text: Metal Shaft Potentiometer 16mm Size Metal Shaft Type RK163 Series A wide range of versatility products applicable for various types of control. Rotary Potentiometers Typical Specifications Items Slide Potentiometers Specifications Total resistance tolerance

    RK163 000cycles RK09L RK168 RK097 RK203 RK271 RK163 to 15c 10k slide alps 502 10k rotary potentiometer volume control alps 103 Potentiometers potentiometer alps rk168 alps potentiometer rk097 alps 203 Potentiometers B 503 Potentiometers potentiometer 10k with knob B 103 rotary Potentiometers PDF

    RK168 Alps

    Abstract: potentiometer alps rk168 dc potentiometer RK16812MG rotary potentiometer alps 20mm RK16812MG099 alps motor RK16814MGA0K RK16814MG ALPS potentiometer 10k
    Text: Metal Shaft Potentiometer Rotary Motor-driven Type RK168 Series Remote controllable and available in a wide variety of products. Typical Specifications Rotary Potentiometers Specifications Items Slide Potentiometers Total resistance tolerance ±20% Maximum operating voltage

    RK168 000cycles sec/300° rotation100mA slip150mA RK09L RK168 RK097 RK203 RK271 RK168 Alps potentiometer alps rk168 dc potentiometer RK16812MG rotary potentiometer alps 20mm RK16812MG099 alps motor RK16814MGA0K RK16814MG ALPS potentiometer 10k PDF

    alps 503 a

    Abstract: 10K rotary double potentiometer alps B 503 Potentiometer alps 103 Potentiometers alps 503 c alps 203 Potentiometers alps 503 alps rotary switch 10k rotary potentiometer volume control B 205 Potentiometers
    Text: Metal Shaft Potentiometer 11mm Size Metal Shaft Reflow Type RK119 Series 1.5mm-travel push-on switch achieved in a low-profile of only 5mm height. Rotary Potentiometers Typical Specifications Items Specifications Total resistance tolerance Slide Potentiometers

    RK119 000cycles RK119 alps 503 a 10K rotary double potentiometer alps B 503 Potentiometer alps 103 Potentiometers alps 503 c alps 203 Potentiometers alps 503 alps rotary switch 10k rotary potentiometer volume control B 205 Potentiometers PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Metal Shaft Potentiometer 50mm Size Metal Shaft High-quality-audio Type RK50 Series High sound quality, good response and high grade for high end audio devices. Typical Specifications Rotary Potentiometers Items Slide Potentiometers Specifications Total resistance tolerance

    000cycles 10Hz/min. PDF

    alps 502 b

    Abstract: rk09l alps 104 Potentiometers alps 103 Potentiometers alps 103 b Potentiometers 10k rotary potentiometer volume control alps 203 Potentiometers alps 502 RK09L1220 alps potentiometer rk097
    Text: Metal Shaft Potentiometer 9mm Size Metal Shaft Snap-in Type RK09L Series Single-unit and dual-unit type suits a variety of controls. Rotary Potentiometers Typical Specifications Items Slide Potentiometers Specifications Total resistance tolerance ±20% Maximum operating voltage

    RK09L 000cycles RK09L1120A2Shaft RK09L RK168 RK097 RK203 RK271 RK163 alps 502 b alps 104 Potentiometers alps 103 Potentiometers alps 103 b Potentiometers 10k rotary potentiometer volume control alps 203 Potentiometers alps 502 RK09L1220 alps potentiometer rk097 PDF

    slide potentiometer Alps 54

    Abstract: alps potentiometer Potentiometer 10k slide connection alps slide potentiometer rsa0k11a1 4SA01 alps rsa0k11 potentiometer slide alps b
    Text: Customer : ROXBURGH ELECTRONICS LIMITED No. SS-96-1112 Date: Jan. 31. 1996 Attent ion: Your ref. No: You r Part. No: SPEC I FI CAT IONS ALPS': RSA0K11A1 MODEL _ RE.C. No: 642-873 Samp I 6 RECEIPT No. : gM4614fiM STATUS RECEIVED By. Date Signature Name Title

    SS-96-1112 RSA0K11A1 gM4614fiM RSA0K11A9 4SAO1M0O51 4S0001-2D0 4S0O01-2O3M SA01MA9O5 -f3-7900902 slide potentiometer Alps 54 alps potentiometer Potentiometer 10k slide connection alps slide potentiometer rsa0k11a1 4SA01 alps rsa0k11 potentiometer slide alps b PDF

    alps potentiometer

    Abstract: alps slide potentiometer potentiometer alps STRS30102K slide potentiometer Alps alps STRS30102 ALPS potentiometer 250 k alps b slide potentiometer
    Text: vE- - Customer: ALPS ELECIRIC EUROPA~GnbH No. F38S2497M Date: Hov. 22. 1994 At tent ion: Your ref.No: Your Part. No: STHS 30102 SPEC IFICATIONS ALPS ' : MODEL _ STRS30102K Spec. No. Samp 1 e RECEIPT : No. : F3852497M STATUS RECEIVED Bv. Sie Date nature T *O

    F38S2497M STRS30102K F3852497M RS3011114 4S3018-302M 4S0008-45M 4S0001-200H 4S0001-201M S3018G402A alps potentiometer alps slide potentiometer potentiometer alps STRS30102K slide potentiometer Alps alps STRS30102 ALPS potentiometer 250 k alps b slide potentiometer PDF

    slide potentiometer Alps 54

    Abstract: alps potentiometer RS60N1119 potentiometer slide A50fl RS60N11 slide potentiometer SS-96-1114 Potentiometer alps marking ccx
    Text: Customer : No. SS-96-1114 ROXBURGH ELECTRONICS LIMITED D a t e : Jan. 31. 1996 Attent ion: Your ref. No: You r Part. No :226069 SPEC I F I CAT IONS ALPS ' RS60N11 MODEL F.E.C. No: 642-940 Sample No. : ALPS ELECTRIC CO., LTD. dsg • d HEAD OFFICE 1-7. YUK I GAYA-OHTSUKA-CHO.

    SS-96-1114 RS60N11 SS-96-11U RS60N1119 4S602R-O01 4S0001-200 4S00O1-2Q2M S602RN901 lfel00 slide potentiometer Alps 54 alps potentiometer RS60N1119 potentiometer slide A50fl RS60N11 slide potentiometer SS-96-1114 Potentiometer alps marking ccx PDF


    Abstract: RK14K122 alps potentiometer rk097 RK14K12B ALPS EC11 ALPS EC12E alps RK18 RK09D113 RK09L RK14K124
    Text: 36 Route 10 East Hanover, NJ 07936 800 631-8083 Local: (973) 887-2550 e-Mail: ALPS Electric Cross Reference Potentiometers . pg. 1 Bourns Panasonic

    RK09L, RK09K RSA0N11J RS45112 RS60112 RH0615C RK14K122 alps potentiometer rk097 RK14K12B ALPS EC11 ALPS EC12E alps RK18 RK09D113 RK09L RK14K124 PDF

    alps B 503 Potentiometer

    Abstract: alps 503 alps+503+a
    Text: Standard Super Slide Potentiometer | Features Performance Standard of the Audio Industry Ideal for TV / Audio / Video / Lighting Control / General Purpose Applications Low Profile / High Performance / High Quality Tactile Feel Please refer to "Standard Potentiometer P/N System" Guide

    OCR Scan
    100kQ 100megQ alps B 503 Potentiometer alps 503 alps+503+a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Low Profile Master Slide Potentiometer | Features The Performance Standard of the Audio Industry Ideal for TV / Audio / Video / Lighting Control / General Purpose Applications Low Profile / High Performance / High Quality Tactile Feel Please refer to "Standard Potentiometer P/N System" Guide

    OCR Scan
    100kQ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Standard Potentiometer P/N System Rotary Potentiometers R□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Slide Potentiometers s/m D 24 D □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □□ □ ALPS Electric USA , Inc - Standard Components

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